The Wine Shop Talk

3 Easy Summer Flatbreads and Wine Pairings: Perfect for Entertaining

Erin R

In this week's episode sommelier Erin shares three of her favorite delicious and easy-to-make flatbread recipes, perfect for summer entertaining. Each recipe has tailored wine pairings, offering red and white options. By the end of this episode you'll know how to make a Grilled Peach, Brie, and Basil Flatbread, a Grilled Tomato, Pesto, Mozzarella, and Capers Flatbread, and a Grilled Chicken, Granny Smith Apple, and Smoked Gouda Flatbread. With step-by-step guidance and practical tips, you'll be ready to impress your friends and family with these mouthwatering dishes. Check the show notes for links to all recipes and wine pairings on the blog.

0:00 3 Easy Summer Flatbreads and Wine Pairings: Perfect for Entertaining
02:09 Grilled Peach, Brie, and Basil Flat Bread
08:03 Grilled Tomato, Pesto, Mozzarella and Capers
11:55 Grilled Chicken, Apple and Smoked Gouda

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Looking for delicious and easy recipes to elevate your summary entertaining. Well, you're in luck because in this week's episode, I'm going to be sharing three of my favorite mouthwatering flatbread recipes. And perfect pairings for each ones. So, whether you're grilling in the backyard, hosting a picnic or looking purchase a simple yet sophisticated dish to wow. Your friends then this week's episode is for you. If you're ready, let's get started and dive right into today's episode. Hi everyone. And welcome to the wine top talk. I'm your host smelly. Aaron knows our and I am so happy that you're here with me today. If we haven't met before, it's living have a year and we have welcome back now, for those of you who are new, you should know that I've been a professional smally for over 20 years now. And it's my passion, my privilege to make learning about wine, not only fun and easy, but also practical. I want to make sure that you leave every single episode with some real life practical tips that you can put to use right away to help. You find wines that you're going to love and enjoy and be able to share it with family and friends. I want you to think of me as your very own practical Somali. And on that note, this episode is filled with some fun and practical tips. In that I have three of my favorite flatbread recipes and they are so easy that I want to share with you. And I have pairing as both a red and a white pairing for each one. So there's something for everybody in this episode. And before I dive in and share the first recipe, I do want to share that in the show notes for this episode, you're going to find a link to where I have put all the recipes on the blog part of my website. So don't worry about trying to take notes about the recipes. Click the link in the show notes below. It'll take you right to where all three of the recipes are as well as the pairing. So the links in the show notes below as well. If this is your first time listening in welcome. So happy that you're here and if you are new and haven't yet had a chance to check out the link below for the different freebies I have happening on the website during the. A summer. Or taken my signature pallet personality quiz. You're going to find the links in the show notes for those as well below. So let's get started and dive right into the first recipe I have for you. And this one is a grilled peach, Bri and fresh Bazell flatbread. This is show yummy and it's sure to become a favorite. You can treat this a bit like a dessert or just kind of a sweet, savory appetizer. Your choice. I have served it at both the end of a meal, and it's just an easy appetizer. Let me just share in regards to what are you going to use as the base for flatbreads? Dealer's choice as they say, you're going to choose. You can pick up Nan bread, you will find flat bread, basis at your favorite grocery store. I'm also a big fan that filo pastry, if you don't have filo pastry right now in your freezer. I'm going to highly recommend that you get some, it is so easy and it takes any flat bread from this is delicious too. This is incredible. So Fila pastry is definitely something that I would recommend you keep so easy to use. It looks way more complicated than it is, but trust me, once you have it in your freezer and you. Use it, you're going to wonder how you have not been using it all along, but like you said, the flatbread base for all of these recipe is going to be your choice. You find the right base that works for you. To start off with this grill, peach, Bri, and Bazell flatbread, you can use nectarines, apricots, whatever is available for you, but you're going to need at least two peaches. what I do then is then I grill them or you can put them on just into a saute pan with a little bit of olive oil, and you can use a grilled, um, barbecue walk. You want to heat them up so that the peaches become. A little bit caramelized and warm. And so the haves are good because there are not so small that they're going to get kind of mushy and slip through. But once they are grilled, I do put them on a cutting sheet and then I cut them up into smaller bite sized chunks. Do your choice. If you like the big splices, keep those for your flatbread. I like to kind of cut them into smaller, more mushy chunks of you will get a need about four ounces of Bri I'm a chiefs fan. So more is always better fresh basil leaves. A good handful. And you're going to cut those up into slices. Some good olive oil, some balsamic, vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. That's going to be your choice. Also a touch of honey, depending on how fresh your peaches are, but know that when you do grill the peaches, they are going to get a little bit sweeter. But a little bit of honey is just that little touch that takes sort of the edge. And like I said, you're going to grill the peaches. Then you're going to take your flatbread and you're going to brush it with some olive oil. Then you're going to put the grilled peaches. On, and then some Brie cheese and sprinkle it with that fresh Bazell and then threw it onto the grill or into the oven for if you're doing in the oven easily. I do, but 10 minutes, careful watching under the broiler. And if it's on the barbecue, medium heat for about two to five minutes, depending on your grill, you want this warm and a little bit toasted, but you don't want it to really crispy. And you just want the Bri kind of nice and. Gooey. That's a good descriptor, but it is so yummy. Then when you bring it out, I sprinkle a bit more fresh Bazell on top. So I like to cook some of it. And then I like to sprinkle some fresh on top drizzle, some honey and balsamic glaze over top of it, and then slice into bite sized pieces or slices. However you like to serve it. It is so yummy. Now with this, you have a couple of different options, but because of the creaminess of the Bri And the honey, it's just so delicious. And obviously have that peach flavor coming through then a really beautiful tropical toasty. Rich Chardonnay is stunning with this. It's so delicious. Generally I will go for a Chardonnay from either California Australia. When I'm looking for in the back of those wine notes on the back of the label, is flavors such as peach or ripe apple? I really. Want to be able to pull out those fresh flavors as well as sort of a toasted Oak flavor coming from the notes on the description. And it is so yummy and a little bit of vanilla in that wine as well, really pulls out the breed. You can also do champagne here. If you'd like to classic champagne is really going to pull out those toasty notes as well. So yummy. And then if you're looking for something a bit more summery or refreshing, then here at dry Rosie is not only beautiful in the glass, which is really refreshing beside it. You're going to get that nice hint of strawberry watermelon, whether it's a bit of a French. Uh, Italian Spanish, Rosar your choice pick your favorite, but you're just really looking for a wonderful palette cleanser in between the bites. Beautiful in the glass. And as a third sort of bonus pairing, if you will, if you are treating this more as a dessert flat bread, then you could definitely do one of my favorite wines mosquito to assay. So that lightly ever Vessence slightly for Zante. Um, little bit of spritz differently, peach apricots flavors coming through. If you are going to do. This more as a dessert, then that's your third pairing, which is miscounted asked you for middle east. So those are all delicious pairings for my first favorite flatbread, which is grilled peach, Bri, and fresh Bazell. It is so delicious. You can also swap that fresh Bazell out for mint. If you're looking for just a refreshing quality instead, I really enjoy the Bazell, but mint is a great option here as well. So putting that out there for some inspiration, if you will and I hope your mouth is starting to water because I'm going to tell you about my next, we were flat bread and this one is a bit more savory in that this one is a grilled tomato. Pesto mozzarella and capers delicious flatbread. And this does is bursting with Mediterranean flavors. You can imagine yourself sitting on a beautiful Italian terrace, obviously sipping on great wine and snacking on this amazing flatbread with some olives and antipasto and hanging out with great company. So what are you going to need to make this recipe? You're going to have two to three fresh tomatoes lysed and grilled. I really love to grill the tomatoes before putting them on the flatbread, just like the peaches beforehand. It helps to bring out the flavors and they're just warmer. I mean, you can do fresh tomatoes if you'd like, Um, and have them cold on top, but I really like to just give them a bit of a grilled flavor beforehand. So if you do have a barbecue walk, if you don't have a barbecue walk or cooking tray for your barbecue. You could as well do this on, in a pan on your stove. It's going to be up to you, but you just really want to kind of warm them up and get some of those flavors out. But a quarter cup of your favorite pesto sauce. I don't make my own, I store by it, but if you have your favorite so easy and handy, a fresh mozzarella, but four ounces is up to you. Again, more cheeses, better in my books. Capers, the recipe's going to call for about a tablespoon. This is going to be up to you. I like more just like olives. I will put as many as possible on my flatbread, but you do, you, they're going to give a nice salty bite to the dish. They're just the magic ingredient. In my opinion, if you wanted to, you could also throw some pine nuts on top. That's just putting it out there. But if you wanted to, because of the pesticides pine that too could put sprinkle some pine nuts on top here too. You're going to need some olive oil, fresh basil, again, a couple of handfuls. And salt and pepper, if you'd like, and to make it super easy, your grill, you're going to put on medium, high heat. You're going to lightly brush the tomato slices or toss them with some olive oil, cook them on the barbecue so that you have some grilled marks and they're softened up again. You can cut them into bite size pieces or into slices. Your choice. Then you're going to take your flatbread and put it on the grill for one to two minutes so that it gets slightly toasted. Take it off. And then you're going to spread the pesto sauce over top. Then you're going to put the tomato slices on top of the pesto. Now your mozzarella slices. If you're using, uh, like a Buffalo mozzarella, you'll put the slices on top. If you're using shredded mozzarella. It will sprinkle the cheese on top. Now you're going to put the capers over top of that, put some fresh beasel on top. And then I like to put it back on the barbecue for a couple of minutes, just to kind of let it all melt together and come into. Perfect place of harmony is going to smell so delicious. It is so yummy. It can definitely be just a nice light summer dinner or late night snack. Great appetizer, your choice, how you serve this one, and then in regards to pairings. I love this with a glass of beautiful chilled Perseco is just such a classic pairing, a little bit of effervescence where you can never go wrong with bubbles. You can also obviously do beautiful Pinot Grigio or suave a if you wanted to do those as well. And then for a red, I think beautiful PNT. So your favorite Canty classical, is a great choice here. Bright acidity. Those cherry flavors really come through in the tankless. So the tomatoes. Be so delicious. You can also do a Rosar to multiple channel. But your favorite Italian red here is going to be magic. So something a little bit Mediterranean the hair, but it is so easy. And like I said, those capers on top, just a little bit of that salty Tang. So yummy. Now obviously you could put a glimpse on here if you wanted to, but I really liked the capers on top, so you will have to. Decide on that one. And then my final flatbread to share with you today is grilled chicken, granny Smith, apple, and smoked Gouda flat bread. This is so yummy. And I do just need to say that you can also make this as a fantastic case idea. So we definitely do this on the barbecue as a case of DIA, so yummy, but as a flat bread, it's amazing as well here again, you can make it on the phyllo pastry on a Nan bread, whatever you would like to as the base. Base. You'll need about one to two chicken breasts, and then I shred the trickin. One granny Smith, apple thinly sites, depending how big it is and how much you're making. You can always do more of the apple before ounces of the smoked Gouda cheese shredded. About a quarter to half a cup of fresh a rugala some olive oil honey is optional, but so delicious. If you want, you can do your favorite barbecue sauce here, and I'll tell you how you're going to use that in a second. But to make this, you're going to preheat your, your grill again, to medium high heat. You going to cook the chicken and you can cook the chicken on the barbecue ahead of time. And you're just going to make sure that it is lovely grilled chicken, or you can definitely buy the pre cooked chicken at the grocery store to make this so easy. And you're looking for the shredded chicken to be able to put on top of the flatbread. I like to brush the flatbread or the base with olive oil, and then I. Put the shredded chicken on top. Then I cover the chicken with some smoked due to cheese. Then I put the apple on top of the cheese. And then I put it on the barbecue for about five to 10 minutes on medium high heat. What I want to do is get it all warm together. Now where I put the olive oil on the base of the flatbread here, you could brush that with your favorite barbecue sauce. If you want it to, it's going to be your choice. If you really like, and you have a favorite barbecue sauce, you could use that as the base. But I usually just use olive oil, the smoke Gouda cheese brings out so many incredible flavors in this dish and the granny Smith apples. Just give it that bite of flavor. Once it's at a place where it's kind of all melted and the flavors have come together on the barbecue, I take it off. I'd like to sprinkle it. With some fresh Arula so that it's on top, that gives a bit of a bitter Tang to it. And then I drizzle with some honey on top of it and it is. So good. And then obviously cut or slice into the shapes that you want to serve it in. It is so yummy. Now what wines you're going to pair with this now the perfect pairing, in my opinion, here is to do a dry or an off dry Riesling. I like to pull in a bit of sweetness. So an off dry Riesling is my personal favorite. So when I'm shopping, if I'm in the German aisle, I'm looking for cabinet on the label. So when you're in the germinal, you'll see cabinet. Which is with a K So cabinet or spat laser. This basically is a sweetness classification within the German wine labeling system. That's going to tell you that there's a touch of sweetness left in the line and it just pulls out with the honey and the chicken and that granny Smith, apple, it's such an incredible balance. It is so yummy. And then for reds here, I think a beautiful California symphony shows so perfectly, you have the juiciness, but lower tannins, a bit of smokiness from the Zinfandel coming through. And with the smoked Gouda, it is just incredible. So this line, it can be as savory and as filling as you want, depending on how much chicken you want to put on the flatbread, but this is so yummy. And like I said, you can definitely make this as a case of DIA as well. And if you are doing as the case of DEA, here's where you can make a bit of a, you can take a little bit of pesto. In with a bit of sour cream and make a bit of a sort of pesto cream sauce on top as the flatbread and or as the case of DIA. So good as a sauce beside it. So there you have it, you have three of my favorite summer, easy to make flatbreads that are so delicious for summer entertaining, whether you're grilling or. It's a rainy day and you're hanging out inside, but these all offer a delicious mix of flavors and textures, whether it's just yourself and your family at home for an easy dinner, or you're having a group of your favorite friends over, they are all going to love these different flavors. And of course you have wine pairings for each one. You're going to do you find wines that you love, but here you have some great flavors, especially in going into August is, you know, the lazy days of summer are really at their height at this time of the beginning of August. And these are perfect warm summer night, dishes to make up. All of these dishes, in my opinion, are both sophisticated and simple. They look way fancier than they are. People are going to think you are a hero for making them. So I can't wait to hear. What do you think when you try them? So I suggest you fire up your grill, pour yourself a glass of wine, of course. And pick one of these three recipes to try first and enjoy the as they're in the middle part of summer, and really dive into all of the fresh flavors that are available right now with the Herb's and the fruits and the greens from the garden, lots of different options and make these recipes your own by adding your own toppings or twists of flavors. And you'll make your own magic with these flat bread recipes. Now as always, if you have any questions or comments about today's episode, please reach out. I would love to hear from you. You can reach or come say hi on Instagram or ticktock you'll find me at wine girl academy. The link to all of these recipes is in the show notes below. So just click through that and it'll go right to the blog that I've created, that has all of the recipes in the pairing. So. Really easy and handy for you. and if this is your first time listening in again, welcome. I hope that you will join me again. Episodes come out every Tuesday. So be sure to like, and follow along. So you never miss an episode. And on that note, I want to wish you all. Wonderful week tiers to you by now.