Life Leaps Podcast

17. Part 2: "I Just Felt Alive" - Being A First-Time Entrepreneur With A Mission, With Liliya

March 22, 2023 Season 1

We’re back with Liliya Reshytilo, who told us last week how she quit her corporate job and became an event planner and flight attendant, and everything was going great until - just a year in - COVID hit.  Liliya was pregnant, basically out of both jobs, and found herself needing to leap again. Today we pick up where we left off.  Liliya shares how she:

  • Figured out what to do next (hint: as with most of us, her everyday life was full of clues - she just needed the tools to help her connect those dots) 
  • Managed to break into a new industry - sustainable fashion - that she had no background or experience in 
  • Learned to put herself out there as an introvert
  • Approached the uncertainty of it all; and
  • What is happening RIGHT NOW in her world - which is the launch of her brand new sustainable children’s clothing brand, Tiny Advocates.  

So catch up on last week if you have not already, and then dive into today’s episode because Liliya’s leap is LIVE and we’ll actually track it in the months to come!

Learn more about Liliya Reshetylo and Tiny Advocates at, and check out her adorable, ethically made and sourced children's clothing on Instagram at @tiny_advocates, Facebook at Tiny Advocates, and on Linkedin.

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Liliya Reshetylo - Part 2


Liliya Reshetylo: Nothing really had a purpose until Tiny Advocates.

Life Leaps Podcast: And now you're about to put your brand out into the world. 

Welcome to Life Leaps Podcast. Hear inspiring stories of ordinary people who made extraordinary life changes. What drove them, what almost held them back. Insights for the rest of us considering life leaps big or small, because hearing someone else do it reminds us that we can too.

Happy Wednesday, everyone. We're back with Lillia, Russia. Tillo who. Told us last week, how she quit her corporate job and became. Came an event planner and flight attendant. And everything was going swimmingly until just a year in. COVID hit. Lily was pregnant basically out of both jobs and found herself needing to leap again. 

Today we pick up where we left off Lillia shares. How she number one. Figured out what to do next. Hint, her [00:01:00] daily life and habits had been laying out clues for her as they do. For many of us, she just needed the tools to help her connect those dots. Two. How she managed to break into a new industry, sustainable fashion, that she had no background or experience in. 

Three. Learn to put herself out there as an introvert for approached the uncertainty of it all. And number five, what is happening right now in her world? Which is the launch of her brand new sustainable children's clothing brand. Tiny advocates as we speak. So catch up on last week, if you have not already. 

And then dive into today's episode because Lily's leap is live and we'll actually track how it goes in the months to come 

Now without further delay, here's Lillia. 

Life Leaps Podcast:  okay. Lillia. So it's September, 2020, your daughter, Scarlet or sky as you call her is born. And you're [00:02:00] realizing that you cannot go back to flying. You cannot go back to event planning. And you're trying to figure out what's next. I think you said for the first five to six months, 

You are just staying afloat, treading water. And then some creative ideas come to you, but nothing really sticks until tiny advocates. How did you get there?  

Liliya Reshetylo:  I would get on. Calls with my grandma who lives in Ukraine. And I would just start these conversations with her cuz I know she loves fashion and I would just ask her these questions like, how did you buy your clothes when you were, a teenager in Ukraine when you went through like World War ii?

There was nothing. And she would share stories with me from how, they were growing flags and how they made fabric and how they were sewing their clothes and just all these fascinating stories about her love for fashion when she didn't have much. And combined that was just like my natural desire to learn more.

 I would spend my evenings lying on the couch when Skylight is in bad reading about fashion, sustainable [00:03:00] fashion, how it affects our planet, the people that make our clothes. And then at the same time I was, shopping for Scarlet's clothes and she had a really bad eczema at the time 

And I had to be very careful. And the clothes that I buy for her, it had to be organic cotton. I had to be very selective with what dyes they use. And so it just naturally, I got into this world of understanding and learning and being curious about fashion.

 scarlet as huge inspiration. And I was sitting at my coffee table one day and this idea of I wanna create children's clothing brand that like makes organic clothing and. has this educational component to teach kids how close it's made in a fun, lightweight, through stories. And that idea popped into my head and my husband came down the stairs like two seconds later.

And then I just said it out loud to him and I thought he would just say, no, that's a bad idea. But he is oh, tell me more. . So that's how it started. [00:04:00] 

Life Leaps Podcast: Wow. Okay. . And how old is your daughter at this point? 

Liliya Reshetylo: She was not even a year old. 

Life Leaps Podcast: don't listen when they tell you that you can't have creative ideas in the first year of, of motherhood 


Liliya Reshetylo: love it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I, that's exactly how I felt. I started feeling inspired to come up with ideas and Yeah, a few things didn't stick, like I said. but I also, I started working with, the introvert coach for, Business owner. So I considering myself an introvert, and I realized that if I do want to start a business, I will have to overcome a lot of personal fears, challenges, roadblocks, and I needed to talk to someone.

And so I started working with this amazing woman, Julie Greenham, and she helped me in that first stage of, even before I decided that I want to start tiny advocates, she helped me a lot, like overcome some of these fears. Mm.just by having conversations and asking the right [00:05:00] questions. And yeah, so that was like the first start.

 just trusting the process. when we start something new, We're afraid that we don't know where to start.

We don't know how we'll get there. And I just remember I would write in my journal that somehow all these little pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and I'll be able to create what I want to create because really I had nothing else to go off. I would just write it in my journal and. Talk to, to Julie and Kindo trust the process.

And then once I realized that yes, this is what I'm doing, I spent the next few months talking to other moms, learning a little bit more about what this industry is all about and And sure enough, things started falling into plays. I started meeting the people who helped me on this crazy new adventure of mine, and I am just a couple of weeks away or less from launching the brand. So [00:06:00] I love it. 

Life Leaps Podcast: okay. So you announced this idea to your husband.

At that point though, you had already been talking to, you said this is it like a life coach for introverts, a career coach. 

Liliya Reshetylo: What? She is more a mindset coach, I would say. Ooh, okay. She's a mindset coach for introverted business entrepreneurs. Oh yeah. yeah.

I started talking to her in summer 2021, and that's when I was feeling very creative in my head, but I didn't know at that time that I went to create tiny advocates or this children's clothing brand. Yeah. But after talking to her and after like few months, I just started noticing the how I spend my time, once we pay attention to what we're doing and how we're spending our time, it can help us figure out what we need to do.

 Like I could have just lied down on my couch and watch a random TV show because I was so exhausted after Alon Day in with Scarlet. But instead, I wanted to read about sustainable fashion. And once I started paying attention to all [00:07:00] these little signs and like conversations with my grandma, reflecting in my own childhood, that kind of, I think how I was able to come to what I want to do.

Wow. And that's how the idea was born. 

Life Leaps Podcast: So think you just touched on something that, again, II recently did an interview with a, like a creativity coach. She's a life coach that helps people, 

 tap into our creativity when we're making life and career changes. And, She was like, tap into your flow. That moment when you're totally connected with whatever you're doing, you're totally focused, you're totally present.

what are the kinds of things that bring you into that space? 

 I love that. Yeah. But it sounds like that's what you were doing. you were like connecting the dots, the signs were there, like your life itself was telling you, but you just weren't ready to hear it or didn't know how, 

Liliya Reshetylo: exactly. And I Exactly. And yeah, because I honestly spent the entire summer.

Doing these things, having these conversations, reading and [00:08:00] and I didn't realize it and I didn't actually realize it at the moment when the idea popped into my head. I realized that much later. When I was reflecting back to summer 2021, how I was spending my time, what I was doing, because it was just naturally curious, like how did I come up with that idea?

And that's when I realized that's how I was spending my time and pay attention to these little signs because they will guide you to where you need to be next and what you need to be doing next. 

Life Leaps Podcast: So speaking of guiding you and next, so yeah.

Okay, so your idea turns into something that you like, actual physical clothing that you are going to launch in three weeks. Like what happens? You said you start talking to other moms,

Liliya Reshetylo: Yeah. I was talking to other moms just asking, I had, just asking questions.

 do you talk to kids about clothes? Like, how do you talk to them about is it something you even bring up? And a lot of it was, there's not enough resources, like how do I even start this conversation? But to me, it's like we talk to kids about food and how food is growing and that's important.

[00:09:00] And clothes is equally as important because it's something we wear in our skin. If it's, made with toxic chemicals, we can get a reaction. The idea of these conversations is not to go into deep educational moments with our kids because they're still too young, but it's like to start ease them in and tell them your clothes is made of cotton and cotton is the flower.

And show them like what it looks like and have these light and fun conversations to get them more engaged and excited. And so that's when I was trying to understand that space with other moms and who does what out there. And once I had a more, at that time I thought I had a concrete plan, I started tapping into, okay, what I need to do to make clothes, like what do I need to know?

And, a couple of things happened actually at a time. So we had a trip planned, so at the. Late 2021, things were slowly opening up and travel was opening up. I wasn't able to go back to work as a flight, attend at, attend yet. [00:10:00] But, we had a trip back to Porto 

Life Leaps Podcast: and in Portugal. Okay. Northern Portugal.

Liliya Reshetylo: Porto, yes. Okay. Yes. And I already had an idea that I want to produce my clothing in Portugal. Cause anything that I've ever came across that was made in Portugal, it was so high, like great quality, made. And I just had this desire to explore Portugal 

 so we have this trip booked and my husband came across the sustainable fashion tour, walking tour around Porto and I, he just like sign up. So I signed up and that's how I made Jade who was. and still plays a huge part in like bringing tiny advocates to life. And she, later on at that time, we just talked about sustainability and Portugal and.

Fashion industry in Portugal and what's happening in that space. But next year, 2022, when I was ready to explore, the production partners in Portugal, that's when I reached out and she helped me a ton with connecting me with the [00:11:00] right people because I was like, so brand new to this space. 

Life Leaps Podcast: And Jade,

 she lives in Porto and I think she's like a, does consulting for companies like yours who want to create like a financially, sustainable, profitable product. But that has like a desire for a positive social impact alongside that, is that right?


Liliya Reshetylo: , that whole space of, sustainability and specifically focusing on Portugal, I think, and Porto because there's so much amazing things that are happening.

 so her company is called, the Mindful Step. , and yeah, so I learned about that much later. Like the, when we first met during the walking tour, it was just purely on touching, the basics about Oh, like introducing some of the sustainable fashion, stores in Porto and just talking high level about sustainability.

Life Leaps Podcast: and I was a new mom and she was pregnant and we connected. because of that, I think we had a really good connection and yeah, so we would just, we just kept in touch.

Liliya Reshetylo: And [00:12:00] later on when I was ready, we started working together. 

Oh, that's 

Life Leaps Podcast: so cool. 

Liliya Reshetylo: And I also came across, factory 45, which is an online business school for fashion entrepreneurs. And I started following them. I watched all of their like YouTube videos first before joining. But this program is amazing because they work with people like myself who come from the outside, don't know about the industry, and.

Trying to create a fashion brand So that was like another big part on my journey that helped me bring tiny advocates to life. 

Life Leaps Podcast: factory 45.Is it a program that you actually sign up for 

Liliya Reshetylo: Yeah, it's a program you sign up for. They have different modules on different, components of creating a branch, essentially from marketing to finding the production partners to launching.

And they also, you can you get a mentor. . 

You still have to do the work. You still have to show up and do it, but, the resources that, the offers certainly help. Yeah, I love it that 

Life Leaps Podcast: between this program.[00:13:00] 

And talking to this life career coach, mentor, it's kinda like you knew what you didn't know , and you knew what your blind spots might be and. You started there, you found resources. Yeah. and that's really how you I'm really episode quoting now.

I just can't stop myself. but I remember like my third episode with,Travis Moore.a guy who went from being out of a job to building this, nonprofit that educated, whoa, that's amazing. Congress on technology.

anyways, he says, He was like, I didn't work in tech and he worked on the Capitol Hill before that. He didn't work in tech, he didn't really have the technological knowhow, but he knew what he didn't know. And so he was like, you're just building scaffolding is what he called it. Like building scaffolding around yourself so that you can lay brick by brick by brick, but you have to build something around yourself to even know the direction to go and how to do it.

Liliya Reshetylo: absolutely, it's also coming from the outside and not knowing. I don't know, you, you think, oh, like I should know this, but you're starting asking these questions and it's cool because you ask these questions that [00:14:00] people who are already in the space might not even think about.

And so I don't know. I find coming from outside and not knowing it's more exciting in a way. if I already had, if I already had, let's say, Diploma. It's a green fashion. I would probably approach things differently, but just coming from this space of unknown and trusting the process that I'll figure it out and asking the questions along the way and meeting the right people that came into my life help me create this.

in a more like interesting way, I would say. Than just purely walking in with experience or background. So I don't know. It's just something that I reflected on and I thought it's cool to not know and just enter the space and trust the process and trust yourself and trust that you will come across the people that will help you on your.

I love it and I have these questions that you feel like, you're like, oh my gosh, like I should know this. But here I am asking because I don't , I dunno the answers.[00:15:00] yeah. 

Life Leaps Podcast: I love it. 

And another part that was really interesting in this process that I had to put myself out there before I had a product. And So I, and that's not me the way I work.

Liliya Reshetylo: I create something or I get a job and then I tell the world. 

Life Leaps Podcast: when you and I were just chatting about doing this episode. Yeah. You were like, it was like confessions of an introvert. You were like, I am, yes. Very introverted. I'm the kind of person who, even when I have a big idea, I do not share it with the world.

I may not share it with anyone until I've made the decision or even done it. And I completely have to reverse the way I operate here because I can't just create this whole product like I have to tell people about it. Like I have to tell people my idea. And that was a huge leap for you I think in terms of just, it was approaching this.

Liliya Reshetylo: it was huge. I was told, you have to share your idea. And as you are working on your idea and bringing [00:16:00] this company to life, you have to share your journey and you have to create a community before you have something to offer, like a product.

So that was a huge, huge change. And I think the way I made it happen is, I was really not just passionate. I really believed in what I was doing, and it helped me cope with some of those roadblocks. working with the introverted, Coach helped me a lot too through asking the right questions, I was able to push through and, yeah.

Once I, created a Instagram account, and put it out there, this is what I'm doing. It also what I learned and what I noticed is that by putting myself out there this way, it also kind of encouraged me to keep going. And,I share the happy moments with, my little community.

And I also you know, came out and shared things that were not going well and when I had those lows and, the community is very supportive. And yeah, it helped me [00:17:00] push through some of those roadblocks. but it was a, definitely a very scary thing to do. , 

Life Leaps Podcast: I remember creating the Life Leaps podcast, Instagram account, and I remember thinking okay, what do I do now?

I remember just being like, oh, now I have to actually put stuff out here and how do I even do that? but the side of sharing your idea with the world and getting anybody to care about it or, you know, like, Hey, I think this can provide value in your life.

That part can be a little nerve-wracking in and of itself. 

Liliya Reshetylo: Yeah. It is hard. it's interesting because when I follow someone, whether it's on social media or when I meet people who have actual physical stores like. , I guess I don't really even think about it, how hard it must be for people to create these things and put themselves out there until you do it yourself.

Yes. And that's when you notice whoa, this was like a big, big step. and ever since I started working on tenure advocates, I've had so many roadblocks and fears to overcome. because [00:18:00] everything is new. Everything you're creating is new. 

what was the biggest roadblock you've experienced so far? did you have a moment of oh my gosh, what am I even doing and why am I here? Sounds like it hasn't all been bells and whistles,

No it hasn't. there have been a lot, but I think one of the biggest things that happened, so the way I decided to create the product is to, like I said, fabric is number one thing that takes a lot of time to make. But instead of just buying the ready on the shelf fabric, I decided to make to order.

So we work with a fabric mill that doesn't like to waste fabric and they just produce whatever you need. And then we do the cut and sew, and then we will do the Carmen Dye. So I picked this a very lengthy, complicated way of bringing these outfits to life, essentially. But that's because I wanted to know all the little steps that it takes to create something.

And throughout this journey of even creating samples or creating the fabric, cuz we don't [00:19:00] have the actual outfits yet. We have, we made the fabric already, but not the actual final product. I was like, why did I pick this complicated way of doing this ? I just like, why didn't purchase like fabric available off the shelf and just done with it.

But yeah. but overcoming these little challenges, they're actually, they were big challenges when I had to face them because created fabric. actually it's more complicated than you would think. You request this many meters of fabric, but it doesn't mean that's what you will get because they have to guess how many kilograms of cotton you have to ma take to cra this much fabric.

And so it's a very complicated process. Which I didn't know about, but so much learning came out of this. but I went, my husband is like Lilia, all of this. he's he sees it all. And this is what I said at the beginning, If you have your partner with you and he supports you for a hundred percent, you will, it will be just so much easier to go through the process.

Because, yeah, he's seen it all. He's seen all the highest and all the lows. [00:20:00] but yeah, it's, I would say putting myself out there on social media and telling the world, even one-on-one conversations that I have sometimes with people at the coffee shops has been very new to me and very a big roadblock to overcome.

And also like these steps of create the product and putting all the components and all the pieces together. Mm-hmm. ,is another challenge that, that I had to overcome. Yeah. Wow. 

Life Leaps Podcast: Okay. And did you have any moments where you said, I should not be doing this, like this is done. 

Liliya Reshetylo: yeah. . now we're to the point where it's like I quit because again, I was like, because here you are still.

Am I doing this? Yeah. And here I am doing it. But I honestly just had a conversation with a good friend of mine recently, and I said to her, she was asking me how things are going, and I said, I have so much to do before the launch. And then I went on this, why did I do this? Why did I send out myself for doing this?

no one asked me to do this . And then I was like, okay, I'm doing [00:21:00] this because, and she's Lilia, it's gonna be okay. and it'll be okay. And I know because I already went through a lot of ups and downs and I know there is a way, there's always a way that we can figure it out and we'll figure it out.

Not just me, but anyone else who is starting on a new journey. But sometimes in the moment you're like, why did I do this? And one of the hardest things to start something on your own, completely on your own, like I, I have support from people that are, like Jade or another company that I worked with that helped me out.

But when you are just like, this is your idea and you are the one waking up every day and doing things, the hardest thing is to actually wake up and continue doing the work. When no one is waiting for you to submit anything. no one is setting the deadlines for you. You are the one who is creating your own deadlines and creating the process and making it happen.

And I think that's one of the hardest thing to do. when you're on your own. And I think for me, the way to go through the [00:22:00] process is to really believe in what I'm doing and be excited and really wanted to do it long term, not just. Something that I'm excited for the next couple of months and that kind of helps me keep building and keep creating and keep getting to where I wanna go.


Life Leaps Podcast: remembering your why is helping you Exactly. To cultivate exactly the discipline that you otherwise didn't have to create as strictly for yourself. Because when you're in a job, like this X thing is due, someone is at least looking over your shoulder. There's accountability built in, whether you like it or not.

Yes. yeah, that's a really, I think it's a really good point. okay, So you are currently in the stage, like current snapshot this idea is like a year and a half old at this point. Oh wait. Before you even get there, 

number one, are you doing anything flight attendant related? what are you doing for money with the rest of your time? what happened to all your other leaps and dreams with the event planning and the flight attendant 

Liliya Reshetylo: Yes, very good question. Yes. So [00:23:00] I went back, I guess I forgot to mention this, but last year, summer 2022, I was recall to work as a flight attendant again. So I've been flying since then. 

and that that is a whole new challenge in its own because. When I was, back in 2019, I had a husband. I didn't have a child, . That was my main focus, flying and enjoying life. And here I am, I have a toddler, I have this business that I'm working on, and I'm back to flying with a lot of uncertainty.

So the airline industry has changed slightly. I , don't have a schedule, so I don't know exactly where I'll be going and which day. I am on call most of the months. which means, I wake up, I can get a call and they, I'll be asked to get to the, airport in two, three hours and go to, I don't know, Rome or

Yeah. It's, 

Life Leaps Podcast: is this, but this is a change, like it wasn't this way before, [00:24:00] like before, 

Liliya Reshetylo: you know where you were going when Yes. I had a schedule before, before the pandemic. I had a schedule. So for the whole month I knew exactly where I'll be going. How long I'll be away, when I'll be leaving. Now it's like you don't know you.

I is that everybody I know I could. Is that all, not everybody. It depends on the seniority, but okay. I'm part of the group of people that have to be on call and have no idea how to plan my day. And 

My husband is also flying for work quite a bit and. On the 

Life Leaps Podcast: planes, but seated on the plane, like not . Okay, got 

Liliya Reshetylo: it. Yes. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And it was like waking up in the morning. All of a sudden, y you have, I have to fly somewhere, my husband is not home. I have to get my mom involved and get her to help out.

And she would go pick up Sky from daycare and have her at her place for two, three days. So it was an adventure in its own and , I don't know how I went through that, but [00:25:00] it's a little better now and I hope it will be better for the rest of 2023. But yeah. Wow. It's a change. 

Life Leaps Podcast: but it's mom 

Liliya Reshetylo: to the rescue, mom to the rescue, and my mom and I'm so grateful, honestly.

Like she helped me so many times. but you know what's interesting? Even when it got really hard, I never really thought of, oh, If I just worked like at the office and did nine to five and had a proper schedule, that would be easier. I never really had that thought of, why don't I go back to that time when you just show up, do the work, come home, and then I can pick up scarla from daycare.

So that really, put things in perspective that I realized that I am creating what I'm creating. And even if it's messy in between, it's okay. I'll figure it out and I'll get to where I need to go. But going back to that safe space of being in the office is not where I need to go. . 

Wow. Okay. So you could be called in at any minute, including like right [00:26:00] now, , 

they could just say I'm taking a couple of weeks off. So starting March 2nd, which is the month that I'll be launching Tiny Advocates. Great timing, . yes, I could be called. I am on call like 21 day in a month and I could be called anytime.

Who knows where I'll be. Okay. All 

Life Leaps Podcast: right. I have no idea . okay, 

Liliya Reshetylo: so you, but I'm still adventurous. 

Life Leaps Podcast: I'm still . Clearly. you must be. okay, so you are flying the friendly Skies and launching this amazing company that you are launching the close for this company that you started. Yes. tiny Advocates 

 March 7th. Okay. Is when I will be doing the launch, which I'll announce to my community tomorrow. Oh my gosh. Okay. Yes. 

what's next? let us, if we are gonna follow your journey, which we are. Yes. what, so the next thing that happens is now you have to actually release your clothes to the world.

Like now it goes out, people order [00:27:00] them online. What happens? Could things still go terribly, horribly wrong? Are you nervous? Are you thrilled? Are you all at the things like what what 

Liliya Reshetylo: is a launch? Oh my goodness. Yes. 

Life Leaps Podcast: There's a lot of questions in one . 

Liliya Reshetylo: No, those are such great questions. So yes. 

I'm excited. I'm terrified. I have no idea what to expect because I'm doing my launch through a pre-sale. Okay. So it will be a pre-sale going on for 30 days. And essentially I'm setting a goal with different rewards, and rewards will be the close that I've created.

And if I reach the goal, that means I can start selling. If not, then I have to, I will still be selling. It's just I have to, people who supported me through this campaign will not receive reward and we will have to do through creating my website and then we'll just do the sale process through that. So as I'm doing the presale, at the same time, clothing is getting made. Okay. Got it. so it's happening at the same [00:28:00] time.

So the 30 days that I am going to start on March 7th will be a very. Exciting, stressful, busy time for me and it will we'll figure out how things go, who supports me and if I get my goal of the amount that I set. So that will be, yeah, that will be an interesting time and I will have to be flying throughout the whole month.

yeah, I don't even know, honestly, I just thinking about it is quite terrifying, , but I'm still very excited. I, I spent a year and a half building the company and I'm, at the point in my life where I'm like ready to share with the world and excited for people to see what I have created and.


Life Leaps Podcast: I feel like we're on one of those shows and I'm about to date myself cuz clearly I don't watch TV enough. But like one of those survivor shows where they're like, things could go wonderfully, things could go terribly poorly. [00:29:00] We'll find out who supports me or not during this 30 day showdown,

 yes. I, and honestly, I lived through one when I was doing my training for the airline that I worked with for, because that felt like a survival show. , like every day you just dunno if you're gonna make it, be sent home. 

And that's how I'm going to feel for the next 30 days. Yeah. Okay. But at the same time, I, it's all about mindset, right? It's how you approach things. And I've been working on creating this mindset that things can go either way and there are certain things that you can control as certain things that you can control and just let it, let things happen and see how it goes.

Liliya Reshetylo: Like I feel like when I was working in the corporate world before I left, I, and prior to that, like going through school and graduating, I was like trying to be in control of every step of my life, , I will graduate, I will move on, I'll get a job, [00:30:00] and then I will, I don't know, start moving up the ladder.

In the corporate world, I was trying to be very in control of everything, and now I just try to have a little bit of that, let things happen the way they're supposed to happen. Sure. Of course, I don't wanna end up on the street, but just be a little bit more adventurous and if this is something that was supposed to be successful, then I think it will be.

If I continue doing the work every day, and perhaps in the future if I need to change things around, shift it, adjust it, then I'll do that. So just, yeah, just letting a little bit of that uncertainty. coming to our life and be okay with it. 

Life Leaps Podcast: , I think there's power in that and being able to say and guess what, even if it doesn't work, I'm gonna trust myself and the universe that I will be the kind of person who will make something else work.

Yeah, absolutely.

Liliya Reshetylo: And you know, like reflecting on this past couple of years and like what I was able to [00:31:00] accomplish,all these changes that I was able to create for myself is a good. like a good way to trust myself that I can continue doing the work that I need to do and figure things out.

If I was able to figure out from 2018 to now and do all these amazing things for myself and create a different lifestyle that I so wanted a dreamt of back in 2018, then I think I'll be okay. , regardless of the outcome, I think I'll be okay. 

Life Leaps Podcast: and we'll all be on this journey together. wonderful. Okay. I cannot wait to check back in with you and Yay. Thank you. 

More on Lillia Russia. Tillo tiny advocates in this podcast and the show notes for this episode.  

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Till next time.

Next Wednesday on life leaps podcast. we found our country we found our home Oh my gosh y'all this has been so full of twists and turns We'll get an update from your host That's. that's me On our leap in progress Yes installment number three

Life Leaps Podcast: Till next time.

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