Life Leaps Podcast

23. Leap-In-Progress: Your Host! *Update #4 - "Now We Get To Rebuild"*

Karen Tanenbaum Season 1

We're back!  With an update on our move with our toddler to southern Spain (after we leapt *see Episode 8* and pivoted *see Episode 13* and finally landed in a place to call home (!) *see Episode 18*) we can't wait to share our highs, lows, and lessons learned in this latest chapter of our leap.

Learn more about this podcast (and us, with a blog I recently started!) on the Life Leaps Podcast website at   We're so happy you're here!


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Juan + Karen - #4

Life Leaps Podcast: [00:00:00] Welcome to Life Leaps Podcast. Hear inspiring stories of ordinary people who made extraordinary life changes. What drove them, what almost held them back. Insights for the rest of us considering life leaps big or small, because hearing someone else do it reminds us that we can too.

Happy Wednesday everyone. We are back and by we, I mean me, your host Karen, and my husband Juan, my occasional co-host. And we are here to fill you in on our life leap, in progress. If you need a quick recap, we basically. A couple of months ago in December slash January of this year, put all our stuff in storage temporarily rehomed our pets.

Quit my job as a lawyer and left our 11 year home in Washington DC with our 18 month toddler in tow in search of greener pastures to catch up on More of that, you can listen [00:01:00] to episode eight. And then episode 13 we fill you in on how we thought those greener pastures were Portugal.

they weren't. It wasn't. So we pivoted within our leap to Spain, And then episode 18. How we found our Way to Spain to Malaga. Where we are currently located in southern Spain and decided to stay. So yeah, that's episodes eight 13 and 18 are all of our recap episodes and I will put those in the show notes.

Oh, I also wrote a blog about,why we did this and how we. Bla our toddler. Only half kidding. 

 So what we'll do today is, 

 as usual, we'll do a quick catch up, then we'll do high point, low point, special moment, and then just sort of reflection and looking forward to what is next. Dun, dun, dun dun. Done, as usual, Juan asks me to talk more, but then once this episode gets a little deeper in, he really opens up, gets [00:02:00] more loosey-goosey on things.

okay, so When we last checked in with you guys, we were about to move into our new place I think it was like two days later, after we recorded that episode, and here we are moved in.

We're sitting on our brand new couch. Yeah. Used couch. It's a used couch. You're right. Okay, so fine. We got it at Ikea. Circular. It's a circular couch. Ikea circular people. I don't think it 

Juan Diaz: was new. Just 

Life Leaps Podcast: returned. It's new-ish. Someone returned, someone sat on it twice, returned it. It's a great couch. You guys we're not here to knock on this couch.

Juan Diaz: New to us couch, in our new apartment. 

Life Leaps Podcast: So number one, update. 

Juan Diaz: Yeah, we have an a fully furnished apartment now, so we finally furnished the apartment after a lot of work.

Mostly by you? Cause I was working.

Life Leaps Podcast: it is three blocks from the ocean, which is amazing. If you go out in our balcony to the right, you can just see slivers of the ocean and the beach. And if you look to the left, there's this really big [00:03:00] park called Park tore, which has got.

No less than four playgrounds in it for our son who, so he's a big fan, and a really nice green space outside and walking distance to cafes, bars, restaurants. and it turns out we recently realized a 10 minute bike ride from a rock climbing gym, which we're gonna take out soon. So we are really happy with it.

And that's update number one. Update number two. We have 

Juan Diaz: childcare yeah, we have childcare for five hours a day. We have a workaway, which I guess we can 

Life Leaps Podcast: explain. So basically we found someone who is, it's similar to an o pair, only shorter term. someone who actually comes and lives with you in your apartment and, you give them, of course, a place to stay.

We give her meals like she's, becomes a part of the family. And then she watches Luca. Five hours a day, basically 25 hours a week. Her name is Annette. She is amazing. And net, if you're listening to this, please never leave us. And right [00:04:00] now she is watching Luca from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. 

Then ideally he naps a little bit in the afternoon. So it gives us even more coverage. And yeah. You guys, this is huge because every update we've done has basically been, we should be celebrating the fact every update we've done, we have been like huddled in a, in the dark, around a microphone at some random Airbnb where.

 the only free time we had was after Luca had gone to bed. And so it was dark, sometimes it was cold. we were like whispering in the other room with Luca's White noise machine, a few meters away. And right now we are in our bright, well lit, sunny apartment where we can scream and yell and do what we want except for the neighbors.

because Luca's not here. He is out living his dream. We just got a video of him chasing some pigeons in a park down the road. So he is fine. And we are two adults who don't have a child at this moment. And my gosh, that's something to celebrate. Yeah, 

Juan Diaz: it feels good [00:05:00] to have childcare. 

Life Leaps Podcast: Yeah, that was like the huge missing puzzle piece you can hear that in our other episodes.

We're like, we're zoning health SOS childcare. Childcare. okay. So that's a big deal. We've got that. as of literally two weeks ago, it's officially last Monday, So that is the huge puzzle piece number two. And then I'd say the final update is, we are now, I feel like for so long we have been in the. Deconstruction phase, and I think now we're entering like the reconstruction phase.

And ah ooh. Basically what I feel like that means is, Our whole thing was we wanna engineer these new lives, we wanna try something new, whatever. But to do that, there's a whole lot of uprooting that has to happen. And a whole lot of, particularly in our case where there were lots of twists and turns, which if you've been listening along, you'd know about those.

 there were a lot of pivots and a lot of learning curves and a lot of like figuring things out once we were on the ground, how to do it all and how to establish [00:06:00] ourselves. And of course a lot of that will continue. there are still things to do.

Oh my gosh. But I don't feel like now, as soon as I get Luke a bed, I don't feel like, oh my gosh, we have two hours of logistics to handle in the darkened corner of our rental Airbnb apartment. now It's a normal level of manageable life logistics, for resettling And 

 we can actually meaningfully focus on the reconstruction, which has been months.

It's been months. 

Juan Diaz: Yeah. This all took. A lot more time than we expected to take. And it was a lot more difficult than we expected it to be, honestly. And it feels like finally we are at that phase we want it to be, which is creating our new rituals, our new routines,eating well, exercising, all of those important things.

Life Leaps Podcast: Yeah, ma'am. okay. High point. You wanna go first? You want me to go first? You go first. Okay. So for me, a high point was, last Monday. so today is Tuesday. We're recording this episode. It will go [00:07:00] live tomorrow. So that means basically just a little over a week ago. last Monday, was the very first day that Annette,Luke and Annette they like left the apartment together the week before she had come.

But there was some of course adjustment, Luca was getting to know her. We wanted them to Get to know each other, whatever. So that week didn't really count. So last Monday, was a high point because. I rememberLuke and Annette were kind of playing in the apartmentand we were like, all right, the goal is for them to leave from nine to two.

Like we have the place, we work, we work out, we do whatever. But they are gone. They are like living their lives out and about just. Important psychologically for us, for him to be gone and good for him. And so last Monday, finally, I remember they like left the apartment together and Juan and I were like, yes, it's happening.

It's all happening. Like the movie almost famous. It's all happening. And I remember we like peered around the balcony, looking down to the street. And then we asked the maintenance man, we were like, have you seen a small child with With this woman, because we were just curious what was happening and [00:08:00] he was like, oh yeah, the kid looked fine.

Everything was fine. And so Juan and I like breathed his sigh of relief, did a high five dance. And despite our slight feelings of loss and anxiety, we felt, of course, you're letting your kid go with this new person. You've been like really attached to this kid nonstop, even though you complain about it all the time.

We've been attached to him nonstop. period. But for the last four months, especially, Without childcare. And I think it was an emotional moment, but all in all we were like, this is the right thing and we are so relieved. And anyway, so my high point was immediately, once all of that happened, I walked my butt to the gym.

I walked down the street to a gym that is like an eight minute walk from our house. I walked in, I signed up, I paid the money. I. I immediately walked into the gym. I was like, I would like to work out right now as well. Please. Thank you. I just walked in, found the first workout class that I saw, which just happened to be starting.

I was lucky. Walked my butt in there and did it. And you guys, that was [00:09:00] the first like structured workout for me. Thing that I've done in months. And if you've been listening, me and Juan both keep talking about how important that is and how much we struggle to do it. The class was a body combat class and it was, I just have to tell you like just a two second reflection.

Okay. It was a body combat class. I have not worked down in forever, but it was intense music. All these super strong, intense women were doing it. The instructor was just jacked and she was leading us through kicks and punches and jumps.

And she was so into it and the students were so into it. It's kinda of those things where gives you permission to be like, hell yeah, you get really into it and you're punching and you're throwing kicks and I'm pretty sure I like pulled a muscle in my chest later that night. thought I had it, I thought I was having asthma.

Cause I was like, I feel really tight in my chest. And then I realized it was my body combat class, whatever worth it. But I had a few moments in that class when I actually haven't told you this, when I actually teared up. Which is a really interesting thing to do while you're play fighting, to feel emotional and be tearing [00:10:00] up.

But I just had this moment where I was like, oh my gosh, this is happening. we are starting this new normal. I have all this energy and angst and whatever. That's just been like building up and needing to work out and needing a release and here it is. Bam, let's do this. I don't know, it's just this crazy transition moment.

That, meant a lot to me. And I did something physical five out of the seven days of last week, like a dedicated physical, we always walk, but dedicated in terms of I biked, I did yoga, I met a friend for a class out in front of our apartment, I swam I. This is happening.

so anyways, that is a very long way to say that. Body combat class and that Monday morning generally was my high point. 

Juan Diaz: Wow. Yeah. I didn't know about the, but I can get that feeling. I understand it. My, but I, that's not the high point that I thought you were gonna say. The high point I thought you were gonna say was finding the farmer's market.

We finally found an organic farmer's market. Oh yeah. but it is related to my high point, which is I have two, one was. Two weekends ago, one of my best friends, Hanzo came to visit [00:11:00] us. And so that whole weekend, being able to host somebody, being able to have friends, stay over, being able to, show them Malaga and have it be so close to the beach where we live and just have a really nice place where people come visit was definitely a high point.

And of course, being with my friend and just spending time with friends was definitely a high point. and then the second thing I think I would say is last. Monday. Cause something that we've also started doing I would say every day on, on the weekdays is having dinner, like I said, dinner time at 7:00 PM and we've been cooking that dinner pretty much every day.

And so just sitting down and sitting the table and having those dinners and I'm just those little, like we said, rituals of to stay healthy and keep us sane and grounded. To me it was a high point as well just. After we found that organic farmer's market and we've bottled the vegetables and things that we are more used to eating.

And then actually, because you made the [00:12:00] meal and eating the meal as a family and with a net and enjoying it that was, A hype point for me. 

Life Leaps Podcast: Yeah. this farmer's market thing, first of all, it's just like a really nice, fun feeling to have that ritual 

 cuz the farmer's market's in beautiful places and whatever. But yeah, the food you guys there's tons of farming down here. And so this market, the food that you get there, like far from your normal hippie dippy farmer's market, which to be clear, we still bought stuff there in DC when we live there.

But we are spending less money now buying these massive bulk, locally grown, delicious fruits and vegetables and breads and dried goods and whatever. We're spending less money getting them at this market than at the grocery store. So it's super cool. And yeah, 

 So totally low point near or you? You go first. Oh boy. So low point was move in day to our new apartment, you guys, which kind of extended from when we first moved in up until we hosted Juan's [00:13:00] friend Hanzel.

and Annette arrived. Right after we record our last episode, it was like a Tuesday night. We were, again, hunched around a bed on our bed, hunched around the corner with Luke in the other room sleeping, and we were like, Hey guys, we're moving in three days. This is so exciting, and everything was starting to feel like it was coming together later that very night.

Luca came down with a really bad. Like barking cough, and it turned out it was croup, which is this crazy, every kid apparently gets it, but it's like an inflammation. It can be an inflammation in your throat. You have a really bad cough. He had a fever. It totally freaked us out. So that Friday we were at the pediatrician and that Friday, we also had to move.

And because we'd been dealing with Luca, we really hadn't had time to even begin to further furnish the apartment. We had two mattresses coming. We slept in two mattresses on the floor, like our mattress plus Luca's little mattress side by side in our master bedroom. We slept that way for days, so we, that Friday again, Luca was like getting to be on the mend at that point.

[00:14:00] Luckily the day we actually moved, but I remember like the mattresses arrived. and we were like, whatever. We have mattresses. That's all we need in this empty apartment of ours, except for sheets. We realized we had ordered the wrong size sheets, which I think we had maybe had mentioned the centimeter situation.

Anyways, we swapped them out that day and then we had to go to the laundromat to wash them cuz we couldn't fit it all on our machine. There are no dryers here. So we went to the laundromat. It was like 10:00 PM on moving day. We're all completely just zonked, beat, tired, and we get everything washed like 10:00 PM Get home, put the sheets on, the bed passed out, and we're like, life is gonna be okay except then Saturday morning we wake up.

And we're sick, so I'm feeling gonna run down. But Juan is like straight up sick, like he is throwing up, not doing well. And again, we're in our empty apartment, oh God. So I, we leave Juan in the apartment getting ill, but like hydrated and me and Luca go outside to this Square area.

[00:15:00] I'm still feeling zonked. Luca luckily is on the mend, but not a hundred percent. Juan is actively ill. And you guys, I just take out my phone. I gave Luca some chalk and some crayons And I took out my phone and I opened up that IKEA app and I literally furnished our apartment then and there We had made a few trips to Ikea.

I had an amazing friend who was helping me send me some stuff to look at stuff. my friend Sabrina here, but bottom line, I just pulled it up and was like, this rug great. This thing great, like just furnish the place. Okay. In the me in the meantime, I finally get the order in. It's this whole thing, and I go to have it delivered.

Cuz usually you can get a day or two delivery and we realize the upcoming week is the holiday. And ain't nobody delivering anything officially for like 10 or 11 days. And I'm like, oh boy. So I call Juan, I'm like, Hey, how are you feeling? By the way, can we live like this for 10 days? We decided we didn't want to.

And so can we versus do we want [00:16:00] to? So basically crowdsourced and ended up finding a task rabbit, like a runner guy. contact of a contact. Who agreed to, get a buddy, rent a truck, go pick up all the stuff, bring it to our place and start setting it all up.

So over the course of the next few days, as we're all on the men trying to get our stuff together, luckily amazingly I'll spare the details. There's like 17 trips to Ikea involved because I had done it so fast, I ended up then ordering like the wrong size bread for Luca to fit his mattress. So we had to swap that out, like there were errors.

Things happened there. 

Juan Diaz: Yeah, that whole furnishing the apartment was like a sprint. A sprint within a marathon. You really furnished the whole apartment by yourself. That was very 

Life Leaps Podcast: impressive

Juan Diaz: I don't know how you got all that done, because I feel like I was sick. I was throwing up and the next thing I know, you came in saying, I bought everything and it's coming in next two days.

Life Leaps Podcast: that was a rough weekend. Yeah, so it was crazy because 

 we finally did get it done and I think at [00:17:00] one point Luca and I we took an Uber, he and I to Ikea and went and got like a coffee and lunch. And 

 if you ever tried to take a toddler to Ikea, Not great. If you ever tried to take a toddler solo to Ikea, it's not great. Times a thousand. no, it wasn't terrible, but it was, you know, I've had better days. So we picked out all the stuff we needed and then we went to like their circular reuse section, which is really cool here in Moga.

And on the way out ended up finding this couch that we are now sitting on and our dining room table. Basically just closing out our collection of all the stuff we needed. Had the TaskRabbit guys come meet me there. Pick us up. Again, I think I snapped a photo of me and Luca in the checkout line at ikea.

I am pulling a massive, like one of those dolly trolleys, whatever, load it up with a fully assembled couch because when you get it used, it's already assembled. So load it up with this fully assembled L-shaped [00:18:00] couch, plus like someone else in Ikea helping me push five other items. And then the poor TaskRabbit guy comes, he's are you here alone lady?

what? What do you need? It all worked out. The photo is hilarious. And I think I went through four different fruit packets of bribery. They were bribery, fruit packets with Luca that day. It's been very useful. Yeah, those fruit packets, man. anyways, so everything got furnished, you guys, it's done, it's together.

we then decided to pay someone to assemble all this furniture, which. Made a lot of sense. I remember Juan from his near deathbed being like, but we can just furnish it, save the money. We can do it. I'm so glad you did. And I was like, no sir, we will not be. I will have a thousand less coffees and just save the money that way.

These young men are assembling our furniture. so we did that. Yeah, that was a low point, but they say the darkest hour, right? Just before the high point. Yeah.

Juan Diaz: I would say my low point has been, Luke has been really [00:19:00] sick, so I would say dad's been the low one, I think the past six weeks. He's been sick every other week, which we hear is normal for a toddler, but. It's just stressful because yeah, first it was a group, then he had pink eye, and then last week he just had a really high fever and really nose, and it was just stressful when you have a toddler with a really high fever.

So I think that whole, yeah, just the stress of having a toddler that is sick was a low point. Has been the low point for me. 

Life Leaps Podcast: Yeah, I think we've made, so my cousin is a pediatric ER nurse and she's run an urgent care clinic too and I don't know all kinds of stuff. Plus has two young kids of her own, and I think I've messaged her, and her mom like, I don't know, seven times in the last, like maybe, I dunno if it's six weeks, but I'd say like the last month basically ever since we recorded our last episode and later that night.

 he has been on and off sick and we've taken to the pediatrician every time. She's like, no worries. It's a little virus. It'll pass. [00:20:00] Like things are going around. He's, getting older, so playing with a lot more kids more closely now.

Whatever. Again, we're told this is normal, but whew. 

Yeah, so That's in my low point.

Juan Diaz: okay, so special moments reflection. Looking forward to wrap us up. What do you got? 

I'm looking forward to my brother visiting in a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to continue to build on this.

I think right now, we just came back from a bike ride. We're building a pretty good routine here with like you working out and working on our project. I think that's what we're looking for, right? that's what we came here for, to give us more space to build on these things we wanna do and keep building on that.

Yeah, that's what I'm looking 

Life Leaps Podcast: forward to. So that will be the theme Bill. Yeah, I, same thing. I think moving forward, I'm treating this as like a layering project where basically, 

 Week one that we had childcare was like feeding ourselves good food. We just farm the farmer's market, we're gonna start cooking. It helps because we have to feed [00:21:00] a net too. So week one theme was like, all right, stop stopping, eating out, getting back to good food.

Got it down pat. And then week number two, last week was like, Physical exercise, so okay, we're eating well now it's,Adding that layer in of physical activity this week. I think week number three, layering has been for me building in 

 Now, like self-reflection, like I'm trying to. Pick really carefully the kinds of content I consume I'm listening on audiobook probably for the third time, but I really mean it this time to Eckhart Toley, A New Earth, which is about finding your purpose in life and.

Letting, pushing aside your ego and all these things, it's a pretty heavy read. or listen, but again, I'm actually, I'm gonna do it this time, damnit. can you finish it? Yeah, no, I'm going to, I'm going to, so it's a library book. I've got 12 days. which means it's been sitting around for a while, but yeah.

And maybe it's like the fourth time I've checked it out. maybe not. But the point is now, [00:22:00] I think this week is like, Building in that time in my day, the time for self-reflection, the time for writing, the time for consuming, good, meaningful content that's gonna make me think and feel.

and then we'll see what next week, we'll see what next week brings. but yeah, I'm viewing it as a layering project in terms of very thoughtfully, carefully meaningfully re-engineering our time and spaces. Yeah, you've done 

Juan Diaz: that seems very well. 

Life Leaps Podcast: and the reason I think this layering thing is so important and you hear me and Juan like continually, almost obsessively being like, this is why we need to work out and this is why we need to like journal and whatever.

It's because I firmly believe, in the reconstruction and restructuring whatever period that we are entering into and just in life period, we cannot see things clearly, at least as clearly as we're gonna see 'em. Unless our heads and our bodies are in the right place.

And so until we are getting some basic amount of sleep, until we are eating [00:23:00] decently like decently, managing sugar, caffeine, alcohol, whatever, doing physical activity for us is a huge part of that. Until we're doing those like baseline basic things. For our minds and bodies 

And until we've been doing them for a week or two, right? Yeah. Like you can't have to, it's like a piggy bank. Until we have reestablished that foundation ourselves, I really feel like I can't, almost, can't even trust my thought patterns. I can't trust my assessments, the situations I can't trust my decision making.

I don't have the same level of creativity and like perspective. And so for me, Doing those things is such an important foundational piece that I feel like I hope is gonna help build me, build us to then figure out the bigger stuff. Yeah, because it's the small little decisions every day that set you up to do that. that's like the foundation of your house. Yeah. And they're 

Juan Diaz: so easy, and yet it's so difficult. to get in the routine and the habit of doing them. 

Life Leaps Podcast: [00:24:00] Yeah. And we're also living with a lot less just side note, like our apartment is furnished, but it's very sparsely furnished.

Like it feels great and warm and nice, but we have acquired far less, we did it all with a couple thousand dollars, which is not nothing, for sure, but. that's everything. And I think every new little thing we add to our lives, we're thinking do we need this? Is it gonna simplify our lives or complicate it?

Is it going to relieve a burden or simultaneously create one? like just extra stuff has a tendency to do that. and so I think we're being really mindful about the stuff we have in our lives, which I really like. Yeah. okay, you guys, that's it. I'm gonna wrap with a special moment, which I feel like symbolizes like a, is like a metaphor for life and B I like my metaphors and b symbolizes again, I feel like our continued time here.

So last weekend was one of our last days with this rental car we [00:25:00] had. And I remember waking up on Sunday and being like, all right, it's time for an adventure. We need to go somewhere far, there's this. Fun market 35 minutes away. Let's get in the car, let's do it. Let's, and you know this story.

Yeah. We're going back there, baby. And Juan's like, oh God. But no, we got into a little bit of a tiff. 

Juan Diaz: Cause that's why I'm 

Life Leaps Podcast: wondering why, because I was like, drill sergeant our Sunday morning being like, we need to get up and out. This child needs to be dressed. We need to be dressed. Let's go. It's 10:00 AM Like we gotta Carpe DM this day.

Like whatever. And. I will spare you the details, but in the end, we decided not to make the 35 minute journey to the other town, to this market. I don't know, my strawberries or something I was fixated on. It was for strawberries. I really like the strawberries, but it was the symbolism. Okay. It was the symbolism of exploring and feeling like we were continuing to, whatever.

And instead we ended up,Juan was like, all right, I've got a place. And we drove, I don't know, like [00:26:00] seven minutes. Although by the way, we could have biked there with the same amount of time if we'd had bikes, which we now do. But, very close all that to say park the car in what looked like a middle of nowhere.

And I'm like, oh boy, here we go. This is not the fancy strawberry town, but I'll get out of the car. Fine. And you guys, it was somewhere that Juan had been on a bike ride with a friend a few weeks before. Next thing I knew we were on this like open, white. gravel path, with the beach, a straight shot ahead, down the end of the path, and just greenery on either side and maybe a couple small houses.

And we were walking down that path with wildflowers on the side, which was just nice in and of itself. And when we got to the end, we looked to the left and there's this massive beach with all these dogs running around. I guess it was the dog beach, that I'd never seen. And then we looked to the right and there's this adorable little, they call it like a cheering gito, which is a, like a beach side cafe.

 in the sand. They have them and they're called cheering gito. And so we amble down that [00:27:00] way. And the next thing I know we are sitting at, what to me is the cutest cheering gito we have yet to see in this semi isolated space. In the sand with our feet out. Luca is just happily running up and down, I don't know, banging rocks together, playing in the sand.

Whatever he is doing, he's doing us some of their kids' toys. Yes, as usual. We didn't bring him any. Yeah, we forgot to stalking some other child's toys. It's fine. I don't care. as long as he's happy and safe And we ended up ordering like these little coffee drinks and these delicious little, they call 'em tufos like sandwiches with avocado and tomato and fresh olive oil and like manchego cheese, whatever.

And it was just such a delightful, amazing special morning. And we didn't have to travel 35 minutes by car. In fact, we wouldn't have had to travel by car at all to get there. And it just showed me. And by the way, the bill was [00:28:00] 11 euros for all that, 

And, it, to me it was just such a special, perfect moment. But it also more largely, and importantly speaking, it was like, I think I talked about this in the last podcast, episode two, Generally just feeling like you have to travel far and wide, or you have to do this like massive thing or expedition to feel like, I don't know, stimulated or excited, or whatever it is.

And there are new, amazing, special things all around you and you just have to open your eyes to them. And I just thought that it was such a special moment that was completely not what I had expected from that morning. And instead of like huffing and whatever about it, at least not much longer than I did in the beginning, it just turned into a, like another magical moment and just like being open to that.

And, and also it's funny how even, I, my, my desire to travel and explore and, check these things out and keep this. Even when we're here across the world, still feeling like ridiculously in a way. Like we have to go. It's like [00:29:00] Karen breathe, my darling breathe. There is like wonder feeling never goes away.

Yeah. The feeling never goes away. And it's insatiable. And there is wonder and magic to be had and all around you. 

yeah. So thank you guys for joining us on this journey, and we cannot wait to fill you in sometime very soon. 

Thank you all for being here. We're a brand new podcast, so if you enjoyed it, go ahead and follow rate and review us in your podcast app so that we can know what you liked and others can find us. It would mean a lot. Last but not least, we'll keep you posted on brand new episodes each week when you follow us on Facebook or Instagram at you Guessed it like LEAPS podcast.

Till next time.

 And you can find out more about us and our adventures in the show notes to this episode. I've got a link to our blog, [00:30:00] which I do need to update, but there's still lots of stuff there. And also the previous check-in episodes that we did. So Till next time.

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