The world doesn’t need another podcast, Podcast
Political, conversations, newsmakers, social issues, music, entertainment, and paranormal. Direct, honest. Yes, I go there.
The world doesn’t need another podcast, Podcast
Talk about Terror with the experts. The Clarion Project
Richard Green the CEO and founder of the Clarion Project speaks about extremism.
Radical Islam
Far-right extremism
The Governments response
The state of Radical Islam today.
Tech companies censorship.
The Clarion Project has produced many films with millions of people watching them.
"Obsession Radical Islam's war against the West".
"Kids chasing Paradise."
"From Normal children to ISIS fighters"
"Honor Diaries" "culture is no excuse for abuse"
"Covert Cash" What Universities don't want you to know about their foreign funding.
The Clarion Project has been on Fox News, Newsmax, and many others. They are a very credible organization that often works with intelligence agencies.
The World doesn't need another podcast, PODCAST.
Larry M Levine
Larry has written for the Jerusalem Post, The Times of Israel, and many others. Levine grew up on Long Island, now in Columbus Ohio is a businessman, writer, comedian, and family man.