Nick's Cuts

Content Creation and SvelteKit with James Q. Quick

Nick Taylor Season 1 Episode 4

James Q. Quick joins Nick Taylor to discuss content creation, tooling, SvelteKit, and James and Amy Dutton's new course

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Nick Taylor:

Hey friends, we are back at live coding dot CA my name is Nick Taylor, your host, and I'm hanging out with James Q Quick today. James, how you doing today?

James Q. Quick:

What's, what's up. What's up doing good man. Doing good, busy, awesome busy week before going out of town next week. Which should be fun. We can talk about that if you want to. Anyway. Yeah. Fun stuff.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, for sure. I know you were at Magnolia, conf at Magnolia JS was that last week or mm-hmm

James Q. Quick:

that was,

Nick Taylor:

you've been kind of making the rounds.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, mm-hmm yeah, it's hard to believe it was forever ago now, but yeah, that was just last week and it was incredible. I get to see a bunch of people. In person and hang out and stuff. It was super fun.

Nick Taylor:

Oh, that's awesome. That's awesome. So speaking of, uh, conferences and stuff, that's my terrible segue to say, let's talk a bit about some content creation. I know we're gonna talk about SvelteKit, in a bit, but, I know recently you kind of went in all in, on, content creation full time, which I'd love to hear about, but I'd also be kind of curious how you kind of started in content creation, cuz, we were talking briefly before the stream and I, I just remember seeing blog posts of yours on a people might not be familiar with this site now, but it was called by, was it Chris severs? I forget his last name. Who own it?

James Q. Quick:

Seja I always wanna say it like a Spanish last name with double L so Seja but I think, I think he says Seva Laja but Chris says on socials and stuff.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that, that's just my that's the first time I encountered your content. And I think that was like maybe in 2018, maybe even 2017. I can't remember how far back that was, but

James Q. Quick:

yeah, I honestly, I don't know which to be honest um, but I like, I, I kind of wanna jump to that point, cause that's a, that's a time period. I haven't talked about as much, but really quickly, like I was doing technical evangelism at Microsoft and I was doing regular things, speaking at conferences and workshops and stuff. And as I would do these workshops, people would ask the same question over and over again. It's like, why don't I just record a video? And then just be like, go watch the video so I can help like help more people at one time, like help scale the impact of the stuff I was doing. So that was the original reason I did any video content at all. Never had dreams of like being a video creator, a YouTuber, a Twitter. I never had like none of that. And then fast forward a couple years and I kind of, I was working as an engineer at. FedEx. And I miss doing content. I miss going and speaking at, at events and conferences and I just started doing all that stuff on my own again. So I started to take YouTube seriously, and I guess that was like 2017, probably. So I started doing it consistently. At the time I reached out to, to Wes Bos, cuz I'd seen something he did on YouTube and this was before he was as big as he is now, but I reached out to him and I was like, Hey, can I like talk to you and ask you any advice as a content creator? So he gave me a cell phone number. We like chatted on the phone for 30 minutes, which is really cool. Like super cool of him.

Nick Taylor:

That's awesome.

James Q. Quick:

I know.

Nick Taylor:

No, that is super cool.

James Q. Quick:

Mm-hmm yeah. So anyway, I was like starting to do all this stuff and I came across that you mentioned, and I set a goal for myself. I think it was in 2017 to write one article on I'd found the platform. It was cool. I was following Chris on Twitter. I was like, I just, I wanna write one article. And so I ended up talking to Chris online and got set up to write, met him at person at ngconf, that year in 2017. Okay. And my goal was like, I, my priority is YouTube videos, but so I'm gonna create a YouTube video and then create a corresponding article for it after I've already got like the outline on stuff and get paid for it on scotch. So it was like, I think a couple hundred dollars per article at the time. So I really got in this rhythm and I mean, in 2017 I maybe created 20 articles. And then in 2018 I created like 40 or something. So I was doing articles like almost once a week, along with my videos. And that consistency like really helped kind of like jumpstart. I think the content creation piece been doing that ever since had a big, like couple years doing content in terms of growth recently during, during COVID and kinda led me to where I am now to be able to do it, full.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, no, it's, it's been really cool to, to see, see things grow in terms of your content creation. Like I said, I used to always retweet those because you were doing a lot of VS Code kind of things. I mean, you did other stuff too, I believe, but, uh, cuz I was running well, I still run it, but there's a VS Code tips handle that I run on Twitter. And so I was retweeting out your posts and stuff.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and then, uh, and then I remember one day you was like, James QWI gave you a follow. I'm like, yes . So it was so it was kind of, kind of cool cuz like it kind of ties into like I'm not a full-time content creator, but even when I started that VS Code tips, like I had a plan to just, you know, slowly build it up. Cause I only had so much time

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and like even now. I mean, when I started off, it was like very few followers. It's getting close to 6,000 now, but that's since like, that's awesome. 2017 that's that's since 2017, but it's like, mm-hmm, , it's just been slow growth because like, I only have a finite amount of time because I do work full time. So, and, and I kind of wanna touch on that, you know, like growing, uh, you know, becoming, I don't wanna use the word popular, but like, obviously , you know, it, it it's, I mean, I mean, you are a popular content creator now, kudos to that, but I mean, like, you know, it's not all just like, Hey, I put out a few blog posts or videos and like I made it or like, you know, send me that YouTube plaque. I don't think a lot of, I think some people realize this, but a lot of times, like, you know, there's a lot of work that goes into this and it like anything, you know, you could put all that time in and you don't make it, or it just fizzles or whatever. So I'd be kind of curious if you could kind of talk a bit about that. Cause I imagine you put in a ton of time into all of this, so.

James Q. Quick:

yeah, it's, it's definitely a ton. I looked recently and I forget what the number is, but it's like almost 500 videos that I have on YouTube. And that goes back to like a couple of early series I had that were like 20 videos, a piece, and then just creating videos once or twice a week for the last several years. And that's, that's pretty hard to believe, but I think that's important for people to know that like maybe they come across me recently or, or now for the first time and they see an audience, a size of an audience and, you know, people just kind of assume that like, that's the way it is. And the reality's like, no, like this is I, I created content for years with like very little interaction and not much growth. And I actually really suffered from like a combination of imposter syndrome and, and jealously, to be honest, that I had to deal with of like looking at other content creators that started after me that really jumped up. But I also used that as motivation to know like, like this sort of growth is possible. And so there's a list of people I could n ame, but anyway, we have like a programming YouTubers discord, which is such a, a great, environment for us to share tips and tricks and growth and like feedback and stuff. So I think that's been, huge for me too, but the biggest, absolutely the biggest thing for me is just been consistency. And it's the easiest piece of advice to give it's the hardest piece of advice to follow because of how much work it takes.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

So I think I've, I've been like, I've been fortunate in the sense that like doing developer advocacy for the last couple of years, there's a, a natural overlap with doing that sort of stuff on my own and with the company. So I get to steal a little bit of time from each. Yeah. And maybe if I get better at doing that at work, I'm now better at doing that in my personal time and vice versa. So that's kind of, helped, but it, it definitely is like, it was like getting up early and before starting work at nine, creating a YouTube video and the, the thing that people I think don't necessarily think about as all the small things that go along with it. So to create a YouTube video, come up with a topic, build a demo, record it, create cover images, learn about SEO and creating titles and texts on thumbnails and all these things and, and marketing and like building a newsletter and it's staying consistent and there's like a million different things. I think that's the hardest part. Like the actual video itself is almost by far the easiest part, it's the creating the demo. And then all the other things that go go around it and that's overwhelming. And like, we can take this in a lot of different ways, but I was just telling my wife. Yeah. Like in some ways you would think doing those full time now I would be like, I, I like this is really good. Like I just, I have plenty of time to do all the things I need and want. And it's like, it couldn't be farther from the truth. There's infinite amount of things that I still want to do. And it's, it's a good like exercise. Cause I still have to prioritize. I still have to build my own schedule and like set boundaries and limitations and all that kind of stuff. But there's a million things that I never have time to do that like, I'm hoping to kind of build some things up and get even more momentum. Yeah. Like going into next several months next year, et cetera. But, yeah, it's been, it's been a lot of hard work that I've really enjoyed over the course of several years. And now I get to do that full time.

Nick Taylor:

No, that's that's awesome. I can, like, I'm not a full-time content creator and like, but kind of what you're saying there about, like, when you're doing dev advocacy, you could actually kind of practice your kind of content creation shots, cuz dev advocacy has a lot of content creation in it on its own.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

And when I work, I used to work at dev dot two for folks in the chat that might not know. And I convinced them one hack Octoberfest back in 2020, cuz I had started streaming on my own cuz it was all open source. It was pandemic. I was like bored kind of. So I just started doing that and once I convinced them to do it for Octoberfest, I was able to kind of make it into part of my job, even though I was an engineer there and. But, but I was given limited time to do this because like, they're like, yeah, go ahead. But don't spend like,

James Q. Quick:

don't do too much

Nick Taylor:

I'll sideline my thought for a sec, but I like you like doing the video or like when I stream I'm super comfortable streaming, whether I'm doing live coding, talking to people, it's the prep, which I've gotten better at over the years. Like I automate a lot of stuff. I eventually treated myself to a stream deck, which helps too. But the biggest fear for me always was, and it happened like early on once or twice where like all of a sudden, like I go live and the audio's not working and you have to be like, kind of cool about it, but like, I'm not a it's, it's not like I'm a, a podcast engineer or anything. Like, I know very basic things. So

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

you know, that, that's the part that stresses me out and I kind of have that narrowed down now.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Like I found some good software for things. And, like, I dunno if you use Loopback, but, uh, I use that to, to feed in some things, for virtual audio. So

James Q. Quick:

can I tell you my Loopback story, which is, that was the issue I was just having. I've used Loopback for years and I had install on this machine and there was some sort of permission that I couldn't figure out how to set. So I just hadn't dug into it in like the last couple months cuz I, I just hadn't. And so I dug into it yesterday. Yeah. I finally like you have to restart the machine, go into recovery mode, set some special setting. Finally got it set up, but I didn't actually add my license key. So what Loopback does is as you're on trial mode, it just popped up with a notification. It says trial limitations are now active. Uh, while it's in trial mode, noise is being overlaid on all audio PA passing through your loopback audio device, which is where that came from. So I just went away from Loopback for now to get better audio and just come for the mic. And then I'll, I'll add the, the license key later on, but yeah, Loopback is awesome. And to your point, like, you can elaborate more into this, like that's another piece of content creation that is overwhelming. Like, I can't tell you how many hours of videos I've watched on YouTube about recording YouTube videos about lighting, about video, about audio. Like, I mean, and I was still, I was watching videos last night about how to do like a portable, podcast set up. There's like infinite amount of stuff. Okay. That I've learned. And there's infinite amount of stuff that I like still don't know and still have to get better at. So.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, no for sure. I have basic lighting in here. I don't have any fancy Elgato lights yet, but like, I, I have it's, it's kind of funny cuz so I have an office in my basement. We, we redid our basement like a few years ago. And so I had already been working partially remote at this point. So I was like, I want a dedicated office since we're doing the basement and it's got pot lights in my office here and stuff and it's great, but it never occurred to me that I would ever be doing streaming or, or, or any kind of video content. So when I turn the lights on, it just creates a shadow on me. So, so then I, I basically ended up buying a couple, not too expensive lights, but I have like one over here and I have one behind my laptop over here and it, and it provides. You know, and again, I'm just like, I'm not a sound expert. I'm not a light expert. So it's just really, I move it around until I, I figure my face looks kind of okay., James Q. Quick: that's, that's how it is. I mean, unless you get like an actual professional, you buy stuff, experiment with it. And I mean, I've probably spent, I'm probably, I've probably been too spendy at times where it's like, I didn't actually need the thing. It was just easier to spend money and think I was doing something productive than to actually learn how to use the things that I had. It's a fun hobby, especially when you're able, when you're able to generate like, even at like a couple hundred dollars a year, whatever on site and come through cont reinvest that into the setup. Like that's what I've done just year after year is continue to like make some money, reinvest that into tools and hardware and everything that I need and continue to build that up, to get better and better at it over the course of many years. Yeah, for sure. And there, and there's some stuff I've started doing. Like I don't have a podcast or anything yet. And I dropped a link to the compressed FM. I'll drop it again, cuz I think it's way up there. But I use Descript as well. Like once I do my video, cuz I, I put my streams up on YouTube and one thing I started doing is I'm actually spending time editing them. I know a lot of people don't edit their streams. They just upload 'em

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

but I, I kind of realized after cuz like there's some good chats I have with people and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna clean this up. And I I've been reusing the content in some cases like I'll get the transcripts I'll I'll use that as part of a blog post or like I'll pull clips out and stuff. So like I'm kind of. I'm just kind of thinking of a long game in terms of content. Like, and I can put these things out even months later, even though I streamed like before, you know, so there's, you know, and I'm still kind of winging stuff, but it's, uh, you know, again, cuz I'm not a full-time content creator. I, I pick my pockets of where I can do these things, but the, the editing, definitely is takes quite a while and that's, mm-hmm , you know, and I can't imagine if you're doing videos, like, uh, we'll talk about, you have a course coming out on SvelteKit too as well. You know, like when people see those videos on YouTube, you know, like that three minute perfect, you know, click here, do the, you know, like that three minutes is probably like hours and hours maybe longer. I don't know. But, um, you know,

James Q. Quick:

that's the, I guess. Sorry. Yeah, go ahead.

Nick Taylor:

Oh, no, I was just, I was just curious how you deal with that, cuz like, you know, sometimes you must be like, ah, this is like,

James Q. Quick:

yeah, it's again, like all the things that go into creating content is more than just what you see in the final video or stream or audio. So one of the things I think is a very good characteristic of myself and also like all characteristics have good and bad depending on the extreme of which you like take them. So this is a good and bad thing for me, I'm, I'm very comfortable doing something to like 80% done and kind of calling it done. So the downside of that is like, I rarely have the final polish that a lot of other people do. And a lot of different areas, like even my DIY projects that, like have started to focus on the last couple years, they're pretty good. But like that last 10, 20% times are oftentimes is not necessarily there and same thing with my content. So my editing process for video especially is as minimal as possible. So I listen to the video at two or three times speed as I'm editing. I have I and O for in and out, and then X for ripple delete. So I just IO X IO, X IO X, and go through that way.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

I add a few, like zoom in things. I add a few text overlays, but really not that much. And so I look at like content creators, like Jesse from the code stacker channel and his stuff is always so beautiful. And I'm always jealous about it, but to keep up with the consistency, like I just can't, I can't spend that amount of time, doing it. So it's definitely a tough balance. I try to get, like, try to get it to the point where it's definitely good enough. For people, if I were to get feedback, it would be like one person would notice something or like very few people and still provide the most amount of feedback for the most amount of people with a reasonable amount of effort. So my video editing for a 15 minute video, like maybe 20 or 30 minutes, for a longer video, like a little bit higher than that. So I'm not one of those people who spends hours and hours and editing just because at the end of the day, like nothing's. Gonna be perfect. And it's better to get that thing out in my mind than it is to spend more time and delay getting it out by, spending more time editing.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. No, I totally agree with that. You know, it's kind of like software too, you know, like if you, if you're waiting to ship something perfect, it's never gonna ship, like put it out, you know, software's always gonna have bugs, you know, like obviously don't put out something that's kind of like half baked potentially, but like, you know, like you, you kind of minimize the scope or you're like, okay, we can't do all these things right now. It'll take like a year to get all that out. Let's do this piece, like, so that it's, it's usable and stuff. So I can definitely appreciate that from the content perspective, because at the end of the day, People watching it, they're just absorbing the information. Right. Like, but, but I mean, I've seen your videos and they still look pretty good. So, you know, uh, yeah.

James Q. Quick:

And that, and again, that's still like that's over the course of like years of, I definitely compare myself to other people from video editing and I'm like, theirs looks much better. Mine looks to you. Very good. Which great. Thank I appreciate that. But that's also for, for other people's awareness that like, that's me streamlining my process over the course of again, five years, easy of consistently creating videos, learning small things and applying those. And then also trying to like templatize and set up shortcuts. I'm a huge shortcut, person. So if you see like all my videos, like my face is full screen, and then it's on the corner. I've got a shortcut to put my thing in the corner. I've got a shortcut to place my like social overlays and a style, my text overlays and all those things.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

So like you continue to refine that process so that you can add more with the same amount of time and effort or. Like add less, but also it take less time and effort if that makes sense. So it's, yeah, it's evolved over the course of, years.

Nick Taylor:

I can't speak to like YouTube content cause I, I don't really create any yet. I mean, I have a couple things, but it's mainly my stream uploads, but my, my stream, like if you look at the stream right now, it's got like a, it's got a footer with like, you know, you on there and there's the chat. And I've got my silly alpaca with hats changing and stuff. When I first started streaming, it was literally a black screen. If I was sharing my video, my code, I was, I had VS Code open and it was my webcam. That was literally it

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and you. I, you know, I still want to tweak what I have here, cuz it's just fun to tinker with, but I wanted, I also wanted to get it into a professional enough mode cuz like even when I was working at dev two, I couldn't put as much time into it either. So like I always had just basically Discord in the Twitch stream because it was the easiest way to share things. But you know, with that you couldn't do too much. So you know, it's been fun kind of automating stuff like this and, and it also, yeah, automating in general, like I was saying, like with the stream deck, but also like, you know, most of the stuff I have on my checklist before I stream now, it's, it's pretty much streamlined into automated things now, whereas before it was like, okay, literally, okay, press that, do this, you know? And

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and this does tie tie into it is kind of the same thing with what you're saying, you know, like once you get better at these things, you know, you totally know what you're doing. Like, like even, even like video in the stream, like I couldn't figure out for the longest time how people. We're have, because for folks that don't stream, you can't share a guest's video easily, like out of the box, you have to use something like, I know I use Stream Yard a lot. I think when you're doing

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, we do now. And that's because it's so easy to do that. Um, but I, I was doing my guest stuff with OBS and like pulling in raw feed from zoom and positioning in stuff. And then I had like, I'm actually curious, so you can tell me how you do it in a second, but I would pull in guest information from data and Airtable and then display it on the overlay. And I had an overlays website that I like basically copied from Brad Garby. So he was a big inspiration for me when I was doing that. And I was really proud of that. Yeah. So anyway, do you like, do you hard code the information for like my name and the title, or do you have that stored somewhere and then automatically pull that in? How does that work?

Nick Taylor:

It is hard coded for now in the sense, but the it's actually a, a web form. So like, I'm not gonna remove it now, but like, I can get, I can get the URL. I can show it, gimme one sec here. But basically I use, there's a couple things. One, like I found it harder, like when I was setting up my, my footer and stuff and all that with just what's in OBS. So like, I, I had some aspects that were web, which are the interactive parts.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Let's go to, let me just share my screen for a sec here all. There we go. Oh, we got you up there. Okay, cool. So, I have, I have this form here, so this. It, it doesn't look properly formatted right now. Cause another thing for folks who don't stream is, whenever you have web views in, in streaming it's it's for Chromium only, and I have it fit exactly like you can be pixel perfect

James Q. Quick:

the window size.

Nick Taylor:

So that's why, that's why this isn't responsive. But, if I change the URL here and of course it's deployed to Netlify. So this is

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

whenever I, whenever I finish my stream, I wipe out the information and then I come in here after and you know, I can just go like this and then I submit it and this is what runs on the stream. And then it updates it down there.

James Q. Quick:

Oh, cool. Yeah,

Nick Taylor:

that part is like dynamic in that sense, but I do wanna eventually, you know, pull it in from Airtable or stuff, you know, just one more aspect to automate. It's just, I haven't had time to do that yet. And I also want to put it in Airtable or something similar as well, because. Right now when I on my website, like if I go to here, I've got my streaming and I have a GitHub action that pulls in like latest videos and stuff, but I do want to eventually generate separate pages. And if I had it in Airtable, you know, I could have the information about the guest and then I could load the YouTube video still and stuff, you know, just, cuz like a lot of stuff like, I automate in here. I mean, I know we're not, this isn't really video stuff, but like a lot of my blog I automate too, like I pull in blog posts from dev two and then they just, GitHub action does it automatically and it just publishes my blog posts. So,

James Q. Quick:

so you write, you writes a dev, you dev to first and then import into your blog.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, exactly.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

I have content on hash node too now, but I don't have that automated at the moment. So that. I kind of copy paste or no, I, I, they have an importer actually for dev two articles. So I that's how I do that. But there, but like, to your point before where you're saying, like, you still have all these things you wanna do, like, there's a, there's a million things I have in my head to automate, cuz I, cuz it will 100% make me more efficient. It's just, there's only so many hours in the day.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, it's a fun, it's a fun world to be in. It's a fun problem to have. But it is like slightly defeating sometimes to never have enough time to do all the things cuz the, it is so cool. Right? Like all the doing, doing automation setup with code is like the epitome of why it's amazing to be a developer. Like as a developer, we can look at a problem, like a digital problem of some sort and we can go and solve it cuz we can write the code to do it. And that's so cool. But you just need the time to actually sit down and, and knock it.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, I know for sure. For sure. So, you know, we'll, we'll talk about the podcast a bit too, and we will get to SvelteKit at some point. I know we're kind of kind of changing the, the topic of the stream a bit, but I hope that's okay. Cuz this is really interesting stuff anyways.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

um, so I guess like what's the point like this, this might sound obvious, but like, like to go full time on content creation, like, you know, when, when like what's that tipping point, like in YouTube, like when can you start making like a salary almost off of YouTube? Like is, is it based on the users? Which cause the viewership like, like I don't really know how the algorithms work or anything like that.

James Q. Quick:

So the, the easiest first answer that people typically think of, which is actually not the biggest driver in terms of revenue is ads on YouTube. So. You can get, you get monetized after I forget what the number is a thousand subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the previous year. Okay. And then now you're eligible to, to earn money. And I remember like, having a phone call, like calling one of my best friends and be like, dude, I like, I got monetized. I just, I made, I've got 16 cents like that I've made for ads, but the like, it's, it's obviously so tiny, but that's like, that's starting to now get this feeling of like, the stuff that I do is actually valuable to some extent, like, not that much. Yeah. But there's value associated with this. And so anyway, like that, that is not the number one thing. And I'll give a couple numbers. I'm super transparent for people that are curious. I think the most I've made in a month. I, I think I had one month that was maybe 2,500 to $3,000 in a month from ads, which that's, that's like the high end. And I haven't done that like, especially recently. But that's a pretty significant amount of side income. Like that's a great thing. I yeah, for sure. My most recent one, I think is 1200 and like 1200, a thousand to 1500 maybe is kind of a good range, maybe 2000 if I'm having a better month. So anyway, that's a little bit of an idea, like that's nice side income. That's not a salary by any means. And so

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

the bigger thing actually comes from sponsored content and that, is super valuable, especially as you build your brand, your reputation, like you're active in places, people trust the things that you come out with. Cause you have to be careful about doing sponsored content to make sure that it fits your channel. That it's like brands that you believe in that you're not gonna lose trust by creating content around, that sponsor. And so I've been doing that

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

To some extent for two years or so. And so like the first, the first one I did was.$500. And then I did some in a thousand and then I did 2000 and then I made a jump to 5,000 and that was like a big, big deal for me. And now I'm somewhere in the range of like seven to 10,000 per video. And now you're starting to talk about like real income, right? If you can do

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

A couple of those per month, and then later on like a thousand dollars with YouTube ads and like maybe existing courses that bring in a few hundred dollars or maybe a thousand dollars a month, like now you're looking at, at real money. And so by the time I got let go from Planet Scale, like just like general numbers the previous year, I made 60,000 on the side, which super, super cool also part of that was teaching. So it was a little bit, I think I got like 10,000 in that calendar year from teaching. And so up until the summer, I'd maybe made like 35,000 and

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

I have had enough work to do that I couldn't do at all. And so I knew going full time. I could do more. I also knew I had been generating money side, which means I have savings. Like we've been really responsible, so I'd already proved I can generate a pretty good amount of income. My wife makes a good salary. She has benefits. So I don't have to worry about that part. And I knew that I had enough work in the backlog of companies that I'd be excited to work with, to be able to do it full time. So that's what that's, what I'm doing now is balancing like the majority of income, right? The second is from sponsored content. It's cool because I get to meet different companies and trial different products, and that's a ton of fun. Also very lucrative, monetarily, and then a couple of the extra things. The podcast is bringing in some income with sponsorships. That's something I'm gonna spend more dedicated time with now that I'm full time. The bigger thing, and you see this with the "Web Bos"es and "Scott Tolinsky"es and Chris Sev that we talked about earlier, the bigger potential impact comes from like having your own courses. And so that'll like we can lead into the Everything Svelte, course conversation whenever we're ready, but that'll be like the bigger kind of scaled opportunities is content that you a hundred percent own that people are looking to consume because you've provided enough value and earned enough trust in the community, that they trust the stuff that you put out.

Nick Taylor:

Wes Bos who you're speaking about, uh, fellow fellow Canadian, shout out Tim Horton's Tim bits anyways. He's been doing it for a long time and, and I think it's Joel Hooks from egghead that calls him Wes Bos as a service

James Q. Quick:

service. Yep.

Nick Taylor:

They've kind of modeled like they do the courses on egghead, not like there's egghead the platform. Yeah, exactly. So I think they've kind of modeled it somewhat to kind of what he was doing.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

what he does, but, uh,

James Q. Quick:

Egghead's got a great,

Nick Taylor:

super successful

James Q. Quick:

strategy about that. Yep. And, and to your point Wes too. There's a question I wanted to answer if that's okay. From,

Nick Taylor:

oh yeah, yeah. Go for it

James Q. Quick:

from Josh, who will be on the podcast Friday. I misspoke earlier and said tomorrow today's Wednesday. So I'll be on the podcast Friday. He was asking if I make money at conferences and the most of that answer is up until this point, no, but that's something that I want to. Scale up is my speaking presence and look and target higher profile speaking opportunities, specifically keynotes and like maybe MC like I think MC would be fun and also get paid for that. So I actually have, I, this sounds really cool to say, although nothing's happened with it yet, but I have a speaker agent now. So in theory, what, what happened is like she will source opportunities and she knows my speaker rate and how to factor in like travel and that sort of stuff. And set that stuff up for me to where that would be like passively happening behind the scenes. And then I get to prepare content and go on talk. And I know like lots of people will do this sort of thing. Danny Thompson is one, that's done a ton of stuff. And he's done really well for himself on either virtual and in person of that sort of stuff. So that's, that's one of the things that I'm looking to, scale up as well. So like not so much have made money yet, but that's one of my goals and, probably next calendar year is to start generating some income off of speaking opportunities as well.

Nick Taylor:

That's cool. No, I think you'd definitely be a great keynote, for folks. I'm sure most people in the chat know who you are, but yeah, you've got some pretty, pretty serious, rap skills there. Bring that to the keynote.

James Q. Quick:

what, so I've like, I've thought about pitching that at some point. I like that would be a whole different level of imposter syndrome for me. Like that's a, like, it's cool to do the rap stuff. And I think, I think I'm good enough about it to like share it and not be embarrassed about it, but to be up on stage and in front of people and do it live, like that's a whole different thing where people in, in theory, they're like, yeah, that'd be super cool. I'd love to see it. But then like, would it be awkward? I don't know. So maybe one day.

Nick Taylor:

I'm interested in doing talks too. Cause I've given like, prior to the pandemic I had given literally one talk at a meetup, like a Montreal JavaScript meetup. It went okay. Like, I mean, the content was good. It was about storybook, but I it's the first time I presented and like, you know, coordinating your slide deck and all that stuff. It wasn't that great. But, I I've been doing a ton of talks since the pandemic, but they've all been virtual. Like I, like, I did one for a Hacktoberfest for Digital Ocean in 2020, and, a bunch of others. I do some like the Virtual Coffee Lunch and Learns too. But, I'm looking to, to finally do a, like an actual in person, one like a, I I'm pretty comfortable talking to people generally, like my job I've never had like potentially thousands of people in front of me or something. So that's could be a whole different ball game, but that that's kind of on my plate. Like I submitted one to Modern Frontends there in London. It's still,

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

it's still in evaluation.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Yeah. Yeah. So, so we'll see. I mean, if it doesn't work out oh yeah, you're going okay. Cool. Cool.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah. Amy and I are both going.

Nick Taylor:

Nice, nice.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, I'm looking so actually I can't, I don't, maybe I could, but I won't. So I'll be super, not suspicious, super tease. I'll te yeah. Tease something. So I will actually have my first, bigger keynote opportunity coming up in January, which I'm super excited about. I'll share on Twitter and stuff if people are interested. But I think they wanna make a bigger announcement. So I'll wait to say who, although, like you could go and research what conferences are happening in, in January and maybe find out. So I'll be doing that in January, which I'm super excited about. Can I actually, can I plug a link in the chat for a talk that I'm giving tomorrow? Virtual? Yeah. Go for it. So this is with, Brian Rinaldi. I've gotta know him over the past several months. He was at a conference with me a few months ago, so we got to hang out and chat. And then, anyway, I'm doing a talk for group about 30 tips for like navigating your career your way, which is a ton of fun. So that's actually a segment of stuff that I will probably like keynote opportunities. I'm thinking a lot of them will revolve around like career stuff. Anyway, so I'm excited to do that one.

Nick Taylor:

No. That's cool. Yeah, I know brian's good people. I think I met him through Lucia Cerchie she used to work at StepZen with him and he's he's in, my Virtual Coffee community now. He's got a lot of stuff going on. He does like, well there's the CFE talks that I think they happen

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

once a week or maybe every two weeks, but it, there was uh, the jam dev he did

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

or, or organized, uh, like he's he's got a bunch of stuff going on.

James Q. Quick:

There was Moar Serverless. Yeah, there was

Nick Taylor:

exactly, yeah.

James Q. Quick:

Like a, a women in tech one. I forget what the name of that was. Yeah, he's doing awesome stuff. Also super shout out to Virtual Coffee too. Bekah is like one of my favorite people in the world and I hear,

Nick Taylor:

oh yeah. Same

James Q. Quick:

I know good things about Virtual Coffee, but I continue to hear even better things about Virtual Coffee, just from people in the community. So super excited that you're able to, to volunteer with them and participate there as well.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, she's really great. I I've known her since I think June 2020 now it's like getting close to three years.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

like, I, I was like one of the first people and she just put out a tweet on, you know, this is like the pandemic. Everything was like doom and gloom. I mean, pandemic's not over, but like in 2020 it was, pretty doom and gloom and she's just like, Hey, anybody wanna, you know, have a Virtual Coffee? Or it was, I think that it was phrased like that somehow, you know,

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and, sent her a DM on Twitter. I think I missed the first one cuz of a work thing, but then I said, Hey, I can come to the next one. And ever since then. Yeah. She's really great people.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

yeah, she's working over at uh, where's it at

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

yeah. Deepgram. Thank you.

James Q. Quick:

Can I do another? I feel like there's like

Nick Taylor:

just plug away, plug away. I have no sponsors, so just shamelessly plug anything.

James Q. Quick:

Let me come on your stream and share all the things that I have going on. So Bekah, actually, she does community at Deepgram, which is AI for like speech checks and other things. And she was looking for a community to do a hackathon with. So we're actually partnering with her and Deepgram to do an exclusive hackathon for the learn, build, teach community. So there requirement is like, like there's like submission details and stuff, but it'll be from October 21st through the 31st. And so you'd have to be a part of the learn, build, teach community, which we have a few people in the chat that already are including, Brittney who's, one of our admins and extended teammate of yours at Netlify. And anyway, so that's gonna happen in October and we've got an exclusive or like dedicated channel for it inside of Learn, Build, Teach Discord. If people are interested in joining nice cash prizes by the.

Nick Taylor:

Okay. Yeah. So make it rain, people make it rain no, that's cool. Yeah. Life of a content creator goes in so many directions.

James Q. Quick:

I was telling my wife and I kind of mentioned this earlier. Like I feel like I, I never, I never have enough time and I was telling my wife earlier. I was like, I feel like I have so many different things going on right now. It's kinda wild. Like all of it is stuff I love. And that's always the number one thing is figuring out how to prioritize and make sure that like for the things you do, you have enough energy and time to invest in them to do them well. Which is a, a constant struggle. But anyway, yeah, lots of, lots of good things going on.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, no, it's cool. That's great that you can offer like cash prizes with, with Deepgram there. I mean like, obviously hackathons are, are, are fun on their own, but

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

when there's a nice incentive, like especially when much money Yeah. You know, your motivation goes up a few notches, I think.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

But no, that's cool. So like, we'll, we'll touch on one other thing. I know, I know we still haven't talked about SvelteKit, I think.

James Q. Quick:

Are you looking at Brittney comments?

Nick Taylor:

Like yeah, yeah. But, but this does tie into Svelte. I listen to your compressed FM. I work out in the morning, but I usually take like an hour long walk in the evenings.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Just to clear my head and stuff. And I was listening to one of the episodes yesterday and you were talking about building a Wordle clone with

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Svelte so there's, the segue to Svelte, Brittney, just so that she is

James Q. Quick:

fine, Brittney. Nick Taylor: Yeah, yeah. It was just interesting hearing about all the, the pieces that go into, well, like anything you build out, you know, there's, it looks fairly simple from the outside. Yeah. But there's a lot of logic that goes into any game, I think. And, and you were talking about all the, just the different logic and stuff and, it, no, it's just, interesting to listen to you. But there was a ton. There's a ton of logic in that game. Like, it, it, it is simple to consume, but there's like a ton that goes into it. And that's why it was such a fun project. Cuz at the time I had been using Svelte for a while, but like not, not super like just demos for YouTube, which is like the big difference, honestly, between you and I, you actually get real engineering work and I just build demos for YouTube, which means I can try more things. But my depth of knowledge is, is probably not there in a lot of scenarios. So anyway, this was a cool, like slightly bigger project to work on with felt and build something fun. Cuz word, I think was such an inspirational thing. Going back to like the benefits of being a developer like that developer built something in a month or two months or however long and did in a way where people were, were really enticed to play and then sold it for a million dollars or several million or however much like that's the, that's the feeling. That's like the thing that's the goal, right. Is to be able to create something. Yeah. Maybe it's money. Maybe it's just to help the world. Maybe it's to see other people use it and like feel good about having created a thing, whatever it is. so, yeah, that was a ton of fun. A lot of what I talked about in there is, was Svelte store. So for people who are new to Svelte, this is one of my favorite things about Svelte in addition to like several other things, it's just a built in, store, which is kinda like your state management thing. So in react, you have the context API, which is like always way more confusing to me to set up than I would like it to be also thinking about a beginner using it, like, Ugh, there's so many things like it works great for what it is once you get it set up, but it is really tricky to get it set up. And then I've always been a fan of Angular cuz Angular has had services, which kind of, serve as stores built in and they're more opinionated. So I have more stuff built in anyway, like the, the state management stuff with stores and spell is super nice. And so I was talking through all the different game pieces that I have to keep, keep track of. Has the user played the game before? Have they played. Today's game or word, have they, how many days have they played in a row? What's their streak? Like, did they, did they win those games? Do they lose those games? And then you get down to like guessing individual letters. So you have to keep track of like the, the letters overall that they've guessed. And then you have to keep track of like where the letters are that they've guessed. Then you have to keep track of the feedback for each individual letter of whether or not it's correct. Not correct. Or just like not in the right spot. You have to keep track of all these things. Yeah. So that logic got like deeper and deeper, but it felt was just, it was a ton, ton of fun to work with and, made the learning experience a really, really a good one and, continuing to use Svelte and now SPEL kit, which we can talk about a little bit, more and more.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. So like, Brittney who's in the chat, my coworker. Who's awesome. By the way. I did a stream with her about a month and a half ago and she gave me an introduction to Svelte, so not SvelteKit. So Svelte. I kind of got the gist of it. I've done Angular before, but this was like back in the Angular 1.4 days.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Angular JS. Yeah. They renamed it that's right. But yeah, but when I saw Svelte, I've done a lot of Handlebars in the past, which is another templating language and, and Svelte, looked a lot like that, but also with a mix of actual JavaScript. That's one thing like in Handlebars, like when you have stuff in the curly brackets, you can't use JavaScript in it. Like they have kind of expressions you can put, but it's not actual JavaScript then with Svelte they just went all in, which is super nice. Cuz it was something I always found super annoying about Handlebars, cuz you would basically have to create these conditions elsewhere. And then just say if this condition, you know, was like, it, it was just caused a lot of friction for me, but it's kind of neat to see how that's all working and you know, it's reactive as well. So like, like just setting like at least from the stuff I

James Q. Quick:

just updating a variable.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. Like you don't, you don't do a set state. Like if for folks who've done react, you know, it's just like you declare your variable and then it becomes reactive. So you can just later on say like this variable is now equal to this or plus plus and. There's people in the chat going. Oh Lord Handlebars expressions. Uh, yes. Yes.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, just there's, there's a ton of different templating languages. They're all more or less kind of the same, but the, the addition of like the JavaScript piece in there is really nice. And then with Svelte the directives that they give you on top of that, and then especially the state management within a component of like, not having to use your state, but just having a variable and then updating that variable is a game changer. Yeah. It's so, so nice to not have to worry about the state stuff as much.

Nick Taylor:

It's nice to see Svelte kind of comes back to like, even though it's a, a Svelte component file, you have a script tag, you have like a markup section

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and then CSS, you know, using an actual script tag, a style tag. So it's like, I know it's not actually like an HTML file because it's, it's gotta get compiled and stuff, but it's, it's nice that they went with like, what's like really in the platform, you know, and I think that to me lowered the barrier right away. Like, I didn't know much about Svelte before speaking with Brittney on, on the last stream. And, you know, I, I felt pretty comfortable just getting to work already. I having some handlebar experience helped me a bit with the syntax, but you know, just it being like, I can just declare CSS. I can, you know, just write JavaScript pretty much like in a vanilla way. I think that removed the barrier to learn it, you know? I'm by no means of professional yet, but , it it's just like within that hour and a half, I felt very productive is what I'm getting at.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah. Yeah. It really is. So like Svelte on its own, like not Svelte kit yet, like the syntax, the simplicity, the built in stuff. Super, super nice. Then you layer on SvelteKit and like people, this is usually the easiest comparison from their React ecosystem. You have Create React App. Then you have something like Next.js and Next.js. I think was like one of the things that really pushed the definition of modern web development, cuz we went through this real big phase with the Jamstack of like strictly static content and Gatsby in the React ecosystem was dominating that, everybody at the time was rebuilding their site with Gatsby, which I did as well. And I like didn't do anything with Next.js for a long time. Heard about it for a long time. Finally tried it and it's like, okay, now you have the ability to do statically generated content server side rendered content, and then mix those in between with like hydration and stuff on the, the front end, if you need it. And so it gave you like it, it just gave you the tools to build all the things that you want to and be able to pick and choose when and how to do what, which way super generic, but like it, then it then became about education. I think of like with the different options that we have, what are the trade offs? What are the benefits and how do we choose based on the specific scenario, the thing, the problem we wanna solve, which of those makes the most sense? Mm-hmm and we kind of got into. A new like phase of Jamstack and modern web development, is that ability to have the tools to do the thing that you need and the way that you want. All of it's kind of right there. And so that's, what's SvelteKit yeah. Has become forced felt. And previously there was Sapper, which I had never used, which was just that layer on top of Svelte itself. And now there's SvelteKit. Okay. Which now is in RC, for 1.0, just went through a bunch of big changes, which I can talk about that from a content creation perspective, which has been really difficult. But now it gives you the ability to, like, you can have static content. You can have, server side rendered content, which especially if you're doing something like authentication, now you can like gate pages before they actually get to the browser. Cause because the way authentication works in single page apps is like, you load the app. Now you do some sort of check to see if the user's logged in before you display anything or you display a loader or something. And so you have this like slight delay it's worked really well for years, but there's a delay in like. After I load the page, do I know that the user's logged in or not versus now if you do that server side, you make a request of the server. It figures out if you're logged in, if you're not at redirects, you may be to a different page or to log in. If you are logged in, it just sends the page directly. And so now you actually have the content that you need with it. You can pass props to it and all those things. And so you have that ultimate flexibility again, to build a thing that you need to build, and the way that makes the most sense, for you with kind of all the tools that you need. So it's really exciting. I think, as a developer to see, like, not only was there Next.js that kind of, to me put that idea on the map, but also these other frameworks that are working with it, maybe slightly against it, but like as an ecosystem, the tools and things continue to get better and better. And there's some mixed feedback, I think, on the updates and SvelteKit, I think it's one of those things. From a, like a setup perspective or just from a, like how it looks and feels perspective. That's a little iffy for people initially, because they're used to the way it was, but I think it's one of those things that's gonna pick up and become more common across different, frameworks as well. And people are just gonna get used to it and they're gonna really enjoy it. So the, the excitement, the optimism of SvelteKit, like I definitely have, and I think lots of people in the, in the community, probably in the chat as well, share also.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, yeah, there's been, um, it kind of like, I don't know if I wanna say Renaissance, but like, you know, things have kind of come back a bit to how the web was originally, like, cause we went. We, we got into this whole single page application thing. I was guilty of working on these two. There, there are valid use cases to have a single page application.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Figma is a great example. It's like a, it's really a lot of client side interactivity. They're also using like web assembly stuff, but yeah, wasm, wazam Anthony, for example, he's mentioning serverfull MPAs, so multi-page applications, the funny thing about that is the term MPA exists because we created SPAs before that an MPA was literally

James Q. Quick:

just a website,

Nick Taylor:

a website. Yeah. you know, so, so it is just kind of funny like that, that we've got these terms now, but, but you do need it to distinguish it and I think it's probably for newer developers too, cuz like, cuz a lot like a lot of, you know, people from the old guard when I speak to 'em they're just like, yeah. So a, a regular website,

James Q. Quick:

a website. Yeah. But people, people that are newer that like joined in this like glamorization of static sites and, or just like spas in general, they're like, oh, like I thought this is how it's always been. So it is good to differentiate. And I do, I do think too, like it's important to note like as funny as it is that we've come full circle and now we've like added back in functionality that was already there. The, the functionality of having an MPA multipage app, having server side rendered stuff, which is what was the default several years ago. Now we have that in a much more modern way. So it's not like we just decided the old way was the right way. Like we decided like all of these have benefits and now we're providing frameworks and tooling around that to enable again, developers the options to build the right, use case for the, or like use the right use case for the thing that they're building based on very specific needs, which again comes back to the education as a developer because these different

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

scenarios and options exist. You now have to understand more about how the web works more about implications of performance, more about all the things that go into it to then make the educated decision on which way to.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, no, for sure. And like, you know, even static sites are still, it's still a great thing to have. Like I have my blog, I have an Eleventy blog and it's a static site because there's literally nothing interactive about my blog aside from like, I have a toggle to change the themeing. But there's, there's the interesting things like in, incrementally generating some pages, it's got different terms on, in different frameworks, but, you know, you could serve like, like the example I always think of is like, imagine you're a newspaper online, maybe you statically generate like this month's content, but there's no point on generating like millions of pages, meaning like. An article from like 1972 or something, cuz you know, if somebody really does wanna read that article, whenever they click on it, then that's when it will get generated. You know? So like it's, it's kind of like a hybrid and it's, there's a lot of great stuff. This kind of touches on stuff I do at Netlify cause I work on the frameworks team. So it it's really cool to cuz like before I was, you know, only working in one kind of tech stack now I get to kind of dabble in all kinds of tech stacks, but it's just really like serverless and Edge is also enabling a lot of this stuff, you know? So like it's, that's another, it's kind of going to the old way, but in a modern way, you know what I mean?

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

So like, you know, just having serverless or Edge is, is great for a lot of scenarios, including stuff like you're talking about. And I know SvelteKit supports this, cuz we have a, an adapter for Netlify to, serve your app on the Edge. And so like you could have stuff where you're just saying like some edge function says, Hey, you're trying to access some gated content, you know, and the edge function can say like, you gotta log in first and then you can serve the static stuff. So it's, it's a nice kind of hybrid and just kind of evolution of what like the Jamstack become. So it's, it's pretty cool.

James Q. Quick:

The serverless serverless piece, the edge piece, and then like from a database perspective with the edge all gets really, really interesting. That's a, I think like one of the missing ish pieces is how to do databases.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

really well, that can be taken advantage of that can be used and um, on the edge, but yeah, fun.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, for sure

James Q. Quick:

world, we live in.

Nick Taylor:

I know you're no longer at Planet Scale, but like Planet Scale is one of those companies trying to, you know, solve that problem because like mm-hmm, having websites on the edge is super fast, but if you have to go to Amazon, you know, us east to hit a database, then you get that slow down there. It's definitely a, a tough problem, I would say. But, companies like, Planet Scale, FaunaDB, and other Edge enabled databases are working on that tough problem. So it's, cool to see what's going on. Yeah.

James Q. Quick:

Anthony mentioned

Nick Taylor:

there's so much going on.

James Q. Quick:

mm-hmm Anthony mentioned Neon and Cockroach as well.

Nick Taylor:

Oh yeah.

James Q. Quick:

And Luciana mentioned Prisma and Supabase for Edge apps. So I'm kind of curious how Supabase specifically falls into that. Cause like, this is where the intricacies of all these things in buzzwords and technologies that we have at our disposal, the, depth of knowledge that it takes, to understand exactly when and how to take advantage of them is tricky because the Edge, like the Edge, doesn't just solve a bunch of stuff for you. Like if, if you're making a request to something that's at the Edge, it's closer to you. But if that thing is making a database request to your point to a database that on the other side of the world, you've, you've not really sped up anything. Like you're still having to make a request for something all the way on the other side of the world. So I'd actually be curious. This is like a different conversation maybe for Lua of how, how super base fits into the edge piece there. Cause I think, I think super base is still like a deployed thing in a us, like it's a Postgres thing in a, probably about a fault a us data center. So I don't know like, what else comes with that? Oh, Supabase has dge functions. Yeah. So that's interesting.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

Cause I still, I, again, I like this is where the, the details come into play. Cause I'd still be interested. Like if they have edge functions, do they also have edge replications of the database cuz. They have the edge function, unless you've got stuff, cached, you're still having to make a request from there to wherever that actual database is. If that makes sense.

Nick Taylor:

I get what you mean, like the functions can be there, but it's, it's the same thing, like a webpage just saying go to a, go to a database again, but I it's, it's a bit out of my own wheelhouse. I find it's super interesting cuz like I think whoever cracks that problem is gonna be huge in the next few years, for sure. Because like moving your websites to the Edge, you know, like there's trade offs for everything. Like when you serve stuff on the Edge, you, I think you get like 50 milliseconds of CPU time to like run your function. Whereas if you're on serverless, you get like 10 seconds, you know? So there's like, it depends, it depends. Depends what you're doing too, you know?

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

It's not like edge is necessarily perfect for everything, you know, everything has trade offs, but it's definitely, if you can serve your stuff on the Edge, it's, it's better cuz it's closer to where your potential customers are, you know? But yeah, there's, there's like so much, I know we're going to UN tangents here, but uh, honestly, like as, as a web developer I've been so like some people, you know, get drained by hearing about, oh, another JavaScript framework or this or that, or like so many things are changing and I just find it's super interesting and it's, I, I just think it's great. Like, like even tooling is so much better. Like even though people still complain about tooling, probably it's like light years of ahead of. It used to be, you know, and like, I don't know, there's just so much going on, but just like the teaching aspect in terms of like new developers, like, you know, you get this overload of, okay, here's seven frameworks, here's a million databases, here's a tool chain, you know? So I, I know like for example, Fresh, which is a, a newer Edge based, framework, you know, they're trying to go back to simplicity. There's no like there's no bundle step. You just push your pages up and kind of like, that's it, you know? So it's like, I think there's a as aspect of simplifying things again, too, but

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

I dunno. So, so much stuff.

James Q. Quick:

And like and like getting rid of boilerplate, like I think that's, that's the epitome of the progression of frameworks and tools is like seeing the things that we, we have to do. Like we do it over and over again and saying like, all right, there's no need in everyone writing the code for this and kind of baking some of that stuff into these newer frameworks. Yeah. I think it's also easier with, with experience comes the ability to not get so overwhelmed with all these new things, because you're able to make a more educated decision in your head of like what you can ignore and what you can like passively listen to, and then make an educated decision of like, okay, this has been a thing that people are talking about long enough that I may need to invest some time just for like the benefit of my career going forward, just to learn about it.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

And maybe dig in more. That's definitely how I approach it. Like. I feel like I was like two years behind a lot of people in trying out Next.js. And then I was behind a lot of people in SPEL kit. And then I recently red redid my personal site in Astro. And it's, it's hearing about these things for, for months and maybe a couple years, knowing that I have the ability to like tune it out for now and I can focus on what I'm doing also acknowledging like these are things to pay attention to in the future, and then making that decision at some point, because when you're newer, you hear a new thing and you think you have to go and do it. You think you have to go and, and learn this new framework or tool and, and you, you just don't necessarily have the experience to know when and where to put your extra time that you have, cuz we only have so much time. And you're also like in this learning journey on your own anyway. So I think it, it definitely is like a level of comfort that comes with the experience of being able to know like when and how to prioritize your time, where and for what specific opportunities.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, no for sure. Totally agree. Cuz like I, I used to like just drink from the fire hose and after a while it it's just not maintainable. I'm not gonna be building something with literally all these new things. So I, I got more into the habit of I'll, I'll skim some things, okay. That looks cool. I might bookmark or whatever. And then later on I might go back to it, you know, or, or a lot of times like a lot of jobs I've had is just. Yeah, this is what we're using. And you just, I dunno if you, the expression still, but baptism by fire, you just get thrown into it and it's like, YOLO, let's go. There's just, there is so much stuff and you know, you gotta have that work life balance too. Like, I mean, you still wanna learn. I, I, I'm definitely a firm believer of you, you kind of do have to put some time outside of work, really to, to learn more like, you know, I do believe in work life balance, but I also know that like I put in time to, to learn a lot of the things that I'm, pretty good at nowadays, you know? Like, and you know, that's just a choice. People make, you know, not to get all, deep.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, no, it's a good, yeah, it's a good, it's a good conversation to. to have also, and this is maybe what Brittney's kind of getting at. So I'll, I'll push back a little bit to say, like, I think that's also the company's responsibility to foster that type of environment in terms of companies should be providing learning opportunities, training opportunities. They should provide two hours a week, or like, whatever the thing is of like exploration to go out and learn something new, spend time with that new tool. Because like, to your point, because I had spent so much time when I was in engineering at FedEx learning about web development on my own, I would come into work all the time and be like, I know how to solve this problem because I've done this and something at home.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

And so I think company I think it's companies responsibility to support that. And one of the tips that I have for people in their career is just to always ask and so ask for time to do that. Ask for money for that. Like at FedEx, for example, got to go to a conference, which was a couple thousand dollars. And then I would progressively every couple months ask for resources to get a new course. So I would take west boss's course. I would take stuff on you to me. And maybe over the course of, you know, the three years that I was there got a thousand or 1200 bucks or whatever to do, education, but I, like I asked for that and then invested that time.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

And then invested the money at work to, to learn these things. Cuz I could bring it back to the team and to help educate and grow the team as a whole. So yeah, I spent have always spent plenty of time outside of work, but also just wanna call out for people like that should be something that you can leverage your company for as well. I think good companies should.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

Should foster that type of learning environment and support that?

Nick Taylor:

No, for sure. And, and there's like in, in terms of the money aspect, a lot of places do offer educational stipends.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

like the, I, I had an educational stipend at dev two before I used it all, you know, bought some courses and stuff. Netlify has it as well. I've already used some of it. I haven't finished it all yet, but it it's, it's totally worth it, you know, grab some books courses. And to your point about like the learning on the job, I, I definitely think it's great if a company can do that. I don't wanna say pro tip, but sometimes like, cuz most places I worked at, they just didn't do that. You know, things have changed over the years, but I would just basically use part of my day to learn stuff and I just would, you know, I just wouldn't tell people, I would just be like, cuz it's not, really cheating the job. It's like it's helping my job and help them, you know? So, uh,

James Q. Quick:

agreed. Yep. I think that's, that's definitely a reasonable thing as well. And especially like, as you're continuing to, to get your work done, whatever, that's the, that's the priority. So what you can, how you prioritize your time to still get stuff done and also be productive for yourself is, is up to you I think.

Nick Taylor:

We haven't talked about it. We talked a bit about SvelteKit, but I know you're, uh, I can't remember if you, you have a SvelteKit course, but I can't remember if it's finished or are you still working on it? Cause I know there's been a lot of changes to SvelteKit itself.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, it is very much still in progress. So it's, it's called, Everything Svelte Brittney's got the link in the chat, for And this is, Amy and my podcast cohost and I working on this and it's okay. It's SvelteKit , Supabase, Stripe, Tailwind, a bunch of like really cool technologies. So just like hands on experience building with SvelteKit and other technologies and. And it it's been really tough. So we're like, and this is, this is a learning. I think every course creator has, has gone through this. I think every content creator has gone through this. It's taking a lot longer than we expected. And then, especially because of the changes. So like we had recorded some content and had to rerecord it with this fault kit changes, held off on like starting to do any of the Supabase stuff. Cuz they just went through an update with Supbase too, which is in RC. So that has pushed things back by a lot. And so basically what we're doing the course is an open preview now at a 40% off rate and

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

I think there's like 20 videos out now. It does. It's like overall it's not getting you that far. So it's really like, although 20 video sounds like a lot, it's a decent amount of setup and kinda getting started.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

And so we'll just continue to release videos over the next several, to be honest, um, as we have them ready. So Amy is doing, the kind of first half of the course, which is design and animation and pages and layouts and that co kind of stuff, which is really, really cool. And then I'm adding on like the Supabase stuff, getting into Stripe, and then, she's gonna do testing and email and stuff after that. So we're just trying to, trying to get as much done as quickly as we can also being respectful of like changes in a community and also balancing that with people that are looking for content and that, it's hard for me to have been delayed, cuz I obviously want, like, I wanna give people everything as fast as I can.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

So we're trying to balance all that and releasing content as we can, again, with the 40% off, rate right now, just with the understanding of like, we're gonna continue to release content over the next several months. And me kind of figuring out like this is one of those things as a full-time content creator is figuring out capacity and time and availability, like trying to balance that with. Getting the stuff done on the course, sponsored content. So I continue to make money, got a lot of travel coming up, which is super exciting, but also it's just, it's taking away a lot of potential opportunity to, to work on the course. So anyway, we're still actually working on it, releasing as much as we can, when we're ready and, hopefully people are excited about it.

Nick Taylor:

No, that's cool. Well, I do have an educational stipend, so I think I'll go spend at 40%.

James Q. Quick:

Love that.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, no, I'm, I'm I, I'm curious to, to learn more about Svelte cuz it, like I was saying before, I, it, it didn't make my brain hurt that much. Not that React makes my brain hurt. I, I feel super comfortable in React land, but. it just like I was saying before, it seems, it felt nice that like, I hadn't known much about it and I was still able to be productive. So mm-hmm so I'll be interesting to see, like what's felt kit provides as well. Cuz like, I it's it's like you said, like a next year, so like some, a meta framework on top of it. So that's, that's cool. And Will Johnson and the chats is saying, just make vanilla course vanilla JS course.

James Q. Quick:

That's like legitimately a thought for me. Like, not that, not that I won't do more, like everything Svelte in general, but I think I will prioritize more stuff like that because I'm really, I'm really passionate about helping kind of early learners, helping them get their first job, helping them build portfolio projects, like building skills to get that first job. And then having like career conversations after that, of how to get started, how to continue to grow. And I've got a course. It was like one of the, one of the first courses. It's a free YouTube series on. YouTube that I've ever done. And it was relatively small. It's a couple hours long. Okay. It's free videos on YouTube, build a quiz app with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, ton of fun. And I, I still get like people doing that all the time. And like JavaScript has changed a little since then, but everything from this course, four years ago, at least maybe five still holds up. And, anyway, so it's a, it's a very valid point. It's something that I definitely think about. We did our advent of CSS and advent of JavaScript courses last year. So 25 days, 25 challenges for advent. And that was a ton of fun. Those are just JavaScript and just CSS. So that sort of stuff will, we'll kind of carry its weight as well. And so we're ideally trying to figure out to do something like that this year. I think just because of time, we're gonna have hopefully other content creators, like maybe if we get 25 people each create a video and I don't know how okay. Money would work or maybe it would just be a promotional thing and, and be free. But we wanna get like other people involved to do, like here you build your own, one day piece of this advent thing and have it be a bigger content creator, piece, but yeah. Doing, doing village, JavaScript, CSS, other things mm-hmm, , definitely the lifetime of that content is definitely a lot longer than doing some of the more modern frameworks and tools and stuff. Just general question for the chat real quick. I'm curious. What other, what, like, what are, what are tools and languages and things or frameworks that other people are excited about? Like could be stuff we mentioned are just completely random. If people have general ideas of stuff that they're enjoying. I'd love to hear what it is in the chat.

Nick Taylor:

Oh, somebody's talking about Remix. I know you've done some Remix too.

James Q. Quick:

I kind of started to, and I, I started to, with the idea of like doing this slightly bigger project while I was at Planet Scale. And then I got, let go from Planet Scale and that just completely derailed like Remix, focus for me. So I haven't done anything, actually with Remix in a while. And I didn't do that much up until that point. So I don't have as much experience as one might think. But everything that I saw I enjoyed and I know the Remix community is, continuing to grow in a really cool way.

Nick Taylor:

Okay. No, that's cool. It's cool. Okay.

James Q. Quick:

Another thing that Amy and I have gotten really into is TypeScript.

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

We have advent of TypeScript domain, I believe. So that might be one that, that comes out. Okay. So keep an eye out for that maybe.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. Yeah. No for sure. Yeah. Yeah, no, I'm a, a fan of TypeScript as well. We, we were on a putter space together a little while back there. It's, uh, you know, people have opinions about it, but I it's, it's kind of hard to ignore the popularity now. I've been, I've been using it since the early days, but, it's, it's definitely gained a lot of traction. I saw

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

forget where it was posted. I'm not sure if it's my coworker, Laurie Voss, uh, who does the Jamstack survey and stuff? I think it might have been them that that posted it, it, the most commits on GitHub this past month were in TypeScript or lines of code committed, I think.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

I don't know. I don't know where you get these, these stats, but anyways, I saw it somewhere, but, uh, yeah. Josh is talking about Zod.

James Q. Quick:

oh, for yeah. The validation stuff.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. No, you were saying, sorry for Laurie.

James Q. Quick:

Is the, is that the creator of NPM?

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

Is that right?

Nick Taylor:

I, I can't remember. I it's either co-creator he? He's definitely co-founder. I can't remember if I don't know how you say the other person's name? Isaacs they're on Twitter. Okay. I think, I think they co-founded, but I'm not sure if it was Isaacs that created it. I can't remember, but they were, they were the first two people there. Yeah. Laurie's at Netlify now, uh, doing all kinds of data stuff.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

Like Brittney's saying if, if you go on Twitter, just look for at seldo.

James Q. Quick:

Ooh, so a video I just did was setting up my terminal. I don't know. Did we talk about this on Twitter? Cause I hadn't actually like customized my terminal in a while. So just curious what, like what's your, you can just run through it in like 10 seconds or whatever, like what's your, what's your terminal set up here? What all are you using?

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, so I'm, I'm in the integrated terminal, a lot of VS Code, but regardless if I go into iTerm, it's the same thing. So I'm using, it's called, I'll drop that in the chat. So it, it allows you to customize the shell prompt and there's, there's other tools that do this too, but, I think it was, Laurie, her last name's escaping me. She works at, Netflix now

James Q. Quick:

or, sorry. That's what I meant. Netflix. Laurie shoot. What is her last name? She's awesome.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, actually, I had her interviewed on, but, but you know who I'm talking about? She's got a blue shirt. Yeah.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

yeah. Laurie Barth.

James Q. Quick:

Um, then what, with the blue shirt,

Nick Taylor:

she Tweeted it out a little while ago. But yeah, she, she tweeted it out, I think a year and a half ago or something. I have, OhMyZSH as well, but honestly I think I, I use it cuz it has all these other aliases and stuff. Neat things out of the box

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

but you, you can also use it as well to customize your prompt. But in my case, I kind of overrode that with Starship. Uh, it gives you kind of a lot of contextual information. So like here it's for example, it's showing up package emoji with version 0.001. And that's based on what's in the package.json here

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and it's telling me I'm on Node 16.16. And you can customize or depending on like what you're in. Like if I'm in a rust project, you'll see a little crab, you know, it's like everything, people love just customizing things, you know? And Fig as well. Yeah. Somebody, you mentioned Fig. Yeah. I have Fig as well.

James Q. Quick:

Fig for the win, I love it.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. Fig is really great.

James Q. Quick:

Fig's amazing. Yeah. And I took a, I took a look at, Starship yesterday after you mentioned it. So I'm, I'm not actually using it. But I like the idea of being able to customize and I, I ended up going with gozilla, which actually looks like your arrow thing. It's a theme for, oh my ZSH the arrow thing on like the green arrow that you have on the right. It has something like that. It has a similar look and then also, it, is minimal in the sense, like, I don't necessarily need to see my full path of the directory I'm in. So I have it just show my current folder and then it shows a get, like a, the branch that you're on as well. So I'm using that. And then, maybe switching between that and the cobalt two theme, which shows you a couple of icons and colorings and stuff too.

Nick Taylor:

Oh yeah. This is turning into a tooling stream now, but, there's a couple things that Brittney's asking. Am I using a new browser? And yes, I am. So if we come here, so this is a, it's a Chromium based browser. It's called arc A R C. I. I got an invite to it. I I'll I'll definitely, I don't know if you have it yet or not, or if you tried it, but, I got like one invite a while ago. I'll if I get another invite I'll, I'll definitely send you one. If you're curious. I I've been just finding it super productive mainly because like, so there's the sidebar here right now. Uh, but if I hide it, like the browser on its own, it's, it's really focused on like giving me as much real estate, you know,

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and if I want to, if I come up here, it'll come down and I can see some extensions I have, or I can open up the sidebar again. You can have different groups. So like, here's like my work, here's like a social, this is when I'm streaming and then I can have some other ones up here. Like that's my different mails and like my calendar and stuff. I I've just found it. I, I gave it a go and then like, after. Probably a day or two, I, I just felt super comfortable. And, you know, I hadn't been using Chrome in a while. Anyways, I was using, Microsoft Edge, the Chromium version.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

It's Chromium based too, uh, Nikki, in the chat there. I've been enjoying it.

James Q. Quick:

I heard, Scott Tolinsky, either Scott Tolinsky or Wes Bos, one of them was using it and really into it on the Syntax podcast. And I like, I'm kind of curious about it, but I'm, I get overwhelmed with the idea of starting from scratch with a browser. And I guess I also think about like, not that I have a lot of settings with Google Chrome. Yeah. But just like basic settings and then also plugin ecosystem. So I like, I have no idea how the plugin ecosystem was something that's newer, like arc would compare to. Google Chrome. And if I would be missing out on like yeah, the last pass plugin or something that I use like every day. So yeah, like, yeah, no, it overwhelms me to start the idea of starting from scratch with a, with a new tool.

Nick Taylor:

There valid questions and points, so I, like I said, I was just trying it out. And then, so when I tried it out, it had a really great onboarding experience. It imported all my settings from Edge, which essentially Chromium

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and it imported my plugins, my web extension. So like I use 1Password, that got pulled in my other one.

James Q. Quick:

So it did okay.

Nick Taylor:

All up here. Yeah. So they're all, they're all here. I mean, there's other ones, it's just like, if I click on here, you can see other ones here. It's again, it's just, it's hiding a lot of the stuff.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

but it's, it's pretty customizable and like, I like, there's basically like, even when I was using Microsoft Edge, because it's Chromium based, they have a Microsoft Edge extension store, but you can go to Google Chrome extensions and install them into edge and it works fine cuz it's it's Chromium at the end of the day. And okay. I think

James Q. Quick:

I always forget that's which is which sorry, like the engines and which goes with what.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah, yeah, no, no, it's all good. So like, I mean nowadays and that's a whole other topic, but you know, people are kind of sad about like browser diversity, validly so I think, but there's essentially nowadays it's Firefox, which I think the engine's still called Spider Monkey. I'm not sure, but, and then everything else is Chromium. So like, like Arc, Chrome is Chromium obviously, even Opera, which is another older browser. I that's Chromium based. Now.

James Q. Quick:

Where does, where does V8 fit in like V8 is the engine that Node runs on. Is it also related to the browser too? Or is that a, am I not thinking of that, right?

Nick Taylor:

No, no, that's right. Yeah. So V8's the JavaScript runtime that's baked into Chromium and then

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

when you have like an Electron app or

James Q. Quick:

baked into Chromium?

Nick Taylor:

That's like, that's where all the JavaScript gets processed. Like, like they were talking about. Uh, sorry. I left out Safari, but Safari has something called I think JavaScript Core. Cuz if, if you've been following any of the developments with bun, bun is another runtime and it's using the runtime, that's built into web kit and it's called JavaScript Core. So that's another one, but like Node.js uses is so Node.js uses V8 and Deno as well uses V8, which Deno didn't know at the time, but so like it runs TypeScript.

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

And then they transpile it on the fly and then it still serves it up in V8. So that, that's why like, if, I don't know if a lot of people have done any Deno work, but because we use it at work, but you can use the same debugging tools that like VS Code or the browser dev tools to debug Deno. I think a lot of the browsers have gone the Chromium way, like even like Brave browser, another one. And I think the main reason, like including Microsoft is. It takes a long time to build a browser. And, I think, I think they just kind of threw in the towel and said like, let's just go with this cuz like most of the Internet uses it and let's, you know, add our features to it. I think that's pretty much what people kind of went with. Nick's just saying in the chat. Yeah. They're all V8, Brave, Arc, etc. Yeah. Edge too. But getting back to your point, like in terms of like migrating to something like Arc, I mean, um, I I'd say give it a go, but I don't think you'll miss anything that you had that you had in Chrome or, or whatever Chromium based browser you using.

James Q. Quick:

That may be enough to convince me. I also get like,

Nick Taylor:


James Q. Quick:

I get requests for like sponsored content. I got one from, I think it's ghostly, which is another, it's a browser that I think is just really focused on. Getting rid of ads and like tracking stuff I believe. Okay. And it sounds cool. Like, I feel like other people would be more interested in it than I am. Cuz I like, I mean, I'm probably being tracked in this. Like I don't know that there's that much I could do about it, but, I feel like it could be valuable for people, but I also, I don't know that I could realistically create a sponsored piece of content around something that like, I haven't actually used myself and like I don't need that feels a little odd even if other people would benefit from it.

Nick Taylor:

I'm definitely not in sponsored content territory yet, but I was, I was contemplating doing a YouTube video about it just cuz I I've been enjoying it. I've found the pain points I've had of other browsers. There's clearly a designer involved in like UX in this like, like heavily cuz like, you know, just the fact that like I can use shortcuts or other ways to show the sidebar and just get everything out of the way

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

they even have like, I dunno if you use Raycast or like if you've used, Alfred, they have a key here. So if I do command L I can actually get the same kind of thing and then, then I can go to a different site and so on, you know, so I can, you know, I can go here, I can go to LinkedIn, you know, and then it's just kind of easier to do that. I can do like command T to create a new tab and then I can go back to here and then if I open it up, you'll see a new tab was created. And if, if you already had it opened, it doesn't open up a new tab. It, it goes to where you had it. Cause you know, in another browser, if you say like, okay, go to that page again and you can have multiple tabs open with the same page. I'm enjoying it. You know, but it's,

James Q. Quick:

if you do the video, I'll definitely watch it.

Nick Taylor:

yeah. When I, when I, when I have time, I, I, I think I will definitely do it, but, and this kinda, I, I feel like I've got all kinds of topics. We could talk about, another time, but like, like, like just tooling, you know, like I'm always a fan of like, you know, don't force people to use things like use what makes you the most productive, you know? So like, you know, some people swear by VIM and if it works really great for them, that's awesome. I I'm personally, at least right now I'm more productive in VS Code. I know the shortcuts

James Q. Quick:


Nick Taylor:

and you know, I feel productive in there, but, you know, so that's that's for all the junior or people starting out. You know, if somebody tells you you're not a real developer, because I don't know, you didn't use whatever, you know,

James Q. Quick:

I ignore those conversations pretty quickly. By the way out, curiosity, I think you said Nicky, so in Meuleman, what is your, what's your Twitter handle? Cause I think I follow everybody else. I wanna make sure that I follow you as well. Thanks for the comments and insights and.

Nick Taylor:

Okay. It is the same. I wasn't sure. I, I, yeah. I've I've oh, no. It's yeah, it is the same. Yeah. I've been following him for a while too. I just didn't know what his handle is. I usually type in people's names, you know, and then it just shows up in the Twitter search, but, um, but yeah. Cool. Cool. Well, we're kind of at time here. Honestly, I feel like I could talk to you for like another hour and a half, honestly, James, but, I do wanna be mindful of people's time, including my own cuz I do have to get back to work but uh, uh,

James Q. Quick:

work things overrated.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. Work, you know, work. But no, this was super awesome talking, about all, all the things I know we didn't touch on SvelteKit as much as Brittney probably would've liked, but, you know, we had some great convos about all kinds of other things, including content creation and stuff and uh, yeah, Brittney's sticking out her tongue at me in the chat now.

James Q. Quick:

Now the first or the last time I'm sure

Nick Taylor:

yeah, yeah, exactly. But yeah, no, it's, it's been super awesome. Like James said everything's Svelte do, is or

James Q. Quick:

Hmm, yep.

Nick Taylor:

Yeah. right now you said it's 40% off right now cuz you're still in the process of making it.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah. Yep.

Nick Taylor:

I'm looking forward to checking out that course and yeah. Aside from that, I know you got some travels coming up. I don't know if you wanna give a shout out to that before we call it a day.

James Q. Quick:

Yeah, I'll be in, Europe starting next week. So I'll be my wife and I get to London on the 27th. We'll be there until the 30th go to Paris for a few days and then go to Berlin. So she's got two Auth0 events, one in London, one in Berlin, called dev days. Let me see developer days, Okta. Let me grab a link and I'll put it in the chat and face anybody is there also, if anybody, is just in London or Paris or, and wants to meet up and get coffee or something, send me a DM on Twitter. I'm trying to find. Few people that I can, just meet up with and, and hang out while I'm there. So, so yeah.

Nick Taylor:

Cool. All right. Well, thanks everybody for hanging and with that, I will say have a great day everybody. And thanks again so much, James.

James Q. Quick:
