The Tenth Man

S3 E5 - Cassie Connection - Domestic Violence in Division I Football, Hollywood and at Oxford High

February 07, 2024 The Tenth Man Season 3 Episode 5
S3 E5 - Cassie Connection - Domestic Violence in Division I Football, Hollywood and at Oxford High
The Tenth Man
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The Tenth Man
S3 E5 - Cassie Connection - Domestic Violence in Division I Football, Hollywood and at Oxford High
Feb 07, 2024 Season 3 Episode 5
The Tenth Man

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Jennifer Crumbley is going to prison, caught in the jaws of power abuse.  The prosecutor is more interested in personal fame than in justice, and shining a light on domestic violence would expose her own culpability. 

Follow the trail from small-town tragedy - the Oxford Targeted Shooting - to Division One football, the corporate world and Hollywood, not to mention the mainstream media and even academia, because the individual most at fault for the tragedy has powerful connections in each of these worlds.

Connections moulded in the fire of domestic violence.  Violence committed by a Division I football coach and a rap star, Sean Puffy Combs.

It's easier to prosecute a helpless mother - Jennifer Crumbley -  with no resources, than to attack a woman with powerful friends, one whose dereliction exposes that prosecutor's own culpability.  

And it gives a selfish prosecutor much more glory to lead "the first prosecution of parents" than it would to simply identify the one employee at Oxford schools who had the power, and the job description, to have prevented the massacre.

Feeding the hungry mob of "Moms Who Need a Cause"  is an added bonus.

Correction: The mention of Stanford U is an error; it was Vanderbilt

Commentary on trending issues brought to you with a moderate perspective.

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Jennifer Crumbley is going to prison, caught in the jaws of power abuse.  The prosecutor is more interested in personal fame than in justice, and shining a light on domestic violence would expose her own culpability. 

Follow the trail from small-town tragedy - the Oxford Targeted Shooting - to Division One football, the corporate world and Hollywood, not to mention the mainstream media and even academia, because the individual most at fault for the tragedy has powerful connections in each of these worlds.

Connections moulded in the fire of domestic violence.  Violence committed by a Division I football coach and a rap star, Sean Puffy Combs.

It's easier to prosecute a helpless mother - Jennifer Crumbley -  with no resources, than to attack a woman with powerful friends, one whose dereliction exposes that prosecutor's own culpability.  

And it gives a selfish prosecutor much more glory to lead "the first prosecution of parents" than it would to simply identify the one employee at Oxford schools who had the power, and the job description, to have prevented the massacre.

Feeding the hungry mob of "Moms Who Need a Cause"  is an added bonus.

Correction: The mention of Stanford U is an error; it was Vanderbilt

Commentary on trending issues brought to you with a moderate perspective.

The verdict is in on the Oxford School Attack case.  Two powerful women go free, an innocent mother goes to prison, today on The Tenth Man. 


Karen Mc Donald, the county prosecutor, and Cassie Ventura’s mother-in-law Pam Fine, two influential women in the Oxford Shooting case, are enjoying the good life while Jennifer Crumbley goes to prison.  This case is as tragic and unfair as the Salem Witch Trials.  These two women had key roles in the Oxford School Shooting of 2021.  Yet one is invisible, seemingly protected by her own victim status, and the other is the powerful prosecutor, blaming an innocent woman while she herself should be on trial.  That’s how witch hunts work. The guilty and powerful join forces to find a scapegoat. Here are the facts.

Jennifer Crumbley

The manslaughter trial of Jennifer Crumbley is a witch hunt where the politicians and media have stirred up an angry mob.  After a rush to judgment by the public, the mob wants vengeance.  

Jennifer Crumbley’s persecutors put a few of her text messages on display and conjured up meaning to them.   She empathized with her son when he got in trouble at school – they say she’s an accomplice.  She went horseback riding with her husband while her son stayed home – they say she ignored his insanity.  

The boy claimed in his texts that objects were moving?  Sound’s like the boy is a witch.  Your kid saying he saw bowls move means he’s a liar or the house really is haunted.  It doesn’t prove he’s mentally ill.  Most shooters are not crazy in any case, and THIS shooter was ruled mentally competent to stand trial.

No one proved he was crazy, no one proved Mrs Crumbley could have stopped it, but based on some claims that she didn’t take him for treatment based on one isolated event – she goes to prison.

If they had an ongoing pattern of neglect – like the school does – that would be testimony.  But the only ongoing patterns of neglect are with the other two women as we’ll show.  

Jennifer Crumbley was just a normal mother with an abnormal kid.  But if you’re still thinking she was an abusive parent let’s point out one thing – he didn’t shoot up his home.

Karen McDonald

The creator of the spectacle is Karen McDonald.  An ambitious female democrat, she will do anything to get on TV.  Here she is after Roe vs Wade was revoked, rushing to tell the world she won’t prosecute under Michigan’s abortion ban.  You should ask yourself,  1. why would a prosecutor refuse to enforce the law of the land, and beyond that, why would she announce it on CNN. We should be most concerned that democrats blatantly ignore laws they don’t like but - more relevant to our topic today – There was no reason to announce that on CNN.   She just wants to be in the spotlight.

As a Michigan Democrat female, she doesn’t just want to be in the news, she has to be.  Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer gave the keynote address at the convention nominating Joe Biden. Michigan’s current Attorney General Dana Nessell  was elected based on her being the lead lawyer in the landmark case of DeBoer vs Snyder whereby the US Supreme Court struck down Michigan’s same-sex marriage ban in 2015. And then there’s Rashida Tlaib.  All you need is TV coverage to get the soccer-mom vote and plain Jane McDonald has to compete against all this celebrity.  She’s proudly cashing in on Oxford student deaths, and being the first prosecutor of a shooter’s parents has her basking in media attention.  She’s a violence junkie, already planning her next election campaign. 

And if fame is not reason enough – McDonald is running scared because the shooting is more her fault than Jennifer Crumbley’s.  The defense lawyer should have requested a change of venue because McDonald herself should be on trial.

Everybody knows that violent crime went up after Covid.  Everybody knows that Michigan’s Oakland county has a problem with teen bullying and suicide.   We documented it in two different videos; go to the channel and you’ll see them there.   Meanwhile be sure to like and comment on this one, and hit subscribe.  

So McDonald should have known that there was a “bullying” problem at Oxford just by being a prosecutor, even if she never picked up ONE newspaper that said there was a problem, or ANOTHER newspaper that said that two kids had already died of bullying at Oxford schools.  Even if she never saw the ABC news special about bullying at Oxford Schools that was pointed out in the previous videos.  How should she have known?  Because she is on the Oakland County bully prevention team AND on the county child death prevention team.  She’s been on television  - of course - bragging about it. Bully prevention for the county is her job and she failed.   

But of course, as a former high school teacher herself, she’s become accustomed to blaming the parents.

And yet McDonald is not the most egregious example of negligence.


That distinction belongs to Pamela Fine.  When Oakland County’s “bullying” problem started in 2011 Pam Fine was hired to fix it.  How well did she do?  The school apparently likes her work; she’s the only member of the Oxford counseling staff still employed there after the attack.   So how did she stay busy in her years at Oxford, AS the Oxford shooter’s evil nature was being cultivated.  

The year she was hired, she started dating a football coach at Central Michigan University.  This would not be a problem except that her son was one of the players there.  Your coach’s dating your mom is taboo, by her own admission.  This isn’t some guesswork based on cherry-picking text messages, nor is it about a one-time fling, but a definite, ongoing breach of professionalism as a school counselor, and as a parent.  She failed on both fronts. That should have been the end of Pam Fine. Someone else might have done a better job, but she stayed on, and tragedy resulted due to her inattention.

Fine’s boyfriend’s name is Joe Tumpkin. An up-and-comer, he transferred to the University of Colorado coaching staff and Fine planned to move there in 2015 and marry him.  Pam is a big football fan, flying all over the country for games, the NFL Owners’ Banquet and other events.    She has powerful relatives including a brother who is CEO of American Airlines, another brother with a building at Stanford University named after him and some other illustrious relatives we’ll mention at the end. She has a friend on the Lion’s staff who gets her game tickets and she’s probably meeting her son and his famous family at the Super Bowl. 

Unfortunately Coach Tumpkin began battering her.  She allegedly hid this crime from her employer, Oxford Schools, until 2017.  That’s an important year -  when she was featured in Sports Illustrated magazine, the issue of February third, as Joe Tumpkin’s anonymous girlfriend “Jane”.  Later in September, she announced her lawsuit against the University of Colorado suing for $3.8 million dollars.

Here’s the problem. Her school – Oxford High - was also on the national news in the same year – 2017 - talking about its bullying problem.  The kids on that show – seniors at the time – said they had been bullied for four years.   Pam Fine’s allegation was that she’d been battered for two of those same four years, and she supposedly covered it up. 

Decide for yourself whether her being battered herself makes her the right person to hold the job of Bully Prevention coordinator.   Decide for yourself whether a school that failed to take any action while she was being battered for two years, should have its judgment called into question as well for not taking any action - whether that be removing her or reporting it as required.

But there is no question that the fact she was battered, that it was covered up by someone, and to this day is not the main topic of discussion regarding the Oxford School Attack shows that our entire system is corrupt.  None of this is secret information.  We had a Battered Woman in charge of bully prevention at the same time she was concealing her own injuries. A bullying victim killed four other kids – why are we not talking about bully prevention and the woman in charge?

Everybody, including Karen McDonald, has to know this happened, but no one is saying so. We’re not going to get the answers unless we ask the right questions. 

Pamela Fine in her quest for millions says she’s doing it FOR women everywhere.   Well she’s not doing much FOR Mrs Crumbley is she.  And about that money – she’s accusing the University of a coverup of the battering, a coverup she started; she asked them to keep it quiet.  Two weeks after breaking up with Tumpkin she went to the University to disclose his abuse. She notified the police a couple weeks after that; she sued nine months later.

Why even go to the University? She could have turned in Tumpkin to the police at any time, or admitted it to the police when her neighbor reported it instead of lying to cover it up.  But there’s no money in that, is there.  She and her son are crafty.  Like I said before, Oxford school kept Fine in her job – the only counselor who stayed.  What does she have on the school  - she and son Alex? 

Yes, her son is Alex Fine.  He’s a fitness trainer to the stars, married to singer Cassie Ventura.  Cassie is the one who announced her lawsuit against Sean “Puffy” Combs November 2023 also for domestic violence. Alex Fine’s mother and his spouse are both battered partners it seems.

Now there’s a juicy trail for Karen McDonald to follow.  Why doesn’t she?  Wouldn’t America like to know what’s under that rock?  McDonald could be shining a light on domestic violence in sports and in Hollywood but she isn’t.  Why not?

Well those are powerful forces aren’t they, and McDonald only goes after the weak.  She doesn’t care about bullying and she doesn’t care about domestic violence.  AND, if she did pursue this story, then that would put the focus back on Pam Fine, teen suicide and bullying, which happen to be Karen McDonald’s own responsibilities.  

But McDonald is a politician.  She wants power.  She wants the spotlight. The one thing she does not want - is to take any responsibility.