The Original canceled radio guys. Chris and Costello: SEASON 6

Birthdays, Biden, and British Banter: Roasting Seniors, Trump's Turmoil, and Musical Memories

July 10, 2024 Chris and Costello
Birthdays, Biden, and British Banter: Roasting Seniors, Trump's Turmoil, and Musical Memories
The Original canceled radio guys. Chris and Costello: SEASON 6
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The Original canceled radio guys. Chris and Costello: SEASON 6
Birthdays, Biden, and British Banter: Roasting Seniors, Trump's Turmoil, and Musical Memories
Jul 10, 2024
Chris and Costello

What happens when a birthday celebration collides with Independence Day? Join us for a raucous episode where we kick off with Costello's birthday antics, filled with hilarious "senior moments" and a playful roast session comparing his forgetfulness to President Joe Biden's. We dive into a friendly squabble about the physical demands of aging in high-stress jobs, throwing in comparisons to legends like Paul McCartney and Al Pacino. Expect a lot of laughter as we wrap up this segment with spirited debates on political preferences and the inevitable march of time.

Next, we tackle the political rollercoaster ride of former President Donald Trump and his tumultuous administration. Laugh along as we critique his policies and relationships with foreign leaders, drawing sharp contrasts with President Biden's current tenure. We don't stop there—with an eye across the pond, we examine the recent political upheaval in England, the Conservative Party's instability, and the broader implications of Queen Elizabeth's passing. It's a mix of humor and critical thought, perfect for political junkies and casual listeners alike.

Finally, we traverse the colorful landscape of the past's vibrant music scene, reminiscing about legendary bands like Madness and the pivotal role of music publications. We share candid stories about celebrity behavior, personal escapades with weight-loss medication, and the sheer confusion of waking up disoriented. All of this is topped off with a psychedelic birthday bash, complete with political satire and plans for a future road trip to England. This episode is a blend of nostalgia, humor, and thought-provoking discussion that promises to keep you entertained from start to finish.

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What happens when a birthday celebration collides with Independence Day? Join us for a raucous episode where we kick off with Costello's birthday antics, filled with hilarious "senior moments" and a playful roast session comparing his forgetfulness to President Joe Biden's. We dive into a friendly squabble about the physical demands of aging in high-stress jobs, throwing in comparisons to legends like Paul McCartney and Al Pacino. Expect a lot of laughter as we wrap up this segment with spirited debates on political preferences and the inevitable march of time.

Next, we tackle the political rollercoaster ride of former President Donald Trump and his tumultuous administration. Laugh along as we critique his policies and relationships with foreign leaders, drawing sharp contrasts with President Biden's current tenure. We don't stop there—with an eye across the pond, we examine the recent political upheaval in England, the Conservative Party's instability, and the broader implications of Queen Elizabeth's passing. It's a mix of humor and critical thought, perfect for political junkies and casual listeners alike.

Finally, we traverse the colorful landscape of the past's vibrant music scene, reminiscing about legendary bands like Madness and the pivotal role of music publications. We share candid stories about celebrity behavior, personal escapades with weight-loss medication, and the sheer confusion of waking up disoriented. All of this is topped off with a psychedelic birthday bash, complete with political satire and plans for a future road trip to England. This episode is a blend of nostalgia, humor, and thought-provoking discussion that promises to keep you entertained from start to finish.

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Speaker 1:

Hi Joe Biden here. Folks just proving I'm hip enough to check out Chris and Costello on the original Cancelled Radio Guys weekly podcast. Today, folks, they feature Amy Winehouse and UK group Nails. Uk Costello tries to explain British government to Chris Folks. I hope you enjoy the original Cancelled Radio Guys. Hi everybody, this is Chris.

Speaker 2:

Hey Costello, yeah, Hi Chris, I'm doing good man. Not only was it the 4th of July yesterday, as everybody knows, Also on the 4th of July, this English twit that's sitting right across from me was born. He's born on the 4th of July.

Speaker 4:

He was born on the 4th of July.

Speaker 2:

Born on the 4th of July, happy birthday, costello.

Speaker 3:

Thank you very much. I get to have my Denny's free meal, but I'll get around to it.

Speaker 2:

You didn't go to Denny's to get your wham-bam. Thank you, man. Breakfast.

Speaker 3:

Do they still do? That is my question. I was thinking about that yesterday.

Speaker 2:

They get the wham slam, but you have to go there and ask for it. I want the wham-bam. Thank you, man.

Speaker 3:

Breakfast, oh, excuse me, is that just that little, slight difference. What do you get? Extra bacon, man. Extra bacon, my arteries will love me. Okay, put it on there so we can make it for another 365 days.

Speaker 2:

But you had a birthday yesterday, which is a big deal, one on the 4th of July, which is a big party day, fireworks going off. You just pretend like it's all in celebration of me.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, but you know, I couldn't understand why. When I looked on Facebook, there were all these people going, hey, hey, costello, happy birthday. Blah, blah, blah, thank you, and other people calling me up going, hey, happy birthday. In the end one of my sister's called and said why does everybody think today is your birthday? She goes because it is you stupid dick. I go no, it's the third today. She goes. No, it's not. It's like halfway through the day. God, these people need some help, man, I don't know when it is our day, so you have a birthday.

Speaker 2:

Now you're having more senior moments. You're having Biden moments now. Is that it?

Speaker 3:

Oh, that was a true Biden moment because it went on for a good half a day.

Speaker 2:

It's like, wow, you know this is kind of weird, I guess. Okay, he knows your birthday man oh man. Well, let me see, I noticed that everybody you know, even though you were near the age of Biden and stuff, but still everyone has you know what they call maybe a senior moment once in a while. I've noticed that you always have your senior moments when we do the show.

Speaker 3:

I always have senior moments. Here's my latest one, that's it.

Speaker 2:

My driving moments.

Speaker 3:

I'm ready now.

Speaker 2:

He's doing a lot of stuff this weekend to prove that he's there.

Speaker 3:

Would you vote for me please? I'll tell you what.

Speaker 2:

They could be giving him last rights. I'll still vote for him over that lying prick. He could be laying there. They could be giving him last rights. I'll still vote for him over that lying prick. Okay, he could be laying there, they could be going, hit him with the paddles. I'll still vote for him over the other guy, you know sorry, I'll tell you what.

Speaker 3:

There was some stuff on the media just talking about how they are seriously talking about getting him to back down and maybe of course we'll have. I'm not going to ask him. I know they could talk about Mrs McFarlane, it's only up to him.

Speaker 2:

Unless he just totally falls apart and he's not going to. I mean, look at his schedule, man, he's 81. He went to Europe, he went to G77 meetings. He goes to Normandy. He's got to fly here, he's got to do that. I mean, that's a freaking big schedule for even a 25-year-old. I mean, give me a break. So you know he said no more scheduled events. After 8 pm.

Speaker 3:

It was the 25-year-olds though it was the 25-year-olds. I got it wrong because it said 25 plus. I didn't realize it meant 25 years old. I'm 82.

Speaker 2:

Now You've got to compare. He's like he's 81. So let's look at some other 81-year-olds and how they act. Paul McCartney 82. Paul McCartney's 81. Look how he is. He's happy, he dances around. Of course, he didn't have a stressful job that Biden does. Ringo Starr is 82. So you have a couple of wheels there. Al Pacino is like. He's like almost 80. Yeah, yeah, Robert De Niro is over 81. I mean, he's just you know 80 is the new 40.

Speaker 3:

It is.

Speaker 2:

I don't know If 80 is the new 40, then 20 is the new 30. Put your teeth back in Hang on a second Pop your teeth in. There you go, Hang on Everybody. He just picked a bad time to have a senior moment.

Speaker 3:

I would say he was on fumes man. To be quite honest with you, he had a rally, the senior moment I mean. So, like you said, I would say he was a fumes man. To be quite honest with you, it was a bad rally the next day he goes.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a young man. I don't walk like I used to. I don't talk as strong as I used to. I don't debate as well as I used to, but he goes, you know what. But I can know this job. I know what. I'm all in for that. I mean, what are you going to do? You turn Trump now.

Speaker 3:

Are you a Trump? No, no, no. Good grief, no, no, no. The thing I mean. You want to talk about being physically stuck between a rock and a hard place. If I quit and say, I'm sorry, I can't do this, I'm too tired after circumnavigating the world twice, and what have you? Then they can say are you too old to do the job? Or you go ahead and do the job, do a crap job because you're so tired from circumnavigating the world twice. You're screwed. Any which way you go, you know it doesn't matter. Probably better to do what he did in this elbow than he'll quit in the middle anyway. No, he didn't quit.

Speaker 2:

Well, everyone's giving him so much crap about his debate performance. Everyone did more than the fact that Trump was under lying, lying, inflating, inflating, lying, lying, dodging questions doing. I just said I mean shit. Look at the other side as well too. It was awful from him. Same old crap from him.

Speaker 3:

Oh well that was just like a little talky Barbie doll Pull the string and push, play, and then they sit him on the podium. That was it, and his little round sphincter mouth just shot out every abuse he could think of. You know, it's just, oh God.

Speaker 2:

He did a pretty quiet sense of debate but someone that was recording him on their phone. He was sitting out playing golf. He had his fat ass sitting in the golf cart, you know, and he is quite obese anyway, and he actually he couldn't hold back anymore. He called. He said they called Biden. He's just so old, washed up, piece of crap. So I know Kamala Harris. He now calls her. He calls her laughing Kamala Harris. You know she has a nice boisterous laugh. You laugh like. Eddie Murphy was known for his laugh, his new movie Beverly Hills Cop. He said every time they imitated him, impersonated him. He always would do Eddie Murphy and then do his laugh. That was their impersonation. He stopped doing that laugh intentionally. He hasn't done it for years because he didn't want to be known for that laugh. So he quit. Now Kamala Harris has got a very Albert Laffer's kind of cool, so he's calling her half-in-Kamala Harris and Biden. Oh, watch that piece of crap. So here he goes. He's back to normal now being an asshole.

Speaker 3:

Okay, mr President, mr Trump. So, mr President Trump, sir, if I get it right, we have a couple of people and delegates for you to meet Over here. We have, from Senegal, floating Mars bar in toilet pan. Thought you'd like him Over here limp dick, doesn't matter what we do. And over here LD limp dick, and over here pin dick. That's rather self-explanatory, isn't it? That, of course, is pin chong yoon. So let's gather all your shit and pin dicks together and you can have your little. You know, you can sit around and talk about how wonderful you all are. That is until someone flushes the toilet, or, of course the laundry.

Speaker 2:

He's an asshole who alienated our close allies and wanted to become friends with dictators instead. Do you know what that's still does?

Speaker 3:

It's still a good point that nobody seems to remember yeah, you know, and having close door meetings with Putin. Oh, what was it he was saying? Oh, I'll end that war, I'll end that war in a day, in a day, I'll end that war. And of course he would call up Putin and say, all right, just go ahead and march in, we're not going to do anything.

Speaker 4:

Let's go.

Speaker 2:

Is there a chance? Maybe we can send his fat orange ass out to the front lines and let him end it out there. Not much of a target. Oh, that's a big target Orange peel everywhere. That's a big target, that'd be great, and then his ass in the front lines would be awesome. Get rid of once and for all.

Speaker 3:

I can see. Yeah well, you know what. The stocks in Orange Julius would just shoot through the roof.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, even though I know that Trump is now like ahead by six points over Biden, I just hope that when it comes November, this country will come to a census and go do we want four more years of that lying, self-serving bastard? I mean, it's been really nice the last four years. Things have been normal. The president acts like a president, he acts presidential. He treats our allies well. He's doing a lot of good things, trying to help the country. Of course, he's just one guy. There's a lot of stuff that goes with trying to do policy. You've got to go to the Senate, you've got to go to the House. Most things you just can't do on your own. The House is controlled by Republicans and the Senate is controlled by Democrats and therefore you have an impasse. So you don't have control of all of them.

Speaker 3:

Haven't we had an impasse Since Obama was in power?

Speaker 2:

Yep, pretty much. That's why everything's.

Speaker 3:

The scariest thing is the Supreme Court man, I'm sorry, I'm talking over you. I beg your pardon, sir.

Speaker 2:

That's okay. Supreme Court is his most scariest thing. What the hell? He had three appointees and if he gets elected again, you're looking at possibly two more who are going to retire. He could have two more appointees. So since they gave the president all this power, you're not liable for anything that you do. Biden should go into this and go okay, we're going to expand the Supreme Court by three more justices, put in three more liberals and balance it out and stop this shit that's going on and just use that power, man. Use it because you know Trump's going to use it, so go ahead and use it. You get that presidential power. Ship him out to.

Speaker 3:

Nicaragua. The other problem you've got not just the Supreme Court, but you've got all the state courts right, the state judiciary, which were appointed by Trump as well. So I mean, it's no wonder they've gone to Florida. Oh, we'll just put this one on the back burner. Well, your Honor, but we'll just put this one on the back burner. Got it Okay?

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry we're having to do so much policy, but it's kind of like overriding stuff this week. But I've got to ask so much politics but it's kind of like overriding stuff this week. But I gotta ask you what the hell's going on in England, what the hell happened there, holy crap.

Speaker 3:

What did happen? I was trying to look that up before we went on air and your conservative party is like they've been in power for 14 years.

Speaker 2:

They kicked them out. They had 270 seats lost. They all flipped 270 seats flipped. I mean your country's gone, as like. They're just sick of what you had. They've gone nuts. This is your sixth prime minister in the last 10 years. I mean, jesus, get us together, england. What the hell's going on over there?

Speaker 3:

What's weird is I'm looking at things on the internet here and I don't see any mention of the election at all. I think I've got to be. It's everywhere. I was trying to find out if that guy won or not. My sister said it'll never happen, or one of my sisters anyway. She said no, they'll get rid of him. They'll get rid of the Tories, thank God, because they're awful.

Speaker 2:

Since the Queen has died, your country's gone to shit. Okay, what's going on? Yeah, because you gave us the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, which is great, and then you had Queen Elizabeth, which everybody loved, and so now, like the Beatles and the Stones are old, queen Elizabeth's dead. You've got Prince Charles, I've got my prostate cancer. It's just what the hell's happened to your country. It's just crap.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you what happened to my fucking country, my fucking country. Are you okay? I don't know if you've got to pull it back? Pull it back there now. I'm sorry, it's got to be. You've got to go down a little bit. I know, okay, I'm sorry, do you care? It's got to be, you've got to go down a little bit. I think, yes, there we are, that's better. My fucking pen didn't work there.

Speaker 4:

You don't know.

Speaker 2:

You don't know, you really don't know what, what, what's happened to your home?

Speaker 3:

country. What has happened? Well, I don't know. This is my home now. It's been over 40 years. I said your home country, it's meaning that's where you're from. Oh well, yes, I know, but I don't really know because I haven't been there in a while. It seems like it's just gone totally to shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep yep, I mean I. I the conservative party was wiped out by the labor party, so the labor party is one. You have a new prime minister and 270 seats. In, in, in. I guess what your equivalent is to. I guess parliament flipped. I mean that, that's a humongous number you know?

Speaker 3:

Oh, it is, it is. I mean that's let's see. Well, the Houses of Parliament was made up of members of Parliament. Those are your everyday people. So in theory, that would be Congress.

Speaker 2:

No House of Representatives. What's strange to me is your country's been run by the Conservative Party for the last 14 years. You've gone through five prime ministers. Now it's the Labour Party and another new prime minister. What is the Labour Party?

Speaker 3:

It's equivalent to what the Labour Party originally from what I remember anyway, was the working man's friend.

Speaker 3:

They got it wrong over here Okay all right, red is Labour, that's how I was rumoured. Of course, here you got it wrong. But what to expect? You drive on the wrong side of the fricking road anyway. But what the Labour Party did, especially post-war World War II, was it WW11? I can't remember. Thank you, computer, it's laughing.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, they didn't want to privatize everything, they wanted to nationalize everything. So, like your steel industry was nationalized, your railroad was nationalized, british Rail, none of this. Now you have to get a different company to get on a different train to go where you would have gone on one company. Before, like your water was nationalized, which was good, because now they're letting feces and basic shit run into the rivers and into the coastlines. Oh yeah, it just makes me thirsty just thinking about it. It's great. Apparently no, my one sister lives in that water. It looks like when the tide goes out to certain pools and areas where she lives. It was an idyllic, beautiful place and they had the cleanest, most sparkling water pretty much in the world. They just have this kind of thing going on here. Well, now when the tide goes out, all the freaking toilet paper hangs up on the rocks, so you've got to think Lake Mead.

Speaker 3:

So, anyway, but before, when everything was nationalized, that didn't happen. It wouldn't have happened. The standards were higher. They weren't working for profit, they were working for well, they were working. You know it wasn't screw the people, let's make more money. It was like okay, well, what do the people want? We'll give them. You know, we'll decide what they want, but it'll be better than what you're getting. Even the BBC's taken a shot, a huge shot. I mean, they used to be the best broadcasting company in the world. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Talking forelock.

Speaker 2:

I was like them.

Speaker 3:

Well, exactly. So what has happened is, it's similar to, shall we say, when the aircraft what do you call those people? The aircraft traffic control people went on strike here yeah right.

Speaker 3:

Remember that During Reagan, they just said okay, you're on strike, you are Right, you're fired, see you Bye. And just wiped them all out, wiped out the union and everything. And what do we get? Just a shambles. And it's the same thing with the railroad. It's the same thing with the railroad. It's the same thing with everything. So that's the difference between England and America. It would have been, and that's probably what will start happening again, when they say look, you guys have just made such a fucking mess it is, we're going to take it over the government starts taking it over.

Speaker 2:

So now you've got the labor party, so what's the deal with that?

Speaker 3:

Is this going to be a good thing? What, well, it depends. If you've got billions of dollars in the bank, no, not a good thing, because you could become privatized and then you get so much money and that's it. You're done, jack, you know, go and put your money in something else. But they, like the….

Speaker 2:

I guess what's exciting has happened to England then, since Terry Switzer's had three sold-out shows at Wembley yeah, I don't know. Your country, country, shit yeah.

Speaker 3:

It certainly went to the dogs. So the thing is, labor is basically your working. It was originally would have been called your working man's class. Right, guys who go out from nine to five go to a factory, down a mine, in a car plant, whatever it is. Your manual workers are your labor supporters, and there are some. Obviously.

Speaker 3:

Now it's changed because you've got so many people in offices and what have you. They don't know how to work. They have no clue how it is to swing a shovel, and I'll bet you have, and I know I have. Now think about it. I mean, I remember going to a job in Utah and it was one of those agency jobs. They didn't really. They were kind of we're not sure exactly what we're doing, but Pacegood gave me a flipping axe, so what am I supposed to do with that? He goes, well, I want you to take a trek from here trench, from here to there, and I go, okay, and that's a pretty good shape in those days too. So and I I tried, I did my best and after about four hours I said, fuck this, I'm done, Because I mean, apart from anything, it was just impossible to get into, but I'll guarantee you most of your office wallets. Don't even know what a fricking shovel is.

Speaker 2:

I'm just thinking the Prince Harry, what the hell he was doing. He goes. I'm getting out of this country. This place is going to crack.

Speaker 3:

I'm getting out, see he knew, he knew Much like me. I did the same thing 40 years ago and like two weeks after I left England, there were these massive riots of all people my age rioting because they couldn't stand this shit anymore. I saw this coming and I left. I said you. Then that week they burned down my favorite pub.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, I visited England a few times. I like it a lot. Of course I'm going as a tourist, I remember I'm going as a visitor. So as a visitor, I don't see all the stuff that people do who live there, I just see, oh, it's great, the history's great, they're nice people and the pubs are great, and then that's all I know. So it's like the same thing. Oh well, I do know that. You know, since we just celebrated America's birthday and, of course, costello's birthday, I told America on the same day, about the same age too.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we're forgetting. We're 29 again, are we? Oh, I see.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just. I mean, there's no other country. I've been to a lot of places. There's still no other country. I'd rather be, oh, absolutely Happy to be American, great to be here, and people bitch, moan, whatever. Just go, go, try living in so many other places, you'll go holy shit you know. So it's I. I just don't want to revert back three years of stress like I had to go through before.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you what. What else is good will be good for the release, for the music industry anyway, and the British people. This is like it was in like 73, 74 and a couple years later then you had this. You know, you had a music revolution and it's going to happen again because the youth, who probably by then won't be able to afford their synthesizers, they might actually have to buy a guitar.

Speaker 2:

I hope so. David Bowie came out then. He was just like groundbreaking, totally new. I mean, all the great music was coming, all the good music, all the innovative music was coming out of him.

Speaker 3:

Well, his good stuff came out later. His first song came out in 1969, but there you go.

Speaker 2:

There is a big question, okay, as far as English music goes. What the hell have you given us lately besides Adele? Okay, we can do better. You know, not exactly groundbreaking Nice voice, not groundbreaking music. So what the hell have you given us lately in music from?

Speaker 3:

England, what oh?

Speaker 2:

God Nothing.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, matt, what's his name? Oh yeah, there you go. Matt Grouse, matt Goss.

Speaker 2:

That's not lately. That goes back to the 80s. I'm talking about lately.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I'm ashamedly out of touch. I really am. I mean, you know, it seems like we used to have this, but there was something.

Speaker 2:

You would know it even though you're out of touch, but still you would know if someone was hot out of England. Oh, absolutely Might not be that familiar, but you would have heard of them. So you can't give me anybody.

Speaker 3:

I can't think of anybody right now and you can't say Ed.

Speaker 2:

Sheeran, because he's what Ed's the Irish, scottish, he's not.

Speaker 3:

English Ed Sheeran no, no, no, no, that's all corporate rock. See, what's going to happen is my brothers will start repelling, like status quo man, whoa, whoa, quo, yeah, yeah, don't retire. Um, honestly, honestly they are, they're retiring. It's sad, but the thing of it is it. Hopefully, if things go the way they went, back then and get rid of the sucky bits. But you know where the kids don't have everything and things get pretty tough. Then you've got to use your imagination. That's a freaking shock horror. You might have to make some imaginative music without the use of a keyboard.

Speaker 2:

I listen to the New Wave channel on SiriusXM and there's nothing new on there, because a lot of English bands are on there, but they're all from like 80s and 90s. They have nothing new to play. There is nothing new Wait a minute.

Speaker 3:

Hold on. Now You're listening to Sirius XM, right? Yeah, okay. Well, that is all 80s and 90s music. That's why there's nothing new. I know, because it's not supposed to be, go one click over to I think it's called Lithium. You'll find some new music there. No, that's all 90s. There's no music there either. Okay, well, there is something that is new.

Speaker 2:

They had that one called the Hitch Channel and it sucked. Okay, I don't want to hear Cardi B. You know, do a leap as good as she's hot. Okay, so she's okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I was watching something the other day that's brought back many memories. I think it was a Madness concert, one of the first they did, which meant I was probably there. Madness, madness.

Speaker 2:

They were called Madness, Madness. Oh, they were called they were called madness who?

Speaker 3:

No, there were a band called madness. They did. The song you would have heard over here was I know the song, but that's you sure?

Speaker 2:

that's the name of the band who did that. Absolutely positive. Okay, all right, all right. Money's on this one. Hang on, we're going to look it up. We're going to look this baby up. Our house, our house in the middle of the street, our house, right?

Speaker 3:

Yes, terrible and baggy trousers too. But before they got into this commercialized shit they were a really good ska band. They did Midnight to Cairo and the song Madness. I know that song, that was the original madness. Anyway, I did that first tour when everything was still going to happen and that was, excuse me, I put in our house and guess who comes up?

Speaker 2:

They go oh, crosby, stills, nash, young, I went. No, our house is a very, very, very fine house In the middle Wrong song.

Speaker 3:

Okay, look up the selector and the selector.

Speaker 2:

The word for today is Select.

Speaker 3:

Come on, give me some Nice weave on your hair. Job. By the way. Who did that? It was very nice. What's that? It's because you're looking down like this.

Speaker 2:

Nice weave. Oh, it's called bed hair, okay, oh, yeah, I just went thinking straight. I've been doing the brush all day, the sucker won't go. Yeah, I just went thinking straight. I've been doing it in a brush all day, this sucker won't go down. So okay, here we go. There's two songs in our house. We have Crosby, stills, nash, young and you win Madness, thank you, okay, one for Costello, one for Costello.

Speaker 3:

You win. Part of the problem is that we don't. I don't know about. I guess you'd have Rolling Stone magazine, but that was monthly, so that's no damn good. But we had New Musical Express in England. We had Record Mirror, the NME that was New Musical Express. Sorry, melody Maker. There were three real newspapers. Weekly newspapers came out and in the back of those newspapers well, melody Maker, anyway you would have classifieds and there'd be like wanted lead vocalist for band that might possibly make it Call Brian at the Jam or something, bands you might know. And that's how a lot of people hooked up. You know they're musicians, you know, you see, like you know.

Speaker 2:

I thought people hooked up because I remember when I rode the tube in london and there'd be like a time phone booth there and stuff like that. In the phone booth you can put all your cards and phone numbers. Like you know, I'm a hooker, I'll suck you, I'll blow you, I'll fuck you go. And here's a call me, call me, call me, I'm just going. I love this country anything you want's right there. They're legit and I just go.

Speaker 3:

Holy crap. It's funny. It's just so different. But you know we got away from all that. You can't turn the clock back, that's true, but you can make things. Why?

Speaker 2:

did you get away from that? They stopped. They don't do that anymore.

Speaker 3:

You can't do that. Oh, you can do all that. Look, I haven't been there for a long time. I don't know what. No, I'm just saying it's like. You know, I couldn't go back and read Melody Maker it's not there anymore, it's gone. And New Musical Express I can't believe those magazines aren't there Newspapers, given the Jew, I mean they really.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say you're just reading Teen Beat Magazine. Oh, yeah, yeah and Disc.

Speaker 3:

Did you get Disc over here? Probably not. No, no.

Speaker 2:

Disc was cool.

Speaker 3:

It was really cool because it had all the lyrics. At least what they said were the lyrics. It's proved to be different later on.

Speaker 2:

I'm thinking of Disc. I mean, I got a Disc I was listening to today. I like listening to Disc. Okay, I like my vinyl, mm-hmm.

Speaker 3:

Oh, let's see, Pull back a bit. Oh Amy, oh yeah, is that the black album?

Speaker 2:

This is, yeah, Back to black. It is so freaking good I'm just going. I listened to her and I'm just going. Man, what a way. She's just so, so good.

Speaker 4:

He left no time to regret, camp his way With his same old safe bed. Me and my head high and my tears dry. Get on without my guy.

Speaker 3:

You went back to what you are now.

Speaker 2:

Well see, there's probably that's the last thing you can put out, amy Winehouse okay.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's what I was going to say. There's the lasting vestige of how music used to be. I mean, it's because everything is corporatized. It's what really happened to Vegas. Same thing Corporations got so big, they own the town. What are you talking?

Speaker 2:

about England's a country music. Happened to Vegas. Same thing. Corporations got so big they own the town. Oh, you were talking about England as a country music. You got George Michael, who likes to suck people off in public outhouses. You know so. A talented guy had a personal life, you know so died young as well too. Who was that?

Speaker 3:

George Michael, I'm sorry, I was talking about people who ran Vegas.

Speaker 2:

We're talking about England. Man don't care about Vegas.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

I'm trying to save your country.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to find out what artists you put out. I'll have to Amy Winehouse. We have, excuse me, james Corden. Yeah, I'd have that Carpool Karaoke. That's an English given. This is carpool karaoke with James Corden.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure he's a lovely guy, but I'm sorry everyone he's met is talking about what an asshole. I tell you what there's a band out there that actually made it onto what's his name show on XM. They're called the Nails. Oh man, when we first started doing this we can now say a few years ago I played you some of this and you just went. I can't hear anything, which really pissed me off because it was such a good song. They did a David Bowie song called I'm Scared of Americans and I guess I should try.

Speaker 2:

Should I try? I find it real quick. You should update this. I'm Scared of Trump Americans.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, let me see if I can get this. Anyway, there are three girls. A very large African-American drama woman I mean, she'd give what's her name A chase for the biggest girl. Anyway, oh, here we go. And then two really smashing looking women. Oh my God, but they are so good, man, they are just so good. Let me see what were we doing.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I'm afraid of Americans and I'm afraid of the world.

Speaker 4:

find some hoops and I'm afraid of cock-a-doodle-doo, yeah, I'm afraid of canes, I'm afraid of corn, I'm afraid of Americans. America, ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-ca-ca. Johnny wants a plane, johnny wants a sock and a coat. Johnny wants a woman. Johnny wants a plane. Johnny wants a sock on a coat. Johnny wants a woman. Johnny wants a stiff, vivid joke. Johnny's so funny. Yes, we can. Can American can. Yes, we can. Can American can. Yes, we can. Can American can.

Speaker 2:

Because anyone can, can I'm afraid of America. All you've given us so far lately is Adele, who seems like a very nice person, and James Corden.

Speaker 3:

Everyone says he's a total asshole. He just by the way, he may well be. He grew up in the next town over from me.

Speaker 2:

He's been banned from restaurants. He treats his waitstaff crappy. He sees people and first people want to say hi, treats them crappy. That's really no way to be. I'm surprised he's that way. I guess, you're an attitude Guests used to be on the show. Talk about James Dick or Carpool Karaoke. It was a great idea, though. Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick Dick.

Speaker 1:

Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick Dick.

Speaker 2:

Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick Dick.

Speaker 3:

Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.

Speaker 2:

Dick Dick Dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick Dick Dick. In love with this girl.

Speaker 3:

It was hilarious, you were starring in that show called Anito Zimpik. Don't know that one Anito Zimpik? No, don't know it, I don't know it. But then again, cat John, cat dude, anito Zimpik, maybe not.

Speaker 2:

This is Nine.

Speaker 3:

Inch Nails, but this isn't.

Speaker 2:

That's not bad. I know who.

Speaker 3:

Nine Inch Nails is. Forget that Live music does not work well on podcasts. That's all I can say.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's James Corden calling. I'm not fat, I don't need Ozempic.

Speaker 3:

Yes you do Hang up, James. You know the show Call Ashley's show. It is James. It's not the James we think of. It's the James. He doesn't like our talk about beards. Anyway, never mind.

Speaker 1:

He has a remarkable.

Speaker 3:

yes, most of it. There's a little bit left there is. See, I did it in the shower.

Speaker 2:

At the Montsworth right there yeah, I didn't.

Speaker 3:

I was hoping you wouldn't notice, but never mind, it could be a new thing. You just have a beard on this side, you see.

Speaker 2:

Each show you can come up and have a different plot of facial hair each week. One week, it's here one week it's up there. One week you let your nose hair grow out over your lip and it forms this half a nose hair mustache. You know you can do that, Right, right it's pretty disgusting.

Speaker 3:

No, I just need to pay attention and get a mirror. That's what I need to do, anyhow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the mirror's down in your bathroom. Okay, yep, that explains why you're wearing the shirt you're wearing today.

Speaker 3:

You don't like my Hawaiian shirt.

Speaker 2:

Hi, I'm a fan of Tommy Bahama.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I guess you must be. I'm looking very summer-infested. I'm going to the islands, man, I'm going to Hawaii, I'm going to Hawaii, I am going to Hawaii.

Speaker 3:

That is Tommy Bahama, right? No, this is Banana Republic.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

It had to be one of the two.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Exactly, exactly. I just thought I should put some color in my wardrobe, so I bought a bunch of these last year and, surprise, surprise, extra large didn't fit. They fit now.

Speaker 2:

See, see, that's thanks to what? Oh, oh, oh bit. Now See, that's thanks to what? Oh, oh, oh ozempic.

Speaker 3:

I know it's a pill.

Speaker 2:

I shoot the needle in my gut every week.

Speaker 3:

Ow ow ozempic Every Friday. What day is today, today's?

Speaker 2:

Friday, man, it's ozempic day. You're all fucked up. Yesterday's your birthday. Don't remember that Today's ozempipping day. You're going to forget this injection.

Speaker 3:

I did something this last week that I hadn't done since I was in radio, and that was wake up and go. Oh shit, it's 830. Got up, got some breakfast, made a nice pot of coffee, drank the coffee. I thought why is the prices right on at 8.30? It was, of course, pm. I thought it was am. They were like dashing out the house and in fact, the way my brain's been working recently, I probably thought I was still in Vegas, because my brain will not. It absolutely refuses to tell me where I am. I wake up in the morning and I look at him when the fuck am I? And this is like oh, I must be upstairs. I don't have an upstairs to my house. This is strange. Better be quiet because we want to wake other people in the house up. Wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

I told you to stop doing damn mushrooms. Okay, leave the mushrooms alone. It must be. Wait a minute. I'm going to tell you to stop doing damn mushrooms. Okay, leave the mushrooms alone.

Speaker 4:

Must be. It's just fucking you.

Speaker 3:

No, it's really strange because, you know, I open my eyes right and there's just one thing. I've got this nice window with a beautiful view outside, believe it or not, because I'm down low enough I can't see the neighbors. And I look at that window and it's like doing a trip on one of those kaleidoscopes, Like wow, man, once that passes Mushrooms. Honestly, I swear I'm going to have to say something to somebody because this can't be right.

Speaker 2:

I mean it literally refuses to let me. Is someone sitting in your food or you're chopping up the wrong kind of mushrooms in your spaghetti?

Speaker 3:

It must be something like that. Well, all the pills I take, I'm still on a large diet.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was because I'm still on my radio clock. I wake up every morning at 3 am. You know. I wake up and it's going oh again. So I'll read something. Go back to sleep. It's just like that time I used to get for show 3 am, 3 am, 3 am and I can't stop doing it and I hate it. I try to be freaking nuts, but at least you wake up, you're tripping.

Speaker 3:

Okay, this is, I mean, like you know, the original canceled radio guys, and every one of us because it's not just you and me, obviously. There's a plethora of people out there have the same thing and they call it the dream, whereas and it depends, obviously, it would change on your circumstances Mine used to be that I'd have dead air and I couldn't find the music, and it didn't matter what I did. I think I had that dream last night somewhere in there. You had dead air every night. It was pretty normal, but you know what? Here's the thing this will stop when we started doing this radio thing again, I know it's not radio, it's podcast.

Speaker 2:

It's radio.

Speaker 3:

It's radio. Yeah, okay, well, it is kind of. Yeah, I suppose we can look at it that way. And the original canceled radio guys, chris and Costello, it's in our plot.

Speaker 2:

But I don't know if you know this or not, but you know the radio stations were looking to buy in New Mexico. They had to sign off because of the fires they had down there and, just so you know, because they had to get out of the building. Well, they burned down, they're gone, they did.

Speaker 3:

The building burned down. No, that was a big brick building.

Speaker 2:

You know what? It was? An office building. Yeah, it was probably the biggest office building down there in that town in New Mexico. The thing is the original owners who had been trying to sell it and they couldn't sell it and they still owned it. They're out because look at this way they burn, they collect insurance money, they don't have to reopen, they don't have to re-sign it. They're done. We got a check. We're finally away from this sucker. We're out. There's three frequencies there that are waiting for us, Three frequencies waiting to be signed back on again.

Speaker 3:

I don't know, hey, I've got the car that will deal with snow now and, and and they actually have snow there?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you'll need that, but not where you live now. But they have snow there in new mexico. Yep, yep, yep and again. Obviously they get uh in the summer, they get the fire they did, didn't they?

Speaker 2:

didn't they? They had it before they had. They had that virus come close before they had some rain. That river runs through there kind of flooded things out. They get a lot of shit going on there. So probably the best thing. I mean, if we'd have bought it, we'd have a big fat insurance check and a decision to make sign back on or not, and the answer would be not, Take that check, go buy something else, Go buy another station someplace else.

Speaker 3:

Not in a fire belt. That's interesting because that particular station was on the edge of a couple of other office buildings from the front of it. Going back, the police station was right in front of it, if I recall. Yeah, I think so. So I mean, there were a couple of buildings before it and as we're going downhill into the valley, right Gone Well past, there was nothing, but there was like a big common area, that's a big charred area, yep, and that, I guess that's what fueled the fire that well, melted the dishes.

Speaker 2:

Behind the station, if you remember from the office. Were there satellites out there? Were there satellites gone?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, it melted. Remember how proud he was Because we went and looked at this place right. Proud he was because we went and looked at this place right. The only like the one employee left was he was the.

Speaker 2:

He was the engineer and the temporary acting general manager. There you go. He 'd really go to the back. We're going back and play with my wires and my.

Speaker 3:

But the thing was he was really proud of his dishes. Remember that he was like I had to get out there and get the snow with my dishes.

Speaker 2:

Yep. They were good dishes. Now that those are gone, the guy who was thinking about selling us some stations in Nevada is now putting his back on the market. He called the broker who I talked to. He said let the people know I'm ready to sell again. But it's a place where you hate. I've never been there. You hate it. Oh, Laughlin, Yep.

Speaker 3:

You know I.

Speaker 2:

Everybody I talk to likes it. You're the only person who doesn't like it. I can't give them any because I've never been there. I don't know.

Speaker 3:

But everyone likes it. All right, let me ask you. Let's poll our listeners. Okay, listeners Chris and Costello at Yahoocom Right, listen here. Get your email ready. Have you ever been to Reno, yes or no? Ok, I'm going to take this.

Speaker 2:

I'll answer yeah, I like Reno.

Speaker 3:

You have been to Reno.

Speaker 2:

I like Reno yes.

Speaker 3:

Imagine a place that a quarter of the size of Reno and then turn up the heat to past 11. Now, do you still like Reno? I mean, do you?

Speaker 2:

Because that's what you do. I don't like it this time of year, like this week in Vegas, and this coming week in Vegas, it's going to be averaging 115 every day. This is the time I freaking hate it, it's just too much and it'll be 120 down there.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, actually, vegas may hit 120 next week as well too. I'm just going. Yeah, you next week as well too. I'm just going. Of course I'm due to go back there in about a couple weeks. I'm just going. I didn't drag it out. I went through this damn heat wave passes. It's just no fun, man.

Speaker 3:

You don't have to, I don't have to.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like my part-time thing to go. I can do it virtually, I can go. It kind of helps when I go.

Speaker 1:

It's needed once in a while I'm going to drag it out to at least 100 or below.

Speaker 2:

Give me a break.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry I don't work in anything above 100.

Speaker 2:

We could be big-time radio owners in Laughlin.

Speaker 3:

It's 99 degrees right now. How many stations?

Speaker 2:

will we get Not one, not two, not three, but four?

Speaker 3:

stations. Ooh, oh, ooh, we must talk. But you know what? I just noticed something else here the British pound has sunk to an all-time low.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's what happened, I guess. So you guys are all fucked up.

Speaker 3:

Well, the money doesn't like the fact that the money lost, because that's.

Speaker 2:

And who does it not affect? Your royal family, your royal family.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's that fucking pen again I forgot to. If I could just get my sphincter muscle just a little bit tighter, it would be wonderful. Here's the thing that we couldn't say on radio. It's that that bloody darkie got back in again. Now that didn't happen, so I'm really quite happy the what the bloody darky got back in again.

Speaker 3:

Now that didn't happen, so I'm really quite happy. Bloody darky, he's a darky, I can say that now because he's not prime minister. I don't care what you say, but back in the day of the Raj, but your darky's been voted out.

Speaker 2:

Now you've got another white cracker in there.

Speaker 3:

Okay, that's your new prime minister no, white cracker no.

Speaker 2:

But the Black.

Speaker 3:

Parties. They took over India and they took over Pakistan, and now look what's happened.

Speaker 4:

Well, I tell you.

Speaker 2:

You have a white cracker, who's your new prime minister, who's back. You have a new prime minister. He's white, whitey, white, white, white, white white Just the way people in England like it.

Speaker 3:

White and I'm Just ask Meghan.

Speaker 2:

Markle, okay, I'm not welcome here.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'm just trying to find out here and there is nothing on this feed that I'm looking at which is Jesus?

Speaker 2:

Christ. All right, you want to look at it.

Speaker 3:

I believe it's like. This is ridiculous. This is a major thing.

Speaker 2:

It's a major thing, man. What's his name, his?

Speaker 3:

name is New.

Speaker 2:

Chem Minister's name is. His first name is K-E-I-R. I don't know how you pronounce that. His last name is Starmer S-T-A-R-M-E-R. Starmer, he's a white dude.

Speaker 3:

You know what you usually hear about him Never heard of him, take a look. I'm looking it up now, look at me, look at me.

Speaker 2:

There's your new prime minister. Okay, oh, hang on when.

Speaker 3:

He looks like all of them, that's what I'm saying, white dude. Yeah with a red tie.

Speaker 2:

You had a guy who was from India or something. Now you've got this guy, so he's the new head of the landslide defeat Conservative party's out and the Labour Party's in, whatever that means to you.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so that's not the Lib Dems, but the Labour. Okay, look at this way. At least you don't have Trump. I don't know about this guy. I mean, no, no, that's an American thing. Only America can make a Trump.

Speaker 2:

You guys had one guy. What was his name?

Speaker 3:

Boris oh yeah, well, conveniently forgot about him.

Speaker 2:

He was the English version of Trump. He's still better than Trump, though, yes.

Speaker 3:

You see, he's not a darkie.

Speaker 2:

They're all white. They got white hair, bright gray hair, white skin, whitey.

Speaker 3:

We'll call him Chalky then, shall we? His nickname is Chalky, he'll like that.

Speaker 2:

You need to do two trips. One you've got to come out to Colorado so we can do a road trip to Vegas together Then you need to go home and visit your home country, England, and see what the hell's going on back there.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, when we get a few more people back in the show, then we can do a celebratory trip.

Speaker 2:

And of course, we can go and visit our English connection over there. You want the trip paid for by our listeners.

Speaker 3:

You're doing the Trump thing Contribute to this?

Speaker 2:

I'll sell you a Bible. How about some sneakers? I'll sell you whatever. Just send us money so I can go on my trip.

Speaker 3:

There you go. Yeah, come on, come on, wait a minute, wait a minute, hold on, hold on. I've got the answer to that problem. Here we go. This is a quick little sketch here.

Speaker 2:

Instead of eBay. I can put these in my Prada sunglass. I can put them up for sale right now. Okay, prada sunglasses. I can put them up for sale right now. Who wants to bid and buy my Prada sunglasses there?

Speaker 3:

they are. They can be yours, if the price is right, come on down, all right. Okay, for all you evangelicals here, we are now switching format to Religious 101. Let me get this right here. Here we go, there we go.

Speaker 2:

There it is, Can you see? It Disappears on me. You get that weird stupid background thing. I can't see it. It didn't work.

Speaker 3:

There it is.

Speaker 2:

Okay, what does that say?

Speaker 3:

That is our new symbol. It's across that says RIP England, because England has been killed. And so now I need your money to go spread the word. Spread the word of England or what it used to be, what it used to mean to people. By God, people used to care about people back there in England, way back when you know that we had things like neighborhoods and public houses where we could go and sin. We could sin for as long as we bloody well wanted, all day, all night, not anymore. Oh, no, no, no, 11 pm, you're out of there. You cannot sin past 11. A clock is going to do hell for our population, but we can bring it back, brothers and sisters. We can bring it back, bailey.

Speaker 2:

As a side note to our listeners, you guys remember a few minutes ago I mentioned Costello, when the mushrooms kicked in.

Speaker 3:

You're watching a prime example, right now of what happens when they just kick right in and they just take over. He's like he's gone, he's just gone. I just thought that we could turn ourselves into one of those religious stations they have here in this part of America and we can probably make a couple of bucks.

Speaker 2:

I don't think I've ever heard an English station talk like that. You know, maybe around Georgia that do. I'm just happy for your birthday. You did a fair amount of mushrooms. They just show up every once in a while, you never know when. So right now you're seeing trails. I know you are seeing trails All fucked up. Birthday boys all fucked up. Birthday boys all fucked up.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, oh no. There's a giant codfish after me Fuck.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, he's actually having a Biden birthday. Mushroom moment. Pretty scary A Biden birthday mushroom moment.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, good Lord, that's the old BB moment. Yeah, good Lord, that's the old BBMM. Yeah, that's it, wbbmm. Send us your money.

Speaker 2:

I can listen to, get to see it live. It happens. I can get live. It happens, yeah, so anyway, we can go on to England.

Speaker 3:

right, and we'll go and visit Popfest Radio. Yes, and they can update the very old shows that they're running. In fact, the shows that they're running from us are so old that when it says dial in, they mean dial in.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yep, well, I think road trips, and so we have to do it for sure. But in the meantime, I got to go, and the guy who's going to squeal today is your new Prime Minister. He looks like he could use a good squeal.

Speaker 3:

Yes, indeed, yes, he does.

Speaker 2:

I think he's been the squeal-y from what I can tell, this is from Costello, birthday boy to the new Prime Minister of England, bend. Over here she comes, get it up there.

Speaker 3:

Get it up there. Oh, I shouldn't have said that.

Speaker 4:

That's it, yeah boy, there he goes.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you know what?

Speaker 3:

No, wait a minute, hold on. Hey, there's something going on here. There's something big going on. In the middle of our squeal. His wife I assume that's who it is is wearing orange. They're truly setting the clock back to the 70s man, because orange was the color, if you remember. So he's going to send us back.

Speaker 2:

Well, look at the guy. I mean, where do you think he's from? I mean, come on.

Speaker 3:

It just fits. Okay, so normality We've shifted again. So now back to normal life, which ended in the 70s. Oh hell, screw it, there we go. Yeah, I told you citrus would sting up the orifice.

Speaker 2:

Get in there, get in there.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you know what, never with so much passion have I felt that Shoving it right up there, mate, right up there. Dear, oh dear, terrible, terrible. Happy birthday, birthday boy. Thank you very much.

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