Echoes From Exile

Episode 1: An Ummah Centric Approach to Politics with Dr. Ovamir Anjum

October 15, 2022 An Exile Season 1 Episode 2

What is the Khilafah? Why is it important? Who wants it? Is it practical?

In this episode I sit down with Dr. Anjum, the Imam Khattab Endowed Chair of Islamic Studies at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at the University of Toledo, to discuss his views on the concept of a unified Muslim polity, it's various conceptions around the Muslim world and the work that needs to be done in order to get there.

You can check out more of Dr. Anjum's work on the website or twitter page of the Ummatics Colloquium.

Our guest designated charity for the episode is also Ummatics Colloquium. Listeners can donate to the colloquium here