Brain Shaman

Jamie Ananda McConochie: Tantric Sex, Dating, Sounds, and Life | Episode 69

In this episode, Jamie Ananda McConochie teaches us all about tantric sex, masturbation, health, and relationship practices. Yes, you will learn how to last longer in bed, love, and life. But you'll also learn how to increase your energy, focus, creativity, presence, and pleasure by using chanting, breathing, voice, movement, meditation, eye gazing, and other sensory-based practices. These techniques can be used alone or in combination with each other, both during sexual and non-sexual activities, to help you connect with the divine flowing energy within yourself, others, nature, and God.

This is a sexy, giggly, awakening dialogue that both men and women can learn from and enjoy.  Embark on a journey beginning in a Hindu monastery, where Jamie lived as a monk for 11 years. From there, explore a tapestry of Hindu and tantric practices, serving as tools to invigorate not only your bedroom but also your entire world with renewed vitality, depth, and spirit.

Topics discussed include: sex, dating, masturbating, relationships, porn, tantra,  Hinduism, Sanskrit, vocalizing, chanting, mantras, meditation, orgasm, speed, movement, eye gazing, semen retention, and more.


 - Bhagavad Gita
- Narcissus and Goldmund
- Tantrasara 
- The Vedas

 - Ganesh
- Kali
- Shakti
- Shiva

- Hari Om
- Shiva Gayatri
- Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

- Abhinavagupa
- Ekhart Tolle
- Hermann Hesse

- microcosmic orbit (energy/breathing technique)
- puja (Hindu ritual)
- Shiva Linga (symbol / object)

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   podcast: The Tantric Life
   YuTantra (dating site):

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