Brain Shaman

Dr. Ilene Naomi Rusk: A New Hope for Neuroplasticity — Connecting Your Nervous System to Others, Nature, and a Playful Loving Space | Episode 77

Michael Waite

Dr. Ilene Naomi Rusk is a neuropsychologist and functional medicine brain health consultant who helps heal people with trauma and neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's. Her education, training, and experience are vast, dancing like a constellation of stars through the nervous system night. We captured glimpses of it today, focusing primarily on the important role that connection and engagement (with others, nature, yourself, your sensory experience, and the beyond) play on your nervous system health and well-being. 

You can change, heal, and grow your brain in beneficial ways, what Dr. Rusk calls "positive neuroplasticity."  Today we discuss some of the portals into such plasticity, including: education, social connection, nature, positive thinking, mental reframing, memories, and the imagination. Through such, we can learn to overcome our trauma, get our nervous system and life unstuck, and more easily enter into a state of safety, calm, connectedness, playfulness, presence, love, wellness, and hope. 

We also talk about: eye contact, humming, the voice, the face, cameras, photos, screens, functional medicine, and more.

This was a very healing and educational conversation for me, and I hope it is for you too.

Sadly, the event Dr. Rusk invited us to has now finished. But she always has lots of upcoming online events, which you can find on the events tab of her website.

Instagram: @dr_rusk
Facebook: /drilenenaomi


- Dale Bredesen
- Dan Siegel
- Esther Perel
- Helen Reddy
- Stephen Porges

- I Am Woman by Helen Reddy

- Emotional valence modulates the topology of the parent-infant inter-brain network (NeuroImage, Feb 2020)

Learn more, connect, and find out about upcoming events at:

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