Brain Shaman
Brain Shaman is a philosophical and scientific journey towards better brain health. Michael Waite discusses how you can change your brain state and overall nervous system via behavior, nutrition, nature, and technology. Mental illness, addiction, and low brain function are destroying so many people and societies. By becoming increasingly disconnected from our natural mind-body-world and plugged into the artificial ones, we are getting sicker, weaker, and less free. We must become more conscious of how the information that we consume (in the form of action, food, drugs, sensory input, media, etc.) affects our brain. This podcast teaches you how to reconnect with your primordial nature, reprogram your brain, regain your freedom, and redirect your life.
Brain Shaman
Lara Salyer: The Burnout Antidote — Flow and Functional Medicine | Episode 87
In this episode, our guest is Dr. Lara Salyer, a functional medicine practitioner, author, podcaster, and coach. We discuss burnout and how to overcome it by tapping into flow and using functional medicine.
Key Topics Covered:
- Burnout: Causes, diagnosis, physiology, prevention strategies, and Dr. Salyer's personal story.
- Flow: Neurochemistry, phenomenology, the four phases of the flow cycle (struggle, release, flow, and recovery), triggers, and blockers.
- Functional Medicine: Core principles, inflammation, the effects of alcohol, plant medicine (including psilocybin and cannabis), and more.
- Holistic well-being: Creativity, play, emotional expression, community, creating boundaries, and tips for workplace satisfaction.
- Right Brain Rescue by Dr. Lara Salyer
- Start With Why by Simon Sinek
- Drink Wisconsibly
- Flow Research Collective
- The Institute for Functional Medicine
- Archimedes
- Jeffrey Bland
- Mark Hyman
- Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
- Simon Sinek
- Steven Kotler
- William Shakespeare
- anandamide
- Apo-E
- Archimedes' principle
- Cannabidiol (CBD)
- cannabis
- dysbiosis
- functional medicine
- growth mindset
- norepinephrine
- osteopathy
- oxytocin
- psilocybin
**Connect and Learn More**
Instagram: @drlarasalyer
book: Right Brain Rescue
podcast: The Catalyst