How To Be Happy With Dr. Wendy

Fear Of Death Part One

July 01, 2019 Wendy Hill, Ph.D.

Many of us have a fear of death.  Perhaps it's a fear of loss of self, fear of punishment, fear of pain, or fear of some unknown experience. Whatever the fear you may or may not have about dying this podcast will help shed light on this oft avoided subject of death. Dr. Wendy and her guest Jody Harary, clairvoyant, talk about how to overcome a fear of death. In this first of two podcasts on this subject, Dr. Wendy and Jody explore common fears and offer new perspectives that may change how you look at death in a way that brings you greater peace of mind. In the second podcast on fear of death Dr. Wendy and Jody explore death and the near death experience (NED) and what it tells us about life after death.