How To Be Happy With Dr. Wendy

Importance of Emotional Release

August 19, 2019 Wendy Hill, Ph.D.

Listen to how Dr. Wendy works with a client in helping them discover and heal their self-defeating core beliefs and release emotion. Learn exactly why emotional release is so important. In this session Dr. Wendy spontaneously helps Rose Teding get in touch with a core belief that has controlled her for years. This session and the following two sessions with Rose are unrehearsed and unedited. They are examples of how you can transform your own self-defeating core beliefs.

Rose Teding is a beautiful woman who has been working intensely on her personal and spiritual growth for the past several years. The ease in which she is able to respond to Dr. Wendy's questions and comments is testimony to how important doing your personal and spiritual work is and how well it pays off. Rose is courageous and generous in her willingness to share with you her memories and feelings. Thank you, Rose.