GSD Podcast

E11: Patience: Stop rushing people if you're not ready

The Wizard of Iz Season 1 Episode 11

Do you ever stress out that no one is keeping up with your pace? Are you working 7 days a week and 14 to 16 hours a day? If you are then STOP! 

You need to stop rushing yourself and other people if you are not ready to take that next step, release that new product, or offer a new service. Too many times we are not properly planning and figuring out our next move because we want it now.

Everyone wants things fast, now and as quick as possible, but to really succeed it takes time, planning and the most important, patience.

You need patience and planning when running your business to make sure you execute at a high level. If you rush others due to your lack of patience you are going to stress them out and burn them out. And worst case, you do it to yourself and end up with health issues. Now your business comes to a stop, because you cannot work.

It's a hard lesson to learn and one that is important. Tune in to this weeks show to learn about having patience and hear how two different situations I experienced cause loss of work and loss of a business. 

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[00:00:00] Hey everyone. Welcome to this week's episode, and today we talk about patience. Yes, that's right. Patience. You're probably thinking, mark, what does patience have to do with business? It has everything to do with business. So this episode we're gonna talk about stop rushing people if you are not ready. So what does that mean?

[00:00:25] That means you, if you're not ready for something, stop rushing the people around you. 'cause it's not gonna benefit you or your business or your customers or your clients at all. Mark, what do you mean by that? It means that I. Everything that is worthy takes time and patience to grow it the right way and execute it the right way.

[00:00:46] But Mark, I've heard that entrepreneurs should be working seven days a week at every moment they get up, sacrificing everything in life. Well, let's take a step back. Have there people been people [00:01:00] that have done that? Yes. Have some of those people been successful? Yes. Is it the right way to go about it?

[00:01:08] not necessarily. Not unless you want to give up every little thing in your life and sacrifice every ounce of time that might cause you to have issues with health, physical and mental issues with family, friends. You guys don't have to give up everything to succeed, but we live in this world and culture where everyone wants it instantaneous.

[00:01:32] I want it now. I wanted it yesterday. I want it quick. Gimme the cliff notes and guess what guys? I get it with somebody who struggles with A D H D as an adult. I get it. I sometimes want people to talk to me quick, give me answers quick, give me the cliff notes quick, but sometimes. Can't have to stop and slow down and take the time.

[00:01:53] I reference a lot with Gary V 'cause I followed him for years and he is a huge driving force of [00:02:00] taking patience, working towards something and succeeding. And a lot of us miss that. A lot of us see the. Hey, look at this. Look at what this person did. They're an overnight success, but we didn't realize that they are not an overnight success.

[00:02:13] We didn't realize how many years it took for them to get to where they are. We don't maybe see the sacrifice given to take and where they got. It's not that quick. It's not overnight success. Oh yeah, it is. I've seen people on Instagram or reels or TikTok, and they went viral and now they're huge. Yeah, but you didn't probably see the 100 videos they made that flopped that they ended up taking down or disliking.

[00:02:37] You just saw the one that finally took off for them. So patience, guys. Patience is there, and it reminds me of a quote. There was a quote that, it's not mine. I, I found it online before, and I love it, and I used it with the client, and I'm going to tell you about that story, but the quote goes like this, your lack of planning does not constitute a rush on my behalf.

[00:02:59] That's right. [00:03:00] Your lack of planning does not constitute a rush on my behalf. Patients get you where you want to go. I got a story to tell you about this, this this. You guys will probably get a kickoff. I have, I had a client for a while and this client, I was actually producing, videos for them, which were gonna be used for marketing and things like that.

[00:03:19] And they came to me looking for, you know, . Tutorial type video. So I quoted them to create these tutorial type videos and I said, here you go. And we started getting into it. They signed the contract, we started working, and then there was four videos we started off with. And out of the four, only one was a tutorial.

[00:03:37] I. The other three were like marketing promotion. And I said, Hey guys, you know what's going on with this? Oh, well we don't have time to wait. We, we have some clients that we want to get this stuff out to, so we actually need to start creating these promotional materials. I said, okay, well that's fine.

[00:03:52] Let's, let's see what you need. Let's start working on, I'll put it together, but I'll quote you separate 'cause it's not what we are looking to do. everything was fine. Let's fast [00:04:00] forward. So now we start working on the videos. I literally just, it took about two weeks, first of all, from the client to get all the materials.

[00:04:07] All right? And then as soon as I got the materials, I said, thanks, I'm gonna start working on these. Now mind you, I gave them a two to three week turnaround for videos, just in general. I do that because, There needs to be a gap of space to produce this for your person. You know, whoever you're working for, there needs to be suitable timeframe in case something happens.

[00:04:29] God forbid something happens, I get sick or can't do work. I. You wanna create a reasonable timetable that's good for them and good for you? Yes. I'm gonna probably produce the videos in less than three weeks, probably even less than two weeks. But I don't want them, assuming they're gonna get it in 24, 48 hours and expect that every time.

[00:04:45] 'cause that's not how business works, especially the busier you get. So there's always a timeline. I had all the material for them, and they instantly asked, even though they knew the timeframe, how quick can you get this to me? I said, well, you know, it is two to three weeks. They're like, well, this Thursday [00:05:00] we have a meeting and need these videos.

[00:05:01] I said, uh, it's Tuesday morning. Not gonna happen. You know? And they're like, well, you mentioned something about paying for a rush fee. I said, well, yes, there's rush fees. We'd like to pay for a rush fee. And so I said, Hmm, okay, I'll do it for this one. That's fine. You know, I'll push it through. And I did it.

[00:05:16] And problem was, is I spent a lot of time in two days creating these three promotional videos that I'll be honest with you guys, it wasn't worth the cost of the video or the rush cost. It just wasn't. Now part of that's my end. We'll talk about that a different time, I just didn't bill enough to make it worthy to actually push it along that quick.

[00:05:36] So I did the videos, got it to 'em, they did what they needed to and so on and so forth. So to save you from the super long story, the client continued to do that. They continued to needing a video, took forever to get their materials together, hence a lack of planning on their end. And then by the time they got it to me, they needed it in a rush, which again, does not constitute a rush on my behalf.

[00:05:59] So [00:06:00] if they planned properly and got me the materials upfront, . It didn't take two to three weeks to gimme the materials. I could have had two to three weeks to do the videos, so the client didn't have any patience for me to get things to them. They wanted it quickly, but they weren't properly planning on their end.

[00:06:16] Eventually what happened is I worked with them for about three months and I canceled the contract, and I actually said in an email to them, I said, thank you so much for providing me with a chance to work with your business. I enjoyed my time. I said, we have talked numerous times about these video projects and that everything has become a rush and rush job.

[00:06:33] I said, we cannot continue this working relationship with everything being a rush job. I said, A lack of planning on your end does not constitute a rush on mine or constitute an emergency on my behalf. And what happened is their lack of patience and planning. Was causing my business to always have a rush or make everything feel like an emergency, which that would've eventually just burned me out.

[00:06:56] And the team that I was working with to do these projects,[00:07:00] and that's only because they had no patience. They were rushing. Here's the funny part, two and a half years later, they have not progressed. Since I've worked with them. I have not seen any new videos created. They have no new video editor. Their website has not

[00:07:13] Been created. So there's a problem internally in the team that no matter what, even if I stayed with them, they probably wouldn't be any further than they are. One thing that I see is we need to stop glorifying working all day and all week, including the weekends. This is something that needs to stop.

[00:07:32] This is not beneficial. This is not the way the entrepreneur should be. The problem with the people who think that is, they're not properly planning out their days, their weeks, their months. They're not creating a to-do list for that day, A to-do list for the week, and a to-do list for the month. They're just literally shooting from the hips.

[00:07:50] They have no idea which is causing them to work nights, weekends, and forever. If you can properly plan, Your [00:08:00] business, whatever you're doing, and you can have patience with this plan, you can eliminate this issue,

[00:08:06] a lack of planning and a lack of figuring out your priority will cause a seven day work week, a 14 plus hour workday. I don't know about you guys, but that does not seem fun. I know people who work a fraction of that time and make triple some of the people who work that time. Now I get it. . There's situations that come up where you might pull the all-nighter or do something to launch something and get it out.

[00:08:31] I get it. It happens. But if you have proper planning and you have patience in this plan and you don't rush it, I, you will see the rewards from it. It brings me to one more story before I wrap up this podcast. I was involved in another business at one point. I was a partner in this business with a couple other people.

[00:08:52] We will just say that I, in this business, me and the three, the three partners, we all worked full-time jobs and we were building this business on [00:09:00] the side.

[00:09:00] Now mind you, this business we were building was being built to build a different business off of eventually, but the first business we built, which was gonna be basically the way we were gonna fund the second business, it turned into. The main business, we decided to do it. There was gonna be no second business, like we went all in on this, but we all worked.

[00:09:22] We all worked full-time and we all met once a week and we came up with the priorities and tasks for that week and everyone had a week to do it. And every week we met and we felt accomplished. We were moving forward and we were moving forward patiently. Because we had everyone do something they needed to do.

[00:09:38] We met, we discussed, we talked about, and we created the next set of priorities and tasks for the next week. Things were going good. We had great momentum. We knew this was gonna be a long-term plan. This wasn't gonna be like, Hey, in six months we're all quitting our job and doing this. This is a long-term plan.

[00:09:54] This was a three to five year plan. At least that's the way I looked at it and I thought everyone else did. Well, [00:10:00] fast forward about four months. One of our owners thought, Hey, we can get more done if I quit my job. And the rest of us said, absolutely not. We do not support that. Do not quit. if you quit, we know you're going all in, but we cannot go all in with you and we're not quitting our jobs.

[00:10:17] Well, that person quit against all of our suggestions and exactly what we thought happened. That person decided to rush everything, had zero patience because now they weren't working a job. So they didn't have any income coming in, so that person was pushing as hard as they could to rush things to make money for the business.

[00:10:39] But what happened? What happened in that business? Well, let me tell you. What happened is the pressure then was pushed onto the O. Other owners, including me, we gotta do this, you gotta do more, you gotta do this, you gotta do that. And what happened now, their lack of planning was causing me to have an emergency in rush on my behalf.

[00:10:58] They're another owner of the [00:11:00] business with me. So yeah, I wanna help out 'cause it's my business too. But what started to happen is I was working already 40, 45 hours a week with my actual business. And this business on the side was starting to consume anywhere from 10 to 20 extra hours a week.

[00:11:14] What was happening is I had no weeknights. I literally had the 14 to 16 hour workday, and I was also losing one whole day on the weekend, which meant time away from my wife and daughter and at a pivotal point of my daughter's life early on, and even causing some issues and tension between my wife and I because I was always stressed out and I said, this isn't it.

[00:11:36] This is not how it should be. We'll fast forward because this has been going on for a while, and all of us had issues with what was happening, so we all addressed it to our partner. Of what was going on and we said, listen, we understand your circumstance. You're kind of in a survival mode. You need money.

[00:11:51] You can't pay some of your bills, but we're not doing this with you. We can't, well, instead of the person like realizing it, the [00:12:00] person had lack of even more patience and pushed harder to the point where one of our partners bailed and then it was three of us. And then it got to a point where I said, if this is to continue as a business, this needs to happen.

[00:12:14] And this person fought back hard and I realized life is so much more important than this stupid business. And so I ended up bailing out and then it went down to two partners the one still. Had no patience for the success that this thing could have been.

[00:12:28] This thing could have been super successful, but they had no patience. They were making mistakes because they didn't have the patience. They were jumping the gun and missing key things that you need to do to build up. And because of that, then the last partner left. And then it was just that person. The one person who quit their job, who rushed as hard as they could, who had no patience, was the last one standing.

[00:12:50] And then guess what happened? A year later, the business closed down and it's gone. This business had so much potential and I am very thankful of the time in the business. I learned a lot, [00:13:00] I grew a lot professionally. I also thought it was a great business concept and idea, but the whole business was ruined by one person's and patient behavior because they didn't want to wait for the big payout.

[00:13:15] They wanted it instantly and they Figured that I'm gonna do the old school way and just quit everything and only focus on the business 'cause that's what's gonna grow. But in this day and age, you guys don't have to do that. And what happened is that business crumbled and that person didn't have a job and they had to sacrifice a lot to make ends meet in their life, which put more stress on them as well, which is probably one thing that crumbled the business in us as, uh, all partners.

[00:13:41] So, . I encourage you guys patience. Stop rushing people. If you are not ready, our partner was not ready. They kept rushing everybody involved to their expectations when that's not how it was set in the beginning. [00:14:00] So if you run a business, stop rushing everybody.

[00:14:03] If you're not ready, get your priorities together. Sit down, write 'em out properly, plan, and if there's something you have to rush, I get it might happen once in a while, but if everything you do is a rush, 'cause you're not planning properly, that's on you, not the rest of your team. Don't force your team to have a rush or emergency because of your lack of planning.

[00:14:27] I said that a lot in this episode because it is drastically important. So if you take out anything from this episode that is your lack of planning does not constitute a rush or an emergency on your partners, on your employees, on your contractors or colleagues' behalf. It does not. And if they can't do it, you need to respect that 'cause it is not on them to do it.

[00:14:49] That's part of . What you are doing. So start to practice patience. Plan out, have patience. Know that as long as you keep working at it, you are going to get there. [00:15:00] You will get that and you'll be working with a lot more happier people if you're not always pushing them so hard on their end. So thanks for tuning into this week's episode.

[00:15:12] I'd love to hear what your guys' thoughts are on it. Jump on the website, send me a message. Have patience. You will get there no matter watches. Keep at it, and most importantly, give yourself a break to reboot once in a while. So I will talk with you guys more on that in a future episode.

[00:15:34] Until then, take care and get shit done.

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