GSD Podcast

E09: How to Repurpose your Content for Social Media

The Wizard of Iz Season 1 Episode 9

Part 3 in a 3 part Social Media series.

In this episode we dive into creating content for your Social Media channels that doesn't consume all your time.

Do you handle social media yourself? Do you pay someone to do it? We talk about how creating a few long form pieces of content can help you create weeks worth of content to post on your social media channels. 

These tools and suggestions can greatly help you create and manage your time if you handle all your social media posting yourself. 

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E 09: How to repurpose your Content for Social Media

[00:00:00] Welcome back everybody to the G S D podcast. I have taken a small break for those of you who've noticed I'm not putting out videos or podcasts once a week because unfortunately I had a little situation come up in my family. I had a, uh death in the family come up and it's kind of delayed some things and put some things off.

[00:00:20] And as most of us when this happens, it definitely puts life in perspective for us. So I actually thought about . Stopping the podcast altogether. But I sat down, I thought about it, I reflected, I had a lot of people who were starting to tune in saying, I really like it. Please keep going with it. So I'm gonna try to get back into it.

[00:00:41] I'm gonna try and produce the content that I wanted to for you guys again, but you're probably not gonna see something once a week. We're probably looking at maybe two, three times a month. And I'm definitely scaling back 'cause I don't wanna cause burnout. But before we get into the show, get Shit done, right?[00:01:00] 

[00:01:00] So, We left off with a three part series that I never finished for you guys. So why don't we finish that today and get into that final episode of that three part series where we are talking about social media and the platforms you should use and how to make it look cohesive. And today's episode is all about how to repurpose your content specifically for social media.

[00:01:23] So I get asked this a lot, even though I'm not really in the social media world anymore, but . A lot of businesses and companies out there, they just cannot produce a lot of content. They don't have the time or the money. And here's the thing that I wanna point out before I get any further into this.

[00:01:38] There's a difference between you doing it yourself and paying someone else to do it and the time it takes. So, for example, I've met a lot of people who don't wanna pay for content because they don't see a big return on its investment. And I get it. You don't. You really don't right away, unless you're this large, huge corporation like Walmart, target, whatever it is.

[00:01:57] You don't see a huge return on your investment. [00:02:00] It is a long-term game. I think it's very important for you to do it. Whatever you can do for content, you should do it and put it out there. If you can do something in-house to save money at first, do it. But if you are doing it yourself, listen, do you really wanna spend all your time doing content?

[00:02:16] No. You don't pay the money for somebody to do it, because if you're not paying, you're still spending your time. So just keep that in mind. So let's talk about this whole repurposing thing. A lot of people get stressed out when it comes to doing content because. They feel as though, you know, Hey, I, I have content, but I don't know what to talk about after week one.

[00:02:38] I got a ton of stuff for the first week, but then after that I got nothing. Well, how do you produce more content?

[00:02:44] Well, Be mindful of making maybe longer content that you can repurpose into smaller bites. I always talk to people. Here's, you know, I, I'll talk to them about, here's like a list of things you can do, and just take this question as a grain of salt and reword it [00:03:00] for what you do.

[00:03:00] And here's a bunch of content ideas. Do some live videos, do regular videos, do posts. Be mindful of the platform you're on, all those different things. But sometimes after a week or two, like I said, people burn out. So how do we do this? So let's first talk about it. Let's talk about what type of content do you like to produce?

[00:03:20] Or what are you good at producing first? Think about that. You know, do you like creating videos? Do you like to create written content? Maybe you like to write blogs. Are you someone who loves to do photo shoot? Whether it's spotlighting you as your personal brand, whether you're spotlighting products that you do, whether you take pictures of the job or service that you provide, what is it?

[00:03:42] You know, it's gonna probably be video, it's probably gonna be photos, or it's probably gonna be ring content. It's gonna be one of those. Either way, there's a way to break this down and use it and repurpose the content. So the idea is how much content can I get outta one piece of content? I don't know how many, many of you might follow Gary v.

[00:03:58] Gary V is [00:04:00] notorious for talking about this and just like little bits of content putting it up and how to take longer content and break it down into smaller bites. And that's really what we want to talk about today, is repurposing your content for social media. So taking a bigger piece and break it down.

[00:04:15] So let's jump in. let's say you like to make videos. Let's say you shot a 15 to 20 minute video on a specific topic or service or product. What you can do is that one video can be broken down into different parts, and you can take small clips from that video and use it as teaser videos to your longer video.

[00:04:36] It can be used as a post to direct people to the main video, or it could just be used as promo pieces. Let's say you do a video like the top five Ways to promote your content on social media. Well, if that's a 15 minute video, you just said there's five ways so you can actually break down each section in its own, so there's five.

[00:04:56] You know, medium sized piece of content. Then you can break each content [00:05:00] down probably into two, three, or maybe four other pieces where you can talk specifically about, you know, the top, the top way to do it, and then the second way to do it, and the third way to do it. And now next thing you know, five ways, four pieces per way.

[00:05:15] You got 20 pieces of content. You know, if you're posting daily Monday through Friday, you just got a month's worth of content outta one video. Sounds good. It works. It does work. Now, yes, there's the time to take that one piece and break it down. That takes some time, but you're only producing one main piece that you're breaking down.

[00:05:35] So let's keep going. let's also say with that video, there's some services where you can transcribe your video. That's right. You can transcribe your video. So, Why not take your video, get a transcription of it, reword it a little bit, make it sound more appealing, and now you got a blog, maybe two blogs, maybe three or four.

[00:05:54] Well, I don't know if I'd go to that extent. You definitely have one blog, which is the top five ways to, you know, [00:06:00] repurpose content on social media or create content on social media. And then you can maybe even break those down to get more specific on each one if you'd like.

[00:06:07] So that's a way that you can take your video and repurpose that for multiple pieces. You could also take screenshots of your video at certain part and just add captions of those and turn them into posts. So there's so many ways of taking one video and how you can break it down to. A blog, other video content, and even image posts.

[00:06:28] You know, let's say you're a writer, so let's go into writing. Let's say you're a writer and you write a standard, let's say 600 word blog first, you can dissect the blog into its main bullet points. Let's say your blog is about the top five ways to grow on social media. You know, break out those five points and then Break them down to three or four different captions and use them on social media. That sounds familiar. Sounds like what we just talked about with the video. That's right. You can do it the same way from there. Grab a photo that you have, or in this case, a stock photo if you don't have anything that supports the caption [00:07:00] you created.

[00:07:00] So you can take that blog, break it down into little pieces, make that your social media and break it down by section. Better yet, you can take that blog and if you don't mind being on video. Read some of that and now make video content. All these coincide of what you can do. The idea though is you're taking one big piece and breaking it down into many pieces.

[00:07:24] Let's talk about repurposing a photo shoot. So a photo shoot. The one thing with a photo shoot is, you know, let's be honest, how many are you taking in in a photo shoot? A hundred thousand. 10,000? I don't know. Some people do. I know some people love to take a lot of photos.

[00:07:41] If you want to use some of those photos as posts, keep that in mind when you shoot. So think about that. Let's say you're, I don't know, uh, I'm holding a uh, G S D podcast coffee mug in my hand right now. Let's say we wanted to promote this product. [00:08:00] So we're gonna promote this product. So think about it. You could get a picture of it by itself.

[00:08:04] You could get a picture of it with someone holding it. You can get a picture of it with coffee in it. You can get a picture of it with coffee being pouring in it. You could get all these different items that you can then turn into post. So when a photo shoot, you wanna look at it like, Hey, we got all these photos from this event that we just did this product shoot.

[00:08:21] We just did the service shoot that we just did. And yeah, you might be taking that for a certain . You know, promotional material, but think, Hey, I wanna turn some of this into social media, take behind the scenes photos of the photo shoot. Like, Hey, here's a behind the scenes shot of when we were setting up to do a product shoot for our new hairline extensions.

[00:08:43] You know what I mean? Like, I don't know, just making this up, but you kinda get the drift so you can start to take all these little pieces. From your photo shoot and you're using all the photos from your photo shoot and repurposing it for captions, which is a huge thing [00:09:00] to save on content. I mean, you're not gonna have to use any stock photos at all.

[00:09:03] This is all your original content. So, you know, take them, repurpose them, use them, you know, look at your brand, be consistent with your brand. Be consistent with your style. If you're setting up for a photo shoot, Make it look consistent with the style and what you like.

[00:09:19] You don't need stock photos when we're doing photo shoots. if you're still looking to do more with photo shoot, consider maybe a slideshow of photos that you can use for a TikTok or reels. Uh, put music behind it, something that's trending.

[00:09:32] Add text over the top of it, publish the posts, create a gif out of it with some of it. I mean, how, how cool would it be to take maybe some trending music, three or four photos of your product in the different scenarios that represent and follow your brand guide and throwing those up too. So there's a lot of ways that you can take one big piece of content you do and break it down.

[00:09:55] And when I talk to people, They just forget. They don't even realize that. Oh, yeah, we [00:10:00] did do a photo shoot. Oh yeah, we do write a lot of blocks. Oh yeah. We record videos, so everything can be broken down in multiple steps. Look at the big piece. Can you break it down into bullet points, and then can you get three or four captions out of each bullet point?

[00:10:14] That's the way to look at it doesn't matter. Video written or photos. That's the way to repurpose your content and put it online to save you time. Really, you can create one great video topic. . That you ride that sucker for the whole month. And if you look at it from that way, besides maybe an off post here and there, you're really only creating 12 pieces of content per year.

[00:10:37] Not trying to create 12 pieces of content in 12 different days and racking your brain out, not knowing what the hell you want to do with your content. Because we have all been there. I've been there, and I try not to do that anymore. Repurpose your content. Very simple, easy way to do it, and from there you will just always have something to post up and you [00:11:00] won't complain anymore of not knowing what to do or taking too long of breaks between posting.

[00:11:04] So thank you for tuning in. This was actually episode nine, how to Repurpose Your Content for Social Media. I am back so you'll be hearing more from me again, two to three. Podcast probably a month is what I'm shooting for now. I'm currently putting a pause on the community right now on Patreon.

[00:11:24] Uh, again, one step at a time. I don't want to cause burnout and get into that and that's something we'll talk about in another episode. 'cause if you haven't been there yet, you will. 'cause I've been there. More than once. And the thing is, is you should learn the first time when you hit burnout, how to not get there again.

[00:11:41] So we will , we will tackle that in another podcast. But for right now, . Thanks for tuning in. Visit the website, the wizard of I'm there. There are ways to donate to the show. I still appreciate donations. You can donate from Venmo Cash app and even another one called Buy Me [00:12:00] a Coffee and I would love to have a coffee 'cause I'm drinking coffee right now. If you ever wanna reach out to me and get in touch with me, there's . email sign up on the website. You'll actually sign up for the newsletter too, but you'll be able to touch base with me. And thank you all for listening in, and I will be back with you guys again in a couple weeks.

[00:12:20] I'm gonna give you a little bonus episode of social media. So enjoy, stay tuned. I'll talk to y'all later. Bye.

[00:12:34] ​

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