GSD Podcast

E16: How to be Grateful and Thankful for where you're at in Life

The Wizard of Iz Season 1 Episode 16

This subject has recently become very near and dear to my heart! Welcome to the 2023 Thanksgiving special about how to practice gratitude. 

Do you spend time daily or weekly talking about what you are thankful for? If not, maybe you should. Tune in to this episode where I breakdown how a simple act of being grateful everyday has turned around my business and also has turned around my person life. 

And a bonus, since I've been doing this I've become a less anxious person. 

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[00:00:00] Hey everybody. Welcome back to the podcast. Today's episode is actually, a very important one because it's something that I've been doing for the last few months. I touched on this a little bit last year when I did a Thanksgiving episode, but we're going to go more in depth on it this time. And I'm going to give you guys some actionable items on how to try it.

[00:00:22] So in today's episode, we're going to talk about how to be grateful and thankful for where you're at in life. Whether it's business, whether it's personal, wherever you're at in life, let's talk about being grateful and thankful. And this is the perfect time. We got Thanksgiving coming up this week. What a better time, or there is no better time, I should say, to then be grateful and thankful for what we have.

[00:00:46] A lot of us. Don't ever look at life like that, and I think after this podcast, I think you'll look just a little different at where you are in your life. So let's, let's jump into this. I have to give you guys a [00:01:00] story of where this happened in life, where I was kind of down and out, and I had to make a change.

[00:01:07] I had to just mentally change the way I thought, the way I acted on things, and how to go about this next chapter of my life. And believe it or not, Everything I'm about to tell you happened this time last year. So I had a big client that in November of last year, I found out that I was going to lose them at the end of the year.

[00:01:31] After December 31st, we will no longer be working together. Now This wasn't one of my direct clients. This was a client of a client. So I had little influence on saving it, but I tried everything I could to help save it, but it was just one of those things. And this was a big hit on my family financially, like really big.

[00:01:52] So I kind of freaked out at the end of last year, but instead of it becoming all consuming, what I did is I said, you know what, I got, [00:02:00] you know, a month and a half left of them. I will ride it out. I'm going to enjoy the holidays. And last year, we actually took two weeks at Christmas and went up north to visit family.

[00:02:09] And I really did just enjoy. The holidays, Thanksgiving and the whole Christmas season. And when I came back and got ready for work at the top of the year, you know, then I had a little bit of a freak out, but I knew it was coming. I prepped for it. So I made sure that I didn't, you know, have it eat me up for the holidays.

[00:02:29] Going into the new year, I lost this client and I was starting to struggle and work and trying to find more work and more work. And, I don't know how many of you have noticed this in life, your life or others life, but the more desperate you become for something, the more, the more desperate you become...

[00:02:47] To try to get something, the more you actually exude that to people and the more they realize that you are desperate and the [00:03:00] harder it is to get things, I think at the start of the year, I was a little bit too desperate to get work and it was a becoming quite difficult. And the last thing you want to do is discount the work that you do in hopes that you can just get work in because that's just going to hurt you in the long run.

[00:03:12] You know, I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole, but most of you probably know that. So I, I just was, I was struggling and I was. Going down in kind, kind of a pit was getting a little bit depressed and wondering, do I, is this it like, do I go back to corporate America is working for myself, self, the, still the same way to go about it.

[00:03:34] Is it time to pack it in after 12 years, you know, and I wish I was lying, but those thoughts probably come into my head every couple of years, if it's time to pack it up. Pack in the business and go back to corporate America. I always find my way out of it, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that self doubt didn't come up once in a while when you own your own business, especially in a situation like this.

[00:03:59] So [00:04:00] one of my, I wouldn't say resolutions, but one of my goals for 2023 was just to be. A little bit healthier by the end of the year in many ways, mentally healthy, physically healthy. So I got in the habit of walking every day. Well, after a while, I was like, you know, I got to find some new podcasts to listen to.

[00:04:17] And I came across this podcast and I listened to it. And the podcast was all about being grateful for what you have. I'm like, all right, well, let me listen to it. This guy produces about three podcasts a week. So, you know, there's not a new one every day. I'm kind of caught up on his podcast. So let me, let me listen to what this one had to say.

[00:04:35] And. He talked about practicing being grateful on a daily basis, just be grateful. And he said, it's really hard to do it in the beginning. He said in the beginning, even himself, he's like, I didn't know what to do in the beginning. I'm like, uh, I, I, I don't know. Like, I'm grateful that I have a bathroom to go to the bathroom in, you know?

[00:04:55] And of course I laughed and he laughed in his podcast and it was, it was kind of silly, [00:05:00] but he said, I really didn't know what to do in the beginning. So I was just. Being grateful for basic things. And I was like, okay, I get that. But it was a great segue to be like, yeah, I'm not sure what to be grateful for because we, we kind of take for granted what we have.

[00:05:12] And we all, especially in America, we're always trying to keep up with the Joneses by the next new newest, greatest thing, need a bigger house, need more money, need this, need that. I mean. And that's the American way, right? You know, very, very few people are minimalists, you know? But you're starting to see that more and it's funny, like a lot of minimalists are very happy in their life.

[00:05:34] So I said, okay, let me, let me keep listening to what this guy has to say because he's, he's got a good point. And this part i'm about to tell you is what changed everything for me and immediately got me into practicing gratefulness or thankfulness, depending on the way you want to look at it, daily. And I started this about three months ago, honestly, when this happened.

[00:05:52] I started this, I would say, right at the end, actually, no, maybe four months ago now. I started this towards the end of summer, uh, mid to end of [00:06:00] summer, and I've been doing this ever since. But this was the important part in this podcast that he said, I really want to have you... Understand and really hear this part.

[00:06:10] He said, so many people want more. I want more of this. I want more of that. I want more, money. I want more time. You know, I want bigger house. I want more cars. And he said, why should you get more in your life? Now, Granted, regardless if you're, you know, a religious person, spiritual, believe in karma, whatever it is, I mean, it's your choice, you believe in what it is, but regardless what it is, he said this great point, and he said, Why should you get more in your life if you are not grateful for what you currently have?

[00:06:45] Holy crap. When I heard that, I was like, you are absolutely right. Why, why should I get more? If you're not grateful for what you have, why should God, why should the world, why should karma give [00:07:00] more to you if you aren't even grateful for what you have? I don't know. He said that and it hit me hard. So if you're not being grateful for what you currently have, Then why would you ever believe that you're going to get more?

[00:07:17] It's going to be given to the people that are grateful. And that's what he said. I was like, man, you're good. You're good. So the same thing as him. The next day I'm like, okay, I'm grateful. What am I grateful for? Um, I'm grateful. I got a roof over my head. I'm grateful that I have a car to drive around. Um, I'm grateful for my family.

[00:07:38] Like, you know, it was kind of generic. But. It got me started and then as I kept thinking, you know, I personally, I have back issues. I have knee issues. I have issues at middle age that some people do and some don't. But there's some days like I'm struggling with my back, you know, and I try to walk every morning.

[00:07:59] So what [00:08:00] started to happen is on my walk, I would do my gratefulness. And sometimes I'd say, I'm grateful that I'm not tied to my bed today. I'm grateful I can get up and walk. I'm grateful that I can enjoy the outside. I played in a band for many years, guys. My hearing is not good. I have really bad tinnitus, or tintinnus, depending on how it's actually said, whatever.

[00:08:21] You know, it's the ringing in the ear that I hear all day and all night, but it's pretty bad. And I started saying things like, I'm grateful that I can hear my daughter and wife's voice. Today and I started in my head as I kept going on I'm like, I'm grateful that I don't have any family members that are sick and in the hospital or sick and on their deathbed I'm grateful that all my family members are healthy today.

[00:08:47] I'm grateful that even in the situation of losing my client I'm grateful that I can pay my bills right now I'm grateful that I have a nice rental townhome that I'm in after we sold our house that [00:09:00] I enjoy that I have A roof over my head and I'm not freaking out of where to live next. I started to really go in depth on being grateful.

[00:09:09] And here's the kicker, man. This is the part of the story that blows my mind. I just, I didn't even care about work anymore. I didn't care about getting clients. I didn't care about trying to make money. I just focused on being grateful for what I had. I shit you not. After about two weeks of practicing this, I had three referrals from current clients reaching out asking if I'm looking to take on new work from other people they had.

[00:09:40] I was a little shocked. I said, wow. Now doesn't mean I got all of it, but two out of those three people I quoted and I got new business out of, I got new. Business. And then I was like, okay, all right. And then a week later, an old coworker I used to work with who's doing work on the side came to me, [00:10:00] asked me if I wanted to help out running ads for someone they were going to bring on.

[00:10:04] There's another one. And then, I mean, I probably had. Nine proposals I put out that, you know, some of the work didn't come through, but through referrals through other clients, clients, things like that. I was putting out two, three proposals a week for over a month out of nowhere, work just started to come to me.

[00:10:28] Now I didn't close all of them. If I close all of them, I would have had to open an agency and rent a place. I seriously, like no joke, but I said. Nah, this can't be from practicing gratefulness and thankfulness. There's no way. No way. So I kept doing it, guys. I kept practicing it. And then another client came in.

[00:10:49] More work came in. Since I practice being grateful. I've closed five new deals and not only did I make back that money I lost at the end of [00:11:00] last year, but I made just a hair more than that. So it's almost like I got a small bump and I have about two or three more proposals out on the table right now. I actually joked to my wife, I was like, uh, I'm either going to have to hire people or I'm going to have to stop being grateful.

[00:11:15] So new work doesn't come in. And of course I'm not going to do that, but I thought it was kind of funny and guys, this isn't. I'm not making stuff up. I'm not blowing smoke. I'm not trying to convince you of something different. I literally listened to this podcast. Thought that was a good idea. I need to be more grateful for what I have and thankful.

[00:11:39] I started practicing it. And the one thing I needed was more work. And that's what started to come into my life. More work started to come in. And... I really could not believe it. And ever since then, I really haven't stopped practicing being grateful or being [00:12:00] thankful. And it's not just a, Hey, you know, say it once a year.

[00:12:03] I know sometimes, um, you know, I know some friends and their families. At Thanksgiving, they get around the table and they say what they're thankful for. That's awesome. And I think that's great to do. But I'm talking about daily, putting it out in the universe and saying, I'm grateful for what I have. I am happy with it.

[00:12:20] I don't want more and more came to me. So how can you bring this into your, into your life? So obviously I have a few actionable items that you can take. I got three of them on how you can start this. But I wanted to give you that story because probably like some of you listening, I was like, yeah, bull ain't happening.

[00:12:45] Highly doubt it. But I just felt like there needed to be a change. You know, there's some days we wake up and we just feel like there's a change today. Or something needs to change today, or I feel something different today. We all have those days [00:13:00] and something just hit that day where I listened to that podcast and I said, that's what I'm going to start to do.

[00:13:05] And that's what I started to do. And it literally has changed my business in the last five months. And I'm going to end the year a little bit up from where I was last year, even after losing that big client. And that to me, I am so grateful for because we needed that win big time. So how can you tie this into your life?

[00:13:31] And before I get to those, you know, for someone like me who struggles with things like ADHD, the struggle with ADHD is. Anxiety that comes from it and when I get anxiety from things like losing that client It also creates this downward spiral of shame sometimes where I get down on myself and that's normal with having this That's something that a lot of us experience.

[00:13:58] So to try to get out of this [00:14:00] and change my mindset it definitely was beneficial and even my wife and daughter said like you're You're different lately, and different in a good sense. You're just, you're a little happy, happier than before. Not that I wasn't happy, but I'm a little happier than I was before.

[00:14:14] And, I'm a little bit more open to doing things. And, I know this is gonna sound nuts, but my anxiety has subsided a little bit since practicing this. So let's get this in your life. How can you be grateful and thankful? And you gotta try it every day. You might miss a day or two, that's fine, but keep up with it.

[00:14:30] Try it. I set a reminder on my phone every day, 820 in the morning, usually around that time of the day. I'm always by myself, whether I'm walking or reading or what. That's when I stop and I focus on it. And this doesn't have to be a long thing, guys.

[00:14:43] We're not talking about, we're not talking about like a 20 minute meditation here. It might literally be 30 seconds of saying what you're grateful for. You know, that's it. So what can you do? Pick a time of day to do this. Just like I said, I have a reminder, a 20 every day. Some people do it in the morning.

[00:14:59] Some people might do it [00:15:00] at the end of the day and be, and say, we are grateful for that day. But pick a time of the day and stay consistent with it. Set a reminder. So you do it at that point. Every day, the next thing you want to do is after you have your time picked, either a write it down in a journal. I know some people do journals and they journal right before bed.

[00:15:19] That's a great time. If you like to journal before bed, write down what you're grateful for at the end of your journaling. I've tried journaling before bed and I suck at it. I really am not good because the last thing I want to do when I get into bed is journal. So maybe I'll get into it guys, but right now I suck at journaling.

[00:15:37] So I can't do that. If you do it. Go ahead for it. Or, if you're not good at journaling like me, say it out loud. Like, I don't say it in my head, guys, I say it out loud what I'm grateful for. I put that out in the universe, I just say it. So, number one, pick a time and be consistent with that time of day. Two, [00:16:00] either write it down in a journal, or just write it down.

[00:16:02] Or, say it out loud. Make sure you hear yourself saying it, and you put it out there. And three, it's hard to get started. So when you get started, just talk about anything that you have in your life that you may not have had before, or something you have that maybe others don't have. I know it might sound dumb to be grateful of something like, I have a bed to sleep in, but seriously, some people don't have a bed to sleep in.

[00:16:31] So just start off by talking about anything you have in life That you may not have had before that you do now, and you're like, man, I'm grateful that, you know, now I have a brand new car and I've always bought used cars before. Or what others might not have, like, I'm grateful I get to go to bed in my bed tonight because I know others don't.

[00:16:50] Just those three simple steps. Can make a world of difference. So wrapping this up as much as this might [00:17:00] sound like not a big deal, or it's not going to work, or this is ridiculous or hokey. I challenge you for 30 days to do this every day. Don't skip a day, same time every day, either write it down or say it out loud and see how things will change for you.

[00:17:19] Embrace the good and the bad. If it's bad, it could always be worse. If it's good, it might get better. So if you're at a down time in your life, embrace that down time and still be grateful for what you have and watch it get better. And if things are good, be grateful for what's there and you might see it get even better than that.

[00:17:42] So I hope all of you take that and try it. Have a amazing Thanksgiving weekend with your family and friends. If you're a Black Friday shopper, You know, good luck shopping, stay safe, don't fight anyone for TVs, although I do kind of [00:18:00] feel I'm feeling those memes out there where it's like, I have enough flat screen TVs, put some groceries on sale for this Black Friday, that would be awesome.

[00:18:07] I'd be there at 2am shopping, just, just saying. So enjoy the holiday. Be thankful and grateful for what you have. I'm thankful and grateful for all of you that tune in and listen, and I appreciate it. Thanks for checking out the podcast. I will be back with another episode soon and enjoy the holidays.

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