Hacking for Good: Safeguarding the Digital World

July 03, 2023 OACETT Season 1 Episode 5
Show Notes Chapter Markers

Join host Louis Savard and Steve Vaillancourt, Senior Cyber Security Instructor at Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, as they discuss the importance of cybersecurity in today's landscape and explore how ethical hackers play a crucial role in stopping cyber criminals.

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• Why is cybersecurity so important in today’s world
What Is devops?
The shortage of cyber security experts
Where do hacking and cybersecurity intersect?
Ethical hacking and bug bounty programs
The framework for ethical hacking
The skill set of skilled hackers
Negative and positive connotations of hacking
The commercialization of hacking
Proactive vs reactive approach to cybersecurity
The role of certification bodies and ethical hacking
Certified Ethical Hijacking