Zen Supermom: The Mental Fitness Podcast

Ep 101: How Not to Yell or Shut Down When You're Overwhelmed and Overstimulated by The Noise of Your Kids

July 05, 2024 Alena Gomes Rodrigues Season 2 Episode 101

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""I struggle mostly with being overwhelmed and overstimulated and keeping calm in those situations. I do stay calm but not to the best of my ability. I feel like I’m tired a lot. I have two children aged 4 and 2."

"I think my main struggles are dealing with anger in the moment when I can’t step away as I need to be present for the kids. I’ve tried lots of the usual techniques - breathing counting and they don’t work.
Also overstimulation is a big thing for me - when both kids are talking/screaming/crying at the same time I feel my anger rising."

Those are just two questions I received from mom fighting with overstimulation, especially with noise.

How do you stay calm in these situations?
How do you not yell, but also not shut down emotionally?
How do you help your kids tone it down and teach them how to manage their emotions in a healthy way, without screaming their head off?

Join me in this podcast episode. You're definitely not the only mom struggling with this.

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About the Author:

Alena Gomes Rodrigues is a mommy tantrum specialist and the founder of the Zen Supermom method.

She's definitely NOT a supermom.

But through her own journey as a recovering perfectionist, hyper-achiever, and a 'Momzilla', she discovered the most effective strategy and tools to help busy moms stop yelling at their kids and set & keap healthy boundaries so that they stay calm, at peace, and happy no matter how stressful their life gets.

Want to know HOW? Join us for the upcoming free workshop! https://www.zensupermom.com/workshop

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