Matt Whitlock's Podcast

Habit #3 - Seeing Hope in Others in an Age of Selective Dignity

November 20, 2019 Matt Whitlock Season 5 Episode 3

The most common questions we hear asked are, “What is happening to the Church in America?” followed by, “Is the Church going away?”. In the last few weeks alone influential Christian leaders have publicly renounced Christianity and encouraged people to see there is not just one version of God. While this may appear as discouraging, let us be mindful that this is nothing in comparison to what God’s bride has faced before.

Hardship is the crucible for beauty and we believe we are on the cusp of a more vibrant and alive American church than ever before. Yet we have to weather the storm while remaining a FAITHFUL PRESENCE in the world. Over the next 6 weekends, we’ll be looking at 6 defining habits of the Church that have always enabled her to stand the test of time! Our hope is as the bride of Christ we can revive these habits today and appear in our community, empowered by the Holy Spirit, as a felt expression of the love of Jesus.