Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Affirmative Action Overreaction and Now Snow White?

Online Big Blue LLC Season 2 Episode 36

Get ready for an absolute roller coaster of a discussion! We're pulling no punches as we tackle the controversy surrounding Disney's recent 'woke' decisions. From Buzz Lightyear's new image, to the eyebrow-raising casting of a black actress for the live action Little Mermaid, to the head-scratching remake of Snow White - we're going in hard and heavy! We'll be taking a closer look at the implications of replacing the classic seven dwarves with a diverse group of enchanted creatures, and shining a light on the dwarf actors who feel unfairly pushed aside. 

But hold on, it's not all about Disney! We're also launching into a heated discussion about Texas's contentious move to install floating barriers along the Rio Grande. Mexico's reaction? You'll have to join us to find out. And you'd better buckle up because we're not stopping there. We're also taking a critical look at President Biden's claims about wages under his administration and his alarmingly low approval rating on the economy. And just when you think we've covered it all, we're taking a detour into the intriguing world of UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. So, if you're ready to navigate the twists and turns of these controversial topics, you're in the right place! Trust us, you won't want to miss this!

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. You don't know what that is, mr Trash. I'd show you. But I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were a man I was five years ago I'd take a flamethrower to this place.

Speaker 2:

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

Speaker 1:

You want answers. I think I'm entitled to it. You want answers, I want the truth.

Speaker 2:

You can't handle the truth In this topsy-turvy world. We've said it once, we've said it twice, we've said it a million times the truth shall always set you free. This is Tim. This is Tim the skiddle-fin-law and the mad ramblings of a Gen X are.

Speaker 2:

I want to talk about Snow White, I want to talk about Biden in his big mouth. I want to talk about a bunch of things, but I want to get into Disney right off the bat. So Disney and their infinite wisdom, after they are hemorrhaging money, the theme parks have gone down the tubes. They just cancelled their big Star Wars hotel project because the fact that there was just a lack of interest and a lack of money. They went woke with Buzz Lightyear and everything else. I don't know was that Disney, buzz Lightyear? I don't know if that's Disney, but Buzz Lightyear went woke and then they decided which was. I really didn't care I know some people did, but they did a live action version of Little Mermaid and they made Little Mermaid Black played by a Black actress.

Speaker 2:

I've never seen the movie, so I don't know. I just thought it was interesting that they take one of their classics and they remake it and I have no problem if they are using an African American or Black actress as a real, because it's really not a movie I'm really into. But I know some people are upset about it and I can see why, because the fact that it kind of I don't want to say takes away from the story, but they were using it more as their wokeness to turn around and make a statement, and while the movie is making money, it's probably still going to end up losing money. So now we got to the news that they are now redoing. Hi Ho, hi Ho, hi Ho. It's off to woke we go. They're redoing Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, the 1937 classic. I think that was Disney's first animated full length feature. I don't remember. I'll have to take a look at that in a minute. But they're redoing it. And they are not having dwarves, they are having the seven enchanted creatures, and these creatures are of all sizes they're tall, they're short, they're a ones of girl, they're black, they're Chinese, they're a little bit of a mixture of everything. And the political correctness is the fact that they are no longer a band of married men. Now it's a band of married men and women and they're basically passing over dwarf actors, to be more politically correct.

Speaker 2:

Now, the guy that's in Game of Thrones. I never watched Game of Thrones, but I know he was. What's his name? Peter Dingle Dinglaar. I don't know his name. I know he's in Game of Thrones. He was in Elf, he's been in a bunch of movies.

Speaker 2:

He came out and said that he criticized it, saying that they're reinforcing stereotypes about dwarves and it's a bad thing. And I laugh because, honestly, you're giving dwarves work and I find it interesting that the character that they are probably meant to play you are basically saying well, no, no, no, that's just reinforcing stereotypes. What about all the Dwarves and those Lord of the Ring movies? Was that racist too? I don't understand. Is that racist too? Then you had another Dwarf actor come out and basically say dude, you know you're taking away roles and you're taking away roles from people that you know that could use these jobs. You know, and they're made for these roles.

Speaker 2:

But now I'm looking at the picture of the Dwarves. You have a very tall one. You have three African American Dwarves. You have three white Dwarves and I hope to God that's not a transgender Dwarf in the back and they're no longer Dwarves, they are now mystical creatures. You're basically taking the whole story and changing it. You're basically taking the whole premise of Snow White and the seven Dwarves. Is it now going to be Snow White and the magical creatures? Are the magical? Maybe you can't call them creatures, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Now, snow White was loosely based off of a Brothers Grim fairy tale back in 1812. And the whole premise of Snow White was being the fact that she is white as snow. She has fair skin. That's the whole thing about Snow White. She's known for her fair complexion. So what does Disney do? Disney goes, I know, let's get a Colombian actress to come around and play Snow White. Now I don't blame the actress, but she comes out and says it's refreshing that they're doing this and she doesn't want to get into the drama and get into all this. Well, honey, you got into the drama as soon as you accepted the part. Sorry, I want to break the news too. You thrusted yourself into the drama when you decided that you're a Colombian. You're from Colombia, I think her mother or father's Polish as well, and you're going to be Snow White, whose skin is as white as the driven snow.

Speaker 2:

And I love it, because she came out at one point and she deleted this tweet and she said yes, I am Snow White. No, I'm not bleaching my skin for the role. And then she came out and she deleted that tweet. I mean the whole premise of the 1937 animated film where she befriends Seven Dwarfs and she's hiding from her wicked stepmother, who later poisons her with an apple, before Prince Charming comes. One day my prince will come and awakes her from her slumber with a kiss. Now, of course, the PC police say well, prince Charming basically raped her because he kissed her without her consent. Well, if you want to think about it, he actually kind of saves her life. She says, if he doesn't kiss her, she doesn't come back to life.

Speaker 2:

And I just love it, because this actress and I'm like I mean this actress who's playing Snow White, she's she. She says one thing, then she says another thing. Then she's like why don't want to get involved in this drama? But here's what I'm gonna tell you and it's just the fact that you, like I said, you spearheaded this drama by jumping into this political correctness. I know, as an actor or an actress, you're not gonna turn down roles. Is that just be crazy?

Speaker 2:

But if you want to talk about racial appropriation or culture appropriation, this, this would, this, would have to lead the list that you are taking a character who is defined by her light complexion and she's basically based off a German princess, and you were replacing her with an actress who played Maria in the West Side Story remake or movie or whatever you want to call it. And she comes at, the actress, comes out, says I'm extremely appreciative of the love I feel from those defending me online. Please do not tag me in the nonsensical discord about my casting. Okay, people are a little upset because of the fact that and I don't think it has to do anything with race, I don't think we're sitting there saying this, this, this is all racially motivated. I just think the fact that some people are just getting tired of things that are known to be true classics and and you're taking them and you're destroying them to fit a political narrative or a PC narrative that you feel that people want to have and a lot of you know.

Speaker 2:

And and what's wrong with the little girl waiting for her prince? Evidently, prince Charming is not even gonna be in this movie because she doesn't need a prince to come rescue her. But what's the harm of a little girl waiting for her prince, waiting for the man of her dreams? What's the harm in that? What's so bad about that? What's so wrong about that? And she's waiting for love's first kiss. She is waiting for just think about first, second, and I think a lot of people wait their entire life for this. She is waiting for love's first kiss and Prince Charming saves her From this poison, magical spell that the wicked stepmother put over her. And at the end of the day, like I said, if he doesn't kiss her, she's not saved, she's still asleep, she's still taking a dirt nap. So you're going to take away the premise of the story of the dwarves, you are making Snow White Colombian and You're removing Prince Charming. It just have we reached this point of lunacy that we are now sitting there and saying that this is okay, that this is all right? Speaking of lunacy, I love this.

Speaker 2:

Mexico has submitted a complaint to the US After Texas started placing these floating barriers along the Rio Grande To help proactively as Governor Abbott says, to help proactively prevent Illegal crossings. Now these are people that are in Mexico, that are crossing into this country, who illegally, basically filing false asylum claims. But the Mexican government is basically saying no, no, no, no. This this violates some treaties on boundaries in the water and their foreign realists is so we can't do this. Basically, what they're saying is Mexico will send an inspection team to the Rio Grande to see whether any part of the barriers Put in place to deter illegal immigration exists into the Mexican side of the river. Fine, you know, we'll just make sure we keep it on the American side of rivers. Now Texas started breaking out these barriers because they really we. This isn't a topic of conversation anymore, but illegal immigration is still at its height.

Speaker 2:

But immigrant advocates, say, have voiced concern about drowning risks from the, from the buoys, and Environmentalists now are questioning the impact on the river. How about we stop people from coming over here that weren't invited? I love the thing. You know what? Why don't you just invite these people into your house and have them stay with you? No, we can't do that. We're all for. We're all for immigration as long as it's not in our cities.

Speaker 2:

Now Mexico is complaining that the installation of barbed wire on an island in the river on your eagle, past Texas. They're complaining about that as well. Well, again, that is to stop people from coming into the country illegally. You lock your door at your house for a reason, and it's to proactively prevent illegal crossings between point of entries by making it more difficult to cross the Rio Grande and reach the Texas side of the southern board. That's what governor Abbott says Seems seems fairly straightforward to me. If you're not invited somewhere, you don't go. You lock your door at night because you don't want people coming in that aren't supposed to be there. But somehow Mexico is like, well, no, no, no, no, no, you can't do that Because that that might stop people from coming over.

Speaker 2:

Now Abbott's also released the Texas military and they he's given them now the authority to use unmanned aircraft in search and recovery mesh missions for, you know, for for board, for the border patrol agents, and he's taken the Texas DPS and training them in arrest and search and seizures at the border and at checkpoints. So he's doing everything he possibly can't, as deal as the Biden administration is Is basically hamstringing him at every opportune chance. But you look at this and you're like, okay, there's, this is just more craziness. There are, there are more craziness involved because of this, because of the fact that we don't want, we don't, we don't want People to. You know, we, mexico, doesn't want people in their country, but he wants to make sure he sends them over to another country.

Speaker 2:

Now Biden tweeted out the other day about his by dynamics. They're boasting about wages with the lip, the level of wages, and it turns out he was actually wrong. Wages, real wages, have gone down or not higher than he anticipated. He's just right now real wages for the average American workers higher than it's been before the pandemic With lower wages. Workers with lower wage workers seen the largest gains. Well, the the problem is it's extremely misleading and people called it out. People decided, hey, you know what? Listen what? Why don't? Why? Why don't we sit there and speak the truth about about by dynamics, that wages have not Reached or all times high and the fact that inflation has and wages are not accelerating as fast as inflation is still at Now?

Speaker 2:

Biden right now, but his approval and I love it because he's touting this by dynamics but his approval rating on the economy right now is only 32%. If you were, if you only have a 32% approval rating on something I know this may sound crazy, but at the end of the day, I I would probably not tout that, I probably would not bring that up, I probably would not mention that that I only have. Third, that I only have a 32% Approval rating on something such as that, that's probably not something you want to brag. I mean, that's like that's not something you want to brag about. Or why would you want to brag about? Because he's an idiot, if you want. If you want me to say it, he that's what he is. He's. He's not thinking, or? Or his wonderful team, who we all know, is not really, he's not really in charge of anything by it, and that is that. His team is handliness. And you want to get into some more craziness?

Speaker 2:

Black and Hispanic New Yorkers who failed teachers teachers test strike a 1.8 billion dollar settlement in New York City. Now, these were teachers who failed the exam for whatever reasons, and one guy is getting two million dollars. This is also for wages lost. Now, roughly, I think it's 5200 black and expanic ex big Apple teachers and, once the spying educators are saying eggs, expected to collect 1.8 billion in judgments as a city stopped fighting a nearly three decade Federal discrimination suit that found the certification a certification exam was bias. Yes, because math is bias, reading is bias, science is bias. As of last week, 225 people who failed the liberal arts and science test a liberal arts and science test Used for teachers licensing from 1994 to 2014 have already been notified. They're getting settlements of at least a million dollars. So you fail something, you're not qualified for something, we're gonna give you money, okay.

Speaker 2:

The court found that the exam violated civil rights laws for allowing more white candidates to pass. Now they don't really give any examples of what and the liberal arts and science, because science is science, it's not. There's not really a racial component to science. If a light bulb turns on visa via electricity, it turns on. If you're black, white, chinese, hispanic, it turns on the exact same way I.

Speaker 2:

I'm just saying now, a guy in Queens who was 64 years old his name is Herman Grime was awarded the biggest judgment today. He gets two million dollars. Now this is all for lost wages as well, and of course, all these people are gonna make all this money. They're gonna make all this money. Now. This agreement was ironed out under Bill de Blasio, so of course it was, and it was done during this final week in the office where the city agreed to pay 1.8 Billion to the plaintiffs through 2028. But of course, the taxpayers are flipping the bill on this. So far, 750 million in judgments have been awarded To 2009 and 59 of the 5200 plaintiffs Now some judgments, of course, are gonna be lower than others because of the fact that you know you, if you, if you were later and you know if you were in the 90s or whatever. And they're, they're, they're pro-rating the salaries from whatever.

Speaker 2:

You failed the exam and it's. It's shocking that and it shocks me. The new New York City spends 38,000 dollars a year per kid and and they're not even at math levels and reading levels or science levels. But we're gonna take 1.8 billion and take it away from the school system vis-a-vis the taxpayers, so we could turn around and tell people hey, you know what, you know what, you weren't hard, because our racism it couldn't be the fact that you just weren't qualified. I Know that's crazy, but you're not qualified. Think about that for a minute. You're not qualified, you failed an exam. That's like when they've lowered the standards for being police officers and firefighters, are we gonna lower the? We're gonna lower the acquire requirements for doctors and actually met some medical schools are putting race and ethnicity over aptitude.

Speaker 2:

There is a problem with this. There is a big problem with that that we are not taking the best possible candidate Via their skills, but we are taking the best possible candidates via their race. So you automatically have an advantage if you're black or Hispanic over someone who may be more qualified than you who happens to be white. So let's not put the best person in the job. Let's have less qualified people doing work, because what could possibly go wrong? Nothing, nothing could possibly go wrong. Now another guy this guy's lutz Perez walked away with 1.7 million and praised his legal team. I'm grateful for everything was resolved. Says price of 79. I'm happy, of course.

Speaker 2:

Now more than 90% of white test takers passed the 80 question multiple choice essay and essay liberal arts and science test. This was between 1993 and 1994. Now the question is how many more white people Took the test over black and spanish? But they don't tell you this, one of the versions of which had questions such as asking teachers to explain the meaning of a painting by pop artist Andy Warhol. Now Andy Warhol is famous world round worldwide. It's not like no one's never heard of Andy Warhol, but black applicants on average scored a grade only 53% of the time, and Latin teen knows even lower with just 50%. But again, they're not. This is one question that well, they had an Andy Warhol question. Now, in 2012, a federal judge basically ruled out requiring teachers to pass the liberal arts and science test.

Speaker 2:

Violated civil rights acts in 1964 because it wasn't a proper indication of a better performing teacher. Why? General teaching knowledge is not a qualification of a teacher. Shit, I should be a teacher. I don't know shit. Maybe I should be a teacher. She also sighed with the plaintiffs who said the test had an illegal bias on blacks and Latinos, that the city school system was liable for making a hiring decision based on its results. So okay, so once again we are basing results on the fact that you are qualified because you passed an exam which basically said you have the qualifications to actually be in the role. But somehow that's racist. Somehow that's racist. I'm not sure I get how that's racist.

Speaker 2:

Joe Biden's done another loan giveaway. We're going to talk about that in the upcoming days. I also want to talk about Joe Biden and his brilliance in letting our enemies know that hey, you know what? We're almost out of ammunition, but it's okay. I do want to talk about one thing.

Speaker 2:

There was some congresspeople had an opportunity to and these gentlemen sit I think it's gentlemen and lace sit on the oversight committee involving UFO hearings and said he was shown classified footage that hadn't been released to the public and basically he issued a dire warning that this technology that he has seen in these videos humanity can't handle it, that this would be bad and these were truly extraterrestrials, he says. And if they travel light years or speeds that we've seen in physics as we know it, flying underwater, don't show a heat trail, things like that then we are vastly out of our league. Yeah, of course, man, because it's a friggin' alien. You didn't watch ET. You don't watch Independence Day. Well, the good news is we're all going to be dead soon because of the alien invasion, but until then, please continue to enjoy. Get Off my Law and the Bad Ramblings of Again. This is Tim and always the most truth show on 6 and 3, and I'm Tim.