Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

'The Whistleblowers' Unveiling Biden Family Corruption and Controversial Societal Dilemmas

Online Big Blue LLC Season 2 Episode 37

Get ready to confront the uncomfortable truths about the alleged Biden family corruption. Today, we've got Joseph Ziegler, the lead IRS case agent on the Hunter Biden investigation, ready to blow the lid off this scandal. He's here to walk us through the maze of the Burisma issue, where Hunter Biden was suspiciously hired, and the roadblocks the US Attorney in Delaware faced in cracking this case. If you're wondering why the impeachment truck isn’t backing up, you're not alone.

Stay tuned as we also delve into societal dilemmas that are stirring the pot. The rise of politicians like the Bidens to millionaire status while in office raises eyebrows, and the debate surrounding trans women in sports just keeps getting hotter. Moreover, we're about to challenge the baffling rankings of the worst places to live in the United States as reported by some media outlets. Get ready for a wild ride through the good, the bad, and the ugly of these controversial issues and brace yourselves for the truth, for as we all know, it always sets us free.

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.

Speaker 2:

You don't know what that is, Mr Trash.

Speaker 1:

I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were a man I was five years ago I'd take a flamethrower to this place.

Speaker 2:

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?

Speaker 1:

You want answers. I think I'm entitled to it. You want answers, I want the truth.

Speaker 3:

You can't handle the truth In this topsy-turvy world, only one thing shall set you free, and that is the truth. This is Tim. It's been off my lawn the Matt Ramblin's of a Gen Xer. I'll have to talk about the testimony from the IRS whistleblowers yesterday because it was made for TV drama. It just showed the utter corruption of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden and the entire Hunter Biden family.

Speaker 3:

I loved the fact that Joseph Ziegler, who was one of the IRS agents, was a second whistleblower stepped forward and his testimony right off the bat says I was the lead IRS case agent on the Hunter Biden investigation. I recently discovered that people are saying that I must be credible because I'm a Democrat who happens to be married to a man. I am no more credible than the man sitting next to me due to my sexual orientation or political beliefs. The truth is, my credibility comes from my job experience with the IRS and my intimate knowledge of the agency's standards and procedures. I was raised and always strived to do the right thing.

Speaker 3:

It's amazing when your political affiliation and sexual orientation has to be front and center. Your credibility is never questioned if you're a Democrat or you happen to be gay. That's the mindset and the philosophy of the left. It's just mind boggling that he would have to literally start off his testimony with that, with everything else, where we find out that the Biden family and associates were basically given over $17 million by foreign nationals and a lot of this money wasn't even reported. Then we find out that the Attorney General in Delaware really did not have any authority to press any charges and came out into a meeting and said it where multiple people have verified this that this case was slow, walked at every turn, so the statute of limitations would run out because this was a Biden and if that's not politically motivated, I don't know what else is.

Speaker 4:

And here's a great piece of audio from Ziggler I will also note that, while the impression has been conveyed by the US Attorney in Delaware that he has similar powers to that of a special counsel in this case free rein to do as needed that was not the case. It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the US Attorney in Delaware, in our investigation, was constantly hamstrung, limited and marginalized by DOJ officials as well as other US attorneys. I still think that a special counsel is necessary for this investigation.

Speaker 3:

That's a big statement that he still thinks, after this investigation has concluded that you just turned around and you basically just said you still need a special counsel, we still need a special counsel to figure this out, and I think that really just sums up the day of action.

Speaker 3:

Wait a minute. I got to bring in another piece here because of the fact that I'm sorry I jumped in there. But if this guy is still saying you need a special counsel for this, there's something else there. There's more there. There there's more than all the LLCs and all the Biden family members getting money. There is one testimony by this gentleman about the Barisma issue that Joe Biden specifically received $5 million and the gentleman that is the whistleblower for Barisma we already know. We're going to talk about him. He's already been indicted on federal charges. He basically came out and said he wrote so many different checks, so many different LLCs to Joe Biden and it wasn't with Joe Biden directly. It was always in Uendo that the big guy was going to get this cut, that he knew he was basically laundering money. Now I wanted to. We have to confirm who the big guy is.

Speaker 5:

The day of action, you guys were intending to interview 12 people, one of whom was Rob Walker, a business associate of Hunter Biden, and in particular you wanted to talk about. I think the quote is 10, held by H for the big guy. Yeah Right, so who was the big? Who did you infer that the big guy may be?

Speaker 4:

So all I can do is speak to the evidence there. What I can now this is Ziggler again is I think I know what you're referring to is when we're preparing for that. We're preparing for that interview and we're referencing that email 10 held by H for the big guy and from what I understand that to be his dad, president Biden, Okay.

Speaker 5:

So I'm sorry. I just want to ask Mr Shapley a similar question, because the AUSA Wolf interjected and I'm reading from your transcript now and said she did not want to ask about the big guy and stated she did not want to ask questions about dad. In quotes who did you take dad to be when she refers to dad and the father of the subject is President Biden, president Biden. And so even by her response she's inferring that Joe Biden may be involved in Hunter Biden's transaction.

Speaker 3:

Why is the impeachment truck not backing up right now? You now have credible whistleblowers coming forward and basically saying the big guy is dad who we don't want to talk about, who happens to be Hunter Biden's dad, who happens to be Joe Biden, really, really. And then we talk about Hunter Biden, who received millions upon millions from Burisma. I know I always think I'm saying that wrong, but let's see what Representative Timmons says about the whole Burisma issue.

Speaker 2:

In 2014,. Burisma has a problem. They want to get their stock listed on Wall Street, but the prosecutor general is investigating corruption and they can't get the outcome they want in New York. So what do they do? They hire Hunter Biden, pay him millions of dollars. Mr Ziegler, my only question for you is going to be if I can direct you to page 99 of your transcript. Is it accurate to say Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from Burisma? Yes, that would be accurate. Thank you To the American people. I want to point out briefly that Hunter Biden has absolutely zero qualifications in this industry or in business in general, but he does have the big guy.

Speaker 3:

And Hunter admitted on that morning show that he got paid millions of dollars and he has no qualifications in reference to anything in regards to Burisma. He had no qualifications whatsoever. They just happened to pay him. They just happened to pay him because he's a great guy, because he is an awesome guy, but they just decided to pay him. I love Representative Byron Donalds and he's from the Florida 19th district and I just got to play this clip because I thought this clip was awesome.

Speaker 6:

Your transcript, page 17,. What it says is that you were investigating a social media company and through the process of that investigation you found out that Hunter Biden was paying potentially four prostitutes in a potential prostitution ring. Is that correct?

Speaker 3:

Yes, it's correct. So not only is Hunter Biden laundering money, he's paying for prostitutes, potentially part of a prostitution ring, has an illegal firearm which he lied to obtain and lied on a federal document, evidently didn't pay taxes on almost $17 million over a period of three years. And we're just like, we're okay. We're okay, everything's fine, there's nothing to see here. Move on, move on. I read Joseph Zeigler. I don't know if it's Zeigler or Zeigler. I read his opening statement, but I just want to play the first 30 seconds of this.

Speaker 4:

I will also note that, while the impression has been conveyed by the US Attorney in Delaware that he has similar powers to that of a special counsel in this case free reign to do as needed that was not the case. It appeared to me, based on what I experienced, that the US Attorney in Delaware, in our investigation, was constantly hamstrung, limited and marginalized by DOJ officials as well as other US attorneys.

Speaker 3:

I love that. I love that statement because he's basically coming out and the Attorney General from Delaware said no, no, I got all the power in the world, I've got the power, but the problem is he doesn't have any of the power. He had zero power whatsoever and he was literally, at some point in time they were saying, hamstrung by people that were appointed by Joe Biden. That's, there's something wrong there. Yes, I understand you want to protect your son. I understand you want to protect your family name. I understand you want to protect everything that's close to you, but you are an elected US official, you are the President of the United States and you are doing everything in your power to marginalize the work that the IRS is doing. They said they had multitudes of charge I think it was over 17 or 18 charges, felony charges that they wanted to hit Hunter Biden with, but they were basically told they couldn't do it. They were not allowed to do it.

Speaker 3:

And the question is why is that? And I think that's the question we need to ask all the time. Why was this? And we all know why it was this because of the fact that it's Joe Biden and he's protecting not only his son, but he is protecting his own interests and I think that's the crazy part out of all of this. That's the crazy part. I want to. There's another clip that I want to play, and it's Jim Jordan. It's a minute, but I think it's a good clip. Thank you, mr Chairman.

Speaker 7:

Last month, David Weiss sent me two letters. In the first letter, on June 7th, he said I have been granted ultimate authority over the matter, including responsibility for deciding where, when and whether to file charges the quote that the ranking member just put up. Later that same month, he sent me the second letter where he said no, I don't. No, I don't have that charging authority. So June 7th he says I'm the boss, I can do whatever I darn well want, file it wherever I want. And then June 30th, he says no, I can't. What happened in between those two events? Your testimony went public. He goes oh, my goodness, I got to change my story because now the truth's coming out and it sounds like in this investigation to me, Mr Shapley, that the prosecutors and investigators were in agreement for most of the investigation, and then we get to October of 2022. I see Mr Ziggler not in his head and that meeting is where David Weiss told you something. Is that right, Mr Shapley? What did he say? Can you put your mic on there? What did he say?

Speaker 8:

Yes, he told me he was not the deciding person and whether or not charges were filed. He told us that DC US Attorney had declined to allow charges. He told us that he would request a special counsel authority from Maine DOJ and denied that authority.

Speaker 7:

And was denied. That's correct. Were you the only guy in that meeting? I was not. How many other people were there? There were seven total people, including me, you and Mr Weiss and five others. Right, that's correct.

Speaker 1:

One plus one is still two, right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, tell Hassek, one plus one is still two. How, again, how is the impeachment truck not getting backed up right now? How are criminal charges not being filed? You have two credible sources that have said that yeah, this is it, this is what's being done. We were told we basically can't do our job and we should be all right with that because we need to protect the interest. We need to protect the interest of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. It just doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense that you're not supposed to quit.

Speaker 3:

The New York Post had a great headline, so don't question the Bidens. That's basically what they were told. Don't question the Bidens. Hunter sold access to then Vice President. He basically he lied. He's done so many things that are felonies, but we are not allowed to question any of it because it's a Biden. If it's a Biden, if it's a Clinton, if it's an Obama, you're not allowed. You are not allowed to question anything. But we are just supposed to sit there as a society and say, ah, it's okay, you know what he deserves to make.

Speaker 3:

A Joe Biden's really never had a job outside of politics. You got plenty of career politicians that are that way, and we've talked about this before. How are these politicians, who make anywhere between $150,000, $200,000 a year, millionaires a couple of years into office? How is that possible? Because there's corruption. There's, and it's not just corruption at the Biden level, the President level, there's corruption everywhere. But the fact is, as American citizens, we don't have to sit there and take it.

Speaker 3:

I you know this whole trans women in sports. It's just been one of those things. It just doesn't make sense to me that a biological male is competing against females, even if you're using I mean, there's science that says, even if you're using hormone blockers for an extended period of time, that you are still gonna have the testosterone. You're gonna have the muscle mass, the bone structure to not only if you're a biological male to compete against women and to win, and to win handily. Just look at Leah Thompson, thomas, excuse me, leah Thomas, the former swimmer. Well, now she comes out and it's not even a she, it's a he. Let's say like it is. If you still have the penis and you look down, you can identify as wherever you want. But when you go to the doctor's office, you're not gonna pick, you're not gonna write I'm a woman. If you have a testicle problem, you're not gonna check on your form. I'm a woman. Well, evidently she was.

Speaker 3:

She was called out the other day on social media because she was wearing an Antifa. I'm gonna say he was wearing I'm gonna use the improper pronouns she was wearing or he was wearing an Antifa Super Soldier shirt. For what reason? I have no idea why he would wear this shirt. Now, if you look at the picture, I mean I swear, if you look at the picture, you're just like what, what, what, what? That ain't no woman, it's a man, man. I mean seriously. But why would you even put this out on social media? You are a lightning rod right now for controversy and you're gonna just put this out on social media because you think it's a good thing, you think it's a smart thing. I just don't get where we are, where we're going with this society right now.

Speaker 3:

Over the last two and a half plus years, with the Bidens, with the direction of the country, you have John Kerry over in China trying to convince them to become more carbon neutral, as China is building a new coal plant every 14 days and they literally have permits ready for additional, for additional coal plants because they understand they need. The Chinese economy is already faltering a little bit. So they need to. They know they need to, they have to power their economy and they understand the fact that green energy isn't an economy killer. Just look at the UK and we're not ready for this type of sustainable energy to be the majority of the energy because of the fact that our electrical grid can't handle it. You have places in the south and in the Midwest are going through heat waves where the energy grid is already being taxed with the overloading of usage of air conditionings. So you're going to put electric cars on top of that. You're going to, you're going to remove all fossil fuels, all gas, all gas burning cars, and you are going to have these. So in the dead of the summer you can't charge your car and go anywhere because of the fact that our electrical grid is not even ready for this. There's something wrong. There's something very, very wrong here and we're going down this primrose path where we're just going to be, where common sense is out the window, and I think that's that's what's crazy.

Speaker 3:

You even look at Illinois. It's going to become the first state to eradicate cash bail. So if you commit a crime in Illinois and it's what they perceive not to be a threat to society. You're going to get out without even posting bond, without posting any type of bail. You're going to just walk out the door. So you're going to have repeat offenders basically going to court, getting caught going to court and being released the same day so they can go back out and commit another crime.

Speaker 3:

And this wasn't voted on by the people of Illinois, no, no, no, this was. This was a bill that was passed by the government and it was basically passed at 4 am in the morning. So no one knew that. No one knew this legislation was going through. But you are literally opening yourselves up. Look at what's going on in New York and you're gonna sit there and tell me in Illinois, they're just gonna say, no, we don't need any cash bail, you're good? Listen, we know you're a mug bag guy, but you probably didn't mean to, so we're just gonna let you go. It's all okay, there's nothing to worry about, it's fine, don't worry about it. And if you mug someone else on the way out of court, we're gonna let you go again, because even though you're a repeat offender, we're fine with that. If you're in Illinois, I would wanna move.

Speaker 3:

I think it was CNN that came out and said that they listed the worst places. Cnn or CNN or CMB, which one was? They listed the worst places to live in the United States, and Florida and Texas were their top two. They were their top two worst places to live Even though those are the two states that most people are migrating to. So it's the worst place to live, but most people are migrating to those states Because the fact that they get it right it's about law, it's about order, it's about justice, it's about fairness. It just doesn't make sense. We got a lot to talk about the next couple of weeks, but you know what? We're gonna cut it short today because the truth, sean O'Leary, sets you free. This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn. The Mad Ramblings of Gen X here, good afternoon. The Mad Ramblings of Gen X here, good afternoon.