Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Going After the 'RICO' DON. Dissecting the New Trump Indictment & Democratic Contradictions

Online Big Blue LLC Season 2 Episode 41

Strap in, folks! This episode is a rollercoaster of raw political commentary and hard-hitting discussions. We're going deep into the recent indictments of former President Donald Trump and his allies, questioning the peculiarities that surround this case - from the indictment being posted online before the Grand Jury's return to the urgency of setting a trial date within the next six months. 

Ever wonder why Democrats, often touted as champions of the underdog, seem to be swimming in millions? It's a question worth asking, and we're not shying away from it! We'll also be shedding light on the stark contrast in living conditions between immigrants in New York City parks and struggling soldiers at Fort Hood. And for a twist of pop culture, we touch on the new Snow White movie and its deviation from the original love story.

As we conclude, we navigate through the Chicago and Georgia political landscapes, reaffirm our commitment to truthful and insightful podcasting, and return, once more, to the topic of Trump's indictment. We'll highlight the stark contrast between the Democrats' proclaimed "for the people" narrative and their own lush financial status. So, buckle up, engage and let's dissect these critical topics together, one podcast at a time.

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. You don't know what that is, mr Trash. I'd show you. But I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were a man I was five years ago I'd take a flamethrower to this place.

Speaker 2:

Do you understand the words that?

Speaker 1:

are coming out of my mouth. You want answers. I think I'm entitled to it. You want answers. I want the truth.

Speaker 2:

You can't handle the truth. We've been gone for a little while, took a little vacation, but still the truth was challenged. It's free, this is dead. This is going to get off my lawn, the mad randlings of a Gen X are-. Oh, we got a lot of stuff to talk about, from more woke Disney crap to Trump being indicted again.

Speaker 1:

Again, again.

Speaker 2:

Again. How many agains is there? This time he is indicted by the grand jury and, of course, the great state of Georgia, the peach state. I am confused about this indictment right off the bat. I'm confused because evidently, the indictment was posted on the Georgia website, the Fulton County website, before the grand jury had even returned the indictment. How do you post an indictment before someone is even indicted? Things that make you go um, uh, I believe. The indictment now is on 10 counts, including solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer, conspiracy to commit full jury and the first degree, and there's more. It's well, I also think he got hit with the RICO Act. We got him dude, we got Capone, I believe. The, I believe, and also 18 of his allies have been indicted as well. Yes, he's also been indicted on the RICO Act. Let's see here the charges. Let's read the website here. Bup, bup, bup has been charged with 13 accounts, including charges of violation of Georgia's RICO Act, a racketeering, influence and corruption act. This is all part of the 41 page excuse me, 41 count 98 page indictment. Let's see here. There was a press conference, I guess, yesterday. This is just, I mean, this is just all crap. How do you indict someone. I should rephrase this how do you post someone's indictment on a website before the grand jury has even returned the indictment? You want to talk about corruption at its finest.

Speaker 2:

I am a I'm not a conservative, I'm a fiscal conservative. I'm not a liberal, I'm not a moderate, I'm an independent. I vote the way of the prevailing wins. The prevailing wins could be a Democrat. I always talk about the fact that I voted for Clinton twice. That's Bill, not the whack job of his wife. I never voted for Obama. I voted for Trump the first time. I didn't vote the second time because I felt both candidates were past their usefulness. I think I thought there was better candidates. It's just, you know, with this whole, you know, with the whole selection process for both parties, I think it's just ass nine at times Because of the fact that it's sometimes, you know, like anything. It's like a popularity contest. It's not, it's not about the merits, it's not what people are saying, it's just what kind of you like best. And I didn't really like either of the candidates. So I kind of stayed away from last year's election and then people were going to be like well, tim, you shouldn't be able to talk because you didn't vote. It is what it is. You know, if you don't, if, in my heart of hearts I always felt like this If you don't feel that either candidate is the best candidate, I know people will say what you need to do is choose the lesser of two evils. But it was time for a different direction. I think Trump had the country going in the right way. It was time for another fiscal conservative kind of Ronald Reagan-esque, coming in and turning and taking what Trump had done and expanding on it, not going this entire wacky liberal way. And you know and that's pointing and points and times Joe Biden was running as a moderate and we all know that was just a lie because he doesn't know what he's running as he doesn't know, he's probably running around his backyard somewhere. He doesn't even know it, but it's just, it's just crazy.

Speaker 2:

And then Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis has given all the 18 defendants, including Donald Trump, till the 25th of August to voluntarily surrender. What are you gonna do? Come, get me, Come, get me, come get me. I mean seriously. She said she will also ask the court to set a trial date within the next six months that all 19 defendants will be tried together. Of course she's gonna do it under the RICO Act.

Speaker 2:

It's Capone man we got. We got Al Capone, the. This is like going after Al Capone on tax evasion and actually getting them. I was just watching the movie the Untouchables the other day. That was a good movie. Kevin Costner and DeGorcia. We also had the, the venerable Sean Connery. That's the Chicago way. He puts a knife, you put a gun. He puts when he goes in the hospital, you put what? Here's a moloch. That's the Chicago way and that's how they're trying to get Trump. He's Capone. They're going after him for anything they possibly can't. And I think it's funny that Fannie Willis waited till the news cycle ended on the last indictment so she could have her own moment.

Speaker 2:

I almost moved to Georgia.

Speaker 2:

I was moved to Georgia a couple months Actually it's almost two years ago. Work related thing Didn't work outside to stay where we are now. But now I'm kind of glad I didn't move to Georgia because Volton County seems to be really screwed up. But you get, you're gonna nail them on a RICO Act. I mean it's, it's when, when? Let's see here I got all I would see. I got all 13 counts here. Count number one violation of Georgia RICO Act Count. Let's see here. Let's see how many counts are the charge of 13 accounts. This is count one. Rico Act. Let's see here solicitation of violation of by public officer officer.

Speaker 2:

Conspiracy to commit impersonating a public officer. Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first degree. Conspiracy to commit false statements and writings. Conspiracy to commit writing. Filing false documents. Conspiracy to commit forgery in the first three. Conspiracy to commit false statements and writings. Filing false documents. Solicitation of violations oath by a public officer. False statements and writings. Solicitation of violation of oath by a public officer. False statements and writings. He's not a public officer in the state of Georgia, so I'm really not a hundred percent sure how he's good. I mean, he would be what they refer to as a federal officer. But it I mean you literally, if you do not think that these liberal I mean.

Speaker 2:

I love it because the New York Post has mafia. Don, if you really do not think that the that the liberals are out to get Trump, you have to be blind now. Because now, now it's just kind of crazy. It's. It's turning into more of a witch hunt. It really is. Even Jake Tapper, you know, is joined in.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna talk about Jake Tacker Tapper first a little bit, because he's over at CNN, because he's even starting to question some things about what the liberals are doing. When Jake Tapper of CNN starts questioning shit, you know you got problems, but, like I said, it's racketeering. Oh my gosh, really, money talks, bullshit runs the marathon. So see ya, and I wouldn't want to be. That's what I'm going to say to all of Trump's opponents, because the more and more that he gets indicted, the more and more they attack him, the more and more he can sit there and say this is an indictment of America. If they can come after me, they can come after you at any time and I am standing guard, I am standing on that wall, I am sitting there and I am stopping what's going on and stopping them from coming after you. You don't want the truth because deep down in places, you don't talk about it parties. You want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.

Speaker 2:

Now the question is how is this going to play with the younger voters, the Gen Zs and Gen Yers and Gen Elemento peers? Most of them got hoodwinked I'll give them a moment to Google that Into voting for Joe because of the whole. We're going to counsel all student debt even though Joe knew he couldn't do it. He knew he didn't have congressional approval to do it. He knew he didn't have the authority to do it, but we're going to do it anyways. And they fell for it hook, line and sinker. And now they're complaining the cost of things. Well, things are very expensive. Yeah, because it's called inflation. When you turn around and you attack the fossil fuel industry and all these other industries and you're going to go everything green, even though you have your own people within your own party and even in your own cabinet, energy secretary cabinet will tell you well, you know, our electrical grid's not ready to go green. We couldn't handle it. We might not be ready for 20, 40, 50 years, but we're going to go all green. And then you do these things to attack your own economy and sabotage your own economy and slow down your own economy by raising the interest rates because of inflation. Yeah, things are going to go to crap. So now Trump is sitting there and he is telling you again you want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. And he's become a monkey in the wrench, a pain in the ass. He is going to be more of a pain in the ass now than ever before. One thousand one hundred and fifty percent.

Speaker 2:

So a special counsel was appointed for the Hunter Biden case and many Republicans have been asking for a while for a special counsel and a US attorney, delora DeVos, has been overseeing the Hunter case. People have talked about how he slowed, walked the case. People have talked about the fact that how he is basically said he has no authority to do anything. He cut the sweetheart deal that only a Biden would get. A Biden or a Clinton or Obama would get, which of course, fell apart when it went to court. So Weiss goes to Merrick Garland, the attorney general, who I'm so glad is not on the Supreme Court, because you could see now the corruption in him. You try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but he is beyond corrupt. So what does he do? He appoints David Weiss as the special counsel to oversee the Biden case. I mean really Thanks. I mean, even I don't get that.

Speaker 2:

Now, cnn, jake Tapper is saying now, maybe the whistleblowers are right, maybe they're right about all these things, and maybe there's something too, the fact that maybe the Republicans are right about something. And he says first of all, I don't think it's fair to question who would the US Attorney of WIce be appointed to the special counsel? Usually, a special counsel is an outside attorney. Now it has happened before. Durham came from the inside and the Attorney General has the right to do it. But it's odd. I love it. He has to add the caveat he could do it, he has the right to do it, but it's kind of odd. And maybe all the whistleblowers are right. So far they have found over $20 million and they haven't even gone after all of Hunters and the big guys financial records. But they said the House Republicans found over $20 million has been wired to the Biden family, which was referred to as shady foreign entities and sleazy, but not criminal. They're not criminal, but they're foreign entities and sleazy. Now, if you are not registered as a foreign agent, you can't accept his money, of course, and that's what they went after one of the whistleblowers with. But Hunter, we're not going to do that and I love it because WIce has slow walked everything that statute of limitations has run out on some of these charges. But now he is going to be the special counsel and they'll always say, well, he was appointed by Trump, so everything's fine, he was appointed by Trump. I'm just beyond happy. I'm just beyond happy that Merrick Garland is on the Supreme Court.

Speaker 2:

And then you get information that an FBI agent says the Biden transition team and Secret Service were tipped off on the 2020 plan to interview Hunter Biden, which we are now saying is probably misconduct by the DOJ, so they were tipped off to this interview of then elect Biden's son. I mean really, and this is coming from the FBI, this is coming from the FBI Tipping off of the transition team and not being able to interview Hunter Biden as planned are just a couple of examples that reveal the justice person's misconduct in the Biden criminal investigation that occurred under Weiss. That's US Attorney Weiss and that's coming, of course, from the House Oversight Committee Chairman, james Comer. The Oversight Committee has no confidence in US Attorney Weiss as a special counsel, given his inability to prevent the Biden transition team from being contacted and the federal agents were not permitted to interview Hunter Biden as planned. Under the Weiss-led investigation, investigators prevented from taking steps that could have led to Joe Biden. The statute limitations have been allowed to run out with respect to certain felonies and US Attorney's Office sought to give Hunter Biden an unprecedented sweetheart plea deal. This is all coming from James Comer. That's, of course, the House Oversight Committee. Chairman.

Speaker 2:

Corruption at its finest. You want to talk about corruption? The Democrats are always saying we're for the little people, but then they bashed billionaires and millionaires. But somehow they're all millionaires. Somehow they go in the office with no money and come out millionaires. I love Stacey Abrams, of course, and this is back in Georgia Ran for Governor twice in Georgia, was $160,000 in debt before she got into politics and now she's a millionaire. Can someone explain that one to me Please, because I think I'm crazy. Dress baby. Yeah, and that made no sense to nobody, because it was supposed to be.

Speaker 3:

Are you crazy? Yeah, I'm crazy. What made you think I was saying?

Speaker 2:

I had to take a little bit of coffee there. I had to take some coffee there because this nuttiness has just gone into strange directions. We have just gone into a I don't know what we've gone into, and I laugh because I was seeing an article about how immigrants right now are being sheltered in New York in a New York City park and they are recently having the time or the lives of these immigrant hotels and these immigrant parents. They are now in the parent place center in New York and one immigrant says we're doing good there, we're doing well, there's nothing like it. We got a pool, you know we swam from 12 pm to 5, I would say 12 pm to 5 pm. It's a nice pool. We got hot meals. You know, we got everything.

Speaker 2:

Now, evidently this guy is making underneath the table $700 to $800 a week, roughly $40,000 a year, untaxed as a worker, and he can't afford an apartment in New York and he's staying in these places because it's just so great, because they have three meals a day, they have hot coffee all day long, they have all the luxuries of this park and of course, the people that actually live in this community can't really use the rec center because they were moved into the wing of the rec center, but they're having a great time. You also see people on the streets in New York. They're actually barbecuing pigs. They're actually making their own little barbecues at a cinder block and they're roasting pigs and they're just having a party because it's all the taxpayers' dollar, so what does it matter? And then you see something that really destroyed me Cook shortages at US Army Post are shuttering some of the mess halls, leaving hungry soldiers. Now this is over in Fort Hood and I know they changed the name from Fort Hood and I'm not using the regular name. I'm using Fort Hood because it's been Fort Hood for years. But according to this report, the bases face shortage of cooks for the dining facilities around the base and now many of the Army cooks are either on deployment or they're away on field training, so soldiers who are basically dependent on eating at this facility aren't getting fed. Now the Army is trying to move personnel around the staff, the food services building, but evidently this has been going on for months, for months Now some of these facilities people are driving 30 minutes and all these people are non-commissioned officers 30 minutes to find a place to eat. These are soldiers that are protecting our country.

Speaker 2:

And then you see articles about immigrants having the time of their lives, roasting some pigs, living in a shelter, making 40 grand tax free a year, living in a shelter with a swimming pool where they went swimming for five hours. Now, most of those people in their shelters I should rephrase the fact are singles. Single males, don't worry. Only family. Don't worry, because only family units are coming across the border. It's only family units. What are you talking about? There are no single males, even though the majority of these people coming through the border are single males. But just think about that for a second. We cannot feed, we cannot feed our own soldiers, but we can spend billions of dollars on people who have come to this country illegally, are knowingly filing false asylum claims, and we are just opening the door for them and Saying, hey, come on in, guys, it's all good.

Speaker 2:

So the Disney of the Disney we have. We have just we have just we. I have just literally given up on Disney. Then, of course, you're doing the, the new Snow White movie. Now it's not about Snow White anymore, it's, it's about it's, it's, it's about, it's about Snow White, that's all it's about. Now the PR for this movie is just getting worse and worse and and the the lead actress or I have no idea she is, but she she seems like, she seems like a fucking moron Because of the fact that the way, the way she talks and the way Listen to what she has to say about the new Disney, the new Snow White Disney movie.

Speaker 3:

I mean, you know, the original cartoon came out in 1937 and very evidently so there is a big focus on her love story With a guy who literally stalks her Weird, weird. So we didn't do that this time. So no prince or a different kind of prince. We have a different approach to what I'm sure a lot of people will Assume is a love story just because, like we cast a guy in the movie, andrew Burnup, great dude. It's One of those things that I think everyone's gonna have their assumptions about what it's actually going to be. But it's really not about the love story at all, which is really really wonderful, and whether or not she finds love along the way. As anybody's guess, until 2024 All of Andrew scenes could get cut. Who knows? It's Hollywood baby, it's weird.

Speaker 2:

It's weird, it's strange. It's not about her love story now, snow White, the, if you actually go back and and watch snow white or even read the book. It's all about loves. I mean true loves, true kiss. You know for true loves, kiss, true loves, kiss, awaken, snow white Love. You know true loves, kiss. And Prince Charming is her true love. It's all about finding true love, which is a beautiful sentiment. I don't care if it's 1937, I don't care if it's 2023.

Speaker 2:

Now this movie is pushed out to 2024 because it's just got such a bad press, but this moron is sitting there saying you know what it's, it's, it's okay, we're, we've changed the whole story because Prince Charming is a stalker. Who is this girl anyways? Rachel, someone, ziggler, ziggler. Who the hell is she? What the hell is she ever done? Besides, act like an idiot, I Mean you want to go beyond a wokeness. It just makes you laugh and it just kind of makes you smile that the fact that this, this movie, is getting such bad Press right off the bat, that Disney is losing millions of subscribers to Disney, plus the. Besides the fact that the, besides the fact that you can't go to the park anymore because it's just so damn expensive, even for a family of three. But now they are losing money and this is gonna backfire quickly and I love it, because this one, this, this, this, this person who's supposed to play snow white, of course she's a Hispanic snow white. We have to have an Hispanic snow white, don't they? A star snow white, poor for four. I could say that, because my wife's Hispanic. I have to roll your arse Now. Of course, snow white is known for having fair skin, but in modern times, you know, ariel is black, snow white is Hispanic and I I'm thinking that Jasmine is now going to be a Martian. Can we just leave well enough alone? Yeah, yeah, can we? Can we just stop? I Want to leave you with one scary thought, because I like to leave people with scary thoughts, because that's just what we do here. We want to make sure that people are a little scared.

Speaker 2:

Credit card debt has hit one trillion dollars for the first time ever, so credit card debt right now is surpassed one million dollars. As Americans continue to spend, because a lot of people are using, are using credit cards to basically stay afloat, so they are enmasseing more and more credit card debt, the average credit card I am a little percentage right now. A PR hit a new record of 20 point 33 last year, last week. That's according to bank rate, and it goes and that goes back to 1985. The previous record was in 1991 at 19%. So we have increased. We have increased over the last three months period of time, from April to June, by 45 billion, which is a 4.6% increase over the previous quarter. That's going back to 2003. That's because more people are relying on credit card because of how the money they have to spend on by dynamics you gotta love by the now you had trickle down economics from Reagan and and that revitalized the country after the Gerald Ford and and Jimmy Carter fiascos. But now we have by dynamics and the only person that can save us Is the Don, but right now he's being charged with racketeering.

Speaker 2:

Right, sean Connery? That's right. So many problems going on here. That's the Chicago, that's the Georgia way. Oh, we got to get back on track doing these pods. It's been a while. It's been a hit couple. I took a little bit of a vacation, but I'm back, I'm rolling. Maybe we're gonna start trying to do one every other day, but don't worry, we've said at once, we've said it before. The truth, shella was set you free. This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn. Matt Randall's of Gen XR and I'm out of here.