Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

A Jury in Search of a Crime - The Weaponization of our Legal System to Stop Donald Trump

May 29, 2024 Online Big Blue LLC
A Jury in Search of a Crime - The Weaponization of our Legal System to Stop Donald Trump
Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
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Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
A Jury in Search of a Crime - The Weaponization of our Legal System to Stop Donald Trump
May 29, 2024
Online Big Blue LLC
Is the justice system being politically weaponized against Trump? On this episode, we scrutinize the highly controversial trial in New York presided over by Judge Morshon. We break down the unprecedented jury instructions that allow a conviction without unanimous agreement on a specific crime and question the clarity and legitimacy of the charges presented. These developments raise profound concerns about the potential erosion of public trust in legal proceedings if a conviction occurs under such dubious circumstances.

Next, we shift our focus to American issues that spark intense debate. We voice the frustrations of individuals who have diligently paid off their student loans, only to witness proposals for widespread debt forgiveness. Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's idea that student debt cancellation could stimulate economic growth truly viable? We dissect this argument and its divisive nature, while also exploring the impact of illegal immigration on local resources. Our discussion aims to highlight the importance of staying informed and taking action against policies that could be detrimental to our communities.

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Is the justice system being politically weaponized against Trump? On this episode, we scrutinize the highly controversial trial in New York presided over by Judge Morshon. We break down the unprecedented jury instructions that allow a conviction without unanimous agreement on a specific crime and question the clarity and legitimacy of the charges presented. These developments raise profound concerns about the potential erosion of public trust in legal proceedings if a conviction occurs under such dubious circumstances.

Next, we shift our focus to American issues that spark intense debate. We voice the frustrations of individuals who have diligently paid off their student loans, only to witness proposals for widespread debt forgiveness. Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's idea that student debt cancellation could stimulate economic growth truly viable? We dissect this argument and its divisive nature, while also exploring the impact of illegal immigration on local resources. Our discussion aims to highlight the importance of staying informed and taking action against policies that could be detrimental to our communities.

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it, is now dumber for having listened to it. You don't know what that ought is, mr Trash. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place.

Speaker 2:

Do you understand the words that are?

Speaker 1:

coming out of my mouth. You want answers. I think I'm entitled. You want answers, I want the truth.

Speaker 2:

You can't handle the truth. We've said it once, we've said it before, we've said it a million times the truth shall always set you free. This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn the mad ramblings of a Gen Xer. Oh, it's been more than a hiccup, but I had to jump back on the mic. Why? Because the world is being turned on its axis. Right is wrong, wrong is right, up is down is left, left is right. It's, it's just become insane.

Speaker 2:

And this, this farce that we are now referring to as the trump trial over in new york the second one with judge morshon is is just showing how the democrats are weaponizing the justice system to go after political opponents and try to coerce or steal an election. They talk about trump stealing an election. They talk about the january 6th insurrection. This is 100 times worse. You are literally using the justice system, which is supposed to justice, is supposed to be blind, and you're using it to attack a political opponent. And this trial is such a travesty that it took the judge. It literally it took I should rephrase it it took 35 days for us to actually find out what the crimes were against Trump, what the crimes were against Trump, and it took the judge Marshawn to tell us what the crimes were. This is a jury in search of a crime. This, this has gone to the point of madness, and I love it because he had an hour and 40 minute instructions to the jury and evidently, people that were there were so confused by these instructions they don't even know which way is up. And these are people that are like legal scholars. And finally we tell us what the crimes are. So the crimes are. Here we go A federal violation, excuse me, a violation of federal campaign finances law.

Speaker 2:

And so it's, excuse me, it is violation of federal. I can't even read today is a violation of federal campaign finance law. Number two falsifying business records. And number three, violation of city, state and federal tax laws Now, tax laws. This is a new one to me, because no one ever talked about taxes. 35 days, they never mentioned anything about taxes. And wouldn't you go after Trump's accountant? Falsifying business records Again, that's a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations expired on that and the violation of federal campaign finance laws. The FCC didn't decline to prosecute Trump on these same crimes. So how is the state of New York filing federal campaign crime laws against the citizen, a former president and a citizen of these United States, when the federal government declined to press charges or didn't see any charges.

Speaker 2:

Now, in this smorgasbord of the jury instructions, which was an hour and 40 minutes long, the judge basically came out and said you do not need to unanimously convict him of one of these crimes. You just if four jurors select crime number one and four jurors select crime number two and four jurors select crime number one and four jurors select crime number two and four jurors select crime number three. That's good. None of these charges have to be unanimous, as long as the jury determines one of these crimes were committed. Okay, think about that for a second. Okay, think about that for a second. It used to be. From what I understood, it's being on jury duties. It used to be you needed a unanimous decision on a crime to convict somebody. No, no, no. Judge Breshawn says you just have to say a crime was committed and then you get to pick one of these three and you don't have to be unanimous about it. You just have to pick one and everyone can pick a different one. You could have eight people on this one, three people on this one and six people on this one. It doesn't matter, as long as you select, that he committed a crime and you could choose one of these three crimes, which are all misdemeanors, which one of them was not prosecuted by the federal government and the other one expired.

Speaker 2:

I thought this was about Stormy Daniels and the hush money. I thought this was about the NDA and Michael Cohen. I've gotten very confused on this 35 days into this, and the beauty of all of this is the jury came back and wanted some testimony reread and they're not going to reread the testimony till tomorrow. Okay, but here's the problem. In the state of New York, you have to reread the jury instructions, so they're going to have to reread an hour and 40 minutes of this minutiae. And then they want 30 pages of testimony read, which the court stenographer said is going to take about another 40 minutes. So for two hours and they get there at 9 30. So for two hours and 20 minutes they are going to have to rehear the jury instructions and then hear this testimony again.

Speaker 2:

This is such a sham. This is going to go down in a way that if he gets convicted, this literally has just destroyed the justice system. People are going to be like Tim you're getting a little carried away with that. Do you really think this is going to destroy the justice system? Yes, because if you can convict a former president who was running for office again on three crimes that were not even presented during a 35-day trial 35th day what the crimes are? Because the prosecution never really approached proving or even defining what the crimes are you are basically a banana republic. This is russia. This is the shit you see in russia. This is you going after a political opponent because of the fact that you think he's going to win and you say he's a threat to democracy. The only threat to democracy is the democrats, because all they're doing is using the system of justice, which is supposed to be fair and balanced. You know, is that lady, that blind lady with the scales? But you are tipping the scales to one side.

Speaker 2:

Many reporters, even Democratic reporters and liberal reporters, have said that the strike zone for the prosecution and the defense are totally different. You know, you got from the normal strike zones from your middle of your chest to your knees. For the defense, it's like between your belly button and two inches up and nothing below, and for the prosecution it's from your ankles to your head, and this has evidently been so prevalent throughout this case. Like I said, there are prominent Democrats that are saying that something's not right here, democrats that are saying that something's not right here and the fact that I don't get what, judge Bichon, the system in New York for judges is. You have a pool of 24 judges and they are randomly assigned cases. Judge Bichon has been assigned two Trump cases and the Banyan case, all in the same year, and out of that list of 24 judges, he's not even on the list. He's a sitting judge, so he's not even on that list of 24. So the law of statistical averages would tell you that that is almost a statistical anomaly and not possible. It's like winning the lottery seven days in a row.

Speaker 2:

So somehow this judge, who donated to the Biden campaign, who donated to an organization referred to as Stop Trump, whose daughter works for major Democrats in office in Washington, makes her money, makes millions of dollars, working for these Democrats, he should have recused himself from this case, but instead he did not think there would be any bias and at one point in time during the closing arguments, trump's judge excuse me, one of Trump's lawyers came out and said listen, you know, if you convict him of these crimes you could be sent into jail. The judge had that stricken from the record because he said well, no one said he's going to go to jail. Oh so we're just here running through this for the last 35 days just to keep him off the campaign trail, and you're going to strike that from the record. The defense Trump's defense literally had a witness, the FCC, someone that worked for the FCC, who was on the case, who was going to testify and say what Trump did, or what they thought he did, was not a crime. The judge didn't allow that testimony because it's not relevant. But you got to hear all the whack job shit that Stormy Daniels was talking about. Fair and balanced, that's what this is supposed to be. And you have a judge who, if you do not believe he, has got a political bias. You have to be crazy. I don't get it. I really don't. It just goes crazy. It's nuts.

Speaker 2:

And then one of the statutes that you read in the law is any two or more persons who conspires to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means. That's that's. That's, that's what I'm not even going to get into that. I wanted to get into that. But I, I am just so confused by all this.

Speaker 2:

And Trump even came out and said Mother Teresa can't beat these charges. In some ways, you sit there and you want to say he's wrong. You want to say no, donald, listen man, you know, love you or hate you. There's got to be a way to you know, there's got to be something within the justice system that will allow you to have this, to have this understanding, to feel like you have faith in the justice system. If this happens.

Speaker 2:

It's one of those things that you look at it like where do we go from here? You have Michael Cohen admitting their star witness for the defense that he stole from the Trump organization. He came out and said it yeah, I stole money. I cried two tears in the bucket Fuck it, I stole money. I thought that was embezzlement. I thought that was like a bad crime. You also have the same judge that threatened the judge with jail time for violating the gag order, when all of the prosecution, all of the witnesses, can say whatever the hell they want.

Speaker 2:

This is the same thing. This is the same judge that shot down his motion for a mistrial Because it really didn't have any, didn't really didn't have an opinion about it. It just said, no, we're not doing it, it has nothing to do it. It's just it's not doing it, it has nothing to do with it. It's just utter insanity.

Speaker 2:

You hope that these 12 people on the jury look at this for what it is. It's a sham when the judge has to literally come out and tell you what the crimes are and not the prosecution, and he's got to spell. Come out and tell you what the crimes are and not the prosecution, and he's got to spell it out for you. And all the crimes are basically misdemeanors. And then he's got to give you an hour and 40 minutes of instructions, jury instructions. You can't sit there and tell me he's not leading the jury to one verdict which is supposed to be guilty. And I'm sorry, I think if they find him guilty on this, I think America's smart enough. I think his poll numbers might shoot up 10 points. And then Biden you know I'm going to stay out of this, hold on, you know he's going to have.

Speaker 2:

He is literally going to address the nation on this from the Oval Office. How much more political does this get? We have lost our way so much in this country. It's not even funny. They always talked about how Trump was going to destroy the nation in this, but somehow we are more prosperous Somehow. Now, in 2024, a family of four needs an extra $11,000 a year just to live.

Speaker 2:

You see the rate of inflation.

Speaker 2:

You see the housing market.

Speaker 2:

You literally see interest rates. You see everything that's going on overseas. You see everything that's going on in Israel and how we don't support our only ally in the Middle East. You see everything that's going on still in Ukraine, a country who we didn't trust not too long ago, who are now. We're just giving billions of dollars without evidently any way to track where this money is going, and people say, well, it's going right before our weapons. Okay, can we track where these things are going? Is that possible? Nope, it's not possible. We're supplying aid to the enemy in Gaza and you see this horrific videos that Israel has to put out showing women being violated by these animals. If you wipe them off the fucking planet, I wouldn't care. You sit there and you see that 80% of people who were surveyed in Gaza thought what happened in October was justified. There's such a hatred for the Jewish population throughout the world now because of this Free Gaza from the river to the sea and no one can tell you what river or what sea. It's just a political message.

Speaker 2:

And right now, this political message, in this environment, right now, is you should be scared. You should be sitting there thinking to yourself how can we get around this as a nation? Can we handle another four years of this? And the answer is no. The debt alone is crushing us. Social Security will be insolvent. In I forget how many years. You have a president who was told by the Supreme Court no, you cannot have loan forgiveness, but he continues to do it and you're not forgiving the loan. You're not forgiving the debt. You are just transferring the debt onto the American taxpayers.

Speaker 2:

People like myself who worked three jobs in college, who paid off their own student loans, are now flipping the bill for people that took four years to learn about Dead Sea Scrolls and can't get a job. And they wonder why. And then I love it because the brilliance of AOC, of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, came out and gave an interview and said well, you're going to free up these people to do more things. They can spend money, they can buy houses, they can get better jobs. Hell, they can go back to school, so they can get better jobs, hell, they can go back to school. So her theory was this you could, you could just wipe out their student debt so they can go back to school again, because no one's gonna fucking pay for it. Find your way, america.

Speaker 2:

This is an election of change. It truly is, and if you vote for someone who wants to change your life for the worse, I got no sympathy for you. I got no empathy for you. I'll be fine. I'm bunkered in, I'm fine, but there are millions and millions of families that aren't.

Speaker 2:

There's millions and millions of illegal immigrants that are flowing through this country. There's millions and millions of illegal immigrants that are flowing through this country who are defining how we take care of our own homeless, who are sitting there and being a blight on the municipality systems of certain towns and organizations, certain townships and certain communities, and we have to support them because that's just the right thing to do. No, you know what? If that's such a right thing to do, have them go into your house, but no, you don't want.

Speaker 2:

As a Democrat, I don't want people coming into my house. No, and we've said it before, you want open borders tonight. Go unlock your door and leave it wide open, see how well that works out for you. Find your way, america, understand what this is all about and understand what they're trying to do to you, because, at the end of the day, you're the only one that can stop it. Oh, we're going to have a couple more podcasts coming up, I have a feeling, and, as always, the truth shall always set you free. This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn the railings of a gen xer and I'm out.

Rant About Trump's New York Trial
Political Rant on American Issues