Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Biden's Debate Comedy Hour: Why We Need a President, Not a Punchline

June 28, 2024 Online Big Blue LLC
Biden's Debate Comedy Hour: Why We Need a President, Not a Punchline
Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
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Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
Biden's Debate Comedy Hour: Why We Need a President, Not a Punchline
Jun 28, 2024
Online Big Blue LLC

Is Joe Biden's cognitive decline jeopardizing his ability to lead the nation? We explore this critical question by analyzing his recent debate performance, which was marked by moments of confusion, stuttering, and erratic responses. Our discussion delves into how these troubling signs have raised alarms about his fitness for office and how his wife, Jill Biden, may be playing a role in keeping him in the political limelight despite these concerns. Additionally, we touch on how Donald Trump's campaign has exploited these moments to sow further doubt about Biden's competency, with significant implications for America's future leadership.

From his extensive preparation at Camp David to the public and media's varied reactions, we dissect the implications of Biden's debate performance both domestically and internationally. Concerns about his cognitive sharpness and moments of anger during the debate are scrutinized, revealing a less-than-favorable view of his ability to communicate effectively on the global stage. We also question the level of support—or lack thereof—from his advisors and wife, Jill Biden, as the discussion raises doubts about his viability in future debates and overall leadership capabilities.

Lastly, we contrast Biden's administration with those of Trump and Obama, challenging the notion that his presidency was earned through a substantive campaign. We tackle pressing issues like inflation, taxation, and the rising cost of goods, while debating the controversial Green New Deal and its local economic impacts, the reinstatement of Roe v. Wade, and the push towards electric vehicles. Drawing historical parallels with Sir Jonathan Glove's theory on the lifespan of empires, we reflect on America's current political and economic landscape, emphasizing the urgent need for truthful discussions in these complex times. Tune in for a thought-provoking episode about America's trajectory under Joe Biden's leadership.

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Is Joe Biden's cognitive decline jeopardizing his ability to lead the nation? We explore this critical question by analyzing his recent debate performance, which was marked by moments of confusion, stuttering, and erratic responses. Our discussion delves into how these troubling signs have raised alarms about his fitness for office and how his wife, Jill Biden, may be playing a role in keeping him in the political limelight despite these concerns. Additionally, we touch on how Donald Trump's campaign has exploited these moments to sow further doubt about Biden's competency, with significant implications for America's future leadership.

From his extensive preparation at Camp David to the public and media's varied reactions, we dissect the implications of Biden's debate performance both domestically and internationally. Concerns about his cognitive sharpness and moments of anger during the debate are scrutinized, revealing a less-than-favorable view of his ability to communicate effectively on the global stage. We also question the level of support—or lack thereof—from his advisors and wife, Jill Biden, as the discussion raises doubts about his viability in future debates and overall leadership capabilities.

Lastly, we contrast Biden's administration with those of Trump and Obama, challenging the notion that his presidency was earned through a substantive campaign. We tackle pressing issues like inflation, taxation, and the rising cost of goods, while debating the controversial Green New Deal and its local economic impacts, the reinstatement of Roe v. Wade, and the push towards electric vehicles. Drawing historical parallels with Sir Jonathan Glove's theory on the lifespan of empires, we reflect on America's current political and economic landscape, emphasizing the urgent need for truthful discussions in these complex times. Tune in for a thought-provoking episode about America's trajectory under Joe Biden's leadership.

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber. For having listened to it is now dumber for having listened to it.

Speaker 2:

You don't know what that ought is, mr Trash, I'd show you. But I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place. Do you understand the words that are?

Speaker 1:

coming out of my mouth. You want answers. I think I'm entitled. You want answers, I want the truth.

Speaker 2:

You can't handle the truth. Well, it's not worth it. Thank you. Everything we have to do with uh, what if we finally beat Medicare, if we finally find housing for black Americans, the impact of um, the, the choice, the idea that they're going to? I'm not either proposing that everybody they me, the millionaires pay 1%, 1%, so no one has to. I've not raised the cost of Social Security for anybody. I got my handicap when I was vice president down to a six and once you get away with it, you get rid of the ability of Medicare for the ability for us to be able to negotiate to our place with the big pharma companies. What I'm going to do is fix the tax system, for example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America. I mean billionaires in America. No one has hurt, no one. One Israeli was accidentally killed and it's a stop. And I'm going to continue to move until we get the total ban on the total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more border patrol and more asylum officers.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm trying to figure it out. That clip, of course, came from Donald J Trump's reelection website. It's a video they put out after the debate and again, this is Dennis going to find law in the matter and we have a Gen Xer and I watched the debate and I think you know a large portion of America watched the debate and and the confusion that you saw on the president's face and that's Joe Biden I'm talking about because he is the current president you have to be worried. There has to be some. It's more than a worrisome moment for the election. It's a worrisome moment for the entire country as a whole as we speak, because there's no lucidity and what he was saying half the time, I mean, and this clip really, I mean I have to give trump a a little bit of a kudos because, or his team, this clip could have been worse, because they they're this minute 18 of of moments of, uh, of stuttering, of looking off in the space, looking. He has no note cards, but he is continuously looking down at the podium. Biden is like he's searching for something that's not there, that he is searching for a moment. He is searching for a thought that's not there and you need to be worried, not only as, of course, a citizen of this country, but for this man's health. He is being propped up and his wife, jill Biden his wife, is doing him no favors. I think she enjoys the political spotlight. I think she enjoys being the president pro temt. Because of the fact there's no way that this man could be running the country.

Speaker 3:

He went to Camp David for seven straight days to prepare for this debate, didn't govern, didn't do things that he was supposed to do, wasn't out on the campaign trail. He sequestered himself at Camp David for seven straight days to prepare his zingers, his canned responses. And then you watch this and you just felt bad for him. I felt sorry for Joe Biden. I really did. At one point you want to just say stop Hell. Even in Little League they got the mercy rule. What did he score? What? 11, 12 runs in an inning. The game's over. I think they should have just turned. I mean, cnn did him no favors.

Speaker 3:

The split screen thing, especially when Trump was talking or the moderator was talking, made Biden even looked more confused. He had a few moments of lucidity. I think the drugs were kicking in. We were told now that he had an illness, that he had a sickness, but we didn't hear about that. We even saw the video on CNN of him going into the elevator and his campaign staff says he was drinking water. That's the drug he's using to get ready. Well, whatever they mixed in that bottle, they didn't mix it fast enough because it didn't kick in the moment he came out.

Speaker 3:

He came out blistering and it was weird because it was like he came out with with this with this purpose, like like on a man on a mission, and that lasted maybe 15 seconds biden, that is, that lasted maybe 15 seconds and then the cognitive still skills just all of a sudden slowly starting dissipating and it was scary to watch, scary. And then. And then, like I said, I love these moments of anger. He has these moments of anger. Hey, jack, it's like, okay, you're like 80-something years old, you're not a tough guy, you probably weren't a tough guy when you were younger. And then for you to sit there and talk about well, I was the youngest man elected in government, and now they're saying, all these years, I'm the oldest and I the youngest man elected in government. Now, now they're saying, all these years, I'm the oldest and I feel young. Well, some of your ramblings just make zero sense, and I love the meltdown on cnn, on msnbc, hell, even on yahoo and all the other liberal outlets, because that's what they are, and I love it because they're like you know, joe.

Speaker 3:

Joe didn't look good but Trump lied. We're fact checking. Ok, did you fact check Biden? Because immediately when he started speaking about inflation and how he came in with the worst inflation, was that like one point seven percent, even coming out of COVID COVID. It wasn't until Biden overheated the economy with that spending bill or that rescue plan that we didn't need. That most economists will tell you overheated the economy and the spending and the excess spending is what caused inflation. We're not going to get into his infrastructure issue in reference to getting goods and services not only around America but to America through the ports of entry. We're not going to talk about that. Neither did Joe Biden, and I love it because if, if you sit there and say that Biden was awful, trump was better, trump was, trump was the better of the two.

Speaker 3:

Did Trump have the perfect debate? No, I'd probably give him an eight out of 10. He, he, he kind of lost track at times and and I love it because nobody. No one truly answered the questions at times. I love him because they would both be like the moderators, would be like President Trump you know what would you do to help decrease the cost for Medicare patients? And then he would go off and answer or rebut something that Biden had said previously and Biden would do the same thing. So the substance on some of these questions you didn't get from either candidate but the, the peer, the, the. I don't even know what to say. I really don't, because it was just so terrible.

Speaker 3:

It literally was like watching a car accident. You know, you, you people, you see people rubberneck on the highway when you see an accident, cause you're always slowing down, down, trying to see something. This was being able to see everything and not being able to look away, but wanting to look away, and I looked away a couple times because I couldn't deal with it, because I keep thinking to myself and fearing the fact that our allies are seeing this, our enemies are seeing this. Russia, putin's seeing it, north Korea's seeing it, china's seeing it, north Korea's seeing it, china's seeing it. You know, hezbollah's seeing it, the Houthis are seeing it and you can see the pure weakness in this president and, like I said, his advisors and his wife. His wife is who, I think, I have a lot of issues with right now because she is propping this guy up. You are supposed to be married to this gentleman for better or for worse, and you are supposed to support him, and sometimes supporting someone is letting them know it's over.

Speaker 3:

It's time to turn it off. It's time to turn the mic off. It's time to turn the lights off. It's time to go hide in Delaware, because you are just not there. Your mental acuity is not there and, it's sad to say, I never thought Joe Biden was a very good politician.

Speaker 3:

I never thought he was very good at anything that he did in Washington. But to see the man on such a decline on the world stage because this was this was watched worldwide on the world stage, because this was watched worldwide, you have to have this pit in your stomach. That just says why. Why would they do this to this guy? Don't worry folks, there's plenty of rum in that. But why would you do this? What made you think this was? And people are like well, in the next debate there's not going to be a next debate all of a sudden, there's going to be issues.

Speaker 3:

He had a cold. We never heard about him having a cold at all leading up to the debate. Never did, never met, never mentioned it, never did. Also, he's got a cold. But then you watch him after the debate, on in his little little debate room or his debate party. His raspy voice was gone. He seemed to be well. He wasn't any more lucid than he was before, but his voice seemed to be fine.

Speaker 3:

He looked like a sad old man trying to find his keys. And he's running the country. That's what he reminds me of. If anyone that knows, anyone that has dementia, if anyone that knows anyone who's, who's older and is you know his faculties are probably not there and you watch them try to do things. It's just sad. It literally is like jill, where are my keys? And I would have been like trump uh, I'm not jill, but you know and I find it funny, though, that people had to point things out about trump because they got we still and they said, well, he just lies.

Speaker 3:

No, he actually tells a lot of truths. The problem is you and I love it because you go to the fact checkers and the fact checkers like, yeah, he did tell the truth about that, but but it's always in the small print. I love it, because Yahoo was Biden fumble. Trump lies. No, trump didn't lie about a lot of things.

Speaker 3:

The economy is worse off now. He was given an economy. Biden was coming out of COVID. That still, I mean okay, can we just say one thing If you lose 7 million jobs because of COVID and 7 million jobs comes back, they come back. You did not create 7 million jobs. Can we just say that? And can we just end that? Now, when you are given an economy that had like 1.7, excuse me an inflation rate of 1.7, and you jump it up to eight, it's not the previous president's fault that 10 months later you inflation has skyrocketed because you pass these bills that overheated the economy. That's, that's not someone. That's not somebody else's fault. I know that's crazy. I know Well, joe Biden does things great, because I don't think Joe Biden knows what the hell day, a week day of the week, it is. And I love it because then people are like well, it got schoolyard and Trump with the golf with the handicap. Trump shouldn't have gotten that rude. You know that was just being schoolyard.

Speaker 3:

Trump was also the one that said let's stop being childish when they were talking about that. We have other important things to talk about. Let's stop being childish, but we missed that part. We missed that part because we don't want to talk about trump. I've said it before I'm a registered independent. I've said it before. My vote was swayed. Uh, I would probably say a minute that Trump said he was going to run for reelection, and he has my vote One hundred percent.

Speaker 3:

Because of the fact that, if you look at what Joe Biden is now, democrats are scrambling. They talk about rolling out Michelle Obama. She already says she doesn't want to do it. I wouldn't want to do it at this. You have one hundred something days until the election. I would. I mean, I wouldn't want to do it. That would be crazy. That would be, that would be political suicide. I forgot how many days it is, though. That would be political suicide To have someone come in this late.

Speaker 3:

And the only way that Joe Biden they're going to be able to replace Joe Biden is is if Joe Biden steps aside. That's it. He's going to be the nominee, and unless he steps aside, they can't replace him. And then, if you do replace him, your replacement is the Joker, is Kamala Harris, and she's more unlikable than Joe Biden is. They always say I love celebrities.

Speaker 3:

If Trump wins, I'm going to. I'm going to go live in Canada. Well, if, if, if Kamala Harris would win, I'm building a fucking bunker. I am literally building a bunk. I'm not one of these people that tells you I'm not. I'm not one of these people that tells you I'm going to do this and I don't do it. No, I tell you I'm gonna do something. I'm gonna do something. I will build a fucking bunker in the middle. I can't tell you where I'm like, I think, where my bunker is, but I'm gonna build a bunker and I'm gonna live there until it's over or until the radiation dies down. But it's just sad. It's sad to watch, it's sad to think that this was elected.

Speaker 3:

Every Democrat who voted for Biden last year or last year, three years ago, three and a half years ago, haven't had my coffee this morning. It's way too early to be doing this. But every Democrat or liberal or independent or hell, even a Republican who voted for Joe Biden three and a half years ago, you should be ashamed of yourself. He never ran a campaign. He never left his bunker in Delaware. He never, he never did anything of substance to earn your vote, besides the fact that he was not Trump and you asked the same question to people that you asked three and a half years ago are you better off now, or are you better off when you were under Trump or under Obama? Are you better? Are you better off now or are you better off when you were under Trump or under Obama? Are you better off now? And the answer is always no, I'm not.

Speaker 3:

People want to talk about inflation, but we don't want to talk about stagflation. People want to talk about the inflation rate, but we don't want to talk about the actual prices of goods. People want to blame the companies, but we don't want to talk about the fact that the companies need to make money so they can actually employ people to create the goods and services. We don't want to talk about that. We want to raise the taxes on the rich. How much everyone should pay? Or they pay their fair share 40 something percent, I think it's 48 percent of the country doesn't even pay taxes, doesn't even pay income tax. They get money back. So the other portion of the country that the other 52% that pays taxes, how is that them paying their fair share, have a flat tax rate and have everyone pay everything, it's something. Then everyone is paying their fair share, don't?

Speaker 3:

You can only tax the wealthy so much, the trillionaires, because we have hundreds of thousands of trillionaires according to Joe Biden. You can only tax the wealthy so much before they take their wealth and leave. You can only tax corporations so much before they move their corporations out of your country, because when it's no longer profitable because, let's be honest, companies are beholden to their shareholders, to their employees, to the people that they pay, so they are going to be as profitable as possible and Joe doesn't get that. Joe doesn't get a lot of things. I'm not sure Joe can butter his own toast Because, like I said, watching this was a disgrace.

Speaker 3:

Watching this was painful, was a disgrace. Watching this was was painful, was literally a painful experience. You know it was going to be bad, but you didn't know how bad it was going to be. As a country, can we deal with this? I don't know. Sometimes you have reached, sometimes you have reached a pinnacle where you've just lost your way, and we have I think we have. We've talked about the fact before that there was a? Uh, there was a gentleman who wrote a? Um, a paper, former British old soldier. I tried to do a video about it but my computer crapped out and we I lost all the videos, so we're gonna have to talk about it again.

Speaker 1:

Oh wait, I think no-transcript.

Speaker 3:

And he talks about the fact that, or I shall say, empires only last about 250 years. And we talk about the fact that the Assyrians, the Persians, the Romans, the Arabs let's see the Ottoman Empire, the Spanish Empire, the British Empire and a few other empires and the Arab Empire only lasted 250 years. We're in year 248. And I'm not saying to scare this to people, but some of the things that he spoke about in reference to the decline is some of the things that we are going through right now the decline of civil virtue, the corruption and political infighting, the overextension of government, the invasion or external threats. These are some of the things that he discussed in 1976, just Sir Jonathan Glove. That tells us that our nation is headed to. We're headed to a precipice, we're headed to a crossroad. You could go down this path that we're continuously going down. We can go down the Green New Deal, the global warning, the craziness of people like AOC. We're going to get into that crazy bitch. We're going to get into that. That rally she did. Holy crap how they vote her in continuously. I do know you lost amazon because of her. You and I love because she's like. Well, the people here won't, uh, they won't be able to afford to live here anymore. Their property values are going to probably quadruple. A house that they maybe bought for 50, 60, 000 could potentially be worth $400,000. You could sell your house and go live someplace really nice with like $300,000. Lost the jobs, lost everything else. But you can head down that primrose path of everything. The Green New Deal oh, abortion, I love it. Abortion, abortion, abortion oh, the other part he's going to reinstate. Roe versus Wade. Biden is how that was actually instituted by the Supreme Court, wrongfully so. And most constitutional scholars will tell you that the decision of Roe Way, even back in the 70s, was an overreach of the powers of the Supreme Court. So actually Ruth Bader Ginsburg, before she even passed away, discussed how Roe v Way was was an overreach by the Supreme Court and should never have been. That decision should never have been made. But we want to talk about that, that because if you talk about that, she is the hero. She is the modern-day liberal hero. God rest her soul. But we've just reached a point where and you have to decide you have to decide as an American. You may hate Trump, you may not like that. He's mean. You may say he's mean, you may say he has all these other issues.

Speaker 3:

But were you better off three and a half years ago? My answer is yes. I had money in my pocket. I had a 401k that was through the roof. I was able to do things with my family like buy groceries and toilet paper. I didn't sit there and watch shrinkflation because, literally, if you go and buy, a good example was I. I bought a a bag of organic frozen mixed vegetables and I kept noticing these bags are so much lighter. And then I see the fluid ounces or the ounces in the bag, yeah, and it's like nine ounces less than the bag I had in the freezer. That was there for like a year ago.

Speaker 3:

You know, you look at chips, you know, like you know Doritos or something like that. You see that everything is smaller. It's shrink inflation, everything's getting smaller but you're paying more. You look at gas prices. You look at the cost of electricity. You look at the cost of not being energy independent, and that's what Biden has created. The Green New Deal has created this. You have a report that came out that electric owners, electric vehicle owners over 50 percent of them want to go back to gas powered vehicles. Why? Because we're just not there yet. We're just the infrastructure is not there yet, the technology is not there yet. You are rushing into the fire with a squirt gun and hoping that's going to be the answer.

Speaker 3:

We're going to do a lot more videos. I think I'm gonna do a lot more on camera stuff here on rumble and everyone else, every place else, wherever else we do it. I don't know where we do it, because it's been a long time. Like I said, my computer crapped out, had to get a new one, so I'm glad I got the new one. I got it up and running and, as always, just don't forget. It can't get worse. No, it can't. Yeah, it can't get worse. I shouldn't say that it can get worse, but just remember and always, never forget the truth. She'll always set you free. I'm Tim, this is Get Off my Alarm and I'm out of here.

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