Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Biden-Harris & Global Chaos: Are We on the Brink of World War III

July 05, 2024 Online Big Blue LLC
Biden-Harris & Global Chaos: Are We on the Brink of World War III
Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
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Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
Biden-Harris & Global Chaos: Are We on the Brink of World War III
Jul 05, 2024
Online Big Blue LLC

Is Kamala Harris ready to lead if Joe Biden becomes incapacitated? Join us as we explore the political and global ramifications of a potential Harris presidency amidst the escalating tensions with China, Russia, and North Korea. Reflecting on Biden's recent performances and the possibility of a brokered convention, we question the future of U.S. leadership and its ability to navigate the treacherous waters of international relations. Drawing on Cold War-era fears and cultural references, we also discuss the looming threat of World War III and the eerie predictions of Nostradamus.

In this episode, we delve into the rising global tensions and the uncertain future of American politics with Biden and Harris at the helm. Explore the complex dynamics of the U.S.-China rivalry, Russia's audacious moves in Ukraine, and the volatile Middle East. We also address societal issues like climate change and the erosion of patriotism, painting a picture of a dystopian future. Finally, we shift gears to the mysterious surge in UFO sightings, speculating on the possibility of extraterrestrial intervention as our unlikely saviors. Don't miss our humorous take on the idea of alien overlords, inspired by the classic TV show "V.

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Is Kamala Harris ready to lead if Joe Biden becomes incapacitated? Join us as we explore the political and global ramifications of a potential Harris presidency amidst the escalating tensions with China, Russia, and North Korea. Reflecting on Biden's recent performances and the possibility of a brokered convention, we question the future of U.S. leadership and its ability to navigate the treacherous waters of international relations. Drawing on Cold War-era fears and cultural references, we also discuss the looming threat of World War III and the eerie predictions of Nostradamus.

In this episode, we delve into the rising global tensions and the uncertain future of American politics with Biden and Harris at the helm. Explore the complex dynamics of the U.S.-China rivalry, Russia's audacious moves in Ukraine, and the volatile Middle East. We also address societal issues like climate change and the erosion of patriotism, painting a picture of a dystopian future. Finally, we shift gears to the mysterious surge in UFO sightings, speculating on the possibility of extraterrestrial intervention as our unlikely saviors. Don't miss our humorous take on the idea of alien overlords, inspired by the classic TV show "V.

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Speaker 1:

Every election cycle we talk about. This is the most election of our lifetime, Lawrence. This one is. I have been fortunate and blessed during the course of being vice president, have many situations where it becomes clear to me that there are, you know, people of every age and gender, by the way. There are people of every age and gender, by the way, who see something about being the first that lets them know they don't need to be limited by other people's limited understanding of who can do what, and I think that's important.

Speaker 2:

And it relates to all people. I'm trying to think what the hell she's talking about. This isn't the first word salad from kamala harris. I'm only bringing this up because she is a moment away for for basically becoming president. For if, if biden becomes incapacitated, if his senility really kicks in and he can't lead the country Well, he's not doing it now, jill Biden's doing it right now, but she's a moment away With all the strife and everything going on in the world, this would be the person that would speak to China, speak to Russia, speak to North Korea, speak to Israel and some of her other allies and calm their nerves. If something was going to happen Now, with Joe Biden's disaster in the debate the other night, a couple nights back, there is call for him to, of course, to move on, to, to not abdicate his presidency, but to not to take the nomination for the party in the convention come up in August, and the first thought process would be you're going to, of course, have to replace Biden, you have to have a broken convention, you have to replace Biden with someone. The logical choice would be Kamala Harris.

Speaker 2:

I cringe when I hear that, or even when I think that, because you always talk of the possibilities of World War III. And I'm trying I'm not trying to be glib about this, I'm not trying to be this put it in a perspective or a situation where I'm looking for my notes. Put it in a situation or perspective where you're just kind of like, well, you know, tim, you're over reacting to this. And I think about the. You know you always have the countdown clock. You know the countdown clock to midnight to World War Three. I think we're at 11 minutes 59 seconds, 59 minutes and 58 seconds or something crazy like that, I don't remember which. And growing up in the Cold War, cold War era, I have to enunciate tonight, yeah, living through everything that went on with Reagan and Russia and everything else.

Speaker 2:

And you think of such movies like Miracle Mile with what's his name? Anthony Edwards, I believe it is Dr Green from ER and Goose from Top Gun. I'm not going to get into the movie, but of course it's about a gentleman that accidentally picks up a phone and they discuss the talk. They discuss the gentleman or they discuss he. The gentleman on the other end of the phone is a young man trying to reach his father to let him know that nuclear war is about to continue or it's about to start. Then it's a whole big movie like that. But you live through these movies. You live through testament, red dawn, um, you know, the day after, uh, you know, and, and it was just these films that that kind of put your, your mind in perspective of what could happen if you move towards a World War Three. Now you had Nostradamus years ago predict that it was going to be back in the early 2000s and everyone thought it was going to be Trump. But now you got to kind of look at this and think of that. The Biden Harris campaign of the Biden Harris ticket is kind of moving us through into this perspective, into World War III. And again, I'm not trying to be glib about this, but I was thinking about it. I was thinking about what are some of the tipping points or some of the escalations that would lead us down this path. I also want to talk about the aliens that we're seeing or the alien sightings and other weird things that are going on. So we're going to talk about that.

Speaker 2:

But the first thing you got to talk about is the tensions with China. You know you have economic tensions, you have military tensions, you have technology, you have the technology rivalry going on. You have the trade wars. You have the dispute in the South China Sea. It's becoming one of those things that it's becoming a heightened risk. You have everything that's going on with Taiwan. You see China understanding that the ineptitude of Biden and his inability to govern or lead could move us more towards that direction. So it's almost a clash of the super titans. It's almost when you watch the movie Red Dawn and Colonel. I think it was Colonel Tanner. They asked him how the war started and he said you know, it's one of those things. It's two toughest kids on the block sooner or later are going to have to fight. So you kind of look at that.

Speaker 2:

But then you also have another escalating tension, which is Russia. You know the annexation. What is it? The annexed Crimea years back. What's going on in Ukraine? How they're challenging NATO and Western powers basically throughout the region. How they are trying to seize territory. How Putin was smart enough to understand do not go in.

Speaker 2:

When Trump was president, he waited and we watched for months as they built up troops through the border of Ukraine. We watched Now. Ukraine for years was a corrupt, inept government that the United States really had to keep in check, but under Biden now. Now there are these greatest guys that we have to figure out what's going on. And then I was thinking also, again, if you want to continue with this narrative, you got to remember that we're in the middle of a bunch of proxy wars as well, not just in Ukraine. You know we're in the proxy war with Israel. Israel's also, potentially, can go up against Iran soon. You know you also have Iran versus Saudi Arabia.

Speaker 2:

The Middle East is a cauldron itself where any spark could unite or ignite I should rephrase it, ignite some type of global conflict. And at that point in time, you're going to have to think I'm moving my notes around At that point in time, you're going to have to think is there something going to happen that's going to make the world that could cause the tensions to boil over? And then you have to remember this Again, I'm trying to move, I'm sorry. Again, I'm trying to move my notes around. You have to remember this and think about this. You're escalating towards this, and your persons that have the ability to stop this Are going to be Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, I mean. And then you take a look at new. You take a look at north korea and their nuclear ambitions. Cyber warfare, which is coming down the pike. You know you're you're having these increasing cyber attacks.

Speaker 2:

We don't talk about what happened with the automobile industry, how they were basically shut down and still are shut in some perspective, still basically, it's shut down in reference to you know, implementing sales and doing things, and you're really, you're really limiting an entire industry. But we're not, we're not even still basically is shut down in reference to you know, implementing sales and doing things, and you're really, you're really limiting an entire industry, but we're not, we're not even talking. The press isn't even talking about that. They look at you, look at the fact that we have economic instability. We have everything that's going on with COVID-19.

Speaker 2:

You're sitting there and you feel, you feel this unease because of the fact that we also have the erosion, I would say, of patriotism within your own country. You have this weird perspective now of gender, where gender now is fluid and there is no gender, which it's a crazy thought to think at this point in time. And then people are going to get into you know the climate change and how that's going to be. You know it's going to make resources scant and I laugh because you know, you think a road warrior, they got Mad Max. You think about how we lost the resources, we lost the oil, we lost everything else, and you know what happened World War Three. The next thing you know it's Thunderdome.

Speaker 2:

And then you also have to think that there's also accidental escalation, and this is what kind of made me think about this video today Accidental escalation. You have a misunderstanding. You have so many moving parts with different militaries in Syria and Iran and Iraq and Saudi Arabia and Israel, and there could be a moment where something could happen, where we move forward to an event that is going to be catastrophic and can probably not be. You know, I mean, that probably can't be, it cannot be taken back. Once that first missile is fired, you're not taking, you can't take it back, you can't call timeout and say this is all over, and again we have to look at whom we have in the theater of the realm of possibility. Who's in charge of all this? It's Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and that should frighten the hell out of anybody.

Speaker 2:

And then I was kind of thinking that you know, it's weird that lately you're seeing all these alien sightings. There was just a. There was just a mass alien sighting at a music concert. Uh, you see these pylons that are being found in the deserts and all these weird these, these mirror-shaped pylons that are just being found. I think, personally, it's an artist, but you, you have these pylons that are just being found somewhere. You, you see this. You see these things that are going on in Las Vegas with the alien in Las Vegas and the people's backyard that was caught on the police cameras. You see everything else that has been going, the government releasing data, saying you know what? No, potentially is there.

Speaker 2:

There are some aliens out there and you kind of think why, all of a sudden, are they coming to Earth? Why all of a sudden are they coming to Earth? Why all of a sudden are they making themselves known? And I think maybe it's to save ourselves, maybe they see, you know, they always talk about, you know, alien societies. I always think of the movie the World's End and you know, and basically they've taken over this one. The aliens have taken over the town and they've taken over everything and they basically have decided that humanity is too stupid to save themselves. So they had to come down and save them. And it's weird because do you think that way, when I see these pylons, these glass pylons or these mirror pylons, I always think of Land of the Lost from the 70s, the old Sid and Crosby was it Sid and Crosby cartoon Not cartoon, but the live animated series? I can never think of their name and they had those pylons and those pylons were used as portals to move between dimensions. And that's how the Robinson family was going to get home. Robinson family was going to get home and Edict, the one Sleestack who could speak, was always looking for this pylon that would give him the ability to get home. And the same thing with the Robins. They were looking for the same thing. Maybe it's something such as that. Maybe there is a portal.

Speaker 2:

We're also finding black holes now and we were finding black holes and we're seeing sightings all over the United States. You're seeing military sightings. You're seeing sightings now from people that you know. Some of these people you would think were oddballs that used to report these alien abductions, but now you're seeing it through credible sources and, like I said, it's interesting that it's happening all together.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying we're headed down the path to nuclear annihilation you never know that but I'm not saying we're headed down that path. But what I am saying is it's weird that you have the ineptitude at the top two positions in the United States government. You have a candidate in Trump who was a flawed candidate, and now you have the cognitive or pretty much the cognitive decline of Joe Biden and the possibility of word salad Kamala taking over for everything. If this is not a recipe for everything, if this is not a recipe for disaster, this is not a recipe to move our, our adversaries to, to, to make bold statements and bold moves, such as maybe invading taiwan, maybe trying to, you know, take over some more land in europe in reference to russia, I don't know what else would be. So maybe at this point in time, we need someone to save ourselves from ourselves.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to thank all the alien overlords that are beginning coming down soon. Hopefully it's not going to be like the tv show in the movie v. And again, this is tim, this is get off my lawn. The mad railings of a gen xer. And, as always, a true show always sets you free. Have yourself a great day and I'm out.

Potential World War III With Biden-Harris
Global Tensions and Alien Sightings
Potential Global Chaos With Biden-Harris