Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Trump Assassination Attempt. Bloodied Donald Trump rushed off stage after shots at rally.

July 13, 2024 Online Big Blue LLC
Trump Assassination Attempt. Bloodied Donald Trump rushed off stage after shots at rally.
Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
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Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
Trump Assassination Attempt. Bloodied Donald Trump rushed off stage after shots at rally.
Jul 13, 2024
Online Big Blue LLC

The recent episode of our podcast takes an in-depth look at the harrowing events that unfolded during President Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The attempted assassination not only shocked the nation but also served as a stark reminder of the dangerous levels of political division we currently face. This blog post aims to provide a detailed exploration of the key topics discussed in the episode, including the attempted assassination, the ensuing chaos, and the urgent call for unity amidst a deeply polarized political landscape.<br><br>The attempted assassination on President Trump was nothing short of a crisis. During the rally, Trump was struck in the ear by the first of five gunshots. His immediate reaction to drop to the ground allowed the Secret Service to intervene swiftly. Despite the danger, Trump stood back up, a move that not only showcased his resilience but also served to further energize his base. This incident highlights the extreme measures some individuals are willing to take due to political differences, raising questions about the current state of American politics.<br><br>One of the main points discussed in the episode is the urgent need for unity. The attempted assassination on Trump is a wake-up call for all Americans to recognize our shared humanity and values. The podcast emphasizes that political differences should never escalate to violence. By reflecting on this incident, we are reminded of the importance of coming together as a nation to prevent such extreme actions in the future.<br><br>The episode also delves into the role of media and rhetoric in escalating political tensions. The vilification of Trump by the media and left-wing rhetoric has contributed to a climate of hatred that makes such violent actions more likely. The podcast argues that this dangerous road could have severe ramifications for the future of American politics, urging listeners to consider how media portrayal and political discourse can influence public perception and behavior.<br><br>In discussing the political ramifications of the assassination attempt, the podcast highlights how this incident could potentially secure Trump's position for the 2025 presidential election. The episode suggests that the attempt on Trump's life will likely galvanize his supporters even more, playing into his narrative of being targeted by the establishment. This could serve to further polarize the political landscape, making it even more crucial for both sides to seek common ground and work towards unity.<br><br>The human side of Trump is also brought to the forefront in this episode. The podcast calls for listeners to pause and reflect on the fact that Trump, much like anyone else's loved one, is a human being whose life was nearly taken due to political differences. This call to action is a plea for empathy and understanding, urging listeners to move beyond political animosities and recognize our shared humanity.<br><br>The podcast episode serves as a poignant reminder of the dangerous levels of political division we currently face. The attempted assassination on Trump is not just an isolated incident but a symptom of a much larger issue. As the episode stresses, it is imperative for all Americans to come together and seek unity amidst political hatred. By doing so, we can prevent such extreme actions and work towards a more united and peaceful political landscape.<br><br>In conclusion, this episode of the podcast provides a comprehensive exploration of the attempted assassination on President Trump, the ensuing chaos, and the urgent call for unity. By examining the role of media and rhetoric, the political ramifications, and the human side of Trump, the episode offers valuable insights into the current state of American politics. It serves as a call to action for all Americans to recognize our shared humanity and work towards a more united p

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The recent episode of our podcast takes an in-depth look at the harrowing events that unfolded during President Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The attempted assassination not only shocked the nation but also served as a stark reminder of the dangerous levels of political division we currently face. This blog post aims to provide a detailed exploration of the key topics discussed in the episode, including the attempted assassination, the ensuing chaos, and the urgent call for unity amidst a deeply polarized political landscape.<br><br>The attempted assassination on President Trump was nothing short of a crisis. During the rally, Trump was struck in the ear by the first of five gunshots. His immediate reaction to drop to the ground allowed the Secret Service to intervene swiftly. Despite the danger, Trump stood back up, a move that not only showcased his resilience but also served to further energize his base. This incident highlights the extreme measures some individuals are willing to take due to political differences, raising questions about the current state of American politics.<br><br>One of the main points discussed in the episode is the urgent need for unity. The attempted assassination on Trump is a wake-up call for all Americans to recognize our shared humanity and values. The podcast emphasizes that political differences should never escalate to violence. By reflecting on this incident, we are reminded of the importance of coming together as a nation to prevent such extreme actions in the future.<br><br>The episode also delves into the role of media and rhetoric in escalating political tensions. The vilification of Trump by the media and left-wing rhetoric has contributed to a climate of hatred that makes such violent actions more likely. The podcast argues that this dangerous road could have severe ramifications for the future of American politics, urging listeners to consider how media portrayal and political discourse can influence public perception and behavior.<br><br>In discussing the political ramifications of the assassination attempt, the podcast highlights how this incident could potentially secure Trump's position for the 2025 presidential election. The episode suggests that the attempt on Trump's life will likely galvanize his supporters even more, playing into his narrative of being targeted by the establishment. This could serve to further polarize the political landscape, making it even more crucial for both sides to seek common ground and work towards unity.<br><br>The human side of Trump is also brought to the forefront in this episode. The podcast calls for listeners to pause and reflect on the fact that Trump, much like anyone else's loved one, is a human being whose life was nearly taken due to political differences. This call to action is a plea for empathy and understanding, urging listeners to move beyond political animosities and recognize our shared humanity.<br><br>The podcast episode serves as a poignant reminder of the dangerous levels of political division we currently face. The attempted assassination on Trump is not just an isolated incident but a symptom of a much larger issue. As the episode stresses, it is imperative for all Americans to come together and seek unity amidst political hatred. By doing so, we can prevent such extreme actions and work towards a more united and peaceful political landscape.<br><br>In conclusion, this episode of the podcast provides a comprehensive exploration of the attempted assassination on President Trump, the ensuing chaos, and the urgent call for unity. By examining the role of media and rhetoric, the political ramifications, and the human side of Trump, the episode offers valuable insights into the current state of American politics. It serves as a call to action for all Americans to recognize our shared humanity and work towards a more united p

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Speaker 1:

All right, everyone. This is Tim. This is Good Off my Lawn, the Matt Ramos of Gen Xer. We know why we're all here. Breaking news and it's all over. It's everywhere. President Trump was.

Speaker 1:

There was an attempted assassination attempt in Butler, pennsylvania at his rally. The video is everywhere. The video is everywhere. The video is disturbing.

Speaker 1:

We are not going to show the video, but the video literally depicts him getting ready for the rally, pumping up the crowd, going through his rhetoric, going through his speech, and then you hear five distinctive shots fired out. After the first shot, you can see Trump grab his ear and hit. You know, basically hit the ground. He was very smart. He automatically just went to the ground by himself and then Secret Service pounced on him and then, after that initial first shot, you heard four other cracks afterwards. Reports now are President Trump is fine. He was being checked out at a medical center and we're waiting for further details in reference to the shooting. You can hear in the video itself that shooters down, shooters down. So it's definitely shots fired. I don't think there's any doubt about that.

Speaker 1:

But you're in a rural area in Butler, pennsylvania and it's one of these places that is basically Trump country, now Pennsylvania, of course you know, went to Biden. But this, this, this is, this would be Trump's depicted home base, his home crowd Almost, if you want. If you wanted to pick a home crowd in Pennsylvania, this would be a place to go, this would be a Trump place to go. And to have something like this happen and the way it happened is very distressing because of the fact that you see where he's hit in the ear, you know a couple, a couple more inches the other way and that's in his brain, and that's the scary thought. And for me to sit there and think that law enforcement didn't have some type of warning about someone it could be, it could be multiple people, could be one person in that crowd is a little befuddling to me, because I kind of think there would be kind of I think this person would probably turn out to be known, and I think that's where I'm trying to say. I think this person or persons will probably be known to law enforcement, and that's just my speculation. But you saw Trump go down, you saw the Secret Service react. You saw him defiantly stand back up and yell and say fuck twice, almost like fuck you twice, like you took your best shot, and this is what you did, you know. Now, wait, you want to see what he's going to do with this now. We thought what he did with the mug shot was crazy. You know he's going to put this on mugs to his this shot of him but the blood streaming down his ear and everything on his face. You know this is going to be on a mug. You know this is going to be on a t-shirt. You know I'm buying it. I'm going to run out and get one as soon as possible. They're probably printing them right now.

Speaker 1:

Heated rhetoric of these elections that are now reading reaching a fevered pitch, and it's it's for both sides, of course, but the hatred towards donald trump is just reaching another level. For someone in a crowd to literally fire a firearm five times or it could have been multiple, but we don't know yet but to have that person literally fire a gun five times into a crowd, that that shows total disregard, not for any type of human life, and and it just, it, just it just clouds my mind that we have reached this point now, and I blame the media a lot. I blame I actually blame the left quite a bit too, because of the fact that they villainize Trump so much and they've ginned up so much hatred towards him that they have they have manufactured a person or persons that would go out and commit this type of heinous act Right Now. If anything, this is going to propel him even more. I don't care if you run every Obama, I don't care if you run Biden, I don't care if you run any or any or all the Obamas. I think you just whoever did this probably literally just secured the White House for Donald Trump in 2025. Because you're playing into everything that he says is wrong with this country. You literally are playing into that. The liberals are playing into Trump's.

Speaker 1:

Every Trump card is going to Donald Trump because of the fact that everything he says that they're going to do the liberals they do. You know he warned us how many times. You know, if they can come after me, what can they do to you? And then they go out and hire 86,000 additional IRS agents to go after the billionaires, the millionaires. You know he talks about the unfairness in the press that basically hid Biden's dementia for four and a half years or four years, I mean, because I'm talking going back into the election cycle itself. So he has pointed these things out numerous times and now for someone or some people to take an attempt on his life.

Speaker 1:

It's even more distressing that we have reached this point in American history where there is just so much hatred for one candidate that this that that someone tried to eliminate that candidate. You know it's funny, you tried to eliminate the wrong guy. Though, because I think this is going to do anything, is going to just more energized the trump base. I think, if anything, this is just going to more energize donald trump himself. I mean, after seeing this man, I I mean, like I said, I I am a registered independent whole family is we're. I mean, like I said, I am a registered independent, whole family is we're definitely. I mean, like I said, we're definitely voting Trump and we're going to do everything that we can here to support him and to support him to get this country back on track, because we have more than just lost our way. We have lost our values, we have lost identity, just between a man and a woman, or whatever you want to call yourself. We've lost our way in such a fashion that you know, if there's four more years of this, we're never coming back. We'll never come back to society. We'll never come back.

Speaker 1:

As a person, as a nation, donald Trump needs to be the saving grace of this country and that's a lot to put on a guy, but he needs to be the saving grace, he needs to be the person that comes in, he needs to be the knight on the white horse running in and saving us, because we need to be saved from ourselves. Because, you know, with the advent of social media, I always, I'm always like I look it off my own, so I the advent of social media, I always, I'm always like I said it's time to get off my lawn, so I'm always blaming social media. But with the advent of social media, everything going on, all this pandering to anyone, no longer, no longer just saying, listen, if you don't feel like a man or you don't feel like a woman and you're trapped in a woman's body, maybe it's a mental issue, not a genetic issue. We don't talk about that anymore because we're not allowed to. We're not allowed to. We have to talk about everyone's feelings.

Speaker 1:

Well, the feeling is today that this nation has gone there's gone askew, and for something like this to happen in Butler, pennsylvania, to Donald Trump at a rally with his supporters, just shows me that it's time for a new direction. It's not only time for a new direction. It's time to go back to the old direction. It's time to go back to church, family values. It's time to go back to those things that you were proud. You know it's nationalism. No, you are proud to be an American. You are proud to see the flag. You are proud of where you were in this country.

Speaker 1:

We have so much hatred in this country towards our own country by people who shouldn't even be here that it's even more astounding. We're going to have more information. Of course, as it comes out, we'll do better and we'll do more detailed, in-depth videos as we find out who did this and what happened. But as a nation, we can't rest easy. You know. We can go. We cannot go quietly into the night. We cannot go out. We cannot go out without a fight. Of course, that's from Independence Day. We have to move on and we have to become one again.

Speaker 1:

We need a unifying moment and I'm hoping that not at the expense of Donald Trump, but I'm hoping this need a unifying moment and I'm hoping that not at the expense of Donald Trump, but I'm hoping this is a unifying moment that people see what happened. They understand this and say you know what we need to stop. We need to pause. This is a human. This is a human being, donald Trump, just like anyone else's mother or father or grandfather or brother or nephew or sister or cousin or anyone. This is another human being that's life was almost taken because of political differences, as always. This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn. Don't forget to like and subscribe and all that stuff. We're trying to grow the channel, so make sure you do all that fun stuff. God bless Donald Trump and God bless America. I'm out of here.

Attempted Assassination at Trump Rally
Call for Unity After Assassination Attempt