Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Part 2 - Donald Trump Assassination Conspiracies: Secret Service Slip-Up or Darker Plot

July 17, 2024 Online Big Blue LLC
Part 2 - Donald Trump Assassination Conspiracies: Secret Service Slip-Up or Darker Plot
Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
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Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er
Part 2 - Donald Trump Assassination Conspiracies: Secret Service Slip-Up or Darker Plot
Jul 17, 2024
Online Big Blue LLC

How could a man with an AR-15 and a ladder, positioned on a rooftop, evade Secret Service and local police? This episode of "Let's Get Off My Lawn: The Mad Ramblings of a Gen Xer" dives headfirst into the jaw-dropping security lapses that almost led to an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. We laugh, cry, and scratch our heads together as we dissect the absurd excuses provided by authorities and wonder aloud if personal biases are clouding their professional judgment.

Ever seen a Secret Service agent struggle to holster her weapon while protecting the President? We've got that story for you, and it gets even funnier when juxtaposed with the swift actions of her colleagues. We'll navigate through a slew of conspiracy theories, including a mysterious woman allegedly signaling a sniper, and question if an agent's dislike for a protectee could really lead to such concerning lapses in security. Expect humor, sarcasm, and a healthy dose of skepticism.

Finally, we tackle the persistent lack of civility in political discourse, particularly aimed at Trump. From the relentless criticisms by public figures like Mark Hamill to the moral high ground staked out by the left, we argue for a return to basic humanity and decency. Plus, we've got exciting news about expanding our content to Rumble and YouTube, so you can now watch our ramblings instead of just listening to them. Join us for an episode rich with insights, laughter, and a call for truth and decency.

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How could a man with an AR-15 and a ladder, positioned on a rooftop, evade Secret Service and local police? This episode of "Let's Get Off My Lawn: The Mad Ramblings of a Gen Xer" dives headfirst into the jaw-dropping security lapses that almost led to an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. We laugh, cry, and scratch our heads together as we dissect the absurd excuses provided by authorities and wonder aloud if personal biases are clouding their professional judgment.

Ever seen a Secret Service agent struggle to holster her weapon while protecting the President? We've got that story for you, and it gets even funnier when juxtaposed with the swift actions of her colleagues. We'll navigate through a slew of conspiracy theories, including a mysterious woman allegedly signaling a sniper, and question if an agent's dislike for a protectee could really lead to such concerning lapses in security. Expect humor, sarcasm, and a healthy dose of skepticism.

Finally, we tackle the persistent lack of civility in political discourse, particularly aimed at Trump. From the relentless criticisms by public figures like Mark Hamill to the moral high ground staked out by the left, we argue for a return to basic humanity and decency. Plus, we've got exciting news about expanding our content to Rumble and YouTube, so you can now watch our ramblings instead of just listening to them. Join us for an episode rich with insights, laughter, and a call for truth and decency.

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it, is now dumber for having listened to it. You don't know what that ought is, mr Trash. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a flamethrower to this place, do you understand?

Speaker 1:

the words that are coming out of my mouth. You want answers. I think I'm entitled. You want answers, I want the truth.

Speaker 2:

You can't handle the truth. We've said it once, we've said it before, we've said it a million times the truth shows it's free. This is going to my lawn, the mad ramblings of a gen xer.

Speaker 2:

Oh, kimberly, you explained it. Oh so well. The roof was slanted. No, I'm sorry, the roof was slopped. Luckily, the roof, the roof, the roof wasn't on fire because we didn't need any water. We would just let the motherfucker burn.

Speaker 2:

I've heard excuses before and I wanted to do a follow-up video or podcast or whatever the hell you want to call it. This is the Donald Trump conspiracy file assassination attempt at conspiracy files, part deux. And why am I doing a second part? Well, because more and more stuff is coming out. That's just weird, it's just insane. And for the former director of the Secret Service and I am saying former because she should be fired, she should just resign I'm giving Kimberly the out. People are like Tim. Why don't you call her by her full name? Because you know her and I are like that. We're all on that same sapodico level that I am giving her. Oh no, I got this thing on my shirt. Still, I got a tag on my shirt. That's what happens when you roll up live on the mic. It just doesn't make sense. Some of the stuff that we're talking about here.

Speaker 2:

We didn't put anyone on the roof because the roof was sloped and there would be security concerns. Safety concerns. There's particular parts of the White House roof that sloped. We showed the video and we had a little funny video from the movie the Burbs with Tom Hanks with the guy falling off the sloped roof. Because it just seemed very apropos, because evidently that's today's Secret Service and we're going to get into that, because there was a huge difference between the Secret Service detail that was there on Saturday and the one that was there with Trump on Monday. At the RNC we're going to play a game called Can you See what's Different? You can see it immediately. But it was a safety-concerned issue that we didn't secure a building or put a guy on a roof because of the fact that it was sloped, even though the slope looks a lot less from that building than it did from the roof that was. The snipers who took out the gentleman were on at that point in time as well.

Speaker 2:

But, Kimberly's telling me it was the roof, I mean, okay, I can buy that. Sure, we're all going to buy that. It was the roof, safety concerns. It makes you pause for a minute, it makes you think and again, I don't think there's a nefarious situation that's going on here, but it was a litany of mistakes made by the secret service and the police, the local police, and I blame the secret service more, because the secret service should be in charge of the entire show.

Speaker 2:

You have a building that close to the stage, with a direct line of sight of the president, our former president, soon to be soon, soon to be president again, uh, soon to be number 47. You have that direct line of sight and you don't even station a guy up there. And it's like, hey, did anyone lock that door? Oh no, he didn't. Or maybe he just climbed up. He went to Home Depot and bought a ladder, evidently a couple days beforehand I'm not joking he bought a ladder. So no one noticed this. The police didn't notice, secret Service didn't notice, no one noticed this guy walking through the field with an AR-15 and a ladder. And then I love it because Kimberly goes on at one point in time. I'm not going to play the whole because kimberly goes on at one point in time. I'm not gonna play the whole interview. She goes on one point time. So well, you know it's. Someone did call him. Someone did call this guy out to our attention but we couldn't find him. Okay, and then I think, what amazes me the most that this building and the parking lot where he was perched on the building, that he was perched on the parking lot, was used as a staging area for the local police, and there were local police officers in the building already and nobody noticed this skinny white guy with a ladder and an AR-15 climbing the roof. You had multiple people point them out. You could see the videos. They're pointing this gentleman out saying hey, there's a guy on the roof. There's a guy on the roof. Now, if you can see the person from the roof, you have a shot even on the ground. Shot even on the ground. I long time ago qualified as a nra pistol instructor, our firearms instructor. Long time ago, long time ago really. I'm old, I've always talked about that, but so I understand the fact that there are certain times where you may not have a clear field of fire, like the sniper did, but if you can see somebody, you can hit them with a firearm, just plain and simple. So no one figured to take a shot from the. No one figured, hey, let's just take a shot from the ground here.

Speaker 2:

No one decided what's the rules of engagement for the. That's still what we haven't heard from either. What were the rules of engagement for the Secret Service snipers? Did they have to wait until there was an act committed before they were given the okay to fire? We still haven't heard this yet. Because I'm curious about that? Because you count eight shots, then you have that long pause and then there's the counter shot. Because you hear the shot, then you hear the woman scream. So he was able to get off eight shots. Trump went down, I would say a good four or five seconds later. Then there was the counter scream, so he was able to get off eight shots. Trump went down, I would say a good four or five seconds later. Then there was the counter shot and that took out the sniper. So what was the rules of engagement for the snipers? Kimberly ever going to tell us that Now, all of a sudden, merrick Garland has to come out and say RFK Jr, you know what?

Speaker 2:

I know what we're going to do for RFK? We're going to give him a security detail. We're going to give him a Secret Service detail, even though his father and his uncle are both assassinated. We think now is a good time to do it. Well, it's a good time to do it now. What else could go wrong? We'll just give him some guys.

Speaker 2:

So Trump makes his triumphant, triumphant return to the rnc on monday and you can see him walking in, playing the video right now. You can see him walking in and there's something you have to notice. There's all like these gentlemen who are like six, three, six, four surrounding the president. There's one thing missing out of this whole contingency that is coming around now protecting the president. I don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it. Did all of a sudden the diversity, equity and inclusion all of a sudden stop on Monday? Because you knew there was going to be a lot of press and a lot of cameras there that you've now decided to have? Gentlemen protect the former president soon to be president by having them be tall enough to literally shield him if something happens. Hmm, interesting.

Speaker 2:

And I find it hilarious still that we always talk about the young lady who couldn't holster her weapon. Can't holster the weapon. Can't holster the weapon. What? Not once, not twice, not twice, but four times. And I love it because they now show another shot of her where all these guys have jumped on the president and she's kind of like in the background hiding behind the guys. Okay, well, they don't need me, they're already. They're already on top of the president where he's. They're already on top of trump. They don't need me. I'm just gonna stay right here. It's almost as good as the one that was more worried about trump's hat and her sunglasses. But you know what? You know it's again. It's this, it's this, this cattle cave of failures that caused this situation. It's plain and simple. There's another video circulating that they're talking about that there was a young woman in the crowd that was signaling the sniper and I love it. I'm not going to show the video because, again, certain things I'm not going to give credence to, but she is at one point holding a sign, she is at another point yawning and then, when the shots are fired, she's at one point taking photographs.

Speaker 2:

All suspicious acts for a person that's there to watch an event, who has been there for 8-12 hours and take pictures. Telling you man telling you I know and I this is what we refer to as sarcasm I have a sarcasm button somewhere. I don't know where it is. What are you a big fuck? He didn't think you'd get that. I don't know where it is. What Great Are you a big cop? But that's a he didn't think you'd get. I don't know where the sarcasm button is. We're not going to look for it because we have the professional soundboard but we don't know how to fucking use it. There's a sarcasm button here somewhere. So that was sarcasm for those that do not know.

Speaker 2:

But there are questions though, questions though no-transcript, and you think sometimes, were these people just willfully stupid or willfully ignorant or willfully incompetent, or was there something else there? It's one of those things that if you don't like somebody and I'm not saying this is the case, but I'm just going to point this out If you don't like somebody, if someone's not your favorite, if you're at your job and Bill is not your favorite person at work and something happens that is going to get Bill in trouble, you are more than likely not going to reach out to Bill and say hey, bill, you shouldn't do this because this is going to get you in trouble. No, you just basically let you just kind of you're you're, you're not, you're not being incompetent, you're, you're, you're being kind of, you're not, you're not being incompetent, you're you're, you're being kind of oblivious to it. You're just like oh, you know what, I'm just going to, I'm just going to, I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just going to, I'm just going to kind of let it slide. So then I was thinking to myself you know, these agents, of course, are paid to basically protect the president or whomever they're protecting, or basically take a bullet for that person. But if you reach the point where you're not a fan of somebody, does that go into your judgment on how well you protect that person? I was thinking about that.

Speaker 2:

And there's so much rhetoric from the left about Trump, and I love it because it stopped for a day. And there's so much rhetoric from the left about Trump, and I love it because it stopped for a day. And then Biden's over doing a fundraiser at NAACP and he's basically blasting Trump again and they held off the ads for a day, attacking Trump, calling him a Hitler, calling him a Nazi, calling him all those things, and you kind of hope there would have been some civility at least, for I'm going to take a drink of water For those that are listening to this on the podcast that's ASMR. You think there would be some civility for a little bit towards a gentleman that's almost got murdered, assassinated, former president on television, television, who happens to have a very large family, who is a human being. You would think there would be some civility for more than 24 hours. No, no, mark Hamill Mark Hamill, star Wars fame.

Speaker 2:

I peaked at 26. He is a winner. He is a winner. He is a winner. I'm not even going to read the post, but he put this post on his Twitter account. We're going to get the post up here, I'm going to put it right there, and we're not even going to read the post because you can read it for yourself.

Speaker 2:

But, mark, you know what? I don't know if you're just bitter because after Star Wars, you did Corvette Summer and then basically fell off the map and you never really had a career and people like Harrison Ford went on to have a career. Billy Dee Williams already had a career. Fuck. Chewbacca has even got a spot over at the show at Disney. I think the job wasn't running a car wash and you just never had a career. So you're bitter. You're bitter and you have to lash out against former presidents, former conservative presidents. It just makes you look more of a dick. It really does. Where is I mean? Honestly, you could be a conservative. You could be a conservative. You could be a liberal. You could be a libertarian. Hell, you could be an Aquarius. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius.

Speaker 2:

I just like to sing every once in a while People that don't usually get to watch me on Rumble and YouTube and all that fun stuff. We like to sing a lot of times, but where's just the basic humanity? You have a person. You like them or not, they are human and they were almost murdered. They were almost killed on live television. Yeah, you may not agree with them politically, but can you agree with them as a human being, as a person, as a family man, as a father, as a grandfather, as a husband? All those things should be put in front of that.

Speaker 2:

He was the former president, soon to be president, but we can't even do that as a society. And it's mainly I mean, I'm not saying it's solely dictated towards the left. There's plenty of people on the right that are crazy, but the majority of this hatred, the majority of this vileness and viciousness always comes from the left. I would say not always, but I would say 90% of the time it comes from the left, and this is supposed to be the people that are the cowering people. These are supposed to be the people that are going to save the planet. You can't even save yourself from saying something vile about a man who was almost assassinated. Think about that for a minute. Think about that before you do a stupid tweet. Mark Hamill Think about that before you say something. Joe Biden the day before this happened, joe Biden talked about Donald Trump having a bullseye on him. Did he apologize for that? No, he goes well. I didn't say he was into crosshairs Because now we're splitting hairs.

Speaker 2:

Hope everyone's enjoying these videos. I'm enjoying doing them. Make sure, if you're following us on Rumble, you subscribe. Make sure you're following us on YouTube, make sure you like, subscribe notifications and bell and all that crap. I think they do that on Rumble as well. We also have you know. You can also follow this on the podcast as well. Some people are telling me that the podcast, because we initially started this out with the podcast as a podcast and a lot of people were telling me well, tim, you know what my biggest problem is? I don't get to see what you're talking about on the podcast now. Well, now you can go to Rumble or you can go to YouTube. Let's get off my lawn the mad ramblings of a Gen Xer. And, as always, the truth shall always set you free.

Speaker 1:

This is Tim. Let's get off my lawn the mad ramblings of a Gen Xer. Thank you.

Trump Assassination Attempt Conspiracy Theories
Questioning Role of Security Agents
Lack of Civility in Political Discourse
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