Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

From VP to WWIII: Kamala Harris' Hilarious Path to Global Conflict

Online Big Blue LLC

Is the Biden administration's focus on diversity and environmental policies compromising national security? Today, we tackle this provocative question by examining the current state of the Democratic Party. We start with the rise of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, whose bold proposals are shaking up the political landscape. We then scrutinize Kamala Harris's leadership qualities, exploring the broader implications of her actions on both domestic and international affairs. Our discussion extends to a critical assessment of the Biden administration's handling of key issues, especially U.S. foreign policy and its impact on global dynamics involving China, Russia, and militant groups.

As we explore the potential geopolitical consequences of a Kamala Harris presidency, we emphasize how perceived weaknesses could embolden adversaries like China and Russia. Drawing on historical analogies and contemporary examples, we underscore the need for strong leadership to maintain national identity and global stability. The vulnerability of Taiwan, complexities of U.S. military engagements, and the frightening potential for limited nuclear exchanges are all on the table. We conclude with a call to action, urging listeners to vote in a way that preserves the nation's values and strength, critiquing the current administration's focus on diversity and environmental policies at the expense of military readiness.

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Speaker 2:

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez's, new darling of the party. She officially has more twitter followers than nancy pelosi. She's on 60 minutes this weekend, proudly calling herself a radical, and she's promoting policies like saying that every single carbon emission in the country, every car, should be eliminated within the next 11 years, everything from a 70 to 80 tax rate. Do you agree that she could possibly, in this ideology of the socialist left, could splinter your party?

Speaker 3:

No, you know, I think that she is challenging the status quo. I think that's fantastic. I think that you know, I used I used to teach before, especially before in the last few years. You know, I used to teach before, especially before in the last few years, and the thing that I always loved about teaching was when you teach, it requires you to defend the premise and it requires you to reexamine the premise and question is it still relevant? Is it? Is it is it, does it have impact, does it have meaning? And I think that she is introducing bold ideas that should be discussed. We've been to the border. So this whole thing about the border, we've been to the border, we've been to the border, you haven't been to the border and I haven't been to Europe, and I don't understand the point that you're making.

Speaker 1:

Every day we are going to do. Words of Wisdom by Kamala Harris oh, that is another beautiful one from our border czar. Haven't been to the border, haven't been to Europe, so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Oh, my goodness gracious, great balls of fire. This is Tim, of course. Get off my lawn the mad ramblings of a Gen Xer.

Speaker 1:

Want to talk about Kamala Harris. Want to talk about how the Democrats basically have basically circumvented the will of the people. Of course we talked briefly about the Federal Election Commission in reference to the Biden administration. I should say now the Harris campaign, stealing all the money and basically saying no, we're going to worry about it later. But I want to talk about something that's kind of serious.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk about the state of affairs of the world, and that's kind of a big topic, because the world is, the world is everything, and the world kind of is on fire right now, and a lot of it, I feel, is the lack of leadership and the lack of the United States once again leading the way Under Obama. For eight years we never led the way. We let our military get into disarray, we let them basically get into ruins. We led from behind. We hid our pride in our nation because of the fact that it was nationalism. We shouldn't be talking about just America. We should be talking about the world. But you know what? We are not here to solve the world's problems. We are here to deal with our own problems. And right now, our biggest problem is Kamala Harris. What fears me, what gives me pause, which gives me angst, is the fact that she could potentially become president of the United States, that she could potentially become president of the United States, and that should be a lot of people's fears, because of the fact that her lack of strength I have a better word, I'm trying to think of a better word but her lack of strength, her lack of conviction, her lack of, at times, intelligence. Her remarks are sometimes more Biden-esque and more rambling than a man with dementia.

Speaker 1:

I think it's vascular dementia. We'll get into that one day. Why I think it's vascular dementia? Because you know Biden well. You know what it's getting to. Right now. Biden's got a little bit of a heart issue and when your heart has, he's got palpitation issues and other things. And there's such a thing called vascular dementia, which is is dementia caused by having heart issues. So I honestly, I talked to someone that happens to be a former physician. He retired, he's retired now and he thinks that's what it is. It's actually not coming from me, it's coming from someone else, but kamala harris is just so weak politically, not only here in the, not only here, but also from what is perception from our enemies, and I must say it China, russia, hamas, isis.

Speaker 2:

They're all our enemies. They really are.

Speaker 1:

The hooties, the hooties and the blowfishes. They're all our enemies and when your enemy perceives weakness, they attack. They do things. You take a look at the all has only taken land or invaded, if you want to go back to the last three presidents, under two presidents obama and biden. But they, they didn't do anything when trump was president. Why? Very simple trump led through strength. Sometimes you need to when you have an enemy, when you have a bully, when you have someone that's trying to take something that's yours. Sometimes you have to lead through fear, and sometimes that fear is the unknown. Sometimes that fear is strength, and trump had both, or has both, because you never know what he's going to do. He tells you and you have to live with the fear of the fact that he tells you he's going to do something. He's going to do it.

Speaker 1:

Kamala Harris is so fickle and Kamala Harris is so misleading with her own allies. It's kind of interesting. You look at Israel. She talks about her unwavering support of Israel and how her administration would still support Israel, even though she talks about how she has sympathy for the enemy, and I do consider the people in Gaza who attacked Israel the enemy. I do consider the Palestinians. They did a poll not too long ago and that poll was with people in Gaza. I love when people say in Palestine, because there is no Palestine, there's only Gaza. The people in Gaza, and something like 80% of the population in Gaza that they interviewed, said that the attacks in October were justified, were warranted, that they hate Israel. These are the people that you're living next door to. If you had an enemy, if your next door neighbor was your enemy, was your arched enemy, and you knew that person hated you and you knew that person was kind of nuts Would you go to bed with your door unlocked every night? Would you go to bed without your alarm on? No, you would do everything you could to secure the safety of your family, and that's what Israel is doing. But Kamala Harris comes out with a tweet and says you know what I got. You know I kind of support what's going on for the Palestinian side. You need to support your ally in the region.

Speaker 1:

Benjamin Netanyahu is here today. He's going to make an address. Do you think Kamala Harris is going to be there when he addresses congress? No, she's not. Why? Because she's already got enough problems with that segment of the base hell. Black lives matters. This kills me.

Speaker 1:

Even they came out and said well, kamala harris was not really elected for to run for this presidency. That you're not listening to the will of the people, all the 16 million Democrats who had voted. You are not allowing them to do something? Maybe to figure out a way it's a little late in the process, but I agree with them. You have to figure out a way to recast some ballots and make sure that that person is the candidate your party wants to run, instead of just having the delegates select or having the democratic party come up with a candidate. You are basic, you are. You are democrats, are we're for protecting democracy?

Speaker 1:

Just asked the federal election commission chairman, who said the harris campaign basically just took the remaining 100 million dollars in funds that, uh, that were given to biden. That should be given back to the donors because of the fact that biden is no longer running. But they're just taking the funds and they're going to spend it if they haven't spent it already, and they are going to. And he even said they're going we talked about, they're going to worry about the consequences later. How is that democracy? How is that following the rule of law?

Speaker 1:

Trump, who is anti-democracy. Who's going to destroy democracy literally has to sue and stop this because of the fact that it's against democracy. You are using what they refer to as a dictatorship. So, at the end of the day, we sit here and we have this group that pledges democracy but they don't follow the rule of law, and you also have a president candidate. You've already had the remake over Kamala Harris.

Speaker 1:

We talked about this yesterday because of the fact that she's the. She's the every woman. Now she's Captain America, but, at the end of the day, everything she has said over the last 20 years is still going to be there. Every word salad, every non sequitur, everything that she said in reference to not supporting her allies, to doing this and doing that, it's still there. This isn't Biden-lite. This is worse. She literally came out and did an interview years ago where she's talked about 85% tax rate. We played it in the beginning an 85 tax rate, getting rid of all gas-powered cars. It's gonna be this utopia. Well, the only problem is when you don't have the technology to support this utopia.

Speaker 1:

It's a third world country and I worry about our enemies. It literally starting to keep me up at night Because I worry about what China would do with a Harris regime. Taiwan is sitting there and I think, right now, militarily, china's not ready to move on Taiwan, and I think a lot of military analysts have said that it would probably be around 25, 26, if they were to make that move that they need to be strong enough to withstand the condemnation of the world once they do it and strong enough to withstand the economic challenges that they're going to face once they do it. But China controls everything. But China controls everything.

Speaker 1:

China controls everything that we do in this country because we get the majority of our natural resources in regards to minerals that are used to purchase excuse me buildings such as computer chips. You know the raw materials we need to like, make penicillin, all these things that they basically come from China. Because we don't want to mine that here, because that mining would be bad. Going for that ore, even though we have it readily here available in this country, would be bad. We'd rather rely on our enemies to supply us the things that we need to survive, and Kamala Harris is fine with that, because you want to know why? Because it's saving the environment. We are saving the environment by allowing people in other countries to destroy it. We refine things, we mine things, we do things so much more efficiently here than people across the seas or overseas, and we follow so many rules and regulations that we burden our corporations with so we can have this clean environment. We do it better, we do it cleaner, but we just don't do it because it's not politically prudent. So China knows this. China knows they have us by the balls, pardon my French.

Speaker 1:

So once they make that decision to move on Taiwan, it's going to be really nothing the United States can do about it Militarily. If you look at the strategic position of Taiwan in regards to how we can help defend them, there's no way. It's like the Alamo. You know it's going to fall. The question is when. The question is how long can it take and how long Taiwan can hold out? They don't have the military might, they don't have the military strength, they don't have the military wherewithal, they don't have the finances. So, like Putin and Putin understands this and he understood it I'm going to mass my troops at the border while Biden is president and I'm going to attack because he's going to do nothing about it, because the American people no longer have the will to defend what's right.

Speaker 1:

World War II. We defended what was right. We stopped Nazism. We defended a weaker nation because we understood the fact that their downfall would cause potentially the downfall of civilization as we knew it, because we'd be socialists. Now we understood there's a red line and we stopped it here. It's well, we're going to accept everybody, and Kamala Harris, who's never been to the border but she's never been to Europe, wants to accept everyone as well. We're going to accept everybody. You can't accept everyone and maintain your identity, and we're not maintaining our own identity because of the fact that we're not allowed to, because if you do, you're a nationalist, you believe in America, you fucking nationalist. You're a socialist, you're a Zionist, you're a Buddhist. I'm sorry, wrong way? No, but that's just the way it is. So China understands.

Speaker 1:

You wait until Kamala's president, because they know she's not going to have the backbone to do anything. You start squeezing the shipping lanes and the international travel lanes of Taiwan, you encircle them militarily, you starve them out a little bit and as the political figures of the United States sit there and discuss what they can and cannot do to stop China, all this is going on in weakening China internally Excuse me, weakening Taiwan internally and then you go in for the attack, and it'll be a short attack. I don't think Taiwan will hold out for more than a couple weeks. They have the advantage, you know, in an amphibious attack, if you look at D-Day unless you're going to go in with overwhelming forces, the advantage is going to be the person defending, and that's the problem. Taiwan is an island. They are not going to be able to defend and hold out long. Like I said, I would just squeeze them out. I'd bar their shipping lanes, I would stop commerce from coming in and goods and services from coming in. If I was China and circle the island, because you know the United States is not going to send a carrier group to engage China by Taiwan to save Taiwan.

Speaker 1:

We will talk about the bluster. We will talk about everything. We will talk about oh, we're going to have all these economic sanctions against China. That's not going to work. China's still going to do it. Russia still did it, because we do stupid things in the background, like allow Iran to sell oil again and to build up this war chest, and they're going to support Russia and they're going to support China. And you know Russia is going to support China even though they're fighting a war in Ukraine and I'm guaranteeing you this if Biden is removed with the 25th Amendment and Harris is installed into this puppet regime, that there will be more of a push from Russia in Ukraine to basically continue to seize Ukraine.

Speaker 1:

Because there's only so much we can do militarily, fighting two proxy wars. You can't fight a third proxy war against China. You can't fight a proxy war in Israel against Russia and then against China. Your military strength is not there. We're already talking about the fact that we have limited resources in reference to certain types of ammunition, certain types of explosive rounds, and if you don't continue to build your military and our recruitment is way down, but if you don't continue to improve your military and move forward, the next step outside of conventional warfare is tactical nuclear warfare, because that may be the only way you could stop the red invasion. And I'm not talking about the Democrats, and I think China knows that and I think China knows we are not strong-willed enough to deal with that.

Speaker 1:

I truly have a thought process that there will be limited nuclear tactical exchanges in Ukraine once Harris becomes, or once if I should not wish anything into fruition that if by the grace of Satan she becomes president, because the face of this nation will change even more. We talk about. This is the election of a lifetime. This is the election of this. This is the election of your lifetime right now. Do you stop the Democrats who talk about democracy and saving democracy but they do everything to destroy it?

Speaker 1:

Is your hatred for Trump, who loves this nation, who stands up for the everyday American? Is that hatred so ingrained in you because he says mean things? Well, you know what Our adversaries aren't saying nice things. You, you know what Our adversaries aren't saying nice things. You can't win a war with kindness. I really fear that there will be limited nuclear tactical exchanges under a Harris presidency because of the fact that our enemies know that we don't support our allies and we don't have the backbone to fight those types of war and we don't have the backbone anymore to stand up for what is right. We're more worried about diversity, equity, inclusion, but that only gets people assassinated. We're more worried about saving the environment when others are building coal and nuclear power plants.

Speaker 1:

Daily, we lead from behind and we should know that the consequences of leading from behind will be dire for our way of life. You have the people streaming across the border and our borders are cackles away. Hey, I've been to the border. I haven't been to the border, but hey, it's a scary time, guys. So make sure you get out and vote. If you're a registered independent, like I am, make sure you do what's right. I always tell people vote your conscience, but I'm not going to tell you that anymore. You need to vote for what is right. You need to vote to save your own soul of your own country. We're going to have some happier videos coming up, so make sure you stay tuned for that. Make sure you subscribe and follow us on Rumble on YouTube and make sure you listen to the podcast because, as always, the truth shall always set you free. This is Tim, this is Kevin. This is my line the Mad Realms of a Gen Xer and I'm out of here.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for watching.