Get Off My Lawn! - The Mad Ramblings of a Gen X-er

Bidenomics Exposed: The True Cost of Inflation!

Online Big Blue LLC Season 2 Episode 43

Consider this - What if you could unravel the real impact of Bidenomics on your daily life? This episode of our podcast offers fascinating insights that may alter your perspective on the economic challenges we face today. We scrutinize the current US economic situation and its global perception, dissecting the effects of inflation, gas prices, and energy costs on everyday Americans. We lay bare President Biden's Labor Day speech, where he touted a strong economy and low inflation rates. Furthermore, we scrutinize his green agenda and its impacts on small businesses and manufacturers, along with energy capacity issues linked to renewable energy sources.

But, that's not all! We delve into concerns like the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes and its potential catastrophic effects on the job market and rising credit card delinquency rates. We also critique Joe Biden's frequent vacations and the placement of the Berlin Wall symbol near the US-Mexico border, which highlights the need for border security. Lastly, we focus on the District of Columbia's youth crime and the newly enforced curfew pilot program, begging the question - why does this issue disproportionately affect the African-American community, yet it's rarely addressed? So, tune in for an episode that promises to shatter your preconceptions and reshape your understanding of our current economic and social predicaments.

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Speaker 1:

What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. You don't know what that is, mr Trash. I'd show you. But I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fucking blind. If I were a man I was five years ago I'd take a flamethrower to this place.

Speaker 2:

Do you understand the words that are coming out of?

Speaker 1:

my mouth. You want answers. I think I'm entitled to it. You want answers. I want the truth.

Speaker 2:

You can't handle the truth. The world is getting crazier, the world is getting nuttier, but again, the truth shall always set you free. This is Tim. This is Tim. This is my mom. The Mad Rambles of a Gen Xer.

Speaker 2:

I want to talk about bidenomics. I want to talk about racism. I want to talk about a whole bunch of stuff. Old Joe and I do mean Old Joe was in Philadelphia for Labor Day and he wanted to extol the virtues and talk about bidenomics. As I said a thousand times, there is no quitting America, none.

Speaker 2:

All I hear from my friends on this other side is what they say is what is wrong with America? They keep telling us America is failing. They're wrong. I've got news for them. America has the strongest economy right now today lowest inflation rate among any major economy, 13.5 million new jobs. America isn't failing. America is winning and the rest of the world knows it. That's why our friends, our allies, are looking at us.

Speaker 2:

This man is so delusional. I mean he has this mentality. I mean he's not even Nero. He doesn't even know how to play the fiddle. He probably doesn't know how to spell fiddle. They talk about the lowest inflation rate among any major economy. That's great.

Speaker 2:

I always talk about how inflation is going down. Inflation is not going down, the rate of inflation is slowing down, which means things are still at all time high prices. Go try to buy eggs, go try to buy milk, go try to buy meat, go try to buy any kind of protein. And then you look at the gas pump again, gas here is almost at 398, a gallon for regular. And then you take a look at the energy prices, because we have an attack on fossil fuels. I've already got a letter from our natural gas company that rates are pretty much going to double this winter. We were dealing with the electric company, of course, earlier in the summer or before the summer, where the electrical rates, the kilowatt rate per hour, doubled as well.

Speaker 2:

And then you know what's interesting, I got a bill yesterday in the mail and it was for my auto insurance. Now I have I knock on wood, I have not had an accident in ever actually don't have any tickets. My family, anyone that's on our policy, has not had. Well, only person on the policy is my wife. My kids are too young to drive, but my wife is on the policy. She has not had any tickets, she's not had any accidents. And then, to my surprise, my insurance went up $80 a month. Now, normally when you have such stellar driving records that we do, and no accidents over a period of time, your insurance goes down. So I figured this had to be a mistake. This had to be a mistake. I was paying and I looked at it and I'm like this bill has gone up 75%. So I called the insurance company, because that's what a concerned citizen does when something, when they get a bill in the mail that is so outrageous. You're like well, how did this go up? We've had any accidents, we don't have any towing, we don't have any tickets.

Speaker 2:

Well, insurance in Pennsylvania has gone up, and it's gone up all over the country because of the fact that the cost to repair automobiles, because of the cost of parts and labor and everything else, has skyrocketed over the last two and a half years. So what they're basically, what they told me is yes, you're a premium, you are a wonderful driver, you don't have any accidents, you don't have any of these things, but you are going to pay the penalty because the parts that are used to repair other people's cars has gone up exponentially because of inflation. So now my insurance is close to doubled a month and I'm sitting there as a conscious driver. I use their plan I forget what it's called. I'm not going to get insurance credit, but they have this thing where you have this thing in your car and it shows you how well you drive. We use that, but still, somehow my insurance has gone up and, like I said, it's because of the fact that it's to do with the parts and labor and the fact that I'm paying for other people who have accidents. But don't worry, don't worry, everything's fine.

Speaker 2:

And that's the way he sees this. He attacks the farmers, he attacks the fossil fuel industry. He goes after these regulations that just make things harder for companies to do business in this country. He goes against. He goes with this green agenda where his own energy secretary will tell you we don't have the electrical capacity to sit there and power all these electrical vehicles and all these wonderful electrical ideas that they have, because the renewable energy, such as wind and solar, are not at the pace where they need to be, where they can be totally reliant upon that. The electrical grid is going to have to still be powered by fossil fuels.

Speaker 2:

You have California, california, all in their green initiatives and everything else that they do. Speak about all this green. We're going green, we're doing green, but Gavin Newsom fails to tell you that a large portion of the energy for California is fossil fuels and exported from outside of California. There's something very wrong here. You go after the small businesses, you go after the manufacturers, you have the. He's even come out and Crazy Joe has even come out and said well, the inflation reduction actually shouldn't have been called that. We're probably wrong to mislail that because it's really not doing anything to take down inflation. I mean, where? So where does he see that?

Speaker 2:

The average I went to the supermarket two days ago and a normal trip to the supermarket for our family costs, you know, a year, two years ago, say, a normal weekly grocery shopping. You know, and I'm not frugal with the grocery shopping, but you know and I do the grocery shopping, I know I'm a Renaissance man. So for a family of four I could do the groceries about two years ago for like 120 bucks, 140 bucks, and that includes meat and that included milk and eggs and that included stuff for lunches for school and all that. And I've slowly noticed that if you take a look, I mean I went back and I looked at our bills because I save all the receipts for shopping and I started to see a trend that 140 started to go up to 160 and then it was at 180. Now these are buying similar items. And then yesterday I paid $210 for groceries.

Speaker 2:

How is that a strengthening economy? So my electric's gone up, my gas has gone up, you know. My natural gas has gone up, my gas in my vehicle has gone up. My food has gone up. Anything that would consider a luxury item has gone up. But this guy thinks that we are all okay, everything, everything, everything.

Speaker 2:

And then you take a look at credit card and car loan defaults have hit a 10-year high. We're not going to get into even trying to buy a house. But the lower and middle class incommers have been very hurt by this and I've noticed that interest rates for cars are crazy that interest. I own my vehicles and I have a lease on another vehicle, so I'm not going to sit there and buy anything from like three, four years anyways. But I've noticed that some of these interest rates on vehicles are over seven, eight and even up to like 14%. I get mad when I can't get zero. I used to get mad when I couldn't get zero percent. But imagine these interest rates and of course, these interest rates are going up because you have the Federal Reserve raising rates. So now we're at a 10-year high on a default of credit cards and auto and cars. The average interest rate right now in a credit card, according to Bankratecom, is 20.6. There are more than 70 million credit cards more credit cards open now than before the pandemic in 2019.

Speaker 2:

Do we not see that people are using credit cards and I believe it was something like 60% of the nation now has come out and said that they live paycheck to paycheck and it's crazy that you take a look at this and you see the pain that I still say. You know. Two negative quarters in reference to GDP growth was always considered a recession. We've had more than that, so we're at a recession and I don't want to hear about this soft landing of the recession anymore that all these financial experts have been saying. We're hit pretty hard right now with this.

Speaker 2:

If you take a look at what's going on and it just makes you laugh a little bit because the Federal Reserve just keeps raising interest rates because they want to slow down the economy. They want to wreck the jobs market so we could lower inflation, but inflation is going up faster than wages real wages and prices are going up faster than people can make. People can purchase things. There is a crushingness to this. And to take a look at the fact that the delinquency rate has gone up exponentially. And also, we're talking about credit cards, not just like Visa and MassCard, america Express and Discover. We're talking about Macy's and Coles and Nordstroms, and Macy's came out the other day and acknowledged that the delinquency rate on their credit cards is rising faster than they planned, and this was back in August on an earnings call. So the global data is showing everything right now is in the toilet, but according to Crazy Joe, we don't need to worry about anything because everything's okay, everything's fine. Where is he looking at this? Where is he seeing this? Where do we have indications that the economy is so robust that we can sit there and say everything's fine? I don't see it. The average America doesn't see it.

Speaker 2:

Joe Biden also, evidently, has taken probably pretty much the most vacation of any president. He has been in the office and he has taken 40% of his time is has been on the 40% of his time in office has been on vacation, and I love it because he's got this great. He's got this great thing. He says he was on vacation while villain, visiting home in Rojahoboth, rojahoboth Beach in Delaware, and he says I can't go home, I can't go home, I Can't go, actually said I can't go home, home. I Don't know that man, but that's okay. Now he was reports by repro reporters back in not too long ago and asked about this and he says you know, I was, I'm not on vacation, I got no place to go, I can't go home. These aren't vacate, these aren't vacations, these, these are me just doing things. Then he says no, I am not homeless, I have one home, I have a beautiful home. I'm down here for the day because I can't go home home.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't answer the question why you're always on vacation, why you always feel the need to take a rest. So you have so many, you have so many fires out there, so many things that are, that are, that are so, that are so prevalent and pressing to the American people that you decide you know what I need, you know what I need to do. I need to go back on vacation. Why? How about you do your job? How about you do what you were elected to do, which is to run this country and run it in a way when you are not going after the average American and, of course, because you know why the rich need to you. The rich need to pay their fair share. I Keep saying this so many times you can, you could, tax the rich so much Until you reach a point where you can't tax them anymore and they just decide to leave the country or move their corporate profits overseas. And you can't keep blaming the rich on your poor policies and and these wonderful, wonderful rescue acts that you passed, the witch caught, which overheated the economy and caused this inflation. But you, you go, joe, you go take a vacation because you're tired. I Kind of laughed because Mexico placed a piece of the Berlin Wall Near the US border and said me this be a listen to you.

Speaker 2:

Now, now that where they place this, this is dear Tijuana, and it's basically it's trying to send a message to border security advocates in the US.

Speaker 2:

Maybe there's a lesson to listen to build a society that knocks down walls and build the bridges. Well, you know it stops sending your people over here, stop allowing your country to be a turnstile to come into the United States. And I find it funny, now that you have a lot of these illegal immigrants who are now trying to get out of the United States, as more are coming in, and Then you put it in Tijuana, where, where, where you have some of the biggest cartel activity, where you have labor issues, and You're gonna put it there and you're gonna sit there and say oh listen, in July, the US Custom Border and Services only reported 183,503 migrant encounters, which is reaching record paces every month. But you want to sit there and say you need to be vigilant and you have to make sure we're building bridges, not walls. I like to say this a million times for people that don't believe in border security, especially if you're on a home.

Speaker 2:

You're on a home, okay, you're getting ready to go to bed. What's the first thing that you do when you get ready to go to bed? If you're on a home, if you own an apartment, if you rent, whatever what's the first thing you do before you go to bed? Make sure your doors are locked. So all you people that are into not having border security Before you go to bed, leave your doors unlocked. Hell, before you go to work, leave your doors unlocked. It's the same thing. What does it matter? What does it matter if people come into your house, you don't care. You don't believe in security. Oh, no, no, no, no. But you believe in security when it affects you. That's what you believe in security.

Speaker 2:

There is a diversity teacher who said he wanted to burn down. Burn things down for equality, equity agenda, and this is after the staffed trashed his DEI class. This is someone in Colorado and what he says. I just want them to understand some terrible things white people did. Oh, because you know what? White people only do bad things. We know this White people only do bad things. Now he said in private emails he was struggling with the urge not to burn things down which didn't represent equality. According to records which were obtained by Fox, now this diversity teacher is in Jefferson County public schools, again over in Colorado, and he wants his curriculum Now he was involved in crafting the curriculum for other teachers to present to their classes. Now he wanted the curriculum to focus on solely what things that were done bad by white people. And he says I have a quick presentation for eighth grade in the next couple of weeks. I want them to work on some of their communication skills and understand some terrible things white people did. He said and this was an email dated back January 2022. His emails, which were obtained by a public records request I love public records requests because you know you find that so much stuff and it showed the staff was not completely on board with his equity class and we're basically talking trash about him. Then he went off and when he found this out, he went off and blasted the staff saying it's an equality lens.

Speaker 2:

I am learning a lot. I don't think anyone else on this team has the equity lens, so it's a challenging to impact changes where they don't see a need. I'm also trying to learn how to respond to emotional efforts from adults. It is difficult. I don't like it. Then fucking quit Boo fucking, who, from my favorite rod, did well.

Speaker 2:

You don't like it. You know equity. You want to have equity classes, that's fine. You want to have misrepresentation? That you know like only white people do evil, that's fine If you want to have that in your mindset. But this is the public school system. You are hired by this county. You are taking county funds and school funds Because you are upset that people don't want to sit there and just have you have a curriculum that sits there and trashes Only white people. And then I love it because a federal ruling came out.

Speaker 2:

Now. This ruling was interesting because it was against both Christians and Muslim parents and basically what happened is and like I said, they want to make certain things in schools mandatory. So a federal judge recently denied a request by parents of students in DC and it's the suburbs of Montgomery County, which is in Maryland to be able to remove their children from classes from books containing LBGQ 14th to some to the 19th power characters which are read aloud. Now Christian and Muslim parents have sued the school system, claiming the books forced religious parents to either abandon their beliefs and their faith or they have basically just have to leave the public school system. What happened to, first of all, what happened to parents' rights? Now this judge, in her order or her ruling it took her 60 pages to try to explain her case. Now she claimed that parents failed to demonstrate how no opt-out policy would result in doctored children or otherwise coerced her children to violate or change their religious beliefs.

Speaker 2:

You believe in something religious-wise and someone is trying to teach you something that goes solely against your religion. There you go. That would be it, with or without an opt-out she ruled. The parents remain free to pursue their sacred obligation to instruct their parents and their children in their faith. Even if their children are exposed to religious offensive ideas make their parents' efforts less likely to succeed. That doesn't amount to a government-opposed burden on their religious exercise. You just said it did. You truly just said it did, because last time I checked, children are in school five days a week, nine months out of the year. A lot of times during the nine months they are in school more than they are at home and you're trying to force this LGBTQ147-19 power agenda on these kids without allowing parents who have religious obligations or religious objections the ability to opt-out. And, like I said now, I just find it interesting. It's not only for Muslims, I mean Christians, it's also for Muslims.

Speaker 2:

Now this is the wonderful city of DC, this wonderfully run-dem city, who is now also decided to start enforcing a curfew to deter youth crime. Now, this was after a kid was stabbed at a McDonald's over a sauce packet. Now, this is a curfew pilot program, which began on Friday last week, and that's the same day, a judge denied the bond of a 16-year-old of Q's of fairly stabbing another teen in DC, which the authorities say it was over a dispute of sweet and sour sauce. Now, I'm going to tell you, sweet and sour sauce is good, but it's not good enough to stab someone. Now a second judge also refused the grand bond for the 16-year-old girl who's facing second degree murder and, like I said, this was over a dipping sauce. So, at this point in time, the curfew now, which is a good one, in fact prohibits minors under 17 for being in any public places or on the premise of any establishment, sunday through Thursday, from 11 pm to 6 am and Sunday from 12 o'clock 1 am to 6 am. Now, the enforcement was going to begin on September 1st and basically it involves officers bringing minors found for violent curfew to a youth rehabilitation center until they can be reconnected with their parents. Well, don't we need some safe spaces? Don't these kids just need safe spaces? But no, it's okay, you should be able to just go out and stab somebody over a sauce packet Now, once again, the largest segment of this community in DC is African-American, but we don't want to talk about that because that would be racist.

Speaker 2:

That we want to point certain things out. Oh, this world is getting stranger and stranger. But you know what? We've said it once, we've said it before, we've said it many times Keep watching Moley System Three. This is Tim and this is Good. Oh, mother, mad RemigBLey, this is a Magic. Only I'm CRAZY. And, of course, các you.