Audacity Works

Episode 60: How long should an ambient aerial set be? A spicy love rant.

Episode 60

What is ambient performance, and how long should a set be?  How many sets are enough?  How many are too many?  And how long can we really expect one person to do slow moving splits on the fabric in one evening?

And who actually wants to see that for hours and hours at a time?

  • defining ambient performance, especially in terms of aerial performance
  • my own spicy opinions based on my lived experience in the industry for 16+ years
  • science-backed components to consider for the length of ambient sets
  • Quotes from the great Scott Cameron of Intrepid Talent
  • Exactly why 3-6 minutes is the range for a featured, choreographed act

If you want to get your shit together and have the tools ready for you to advocate for yourself in professional situations, the waitlist for The Audacity Project, Cycle 26 is open NOW.  We begin our work in March of 2024.

Don't go back to sleep.

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