All About Hair

Embracing Midlife Beauty: Redefining Success and Style Beyond 50

January 09, 2024 Danise Keilitz Season 4 Episode 201
Embracing Midlife Beauty: Redefining Success and Style Beyond 50
All About Hair
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All About Hair
Embracing Midlife Beauty: Redefining Success and Style Beyond 50
Jan 09, 2024 Season 4 Episode 201
Danise Keilitz

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When I glanced in the mirror and barely recognized the person staring back at me, I knew something had to change. That's why I am inviting you to join me on a journey where we toss the rulebook out the window and redefine beauty on our own terms. Today's episode isn't just about the silver strands in our hair or the laugh lines that tell our stories; it's a heartfelt exploration of midlife reinvention, brimming with personal anecdotes, expert advice, and of course, some humor. If you're in your fabulous 50s or beyond, looking to blend style, confidence, and a splash of sass, you've found your tribe.

Let's shake things up together as I peel back the curtain on my own transformation from a seasoned salon owner to a trailblazer for personal growth within the beauty industry. After shaping styles and lives for over 30 years, I've turned my attention to championing fellow entrepreneurs and enthusiasts to reach new heights in their personal and professional endeavors. We're not just talking trends and treatments; we're building a community that thrives on purpose, passion, and the power to redefine success. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let your heart be as open as your ears – because this episode is all about igniting that inner spark that knows no age.

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When I glanced in the mirror and barely recognized the person staring back at me, I knew something had to change. That's why I am inviting you to join me on a journey where we toss the rulebook out the window and redefine beauty on our own terms. Today's episode isn't just about the silver strands in our hair or the laugh lines that tell our stories; it's a heartfelt exploration of midlife reinvention, brimming with personal anecdotes, expert advice, and of course, some humor. If you're in your fabulous 50s or beyond, looking to blend style, confidence, and a splash of sass, you've found your tribe.

Let's shake things up together as I peel back the curtain on my own transformation from a seasoned salon owner to a trailblazer for personal growth within the beauty industry. After shaping styles and lives for over 30 years, I've turned my attention to championing fellow entrepreneurs and enthusiasts to reach new heights in their personal and professional endeavors. We're not just talking trends and treatments; we're building a community that thrives on purpose, passion, and the power to redefine success. So, grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let your heart be as open as your ears – because this episode is all about igniting that inner spark that knows no age.

Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel as well!

Subscribe to our Podcast & get mentioned in an upcoming episode!

YouTube: All About Hair

Shop my favorite Eufora Products.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Beauty Beyond 50, where we explore beauty, style and confidence for fabulous women beyond 50. I'm your host, denise Kylitz, and if you've ever walked by a mirror and wondered who that reflection belongs to, well, you were in the right place. As women over 50, our insides still feel like we're in our 20s, but our outside tells a different story. I'm in my late 50s and things are changing. My memory is not as sharp, my tummy is not as flat, and don't get me started about those hairs that seem to grow overnight In my three decades in the beauty industry, the best moments are when someone like you comes in seeking advice on looking and feeling more confident. So I asked myself why stop doing what I love? That's why I'm here, sharing my 30 years of knowledge. Let's form a community where we can talk about midlife nuances, from hair care to lifestyle choices. Stay tuned for enlightening conversations, expert interviews and lots of laughter. Remember to subscribe, rate and share your feedback. Here's to embracing beauty beyond 50. Let's do this together. Hey there, and welcome to 2024. Wow, wow.

Speaker 1:

If you're like me, you probably took a really much needed break over the holidays. Hope you did. I know I did. I actually completely turned off my computer. I didn't upload a podcast. As you could probably tell, I didn't upload a YouTube video. I really had a wonderful time with my family. My kids came in, my daughter came in from California, my son was here with his girlfriend. We had a great time. But, you know, all things must come to an end and now we need to get back started.

Speaker 1:

So when I did take a break, I actually reevaluated a lot of things. So one of those things was you know my podcast. Am I having a good time with it? Is everything going how I wanted it to go? And, to tell you the truth, no, it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

You see, I was a salon owner and have been in the salon industry for 30 years. And don't get me wrong, I love the industry. Love the industry, and when I sold my salons, I really struggled with what direction I wanted to go, because I'd been a salon owner for so long with that one vision of having a successful salon right and making my team members successful. And so, after I sold my last salon, I kind of struggled with what am I supposed to do? And so the one thing that came to mind was, of course, I need to teach other salon owners what I did because it worked right.

Speaker 1:

However, we are living in a whole different environment right now. The salon industry is really, really changing and, to tell you the truth, I'm not in it. I'm not in a salon. It's really hard to teach something that worked five years ago that might not work in today's environment, and so I was kind of I don't know losing my passion, if you will getting frustrated, listening to the community and the conversations that were going around in the beauty industry and it just wasn't feeling it. Yeah do I love the industry Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

But you know what my very favorite part of the industry has always been, and I think my success was from helping my team members, wanting more for them than they even knew was possible and coaching them to succeed. And when I coached every single team member to be the best stylist behind their chair, that's when our business boomed. That's where, when we got to 2 million in revenue that wasn't 2 million, okay, let's get that right, but it was 2 million in revenue and that was because we were a well oiled machine and everybody sensed their purpose. That was my secret sauce. I loved coaching my team members. That is really, really hard business plan to teach other salon owners because everybody has their own agenda. Every salon owner has went into the industry with different goals in mind, and this industry is really changing right now, so it's hard to coach too, and I just was losing passion for it, tell you the truth. So then I sat down and I asked myself I really still love the industry, so what can I offer it? I really want to still be involved. I don't want to work in a salon, I still want to be part of the community. And I really did some soul searching and you know what I found?

Speaker 1:

I remember my very, very favorite part of being in the salon was when someone my age would sit down in my chair feeling a little bit, I don't know, not like themselves, but just wanting to feel a little bit more confident, a little bit more sure of who they are, just having somebody to listen to them. That maybe has gone through the same things and I could offer my advice. Being about the same age, you know, going through hormonal changes, going through teenagers in the, in the house, going through gray, gray hair or sagging skin or dry skin or whatever. There's so much you know that para menopause or menopause brings on that most women past the age of maybe 45 or 50, when they sit down at a stylist's chair, that maybe, as a 20 year old, there's not that the 20 year old stylist isn't really talented and can do great hair, but there's just a little bit of a disconnect, if you will.

Speaker 1:

I remember lots of my clients would say, oh my gosh, you understand. And it's not like they wanted something crazy. They just wanted to be heard and feel important, be seen and leave the salon with a little spring in their step, a little bit more confidence, if you will. So I said, well, so what can I do to still feel that way? And so I thought, well, why don't I just change my platform for those women? And I tell you what I started getting so excited I have over.

Speaker 1:

I have made a list because I said I don't want to change anything if this doesn't have any kind of fruit, if you will. So I made a list of, I think, over two I know it was over 200 ideas that I could either do podcasts or YouTube videos about, everything from like why does hair turn gray to what kind of moisturizers do we need for our skin, to maybe how to put concealer on under an aging eye, that the skin is so dry and wrinkly that it keeps getting caked in there, or how to style your hair for to bring out your best features, or to make your your eyes brighten, or all kinds of things. And then there's lifestyle, you know, like hormones, menopause, relationships, emptiness syndrome, getting a hobby after you retire, finding out who you are after the kids leave so so many things to talk about. So, as you can kind of tell, my podcast has changed. Yeah, we're going to be talking to women my age over 50, we're going to be talking about hair care, skin care, makeup tips and lifestyle changes. That includes relationships, that includes exercise and health and diet.

Speaker 1:

And, yes, I'm going to have interviews with not only my doctors and people like that, but interviews with real people what they're going through, what their struggles are. If you have some struggles that you're needing some advice on, but email me, I will find the answer. If I don't have the answer, I don't have all the answers. I'm in this conversation, in this community, right alongside you, and it'll be fun to find out all of this. So you know I'll still develop and keep hair care and videos on my YouTube channel.

Speaker 1:

You know I love hair. I love everything about hair, but I think I'm just going to change the message just a little bit to relate to women who are at home, struggling and they don't really know where to find themselves. And you know this is an adventure. I'm kind of steering the boat as we go. If you will, I've thought of, like, well, maybe if my audience, if they need a visual consultation with me, maybe I'll offer that. I don't know, tell me you know, leave in the comments if that sounds like a good idea. I do know that I'll probably start a membership site where I develop different online. They're not really courses, but little segments that can help you get through the day, maybe a weekly newsletter. I don't know, I'm still toying with all this, but I do know I'm excited and I really hope that you join in my journey on this new format. And if it's not for you completely understand completely, but share it with somebody who you think might help.

Speaker 1:

You know we all have moms, we all have sisters, we all have aunts, uncles, somebody over the age of 50 or 45 that just needs a community to be involved with. They want to be part of something, they need their answers, they need funny stories that you know, that just seems real to them that they could relate to, because I need that. Our life after 50 is completely different. We still think in our minds that we're this young person, but our muscles change, our skin changes, our hair changes and even our thoughts change. You know, we wake up one day and go who am I? Who's that person in the mirror right? Am I who I wanted to become or who I thought I would be at this stage? Because you know, we're only half way through this life. We still have a long ways to go and you don't want to give up now.

Speaker 1:

So hopefully, I hope you enjoy this, I hope you follow, I hope you share it with someone. I'm really going to encourage you to reach out to me and let me know if you have some direction that you would like to see me go. I don't know. I'm excited again and I just thank you for being part of this community. Until next time, when you know better, you do better. Thank you for joining us on this episode of Beauty Beyond 50. If you've picked up a tip, shared a laugh or felt inspired, I've achieved our goal. Don't forget to subscribe, rate and leave a review. If you loved what you heard. Make sure to go over to our YouTube channel for behind the scenes sneak peeks, bonus content and how-to videos. So until next time, embrace your beauty, shine bright and let's continue to redefine what it means to be fabulous beyond 50. Because the best is yet to come.