Teaching Middle School ELA

Monday Mindset: Take Time for Appreciation

May 27, 2024 Caitlin Mitchell
Monday Mindset: Take Time for Appreciation
Teaching Middle School ELA
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Teaching Middle School ELA
Monday Mindset: Take Time for Appreciation
May 27, 2024
Caitlin Mitchell

Get ready for a moment of reflection in today's Monday Mindset! I'm taking this time to discuss the importance of shifting your focus from the relentless pursuit of what's ahead, to reflecting on the victories you've already achieved! Acknowledging achievements isn't just about giving ourselves a pat on the back—it's about laying the foundation of confidence and gratitude that will support our future endeavors. By shining a spotlight on our past victories, we're actively boosting our resilience and empowering ourselves for the challenges ahead. Without gratitude for our experiences and the people who've helped us along the way, we risk missing the true value of our endeavors. So join me, as I take a much-needed breath to appreciate the past and prepare to face the future!

Here's to another day of intentional living!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Get ready for a moment of reflection in today's Monday Mindset! I'm taking this time to discuss the importance of shifting your focus from the relentless pursuit of what's ahead, to reflecting on the victories you've already achieved! Acknowledging achievements isn't just about giving ourselves a pat on the back—it's about laying the foundation of confidence and gratitude that will support our future endeavors. By shining a spotlight on our past victories, we're actively boosting our resilience and empowering ourselves for the challenges ahead. Without gratitude for our experiences and the people who've helped us along the way, we risk missing the true value of our endeavors. So join me, as I take a much-needed breath to appreciate the past and prepare to face the future!

Here's to another day of intentional living!

Speaker 1:

Well, hello teachers, and welcome to your Monday Mindset podcast episode. These are short, little snippets of thoughts, reflections that I share with you on a weekly basis, that are focused around mindset things that we can do to live our best lives, to live an intentional life, and I invite you to not just listen to these for yourself and how they apply to you in your life, but consider sharing them with other people too. Consider sharing them with your students every Monday and having a conversation about it and doing a reflection together, because I think a lot of these thoughts, these topics, these questions are just a part of being human, and sometimes being human can feel lonely and to know that other people are struggling through some of the same challenges that you are and are benefiting from having these types of conversations is hugely powerful in allowing us to get to be the best version of ourselves, to take who we are and who we be and who we show up in the world as to that next level. So I really hope that you enjoy these Monday Mindsets and, if you do, let us know over on our Instagram at Evie Academics. Thanks so much for listening and let's dive into our Monday Mindset.

Speaker 1:

I'm not sure how many of you know this. I don't really talk about it that much, but I actually own a separate business called Excellence in Leadership, where I work with female entrepreneurs, ceos, to help them be better leaders of their teams, and one of the things that comes up over and over again for a lot of them, as ambitious women, is that they never take time to focus on celebrating their wins, like they're always focused on, like what's next, what's next, what's next, what's next. I think that's great. I think it's awesome to be driven. I am totally like that and I also think it's so important to take the time and appreciate how far you've come, instead of always focusing on what's coming next. Far you've come, instead of always focusing on what's coming next. Think about that. How often do you actually do that? And I'm talking to myself always with these Monday mindsets, we got to take the time for appreciation because without that self-reflection we don't realize just how far we've actually come. Reflecting on our growth helps us build our confidence. We lean into gratitude. It inspires us for the future. So I want to break this down.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk number one by talking about celebrating progress. It's so important to take the time to appreciate how far you've come. It's essential for acknowledging your achievements, your milestones. It's so easy to get caught up in what's next, but we got to pause. We got to do this with our students, we got to do this with our friends, with our families, and really put intention on celebrating the progress and accomplishments along the way, because if we don't do that, we will always be chasing the carrot and we will never be satisfied.

Speaker 1:

And I don't know about you, but I love living a life of contentment and expansion at the same time, and I think that both can be true and both can exist simultaneously, but they can't exist. Contentment does not exist if we don't sit in it, if we don't celebrate it. We can celebrate it and then we can go for the next carrot, because at the end of the day, it's all about who we become in the pursuit of the goal. I talk about this at Batch Planning Live, almost every single time we have a Batch Planning Live. It is not about the end result, it is not about the outcome, it is not about achieving the goal. It is about who we become in the pursuit of that thing. And there is no more worthwhile pursuit on this earth, in my opinion, than realizing our greatest potential, than realizing what every single one of us is capable of. What can we actually do?

Speaker 1:

The other thing, too when we take this time to reflect, it is a powerful confidence building exercise. We look back and we're like, oh my gosh, look how far I've come, look at the challenges that I've conquered. You get a greater sense of self-assurance, of identity, of who you are. It validates your abilities. It empowers you to tackle future endeavors with resilience, with determination. It is so important. There was one year at EB that was extremely hard, and I remember reflecting on that year at the beginning of January and not this year, but a couple of years ago and I wrote down. You know what did I learn from that year? Okay, and I wrote down man, I can handle anything. I can handle really difficult things. That is a confidence booster. So how are you doing that in your life? When are you taking a moment to sit down and recognize yourself for what you've done and to tell your brain and to tell your mind, to tell your heart, to tell your soul look at what you did. Build that confidence.

Speaker 1:

The other thing I love about doing this is that it allows us to cultivate and practice gratitude. There is no greater gift than being grateful for our experiences, for our opportunities, for our challenges, for the people in our lives that have contributed to our growth. And when we acknowledge that support that we've received, we develop that deeper appreciation for the journey. Life is about the journey. It not only enhances your overall well-being but also strengthens your resilience in the face of adversity which is going to come. Life is full of challenges, but we sit in gratitude for those challenges, we self-reflect on them, of look at what I did, look at what I'm capable of right, we're filling our souls. I love that.

Speaker 1:

And then, the last thing that I want to point out about this when we're talking about, you know, really taking time for appreciation is reflecting on our growth really serves as inspiration for the future. It really does, because when we look back, it reminds us of our potential, it motivates us to continue to strive for now, the next thing, the next personal or professional milestone. We're inspired to set new goals or pursue new challenges or embark on new adventures with just this renewed sense of purpose, or a renewed sense of enthusiasm. And, in fact, there's one little thing I want to read to you guys that I wrote down in my notes the other day that I think is helpful.

Speaker 1:

When we think about appreciation, when we think about our journey, when we think about where we're going, where we've come, all this stuff is that we have to become. Let me start over. We have to unbecome that past thing, that past person, that past sense of self that got us here in order to become who we want to be in the future. And I don't think that we can really do that unless we take the time to look back and to see who we once were and that person who we once were created. The person that we are now, who we once were created, the person that we are now and the person that we are now is creating the person that we will become. But we have to unbecome that past thing that got us here first, and I just love that. I think it's so, so fascinating and so inspiring. So I hope that that serves you on this Monday morning, end of May, and here's to another great week of living intentionally. Just go out and stay focused and get after it, man.

Monday Mindset
Journey of Transformation