Teaching Middle School ELA

Monday Mindset: Your Purpose is NOT for you

June 17, 2024 Caitlin Mitchell
Monday Mindset: Your Purpose is NOT for you
Teaching Middle School ELA
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Teaching Middle School ELA
Monday Mindset: Your Purpose is NOT for you
Jun 17, 2024
Caitlin Mitchell

What if your life's true purpose is linked to the positive impact you have on others? In this Monday Mindset, I explore the connection between living your purpose and making a meaningful difference. We'll consider how roles, like teaching and inspiring others, can lead to a more fulfilling life.

We'll reflect on our impact and recognize our unique gifts to align with a purpose that enriches both our lives and those around us. Celebrating others' successes and reflecting on the growth of those you've helped can be a powerful source of inspiration and fulfillment.

Here's to another day of intentional living!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What if your life's true purpose is linked to the positive impact you have on others? In this Monday Mindset, I explore the connection between living your purpose and making a meaningful difference. We'll consider how roles, like teaching and inspiring others, can lead to a more fulfilling life.

We'll reflect on our impact and recognize our unique gifts to align with a purpose that enriches both our lives and those around us. Celebrating others' successes and reflecting on the growth of those you've helped can be a powerful source of inspiration and fulfillment.

Here's to another day of intentional living!

Speaker 1:

Well, hello teachers, and welcome to your Monday Mindset podcast episode. These are short, little snippets of thoughts, reflections that I share with you on a weekly basis, that are focused around mindset things that we can do to live our best lives, to live an intentional life, and I invite you to not just listen to these for yourself and how they apply to you in your life, but consider sharing them with other people too. Consider sharing them with your students every Monday and having a conversation about it and doing a reflection together, because I think a lot of these thoughts, these topics, these questions are just a part of being human, and sometimes being human can feel lonely and to know that other people are struggling through some of the same challenges that you are and are benefiting from having these types of conversations is hugely powerful in allowing us to get to be the best version of ourselves, to take who we are and who we be and who we show up in the world as to that next level. So I really hope that you enjoy these Monday Mindsets and, if you do, let us know over on our Instagram at Evie Academics. Thanks so much for listening and let's dive into our Monday Mindset.

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another Monday Mindset. Today, we are talking about understanding that your purpose is not just for you. It's really about the impact that you have on others, and I really love this concept. It's something that I've come to even more not terms with, but understanding of and integration into my life around, especially because of the experience that I went through when I left the classroom to go into corporate America and how my life felt extremely purposeless, like there was no meaning to why I was here on this earth and doing what I was doing, because I wasn't impacting other people's lives in any sort of a profound sense. And you know, I just think in today's world maybe you see this on Instagram and hopefully some of this lands for you but there's so much talk about finding your purpose. People often ask well, why am I here, what is my purpose, or how can I find my passion in this life, or what am I supposed to be doing with my life, and I think that these are absolutely wonderful, serving questions to ask yourself. They're important questions, and I also think that there's an even deeper insight that can change the way that you view your life and your actions when you think about how the answer to that question is not just for you that the answer to that question is about what happens in other people when you do the things that you do in purpose, in intention, in living the life fulfilled.

Speaker 1:

And you know this will land for some of you and not for others, but I was listening to a podcast episode from Manifestation Babe recently and she just talked about you know, your soul's sacred purpose, and I think about, like, what is my sacred purpose on this life in this planet here on earth? And I really feel that that's to help others realize their greatest potential. And so when I found that purpose, it became so clear to me that my life is not about me. It's about living into that purpose and what that does to help and impact others right, the collective consciousness of this planet that we are all here together. We are all deeply connected as one, and when we're all living into our greatest gifts, we are bringing love and authenticity to this world. And so I want you to think about all of this for a moment and the way that it ties into you and to your talents, to your skills, your unique way of being you. Those are all gifts that you bring to this world that nobody else has. And I think the true measure of your purpose, of your skills, of your talents, of your unique way of being is seen in the lives that you touch and the impact that you get to make. It's in the hearts that you uplift, the minds that you inspire the changes that you catalyze in others, changes that you catalyze in others. And I want to explore why this perspective is so powerful, so helpful, so peaceful, quite frankly, because when you shift your focus from goals that are centered on self and you shift them to how you can serve others through your purpose, through your talents, something absolutely amazing happens. You start to see your actions, the things that you do, your decisions in a completely new light. It becomes less about seeking, like personal gratification and personal satisfaction, and more about making a difference. And that shift can bring a profound sense of fulfillment, of direction, of purpose, of meaning to this life.

Speaker 1:

And as a teacher listening to this, I can't think of a greater profession to more deeply integrate this concept than the knowledge that you are imparting on others, the confidence that you're building in young minds, the one sentence that you say one day to one kid that literally will change the trajectory of that child's life. Holy cow, what a remarkable responsibility. It's so beautiful, it's so special, it's so, so sacred, and I think the same goes for artists or entrepreneurs, anyone really driven by a calling, something that pulls you because really like, if you think about your true purpose, it lies in the positive ripple effects that you create in the lives of others, and so your purpose is not for yourself, it's for the impact that we make on others' lives. And so what are some ways that you can start to maybe integrate this concept into your own life? And I want to give you just a few simple steps that will help you align with a purpose that really extends beyond you, beyond yourself, with a purpose that really extends beyond you, beyond yourself. So, number one, I think it's really important to reflect on your impact, like, sit down, open up a piece of paper, a notepad, and write down. Take some time to think about how what you do impacts others. What positive changes do you bring into people's lives? Are you somebody that just loves to love and you spread love everywhere you go? Are you somebody who sees that one special, unique gift in a child that nobody else can see? Write all of that down, because I think it starts to build evidence for yourself of what this actually looks like in your life. This can help you start to see the broader significance of what you do and the impact that you have and what your true purpose here is. Another thing that you can do is also ask for feedback from others. This is something that I did.

Speaker 1:

As a part of my spiritual journey is asking friends, family, colleagues you know anybody that I'm in community with. You know how do I impact you? Because I think a lot of the times we are not fully aware of the positive effects that we have on others until someone says it to us, until someone points it out to us. You know, one of my friends said to me I just like being in your presence because you just lift me up. And to hear that from somebody else, I was like, oh my gosh, one, that's really cool and two, I'm not going gosh. If that's true, what do I have the ability to do and what other types of impact can I make for other people? If this is how people feel in my presence just by being around me, right, so the same goes for you. Your friends, your family, people who are close to you, are going to be able to point these things out to you and then you get to start to believe them, to see them as true, to see that evidence every day. So you really start to live into that purpose.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that you can do is align your actions with service. So, whatever your role or profession probably a teacher, if you're listening to this podcast episode we can find ways to serve and uplift others. As a teacher, you get to do this every single day in the classroom Kindness in your daily interactions, support, maybe for a colleague that's going through a hard time. So you're aligning your actions in servitude to others and supporting others in service to others. This one I love, absolutely love this point is to stay connected to your why.

Speaker 1:

Every day, I look at my little um gosh what would I call it? Like a note card on my desk, and my note card says I have a gift and I am responsible for sharing it with the world. You have a gift and you are responsible for sharing it with the world. So what is your why? Why do you do what you do? Why do you wake up every day? And what motivates you? What inspires you? What deeply moves you in the morning when you stay connected to the why you're doing what you're doing. It allows you to have that motivation that's rooted in impact, that's rooted in a larger sense, in a larger vision, rather than just any sort of personal gain.

Speaker 1:

And then the last one that I want to point out as to how you can integrate this concept into your life even more is to start to celebrate the success of others.

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You know, take joy in the achievements and growth of others that you've helped.

Speaker 1:

When you start to see your purpose lived out through others' experiences, that is such a testament to you living in your purpose and that you are a powerful source of inspiration for others.

Speaker 1:

So reflect on your impact, seek feedback, align your actions with service, stay connected to your why and celebrate the successes of others. Because as you embrace this perspective, you'll really find just this deep sense of connection and meaning in your life, and you understand that that purpose is about what happens in other people. When you do what you do, you open up to yourself to just such a profound way of living this life. It's a gift that you get to share with the world. It's inspiration you provide, the hope that you instill the positive change that you create. So stay focused on the impact that you have on others, so you can live a life of joy, of purpose, of fulfillment, of peace. So I hope that this episode serves you in some capacity and if it does, please let me know over on our Instagram at EB academics. All right, you guys, here's to another great week of living intentionally.

Living Your Purpose Through Impact
Celebrating Others' Success in Life