Teaching Middle School ELA

Monday Mindset: How to Pour Into Yourself

June 24, 2024 Caitlin Mitchell
Monday Mindset: How to Pour Into Yourself
Teaching Middle School ELA
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Teaching Middle School ELA
Monday Mindset: How to Pour Into Yourself
Jun 24, 2024
Caitlin Mitchell

In this Monday Mindset, I want to discuss powerful strategies to infuse more joy, peace, and intentionality into your life. I'll guide you in identifying activities that fuel your inner soul. You know, like those activities that make you lose track of time! Let's consider the impact integrating more activities like these into your routine, and celebrating every little victory, can have on your life!

You'll learn to quiet external noise and focus on what brings you true happiness and fulfillment. Perhaps you'll find that focusing on positive, supportive relationships can uplift your mindset and energy, and walk away with strategies to set boundaries with negative influences!

Here's to another day of intentional living!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

In this Monday Mindset, I want to discuss powerful strategies to infuse more joy, peace, and intentionality into your life. I'll guide you in identifying activities that fuel your inner soul. You know, like those activities that make you lose track of time! Let's consider the impact integrating more activities like these into your routine, and celebrating every little victory, can have on your life!

You'll learn to quiet external noise and focus on what brings you true happiness and fulfillment. Perhaps you'll find that focusing on positive, supportive relationships can uplift your mindset and energy, and walk away with strategies to set boundaries with negative influences!

Here's to another day of intentional living!

Speaker 1:

Well, hello teachers, and welcome to your Monday Mindset podcast episode. These are short, little snippets of thoughts, reflections that I share with you on a weekly basis, that are focused around mindset things that we can do to live our best lives, to live an intentional life, and I invite you to not just listen to these for yourself and how they apply to you in your life, but consider sharing them with other people too. Consider sharing them with your students every Monday and having a conversation about it and doing a reflection together, because I think a lot of these thoughts, these topics, these questions are just a part of being human, and sometimes being human can feel lonely and to know that other people are struggling through some of the same challenges that you are and are benefiting from having these types of conversations is hugely powerful in allowing us to get to be the best version of ourselves, to take who we are and who we be and who we show up in the world as to that next level. So I really hope that you enjoy these Monday mindsets and, if you do, let us know over on our Instagram at Evie academics. Thanks so much for listening and let's dive into our Monday mindset. Welcome back to another episode of our Monday mindset here on the podcast. I think it's appropriate. At the end of June Hopefully most of you are out of school If you're not yet, hang in there but I want to talk to you about how to pour into yourself and hopefully you can start to integrate a lot of this into your daily routines, as some of you are on summer break and hopefully really enjoying your time.

Speaker 1:

So we're focusing on this topic of how to pour into yourself and I want to discuss the importance of four different things with this. Number one, the importance of discovering what brings you joy and what brings you peace. Two, making time for what you love. Three, celebrating your progress. And, lastly, surrounding yourself with positive people. So I want to dive into the first one and that's discovering what brings you joy and peace.

Speaker 1:

This is so essential and I think a lot of the times we have to really get quiet with ourselves, block out the noise, block out the you know influences from others around us. What we've been conditioned to believe by society brings us peace and joy and really sit with, like your intuition, like the deep inner knowingness of who you are, of what brings you peace, what truly actually brings you joy, because it's really easy to lose touch with those things, with those moments that truly make us happy in today's day and age. Like we are so busy and we are also so inundated on social media with other people's agendas and other people's beliefs and other people's what they want us to do, et cetera, and it's so important to get quiet with yourself to really reflect on this. What fills your heart with joy, what brings you that sense of peace? And it could be very simple, it could be spending time in nature, it could be having quiet moments to yourself, it could be a hobby that you love, like it does not have to be whatever anyone else in society thinks that it should be or puts on you that they think that it should be. And so I want you to ask yourself, like these two questions to kind of lead you toward potentially discovering what the answer to this question is of what truly brings you peace and joy.

Speaker 1:

So, number one what activities make you lose track of time? What things do you get so into? It's almost like an alpha state that you have like, oh my gosh, all of a sudden, five hours went by and you're like holy cow, how did that happen? Or when do you feel most at ease? Most at ease? Gosh ease, what a beautiful word. And when you start to identify these things or start to answer these questions, you can really integrate more of them into your daily routine, when you're aware of them. But if we don't bring awareness to them and intention on them, it's really hard to ensure that they continue to stay integrated and it's really easy to fall back into the drift of not really doing the things that bring us happiness, joy, peace, et cetera.

Speaker 1:

So that's one I also want you to focus on making time for the things that you love. So it's not just about what brings you joy and peace, but what lights you up. What do you love to do? Our schedules are so hectic. We have obligations and responsibilities, but making time for what you love to do is crucial for your wellbeing. So perhaps and this is something I do you wanna carve out dedicated time every single week to do your favorite activities, and perhaps some of these activities are the things that bring you joy and peace. Maybe not, but maybe they're integrated. So what I do is before I put anything else on my calendar, this is a non-negotiable for me, just like any other important appointment I put on my calendar when I'm going to be going to the gym. That is the thing that I love to do, that I'm pouring 100% into myself. That is about me and my time, and so, before anything else can go on my calendar, the gym goes in there first. And so I want you to think about what is your activity, what is your thing that prioritizes you and your wellbeing, and what you love to do. Because when we make time for the things that we love, we get to recharge, keep us connected to our passions, the things that drive us, the things that motivate us, the things that bring out, quite frankly, the best versions of who we are. So we can be that for those in our lives.

Speaker 1:

Next, celebrate your progress. Too often, as humans, we have a propensity to focus on what we haven't achieved yet Instead of recognizing oh my gosh, look how far I came, wow, I've done so much. We don't take that time, no matter how small it is, to celebrate our progress, and that's a very powerful way to pull, to pour into yourself. So, if you're a batch planner and you've bought into our belief here at EB about batch planning, and you've planned for two, two weeks, instead of being like oh, I wish I could have planned for a month. How about, instead, we reframe that from the perspective of oh my gosh, I'm so proud of myself, I've batch planned for two weeks. That's great Way to go, caitlin. Nicely done, right? So we are taking care of ourselves in that way by acknowledging even the tiniest of achievements and milestones. So I want you to reflect on the challenges that you've overcome, the growth that you experience, the things that you've gone through.

Speaker 1:

Celebrating your progress boosts your self-esteem. It makes you feel good about yourself. It also provides evidence for yourself of these positive experiences and challenges that you've gone through, to show you that, hey, you actually can do this. Remember when you couldn't get through that thing? Oh, yeah, that's right, you actually did it. So you can do this by keeping a journal. You can share your wins with friends, or even, like I will do, like a special reward for myself when I finished something so like, for example, like a special reward for myself when I finished something so like, for example, silly, silly example, but when I was, uh, when I'd be grading papers, I grade five essays and then I would like eat a piece of chocolate or something like I don't know, or something along those lines that, just like I love, chocolate is my thing, and so I'd grade five papers, I'd reward myself, grade five papers, reward myself. So like, as silly as it sounds, it's like Pavlov's law, with dogs, right, and that whole study of dogs and their, their drool as my dog is sitting right next to me with the bell Um, but I think it's important because when we celebrate those wins, we do them again. We're more likely to do that thing again in the future because we have placed recognition on that achievement, that accomplishment.

Speaker 1:

And then, lastly, you know the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people is a huge way to pour into yourself. The company that you keep has a significant impact on your mindset, on your energy levels, on what you believe is possible, on your energy levels, on what you believe is possible, literally on your life. No-transcript are reflections of what you want in this life, of what you want to be, and sometimes that means letting go of past friendships or relationships that are no longer serving this higher version of you, and that's hard and that's okay. But the phrase of like you are a reflection of the five people you spend the most time with. Oh, my gosh, it could not be more true.

Speaker 1:

So find people who encourage you, who inspire you, who make you feel good about yourself, people who can provide valuable support when you're going through tough times, or celebrate your successes with you right, because if you have those toxic or negative influences in your life, that can be very difficult to separate yourself from them. I have people in my life like this and I have to set clear boundaries around these relationships because I do not want to allow their energy, vampire way of being to impact my life. I'm out here to do big, positive things. I will not allow that in my life. I will not tolerate that. So it's really important to be aware, truly everywhere, that we go jobs, home, friends, whatever it might be who we are surrounding ourselves with. So four key steps to summarize pouring into yourself, discover what brings you joy and peace, make time for what you love, celebrate your progress and surround yourself with positive people. I really want you to start integrating these concepts into your life. All right, you guys, here's to another great week of living intentionally.

Monday Mindset
Surround Yourself With Positive People