Reverse, Reset, Restore

Achieving Financial Balance: How Financial Wellness Impacts Your Life. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 5

June 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 104
Achieving Financial Balance: How Financial Wellness Impacts Your Life. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 5
Reverse, Reset, Restore
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Reverse, Reset, Restore
Achieving Financial Balance: How Financial Wellness Impacts Your Life. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 5
Jun 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 104

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Can mastering your finances truly transform your life? Discover how financial wellness can enhance not just your bank account, but your mental and physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life. This episode, which is day 5 in our 7 day Wellbeing Program for World Wellbeing Week,  is packed with actionable insights on creating effective budgets, tracking expenses, setting achievable financial goals, and building a robust emergency fund. These practical steps aim to reduce your stress and anxiety surrounding money, giving you a sense of peace and security. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you'll be well on your way to a more stable and prosperous future.

Learn how replacing negative thoughts with love and gentleness through affirmations, can lead to profound personal growth and better financial habits. I'll take you through two rounds of affirmations to help get you started in this powerful practice. Here are the affirmations used in this episode: 

I am worthy of abundance and prosperity In all areas of my life.  
Money flows to me easily and effortlessly, aligning with my highest good. 
 I release all limiting beliefs about money and embrace a mindset of wealth.  
I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me every day.  
I attract opportunities that create unlimited income and wealth 
My actions create constant prosperity and financial freedom.  
I am financially secure and my wealth continues to grow.  
I use money to create positive change in my life and the lives of others.
I deserve to be rich, prosperous and successful.  
I am open to receiving wealth in expected and unexpected ways. 
Money is always attracted to me. 
I am abundant and I give abundantly. 
Money comes to me in expected ways and unexpected ways.  
I am not afraid of money.  
I am a good steward of money, using it to help others and the more I give, the more I receive it back.  
What I want, wants me. 
An abundant person doesn't have any lack. I am abundant.  
I am choosing to change my life from the inside.  
I am capable of achieving my financial goals.  
I enjoy money and money enjoys me.

Control your financial well-being today to set the stage for a more secure and fulfilling tomorrow. Don’t miss out on these invaluable tips that can help you build a brighter financial future.

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Can mastering your finances truly transform your life? Discover how financial wellness can enhance not just your bank account, but your mental and physical health, relationships, and overall quality of life. This episode, which is day 5 in our 7 day Wellbeing Program for World Wellbeing Week,  is packed with actionable insights on creating effective budgets, tracking expenses, setting achievable financial goals, and building a robust emergency fund. These practical steps aim to reduce your stress and anxiety surrounding money, giving you a sense of peace and security. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you'll be well on your way to a more stable and prosperous future.

Learn how replacing negative thoughts with love and gentleness through affirmations, can lead to profound personal growth and better financial habits. I'll take you through two rounds of affirmations to help get you started in this powerful practice. Here are the affirmations used in this episode: 

I am worthy of abundance and prosperity In all areas of my life.  
Money flows to me easily and effortlessly, aligning with my highest good. 
 I release all limiting beliefs about money and embrace a mindset of wealth.  
I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me every day.  
I attract opportunities that create unlimited income and wealth 
My actions create constant prosperity and financial freedom.  
I am financially secure and my wealth continues to grow.  
I use money to create positive change in my life and the lives of others.
I deserve to be rich, prosperous and successful.  
I am open to receiving wealth in expected and unexpected ways. 
Money is always attracted to me. 
I am abundant and I give abundantly. 
Money comes to me in expected ways and unexpected ways.  
I am not afraid of money.  
I am a good steward of money, using it to help others and the more I give, the more I receive it back.  
What I want, wants me. 
An abundant person doesn't have any lack. I am abundant.  
I am choosing to change my life from the inside.  
I am capable of achieving my financial goals.  
I enjoy money and money enjoys me.

Control your financial well-being today to set the stage for a more secure and fulfilling tomorrow. Don’t miss out on these invaluable tips that can help you build a brighter financial future.

Speaker 1:

This is Reverse, reset, restore. And this is day five of our special seven-day program as part of World Wellbeing Week. I'm Sally and because well-being is my jam, I couldn't resist curating a program just for you that looks at various aspects of creating more opportunity for well-being in your life. Think it can't be done? Come and find out just how much it can be done and why you're worth it. Change comes from within. Say make money money. Make money, money, money. Make money money. Make money, money, money, money makes the world go round. I'm the talk around town. Remy gave me the sound. We are looking at a completely new idea today that we haven't tackled before on this podcast as part of our seven-day wellbeing programme for World Wellbeing Week.

Speaker 1:

I want to pay attention to something that many of us might not have really considered as an important aspect of our overall wellbeing we're talking money, honey. Money is one of those awkward subjects that most of us don't want to talk about too much unless we're bathing in it like Scrooge McDuck, and we may not tend to think of it in terms of how it contributes to our well-being, but it does. Financial wellness impacts not only our financial security, but also our physical and mental health, our relationships and our quality of life. Taking proactive steps to improve our financial situation can lead to a greater peace of mind and long-term prosperity. Let's explore in this episode why financial wellness matters and give you some practical ways to cultivate it, regardless of your current financial situation. Unless you are an accountant or a banker or making the big bucks on wall street or via bitcoin, you may not want to spend your time looking over your finances. I get it. We can all be a little bit like an ostrich with our head in the sand, especially if money seems to come and go as easy as the daily tides. I want to encourage you to dedicate time to review your financial goals, your budget, your spending habits. I know that this can be a little bit complex and a little bit frightening for some people, but whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your financial strategies, these actions can significantly impact your financial well-being and you're worth getting your finances sorted, and sometimes that means looking at what you are going through right now to put a plan into place so that you can improve your financial outlook for the future. So, with that in mind, let's all get our heads out of the sand, my dear little ostriches and look at some practical ways to cultivate financial wellness.

Speaker 1:

Number one create or update your budget. Start by outlining your income and your expenses. So your expenses include your rent or your mortgage, power, phone, internet, food, petrol or gas or anything that you need money for in order to survive. Allocate your funds for essentials like your bills and your groceries, and your savings, and then give yourself some money for discretionary spending. You've got to live as well, my love. Adjust your budget regularly to reflect changes in income or expenses. For example, if you get a pay rise, consider taking that money that is in your pay rise and putting it straight into a savings account, rather than just going oh, I can go out more often to eat. Maybe that's the thing that you want to do, and that's okay too. Just figure out what do you want your future to look like and how can you take charge of that vision by financing it with some goals here and now.

Speaker 1:

Number two track your expenses, and this is the part where really it doesn't feel fun, especially if you're not being in the habit of tracking and you kind of don't want to know. Keeping a record of where your money is actually going every month can really help identify areas where you can cut back or adjust your spending habits to align with your financial goals. Do you need to buy three cups of coffee a day? Could you really just survive on one? Things like that. It's really easy for money to sort of slip away between our fingers when we're making little financial decisions like that and we're not using money money to do it. We're using a credit card or a debit card type of system is really easy to use without actually being fully aware of just how much your spend is every day.

Speaker 1:

Number three set financial goals. Define your short-term and your long-term financial goals, such as perhaps building an emergency fund or paying off a debt or saving for retirement or a house or kids or that brand new outfit that your favorite designer just dropped and it's like $3,000 and you don't got the money. Having clear goals provides motivation and direction for your financial decisions. Number four we just spoke a little bit about it build an emergency fund. I want to expand upon this idea. Aim to save at least three to six months worth of living expenses in an emergency fund. That may feel extremely impossible for you right now, but it is always something that you can work towards, no matter how insignificant the amount that you might be able to provide right now might seem, this financial cushion will provide security and peace of mind during unexpected financial challenges. I really encourage you. If you don't have this in place, do it. Even if it's just a dollar or two dollars a week that you can afford to pop in. Make that a priority in your life, because down the line, you don't know what could happen. You may need it. It's great to have something to fall back on.

Speaker 1:

And number five seek financial education. There are a lot of places and opportunities where you can go and speak to someone a financial advisor, the bank accountants, lots of people where there are resources and tools available to improve your financial literacy. Attend workshops, read books, seek advice, like I said, from those financial professionals to enhance your understanding of money management and investing, and then follow the guidance in line with your personal financial visions and goals and what is safe investments for you to make. Now that I've given you five practical ways of achieving some financial balance, let's look at how financial wellness offers numerous benefits beyond monetary gains.

Speaker 1:

Number one reduced stress and anxiety. So managing finances effectively reduces the stress and anxiety associated with money issues, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life, and we know that lack of money or poor money management or fear of not having enough money is very high on the list of things that people stress over every day. Reduce that stress and anxiety by learning how to live within the means of your current situation and work towards a goal that gives you greater financial security than maybe what you've got at the moment. Number two financial security and stability. By building savings, reducing debt and giving you a foundation for the future, you're creating a more secure financial future for yourself and for your family. Number three empowerment in decision making. Understanding your finances empowers you to make informed decisions about your spending, saving, investing, which leads to better financial outcomes. And number four enhanced peace of mind. Achieving financial wellness provides a sense of security and peace of mind, knowing that you have a plan in place to handle financial challenges.

Speaker 1:

Financial wellness isn't just about money. It is about creating a foundation for a fulfilling and balanced life. By prioritizing financial health, you can achieve greater freedom to pursue your passions, to enjoy meaningful relationships and maintain your physical and mental well-being, even if right now, you feel like you can't even rub two cents together. Before we close out this episode. I want to talk about the language we use when it comes to money and our reaction to it. We often talk on this podcast about the language in which we speak to ourselves and over ourselves and think about ourselves. These words, whether they're spoken out loud or thought in our minds, they have power. They can keep us stuck or shift our thoughts and belief patterns and set us free.

Speaker 1:

When our relationship with money is stuck in a mindset of lack or of poverty or of never having enough, it profoundly influences our financial well-being and overall our quality of life. As someone whose teeth are very close to homelessness at different times in my life because of my financial situation, particularly when I lived overseas in America, I know the detrimental impact that having a lack of money in my life made to my health, to my mental well-being, to my hopes and my dreams and my plans for the future. They all felt suffocated under this constant threat of never having enough. It can change. Shifting from a poverty mindset to a wealth mindset involves transforming our beliefs, changing our thoughts and our attitudes about money. It's about fostering a positive and empowered outlook, believing in abundance and your worth and attracting that financial success through positive affirmations and, of course, through your actions as well.

Speaker 1:

If you've been around reverse, reset, restore for a while now, you'll know that affirmations are something I truly believe can make a big difference in the way that we think, in the way that we move around the world. So I'm going to take you through a series of affirmations to help you change your relationship with money and create opportunities for wealth to come to you, because it's possible. By embracing these affirmations, you are affirming your commitment to creating a prosperous and fulfilling financial future. And I just want to remind you if you think affirmations are just words we say to make things happen. Affirmations require action as well. Affirmations require us to speak them over ourselves with discernment and with a belief and with hope and with an understanding that words have power. Words also require action. So it's all very well to say these affirmations, but what are you going to do about it to enact them? How are you going to empower yourself? By taking these words and then mixing it in with some good old hard work, where you're going to roll up your sleeves and you're going to think about how you can make different choices in your life to get you to the financial gains that you want. So think about that while you're doing these affirmations. See how they work together. Let's begin.

Speaker 1:

I am worthy of abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly, aligning with my highest good. I release all limiting beliefs about money and embrace a mindset of wealth. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me. Every day, I attract opportunities that create unlimited income and wealth. My actions create constant prosperity and financial freedom. I am financially secure and my wealth continues to grow. I use money to create positive change in my life and the lives of others. I deserve to be rich, prosperous and successful. I am open to receiving wealth in expected and unexpected ways.

Speaker 1:

Money is always attracted to me. I am abundant and I give abundantly. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways. I am not afraid of money. I am a good steward of money, using it to help others, and the more I give, the more I receive it back. What I want wants me. An abundant person doesn't have any lack, have any lack. I am abundant. I am choosing to change my life from the inside. I am capable of achieving my financial goals. I enjoy money and money enjoys me. I am worthy of abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life. Money flows to me easily and effortlessly, aligning with my highest good. I release all limiting beliefs about money and embrace a mindset of wealth. I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me. Every day, I attract opportunities that create unlimited income and wealth. My actions create constant prosperity and financial freedom. I am financially secure and my wealth continues to grow. I use money to create positive change in my life and the lives of others. I deserve to be rich, prosperous and successful. I am open to receiving wealth in expected and unexpected ways. Money is always attracted to me. I am abundant and I give abundantly. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways. I am not afraid of money. I am a good steward of money, using it to help others, and the more I give, the more I receive it back. What I want wants me. An abundant person doesn't have any lack. I am abundant. I am choosing to change my life from the inside. I am capable of achieving my financial goals. I enjoy money and money enjoys me.

Speaker 1:

By consistently affirming these positive statements about money, you are reshaping your subconscious beliefs and aligning yourself with abundance. Remember, changing your relationship with money starts with your mindset and your beliefs. As you embrace a wealth mindset through these affirmations and take inspired actions towards financial success, you are paving the way for a prosperous and fulfilling life. I want to encourage you if you're saying these affirmations and negative thoughts come into your mind. Just stop them. Notice them, it's okay. Stop them and replace that negative thought with one of these affirmations or another affirmation that makes sense for you.

Speaker 1:

You can change your habits by first recognizing the thoughts in your head, stopping them and just replacing it with love and gentleness. There's no anger or frustration needed here. Love and gentleness, acknowledge, okay, I've just had that thought. It's not very helpful. I'm going to change it and I'm going to use one of these instead. Incorporating financial wellness practices into your daily life is a vital step towards achieving overall well-being and long-term prosperity. Whether you're starting from scratch or you're refining your financial strategies or you're refining your financial strategies, every little step that you do counts towards building a brighter financial future. Take charge of your financial wellness today. Pave the way for a more secure and fulfilling tomorrow. We wrap up this episode with this quote by Dave Ramsey, who says you must gain control over your money, or the lack of it will forever control you.

Financial Wellness and Affirmations for Prosperity
Building Financial Wellness for Prosperity