Reverse, Reset, Restore

Unplugging for Wellbeing: Why You Need a Digital Detox and How to Start. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 6

June 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 104
Unplugging for Wellbeing: Why You Need a Digital Detox and How to Start. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 6
Reverse, Reset, Restore
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Reverse, Reset, Restore
Unplugging for Wellbeing: Why You Need a Digital Detox and How to Start. 7 Day Program for World Wellbeing Week. Day 6
Jun 29, 2024 Season 1 Episode 104

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Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of notifications, emails, and endless scrolling? In today's episode of Reverse Reset Restore, I promise you'll discover the liberating effects of a digital detox and learn practical steps to reclaim control over your time. Join me, Sally, as we delve into the mental, emotional, and physical perks of reducing screen time. From alleviating stress and improving sleep to fostering deeper, more meaningful connections, the benefits are numerous. Let's explore how just one hour a day unplugged can transform your life, and I'll share some easy-to-implement tips to get you started on this journey.

Balancing our online and offline worlds is crucial for a fulfilling life. This episode will help you achieve that equilibrium without saying goodbye to technology entirely. We'll discuss how stepping away from screens can create precious moments for self-care and nurture real-world interactions. Plus, I’ll share insights on how to set clear goals, inform your circle, and create tech-free zones that support a healthier lifestyle. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the grand finale of our 7 Days of Wellbeing program, where I'll guide you through a rejuvenating meditation focused on the breath. Get ready to reset and recharge!

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Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of notifications, emails, and endless scrolling? In today's episode of Reverse Reset Restore, I promise you'll discover the liberating effects of a digital detox and learn practical steps to reclaim control over your time. Join me, Sally, as we delve into the mental, emotional, and physical perks of reducing screen time. From alleviating stress and improving sleep to fostering deeper, more meaningful connections, the benefits are numerous. Let's explore how just one hour a day unplugged can transform your life, and I'll share some easy-to-implement tips to get you started on this journey.

Balancing our online and offline worlds is crucial for a fulfilling life. This episode will help you achieve that equilibrium without saying goodbye to technology entirely. We'll discuss how stepping away from screens can create precious moments for self-care and nurture real-world interactions. Plus, I’ll share insights on how to set clear goals, inform your circle, and create tech-free zones that support a healthier lifestyle. Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for the grand finale of our 7 Days of Wellbeing program, where I'll guide you through a rejuvenating meditation focused on the breath. Get ready to reset and recharge!

Speaker 1:

This is Reverse Reset Restore the podcast all about reclaiming your mental, physical and emotional well-being. My name is Sally and I share stories here so we can change our own. Change comes from within. Welcome to a very special episode of Reverse Recipe Restore, where we're guiding you through a seven-day well-being program for World Well-Being Week. Each of our seven days are a step towards reclaiming your well-being from healthy eating and financial wellness to meditation practices and beyond. Today, we're diving into the transformative practice of a digital detox.

Speaker 1:

In our hyper-connected world, disconnecting may seem daunting or even impossible. I mean, come on. Some days it feels like the little black box is surgically attached to my hand or that my eyes can't see anything but a big screen that I'm glued to. Disconnecting from the digital world is essential for recharging your mental health and reconnecting with the world around you. I want to encourage you to unplug from electronic devices for at least one hour, and no sleeping doesn't count, and nor does your 10-minute shower or bathroom break, because I know a lot of us still take our devices into the bathroom or the bedroom with us. Give yourself an hour. You can use this time to engage in offline activities, such as reading or spending time in nature, practicing hobbies or connecting with loved ones. Shock horror face to face. In today's digital age, taking regular breaks from technology is essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being, restoring balance and reconnecting with the present moment. The digital disconnect is an invaluable way to practice self-care and promote your well-being your well-being. The benefits cannot be understated. A digital detox reduces screen time, alleviates digital fatigue and eye strain, improves sleep quality, enhances your focus and your productivity, and fosters deeper connections with yourself and with others.

Speaker 1:

In this episode, we're going to explore why and how you can embark on this refreshing journey by re-listening to part of the episode on digital detox that we did as part of our 31 Days of Self-Care program in October 2023. So I'm going to switch over to that episode and then we'll come back for the end. Today's episode is all about the digital detox. I know, I know we live so much of our lives online, asking people to put down their phones or turn off their computers or switch off their TV. I might as well be asking you to stop breathing, right? So just hear me out for a minute.

Speaker 1:

Digital detoxing is the practice of temporarily reducing the use of digital devices and online activities, such as smartphones, computers, social media, the internet, with the aim of recharging, improving mental well-being and reconnecting with the physical world. You might find that there are moments in your day when you can actually survive without your phone. Personally, I would love it if more people would give themselves a digital detox. When they're out walking or shopping, or using the stairs or in restaurants, myself included. When we have our heads in our screens all day and night long, we're creating physical stress on our bodies, we're missing out on being present in the moment and we're isolating ourselves from having genuine experiences, especially with others. How many times have you been to a concert or show or other major event and find that people are busy recording it rather than actually really living it? This addiction to our digital lives costs us time, relationships and experiences. I'm not saying you have to give up all your digital devices and social media accounts, but here are a few reasons as to why taking a time out from our online lives is important.

Speaker 1:

Mental and emotional well-being Excessive screen time can lead to stress, anxiety and even depression. Detoxing can help reduce these negative emotions. Improve sleep Exposure to screens before bedtime disrupts the sleep patterns due to the blue light emitted by devices. A detox can improve your sleep quality. Increased productivity. Frequent digital distractions can hinder productivity. Detoxing helps you regain focus and concentration.

Speaker 1:

Enhanced relationships Reducing screen time can lead to better face-to-face interactions, fostering healthier relationships. Reducing screen time can lead to better face-to-face interactions, fostering healthier relationships. A way to communicate more effectively and efficiently with people, because we're used to doing a real life, in-person, face-to-face conversation, mindful living. Detoxing allows you to be more present. You can engage in hobbies and appreciate the world around you.

Speaker 1:

While today is just about taking some time out from our digital lives, you may want to consider making it a part of your regular life, whether that's daily, once a week or every month or so. When we visit my partner's dad, for example, we're not allowed to have our phones out once we enter the house. It can be a bit of a challenge because it's basically become an extension of our arm, but pretty quickly you do get used to it and having the time out really becomes rejuvenating. In fact, there is an ever-increasing movement of people who have made the move to eliminating digital elements from their lifestyle, using some of the following digital detox elements.

Speaker 1:

So how to do a digital detox Well? Set some goals. Determine the purpose of your detox. Are you doing it to reduce your stress, improve your sleep, enhance relationships, make more time for other things. Clear goals will help motivate you. Inform others. Let your friends, your family, your colleagues know about your detox to manage their expectations. If you know that you're going to be unavailable digitally for a week, make sure that the people in your life know that so they're not freaking out when you don't contact them back. Choose a duration Decide how long you want to detox.

Speaker 1:

It could be a day, it could be a couple of hours, it could be a weekend, it could be a week or longer. Make a decision that. Create a plan. Outline specific guidelines. Will you abstain from all screens or just certain apps? Set rules that work for you.

Speaker 1:

The idea of doing a digital detox is, yes, to detox from your digital life, but it also should be something that is manageable. Designate tech-free zones, so you might want to identify places in your home where digital devices are off limits, such as once you reach your bedroom or if you're sitting at the dining table. Obviously, like I say, my partner's dad, once we enter the door, it's expected that we don't have our phones in our hands. Find offline activities. Plan activities that don't involve screens, like reading a physical book, or going for a hike, or doing some painting or cooking, or meeting up with a friend. Use a digital detox app. Consider using apps that track your screen time or temporarily block certain apps to help you stick to your detox plan. If you're on a phone, you might want to consider actually removing some of the apps off your phone. If it's not possible for you to be without your phone, maybe make a decision that I don't need to log into the social media sites over the next few days.

Speaker 1:

Unplug gradually. If going cold turkey is going to be too challenging, start by reducing your screen time gradually. So today is the perfect day, for example, to go. I'm going to give myself a digital detox of an hour or two hours or whatever you feel comfortable with. You don't have to go from zero to a hundred in moments. You can practice mindfulness exercises and meditation to stay present and manage your digital cravings, and you probably will have them, because digital items, basically, have become an addiction for most of us.

Speaker 1:

Get in some physical activity, so engage in regular physical activity, which can reduce the urge to use your digital devices, and that also improves your overall well-being. Use an alarm clock Instead of relying on your smartphone as an alarm. You could go back to a traditional alarm clock and keep your phone out of your bedroom. So replace a screen-related habit with a healthier one. For instance, read a book instead of scrolling through social media before bed. Reflect and journal. Keep a journal to document your feelings, your experiences and any positive changes you notice during your detox. Stay accountable, and this kind of goes back to letting your friends know that you're going to do a digital detox. Enlist a friend or a family member who can either join you on your detox journey for mutual support or will be someone that can help make sure that you are sticking to your goals and then evaluate and adjust. Like all things, at the end of your detox period. Assess the impact it had on your life and adjust your. Like all things, at the end of your detox period. Assess the impact it had on your life and adjust your digital habits accordingly.

Speaker 1:

Remember that digital detoxing is not about permanently abandoning technology, but about finding a healthier balance between your online and your offline life. It can be a refreshing experience that allows you to reclaim time for self-care, meaningful connections and the joy of being present in the real world. Take time today to disconnect, recharge and enjoy the richness of the real world. As you unwind from screens and socials, you'll discover renewed energy and deeper connections. You might even find that this is something you want to embrace on a regular basis. Take the opportunity for self-care and meaningful living that doesn't include a screen. Join us tomorrow for our final day of our 7 Days of Wellbeing program, where I will be leading you through a specific meditation that focuses on the breath. Until then, be well and stay mindful as we close out this episode with these words by Christian Langen Technology is a useful servant for the dangerous master.

Digital Detox
Balancing Online and Offline Life