Desire To Thrive

22. On receiving love - from self and from others

March 19, 2024 Elisa Lord
22. On receiving love - from self and from others
Desire To Thrive
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Desire To Thrive
22. On receiving love - from self and from others
Mar 19, 2024
Elisa Lord

Free Reconnect with Self Meditation:

This is a pretty raw and honest episode where I share with you how a recent 'disagreement' with my husband had led me to discover my wounded feminine, where I was unable to fully receive and experience love. And how it manifested in the feeling of anger and being unable to shake off the anger even after being given exactly what I needed. 

It's an interesting perspective to be able to be the one experiencing the situation and also be the observer to then be able to coach myself into healing. I hope you gain something from this share and that it has inspired you to reflect on your feminine journey too. 

This is a good example of Perceptual Positions in motion - though I didn't touch on this in this episode but I will now do an episode on how using Perceptual Positions can help you coach yourself into healing. 

Stay tuned!

You can also find more stuff here:

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Show Notes

Free Reconnect with Self Meditation:

This is a pretty raw and honest episode where I share with you how a recent 'disagreement' with my husband had led me to discover my wounded feminine, where I was unable to fully receive and experience love. And how it manifested in the feeling of anger and being unable to shake off the anger even after being given exactly what I needed. 

It's an interesting perspective to be able to be the one experiencing the situation and also be the observer to then be able to coach myself into healing. I hope you gain something from this share and that it has inspired you to reflect on your feminine journey too. 

This is a good example of Perceptual Positions in motion - though I didn't touch on this in this episode but I will now do an episode on how using Perceptual Positions can help you coach yourself into healing. 

Stay tuned!

You can also find more stuff here:

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