The Vision Quest Podcast

#94 Pre-Season Rankings Release Show With Zach from Wisconsin Grappler!

The Vision Quest Podcast
Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you and we're live.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully it'll pop up soon, but hopefully you guys can hear us. I'm not sure. Hopefully you guys can hear us. We got, they can hear us, okay. Okay, so we can hear each other. Guys, we're live. So we apologize for just kind of wigging out and kind of trying to figure things out there. I just got everything re-hooked up. Uh, I'm joined here with zach from the wisconsin grappler, so you're just going to be looking at us like this because we're going to kind of talk randomly about certain things. But I for some reason could not tell if we were being heard or not. So usually I have complete control. I know what's going on. So I had a freak out moment anyways. So we're talking today because of why, what's, what do you got going on?

Speaker 2:

I just released the pre-season rankings today and, as we speak, they're being put out yes right, so I well. So what? What do you do when you look at pre-season rankings? What are you adding into the the equation versus normal season? Are you looking at things like you know, fargo and things like that? Are you going to maybe change things up once fargo ends?

Speaker 4:

yeah, yeah, I always do two. I do one like right now, yeah, really, and then I'll do one like right when school starts, probably about, uh, late august, early september is it to just kind of let let you know, because there's big tournaments and obviously you're not.

Speaker 2:

You don't do rankings throughout the entire year, right? So, as you're kind of going through in the pre-season stuff, you wait, you know, obviously a couple big tournaments happen in between and things like that is that kind of what you base. So, oh, now I can do these pre-season ones, was it maybe like a week or two before high school starts, the season starts and you put another set of pre-season yeah, that's usually what I do.

Speaker 4:

And then, uh, I mean, when I'm, when I'm in the off season, I'm just, uh, I look at a bunch of tournaments and kind of see where their weight is about. You know, yeah, these aren't going to be set in stone, obviously for sure for sure and I probably have some grades wrong, some schools wrong of freshmen, you know. Yeah, because the way wwf state is you can't really tell they're mostly clubs yeah, so you can't.

Speaker 4:

You got to look where they're from, look at a map and see what the nearest school yeah, we can go back past, like in the, the school year or something like that. Look up at some a couple of teams yeah, but most of them don't have any middle school matches.

Speaker 2:

It's always that's true, you know. So I see what you're saying.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah so they're always asking wrestling or nazar or you know whatever, and it's just like, okay, let's take a shot, and then somebody will yell at me for it, right, yeah?

Speaker 2:

well, we tell everybody too. I mean you do reach out to kids like, hey, what did you do here? Or a coach, because I mean obviously you know coaches. But so so, how, what? What went into these? So, based off of the high school season, right, so you already had those out. Yeah, what did you add into this then? What was your, what were factors that go into these, these, these preseason, right? I?

Speaker 4:

mean it. It it is folk style rankings. Obviously it's that freestyle does have a little bit to do with it. But just because you can beat somebody in freestyle doesn't mean you'll beat them in folk style. I mean I'm prime example of that. I mean a place that fargo never in place in my high school state. Yeah, it's like you know so I I do. I do weigh off season results into it, but I mean you catch a lace on a good kid and you tech them.

Speaker 2:

It doesn't mean you're gonna beat them in folk style so you're, you're kind of basing it off of just some results that maybe you saw somewhere, that kind of one-ups them on another guy yeah, I mean, obviously you can look at how the match went too, because, like, if somebody just took a guy down five times, yeah, obviously that'll translate, you know.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but if you get take them down and guts them, you know it's not really the same, true, right? So there's, I do look at freestyle, but it's not as much as people probably would like me to yeah, do you think you will in the future? I don't know, it's hard to it almost be have different rankings, you know, because they're so different, like it is like yeah people that are decent book style that absolutely suck in freestyle well, and shout out to um, that's a jesse out.

Speaker 2:

I think he's out of california. The takedown, uh magazine he's got. He's doing articles, so shout out to those guys he does. He did his first set of like freestyle rankings, obviously. I mean you go look at willie stuff. You go look at you know flow stuff, things. Look at flow. I don't know what their like schedule is for rankings I think it's almost.

Speaker 2:

I think they do kind of what you do like once the high school season ends. Yeah, unless, unless it's like a specific article that they did and they rank some kids or whatever. But I know they got freestyle rankings out there now but it's just like dude. But I think the last date was like February 2nd or something for Wisconsin high school ranking.

Speaker 2:

It was like come on, man, I do something a little extra. So that's why it's kind of nice to have you guys around, Cause I mean, you guys are fairly, you guys, melissa's in there crunching numbers, looking up wrestlers. She's doing that, which is she. She has a big help. Shout out melissa, don't, don't think we don't know you don't do anything right, you're good.

Speaker 2:

You're good, um, folks. If you haven't, uh, keep checking the website to wisconsin grappler's website, um, because he is putting those out as we speak. So, um, well, let's, let's touch on it, let's. You want to go to the girls, sure?

Speaker 4:

We'll start with the girls.

Speaker 2:

Talk about the girls right away here. Let me pop that up quick. Okay, nice, okay, so we have. Um, how do you have this in here? So you have one oh six. It's kind of there. Some people haven't been to his website before. When you go to each athlete, there's a drop-down menu and I think sometimes they may vary, just because, depending on what type of you're on a tablet or something, it may be a little different in each one, but there are drop-down menus to be able to look at all of the specifics of that athlete.

Speaker 4:

Their GPA is in there, not yet that that just got bought today oh, did it?

Speaker 2:

yeah, well, I thought I saw it still like just listed, like it was up there as you didn't have their gp.

Speaker 4:

It might be listed in there, but it was just like there yeah, um, but you'd be able to sit.

Speaker 2:

That's where that information is. When you actually go to the, the actual athlete, um, then you have the drop down for the weights, yeah each weight class okay there's.

Speaker 4:

I just purchased the plug-in today to build the profiles for like recruiting purposes so I can put like direct links to their stuff and if they want to give it to me and stuff, it'll only help them to give me the information and that'll wind up being in that coach's corner.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, correct yeah, and also be in the regular one eventually, but it'll start in the coach's corner, because that's who I'm doing it for. Yeah, obviously for the athletes too, but the coaches. I want college coaches to come in, and I've had, I think I have like six or seven coaches from colleges that have good access to that right now.

Speaker 2:

So and I can't stress enough, like seriously, I think and everybody wants to be competitive in what they do I think everybody in the state's fairly accurate. I mean not no one's no one's like, oh my god, we may talk shit about you know, whatever right, no one's ungodly off, right. I mean these guys are paying attention to who's doing what there's difference and maybe how they think something went or whatever um on whoever else is doing rankings. But typically you guys are spot on and I hope that the college coaches, not only just in this area but throughout the country, please look at these, because it's not just, oh, we're just some dudes, you know, hanging out doing stuff like you put time into it and you're actually getting trying to get accurate information yeah and now that you're able to get like gpas and stuff like that listed right, is that just something you ask the athlete for them?

Speaker 4:

yeah, I mean, hey, I'm putting this together for you I'm in contact with a lot of these guys and instagram just for like, where they're going to colleges and stuff and just you know, seeing if I miss something, I'll reach out to them and be like, hey, have you announced? You know, and and they're always really, uh, like helpful and timely, usually right, right, like. I just found out about one commitment today. Oh, did you? I didn't have out, but I was like, yeah, it was just a torn just going to was mso or mseo mankato no, the milwaukee school.

Speaker 4:

Oh oh, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, msoe msoe, yeah, yeah, acronyms, yeah, acronyms hard, yeah, I mean I'm like okay, so we're starting with the girls here we're talking about rankings. I think I got a little off track my apologies folks. Um're going to start at 100 pounds. We're going to go through these lists fairly quick because these are getting released as we speak, so I'm pretty sure it's starting with the girls that are getting released.

Speaker 4:

I should.

Speaker 2:

And then we'll kind of talk along and then others will get released as we go along. So keep checking the website.

Speaker 4:

You'll be able to see the stuff pop up. We're like I said, we're just going to briefly go over some of these um so at 100 pounds.

Speaker 2:

I'm not surprised. Who's on top brook corrigan? Yeah, um, always second last year, but oh yeah that was a great match. How dare you? Yeah, it's second. Uh, top notch love the corrigans. Um have been around those guys and she's always been just just as mean as her brother, you know. Yeah, just as mean as shane I'm at, and just to just kind of how they carry themselves as far as competition. So um not surprised there.

Speaker 4:

Um dylan albrecht yeah not totally familiar with dylan yeah, um her older sister devlin, I think is really well okay, oh, yeah, yeah, yes and she beat uh, cat cook and freestyle okay this year. So girls are hard to do. Because I want to be correct for folk style, yeah, freestyle is what they're going to be doing in college. And if I say I'm going to be a college, yeah, driven rankings like for college coaches, I need to do it a little bit more for the, for the females so my question then okay, because this is a freshman right.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so do you? Then this is where you would kind of do a dive, okay, did she ever wrestle someone that this person's wrestled? Yeah, and I do it because they're all gonna wind up eventually, because there's no real. I mean, maybe there's an age group tournament or something like that that they get really separated from.

Speaker 4:

But obviously they're gonna have an opportunity to wrestle other girls that these girls have wrestled at some of the national tournaments right and most, uh, most of the really good girls do wrestle juniors when they're 16, you know, because they can like and that's sometimes how they get the best competition.

Speaker 2:

So I think that's the, I think, the big difference, and I don't know if it's you can call it a good or bad thing, but, like with the girl's side, that there isn't too much of a division where these guys get a chance to kind of go against a lot of the time, putting it on the line against the top wrestlers, not only in the state but in the country, right, you know. So they not being divided up by a division one, division two, division three, you're going to get whoever you got in the state and then, plus, you know, then some, yeah, I think that's awesome. Um, and kudos to the girls, I think. Did you have you happen to see numbers lately?

Speaker 4:

numbers went up again. Yeah, they did. I think it's awesome.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure I heard, I saw an article somewhere about it, but um, okay, uh, so just kind of bring up the freshman thing, just kind of curious, you know, because it's a difference in schedules and difference and right, you know who you see, who you don't see. But, um, I see there's another one behind her, cassidy o'connell yeah um, out of regis altuna.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, um, some other notables in this one. Um, take a look, ava lord, I, I'm very familiar with that name. Um, let's see ruby brandt. I know of her out of horicon. Um, some good, good kids. Uh, the so just to gave us on the watch list and so is ruby. Yeah, um, but now don't get me wrong, you gotta look at their credentials. So I mean, stay qualified. And and then also going against a lot of other like challenge series champions oh yeah, things like that.

Speaker 2:

So it all balances out. That looks pretty good at 100. Yeah, um, but uh, jackie ziniga, I, I hope I pronounce it right.

Speaker 4:

Hopefully some of these I try to say really quick to see if I pull it off and sometimes I don't, but it's a pretty decent list you got here yeah, it's uh like I said, it was a lot of work, like just trying to see. And if they don't, the girls, especially if they don't uh wrestle in the offseason yeah, most of the time the girls either stay the same weight the whole time or they go down right like they don't go up usually, okay. Yeah, it's weird like I was just noticing, like is that state specific? I think that's been kind of.

Speaker 2:

I think it's a genetic kind of thing so my question to you is you have two different watch lists and girls you have a one that's.

Speaker 4:

That's not like. After 17 is not published.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 4:

Got you Sorry. No, that's fine.

Speaker 2:

So that's fine, I don't. I want to make sure that I don't say anything, cause yeah, for the girls that's still a good list. Oh yeah, the bottom is still good yeah, for the girls, that's still a good list. Oh yeah, the bottom is still good. That's on the outside looking in. Yeah, like holy cow. Okay, I'm not telling you guys those. Maybe, if you want to, if you guys want to chat about it, maybe you can bring it up there yeah I gotta check and see if we have any questions.

Speaker 2:

It's good, um, let's see here. Go to 107. Uh, no surprise there, number one, even number two ava gardner oh yeah, um, no surprise, taylor whiting number one, adelina. Um, you know obviously the the list there is long yeah 2023 wwc challenge series first. First and wa a challenge series there.

Speaker 4:

Another, first another first another first. Yeah, everything's first. We're not sure he has any.

Speaker 2:

Nope, but I can see Ava Gardner. Um, this is a little son and tag. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Why does this not have the results for their WIA? I don't know. Oh, you got to drag it down. Oh, hopefully I didn't mess that up for the. Yeah, I'll have to fix that if I did oh well, it's that.

Speaker 2:

There you go, folks, you're getting it real time yeah you're getting it. You're getting it real time here. Unless you watch a recorded when this is done, you're not getting real time yeah, uh, good list.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this was a. This was pretty deep and then yeah got a couple got a couple freshmen too alexa thomas, yep, and lily baker, and you've had brad baker on here, yep yeah, those are what and, honestly, those are the only girls without credentials because they're so young oh yeah, the rest of this is like yeah, everybody's got some kind of experience so folks pay attention to 107 this year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and girls, because this is gonna get fun yeah and and you like you said Lily Baker and just looking at the girls, the newer girls, the younger girls, said they're good, yeah, there's no slouch there. Wow.

Speaker 4:

It seems like a youth movement is coming because the girls that are coming up are really good Are they yeah the seventh grade.

Speaker 2:

Are they testing the senior waters a little bit?

Speaker 4:

I don't know about that good, but they're getting pretty good. Like they're going to be really high coming in as freshmen next year.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, yeah.

Speaker 4:

The eighth grade class coming in this year will be you have.

Speaker 2:

Do you do a girls commitment list? Did you ever do?

Speaker 4:

one of those I guess I never paid attention college, yeah, yeah yeah, it's, it's with the boys like they, I go d1 college, d2 college, d3, then I go nai juco and then I go girls I guess I didn't even look at the girls section.

Speaker 2:

I I mean I've looked at the rankings I guess I've never tried to open them up to like, right, okay, all right. Next weight. Uh, like I said, we're gonna buzz along through these weights here. I guess I've never tried to open them up to like, right, okay, all right. Next weight. Like I said, we're going to buzz along through these weights here. We're not going to, we're not going to spend too much time, because they are getting released as we talk. So you guys will be able to see them, because we do. We're going to talk about things in between here too, so we don't want to ruin anyone's time waiting for someone's name to be specifically listed here. But, uh, because we don't want to talk about some of the rule changes. Those will be coming up, but we'll touch on those when we get to the boys. But, um, so okay, so we did. 107. 114 is the next weight. If I gotta get my bottom thing out of my way here, okay, there we go.

Speaker 4:

Um, another, not a surprise yeah, not, not a surprise.

Speaker 2:

all the way through Again one year with the Daly Cody. I've never heard of her.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, she's good. Okay, freshman from Princeton Princeton, yeah, okay. Yeah, I checked up on her and, like I said, it's really hard, she's good in both styles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Kind of has a little bit to got got a couple girls here that can make some noise yeah that's cool, uh. So number one we got angie bianchi not surprised, two rivers um, she will be a junior this year. Uh, number two we have ava peters not surprised there um polaski, she's also going to be a junior this year. Um, both uh made it to state last year and the year before um, both different weights um, which is is weird, because what angie stayed?

Speaker 2:

because she was at 114, she's been at 114 yeah, a couple years in a row and ava was at one for at 107 for a couple years. Now she's up at 114, so yeah you were mentioning that. It's just kind of it's. It's different. The girls are.

Speaker 4:

They lose weight yeah, they, they drop, yeah, they stay at the weight a lot. It seems like it's. It's very different. Like boys, I usually just add them up. Yeah, put them to two weight classes above, usually, you know, yeah, this seems to be what they are unless they come in a little bit bigger yeah then then they usually stay around where they are, but if they're, you know, 120 126 yeah no doubt so that's gonna make your job a little easier yeah you know what I'm saying, I mean a little right

Speaker 4:

they're still changing, yeah, yeah and it's also like hard to tell, like are they cutting for these events? You know, like, yeah, you know I don't think so you know, wolbert probably didn't make 38 for the duels, though I mean right, right I right, because he's been wrestling 44. So it's just like. It's like I said, it's a guessing game. If I'm wrong, just politely let me know yeah yep, and I'll get it changed.

Speaker 2:

You do have an email listed in there to you know, send corrections.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so people by all means if spellings, if they beat someone yeah, you know someone beat someone that you that he didn't know about because, like you said, he tries to reach out to everybody. He tries to get to you know, as many kids as he can to get the information. So it's correct, it's not trying to just, I'm just a dude putting rankings together and I don't know he knows a good amount of these kids and a good, especially a large amount of the coaches that are on the teams. But, um, just let him know. Let him know if there's something wrong. Um, a little more down the list, we got number. It's hard to read your, your highlighted numbers here. Number six is, uh, anna, is it kreisen, kreisen, kreisen, kreisen? Friendly miller's next. And then you got madeline gazda, grace holguin, mariana miller, shelby garcia, nice yeah that's a good, good list of kids here, very cool, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And even again, the, the, the kids looking on the outside, not, you're not far off, man, right, not far off. So don't. If you're like, oh, we're welcome, they're probably on the list. Yeah, they're just not far off. There's always a reason. There's a reason why certain kids I mean it's look at um, uh well, liam and Caleb, those guys go back and forth in certain ways. Now they're just completely separated. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Um, but it was back and forth. You know he was. You know Liam was ahead on one and behind on another one. Yeah, you know. So it's. Everybody has a different, different kind of variation of exactly what they're doing, but obviously all are respected, you know yeah, so okay, 120 and we got uh, not surprised here number one.

Speaker 2:

We got mj newman. This is 120 pounds girls. Um, and again, for anybody that's out of state, we're talking about wisconsin um high school rankings right now. I'm not cool enough to get like willie on you know, yeah, I'm all, I'm all you got right since me, as means that hanging out in my basement well, he wants to call in.

Speaker 2:

You know he can yeah, hey, by any means, if if anybody's got my number they want to call and talk about rankings, I will get you on the show because I can hook you up bluetooth, we'll put you on. So if you got some comments to make, you're probably getting text messages already. If you got comments to make and I know you call me up, let me know. We can talk about some rankings. If you think something looks bunk, yeah, but uh, on his last name is crazy. Ah, like dijon mustard.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, teague yeah teague fenwick, wisconsin wrestler podcast.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, appreciate you listening the local uh, uh name the name dude yeah the name dude he.

Speaker 2:

He knows how to pronounce him I put the hammer down on skiba yeah right, yeah, okay, I had to put the hammer down on skiba. Knew the guy for way too long yeah, I was gabba.

Speaker 4:

I was saying it like a hick. It's around come on guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but no thanks t appreciate that. Yeah, keep them coming t, because I know I'm saying it like a hick. It's right, come on guys. Yeah, but no thanks t appreciate that, yeah, keep them coming.

Speaker 4:

T because I know I'm gonna put you a lot more yeah, maybe we'll.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we'll call you when we talk about some of the rules, because you guys just had an episode talk about them last night, um, but we're we're kind of doing a little bit of both, so it's different. So teak and I have this thing where we worry about are we going to be doing kind of the same thing? Right, we don't want to inundate you guys with the same information, the same stuff, the same content. Sometimes it's a little of the same, but I'm different, right, you know like my brain works different than like teaks does when talking, and he holds way way more information than I ever will oh yeah, um, but it's we kind of always discuss, like I think I was gonna tell him the other night.

Speaker 2:

I was like, yeah, we're gonna talk about rules too, but I was like, why tell him, on this one it's gonna be way different yeah like that was their focus. We're like we're gonna mix it all in. Like I said, we're gonna talk rankings, we're gonna talk at all um, but it's good to know teague's watching um, yeah, outside looking in on all these are really good, but um, what did we say? Mj newman, caitlin whittier yeah, got third last. I guess I didn't even yeah, yeah, I didn't even pay attention to that name.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because she's qualified every year yeah, she's placed, not every year though she placed the first year and, yes, qualified and placed didn't place 2023. Okay, okay, there's a lot of them like uh I wasn't familiar with that one the nina girl, kylie krasinski krasinski, I don't know krasinski yeah, krasinski yeah yeah, whatever, yeah, but I'm good for me, that's fine.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna spend too much she got six as a freshman then didn't place last year, but she's been wrestling lighter. Maybe she was wrestling too heavy last year. It's a lot of stuff, I don't know. She was 26 last year and now she's wrestling 20 a lot.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, interesting that'd be. You know, I think it might. Maybe I'm gonna do that for an episode one time. I'm gonna. I want to talk to, like when I talk to the next like female athlete I have on like senior level, yeah, I want to talk to him about weight. Yeah, like more about it, not just asking him how much, how much to eat, all right, but how you know, compared to like you watch these guys and cutting yeah all the time, like how does it balance?

Speaker 2:

for you, but all right, noted. Um, like I said, zoe lick, that's a, that's a name I've known. I mean, obviously we know our brother as well yeah um, but hannah, who's a very familiar with that, and okay, kerchevsky, okay thanks, thanks teague, it's just, he's on it yeah, he's on it, kerchevsky um, sorry lady, I'm messing up all your names, sorry ladies, and again when outside.

Speaker 2:

Looking inside, this is another great list. Um, driving to fargo for pole vaulting, so can't chat live. Yeah, drives you can't. You should actually be talking on your phone, not texting teague he's just, he's talk texting, I'm sure just to let you know. So it's safer to actually call us, by the way. Anywho, um yeah, get another good one. Um outside looking and there's some good names in here okay, uh 126 um. What rules changed for the girls this year? Did you see that?

Speaker 4:

um, I would think it's the same right I thought there were were there.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't remember if there are any specific girls ones I did not see any specific. Sorry girls wrestling, if I I could have.

Speaker 2:

I thought there were some specific girls ones, but maybe not, I don't see them um they're getting everything like the three point and the near fall, and everything too we're considered to be in bounds of two total supporting points for the wrestler inside the boundary line. The two supporting points, blah blah. All right, we'll get to those in a minute. Yeah, um, 126, delia collins, very familiar with that name. Yeah, obviously she's done well.

Speaker 4:

Haley, fletcher Haley.

Speaker 2:

Fletcher yep, Familiar with that name. Wow, this whole list is pretty stacked right here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, 126 is a pretty good weight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, two younger girls, one senior, that doesn't have credentials yet. But I mean it's not far off. Hopefully she can pull something off this year, but Kit Elsacker. I'm going with Elsacker and then Jalen Bowe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, two youngest ones, the only ones without any kind of background yet Outside. Looking in, this one's a little well, it's a little spread out. You got some of these cases here, but this one's a little a little, uh, more of a challenge for some of these guys coming out, because you do have a pretty stacked group above you. But still, decent girls here. Uh, brenna marsh, yep, yep, emily mccarthy, I think she's gonna do better this year she might be graduated.

Speaker 4:

This, like I said, I sent you the list that, yeah, was maybe she's graduating. Yeah, come here let us know yeah, it's kimberly right next door.

Speaker 2:

how do we not know that, our idiots, how are we not doing this? But okay, so let's go to one 32. Maddie peach no surprise there. Yeah, surprise there. Maddie peach. She has been a lot of returning yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's a lot. There's a lot of older kids in this one, yeah for sure. But Maddie's been on fire. Yeah, she's been killing it. A lot of these girls have it's a. It's amazing to me I guess not totally amazing, but when looking at some of the out of season stuff and just watching some of the results and how many of these wisconsin girls are yeah, I don't care if you're on top making the podium I mean because girls wrestling is getting tougher and tougher, like every year. So just how many of the girls actually make the podium is pretty sweet yeah um, so that that's good to see.

Speaker 2:

And just looking at the competition here with this upper class stacked weight class right here is just Holy cow. Yeah man and and again. The ones that are towards the bottom are mainly younger. Oh yeah, you know, they just didn't quite place yet. It's mainly younger kids. Two freshmen in this one as well yeah, addison also number four, that's a good one. I remember that. I remember watching her. Nice, this is another good group yeah um one.

Speaker 2:

I'll be watching. That's on the watch list. I'm gonna be watching stella pettit yeah, yeah, yeah, she did she's.

Speaker 4:

She's been coming on like she's, like a late bloomer. Yeah, not placed much until this year and then placed in both Folkstyle and Freestyle State.

Speaker 2:

Right, let's take a look at 138 quick. Not surprised there. Lily Banks, she won it last year. Riley Hanrahan that's a Okay. Did they wrestle each other?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, they were. Was that the finals? Okay, yeah, I think it was like five to two. Now looking at the results right there it's pretty obvious that they wrestled each other.

Speaker 2:

But I was going to say that I got to watch that match again because I'm pretty sure that was what was the score Five to two. I think that had to have been a good match. Oh yeah, man H bad night at that one either. Yeah, man, again just two sophomores.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and those guys, you got those guys up at five and six. Oh yeah, I mean okay, well, they, they, I don't know, like there must have been a stacked sectional or something, because, okay, they only took the one from every sectional. I think this year they're going to take top two now because there's eight sectionals now. So now, because there's eight sectionals now, Madeline Faulkner is going to be one.

Speaker 2:

I'll be watching. She's on the watch list, everyone that you can see.

Speaker 4:

Don't get into the other list, yeah, right right.

Speaker 2:

That's why I don't bring your names up out of those. I'm just saying that that's the outside looking in list and this one's all right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah Well, this one's like got 16 really good girls like.

Speaker 2:

this is the first one where it's like yeah like even jesse yeah I think she could be higher, but she just hadn't had the credentials either yeah, man these girls brackets keep getting better and better every year and even with some of the seniors that will graduate, that's still like some of these weight classes are still going to be awesome I mean this one only has one, two ranked seniors, yeah yeah, so that's um jumping to 145. No surprise, carly kesker. It's good to see her starting to get some workout down by our friend uh cj roman yeah at first their training facility.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's been doing some conditioning with him, I do, I mean, he's an animal, he's. When I first met him he was, I mean, he's still a stock little guy, you know, but just a brick shithouse yeah, he is stacked now you know, is like I'm afraid of you, cj, is he related to the briar roman or whatever?

Speaker 4:

that connie, I think is where no, that's a different Roman.

Speaker 2:

I was just curious, so that's Because he was in my ranking, I think that's Bob Roman's kid, okay, I think I can't remember, but that's when it kind of is that Roman family is different than CJ's.

Speaker 4:

I know those guys pretty well, yeah these top three at this weight, though, are Chesker and larue they're all real tough and olsen's good andrew's skin and door. Yeah, this one's a pretty stacked weight as well, man.

Speaker 2:

Holy cow, two-time runner-up, is ranked fifth I mean it's, it's pretty much all juniors and seniors, except for skin and door yeah holy cow.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's man okay, yeah, that's gonna be a fun one girls are.

Speaker 2:

Girls are bringing it this year oh yeah girls are bringing it this year, I'm gonna. I'll list off a couple other names here quick, just so. Uh, leah lawrence is number seven. Kylie miller. This is 145 guys, 145 girls. Sophia paulson is uh number 10, um, and then one on the watch list that I'll be watching is uh, um, hayley ferrari okay, not that ferrari, different ferrari folks yeah, the horicon ferraris yeah, the good ferrari, not the strange and odd attention-seeking ferrari. Um, okay, so that was 145, we're gonna jump to 152.

Speaker 4:

Uh, hayley krieger yeah guess who that was right yeah, is there a female athlete of the year? Yeah, for sure. She'd probably probably be next year when she's a four-timer uh, yeah, um, just unreal.

Speaker 2:

The, the, wow, yeah, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first, first all the way from 2022. Yeah, man, madeline Sikorski also not a stranger to that name. She's also got a decent, decent background. I hate using, like, the word pedigree. Yeah, it's not even girls, or girls or guys. I hate using that. They're not dogs.

Speaker 4:

Right, they're athletes.

Speaker 2:

You know, I got that dog. I mean, it's not that kind of dog. You know, like um, okay, uh, so we got uh sikulski, uh, teeny lemieux, sturgeon bay, the vestipole that's I think it's the best of all.

Speaker 4:

I think I heard teague saying that that way he'll tell us if it's wrong.

Speaker 2:

He will he'll text us in a minute um sheeter sheeter mayor. Yeah, mckenzie, they were. She's really making that last name.

Speaker 4:

You could slip up on that oh yeah, we had one sheeter, meyer and that's mayor sheeter.

Speaker 2:

Mayor, like you could slip up on that first part and say something yeah you know you don't want to say but um all four up on the website now.

Speaker 4:

So all four all four, like the three divisions.

Speaker 2:

Rankings are up, folks, so they'll probably just tune on yeah no fuck you guys um outside or watch list on this one one I'm gonna be watching is going to be miriam alberts. Yeah I'm gonna watch her and see how she does this year, her last go around yeah you know she's got a good. She's got a good uh person to kind of run with a little bit in the room right you know she's got. I mean, I know there's a little bit of weight difference, but I mean, hey, somebody can get some advice from sure taylor goes with her anyway, yeah right, right, I'm sure all right we're gonna jump to 165 liam's weight

Speaker 4:

class look at that liam's right on top I'll just put liam at every weight he's like just in the girls though it's like dylan from that diddy show. Did you ever see that? No, the name the top five best rappers. He's like dylan dylan oh man, oh my god meme and everything. I think it might have been uh, dave chappelle that made it like that, but it was.

Speaker 4:

It was still funny I bleed the field yeah yeah, we can't get it onto that show because I'll be on here all day all right, we just got out of 165.

Speaker 2:

Liam crook is on topic number one, right? I'm just kidding. Uh, siriana, these names, yeah, we're getting creative. Yeah, I think we're in a realm of where people are tired of like tom and oh yeah, jerry you know, stuff like that.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, um kind of getting away from the the usual yeah, she's a two-time champ that didn't win, it didn't even place last year. That's, that's that was. This was a hard one, just uh, to rank that's crazy, yeah, so kayla craig, she seems to be progressing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, qualified to fifth. Maybe she can make it go over the last couple years here. Um, hannah burnt, that sounds familiar to me.

Speaker 4:

I remember that name yeah, she just had a brother that graduated last year.

Speaker 2:

Yep okay, okay, uh, my watch list who I'm gonna watch. That's quite the list down there. Those guys could come back and make some yeah some serious improvements. Uh, you know I'm gonna go with bren frenchman out of hortonville.

Speaker 4:

Well, freshman, I don't know, I know her brother's at hortonville. Yeah, so I'm assuming she's gonna be at hortonville. Yeah, so she's from new london, so, yeah, yeah, maybe she stays there.

Speaker 2:

Maybe practice partners, you know well, you know, and new london's got a pretty decent, stays there maybe practice partners, you know well, you know, and new london's got a pretty decent girl, yeah, I know that's what I'm saying, but I mean, so does horton hortonville's got.

Speaker 4:

Either way, I'm going.

Speaker 2:

Pretty good girls, oh yeah I'm going with brenchman, I'm gonna watch her. Good, good freshman coming up, heard some, heard some stuff about her in the off season. Yeah, all, right now we are on 185. No surprise, brook hoffman yeah uh, just so everybody's aware, brooke was an extremely close second oh for the female of the year, so again I didn't just do it where I did a vote on social media.

Speaker 2:

I wanted to get like honest opinions about you know, like from coaches and things like that. So I coaches other wrestlers, you know. So I ask questions and I I even wound up reaching out to people like I don't know, I don't know her well enough to tell you. Yeah, so it took a minute to be able to talk to some people. But brooke I've known brooke for a while and she is man, if there is anybody that never, I've never seen her look like she's under pressure on the mat like her face yeah, and I watch.

Speaker 2:

I'm a people watcher I did comedy for a while.

Speaker 2:

So I kind of watch. I watch everything in certain matches, like I don't know how you wrestle. Well, now I'm going to watch something else. I'm going to watch how your feet move and I'm going to watch how your face reacts to certain things. There's no reaction. I think there's a couple times where I mean maybe something hurt and she's like you know, like that, but other I mean it's like there's no nothing phases there a whole lot of the man, even killed the whole and she, she, probably to make your that's.

Speaker 2:

That's bullcrap, because, like I'm under pressure the whole time I'm sure you are, I'm just saying you don't show it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's all might have spelled spelled her name wrong. Her mom sent me a message at the end of the year last year I don't know if I picked brooks. Yeah, it's an e on that yeah, I didn't do it, so I'll get it right eventually just go back to the messages, look and see what it was and then just correct it he just likes to hear from you. Yes, that's the whole reason I want to make sure they're watching.

Speaker 2:

That's really what the mistakes if? There are any that's why they're in there because he wants to hear from you guys let me know how bad I'm messing up. That's great um, let me check and see if we have comments sometimes, no, no comments, that's good, just teague texting us.

Speaker 4:

He's probably the only one watching that's all right, just doing it for teague just teague.

Speaker 2:

This show has been brought to you for teague. Um, all right, I going to pull up the rest of the rankings here. So we got 185. Brooke Hoffman Sorry guys, we don't want to leave anybody out. Killian Kiernan I just picked that name out because it hit me in the face like it was a leprechaun. Like Killian Kiernan Just wanted to Irish. You're Irish, she's at number five.

Speaker 4:

We have destiny. There's a dude I'm gonna go with deuster back there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's probably how I'd do is to be a deuster back um number six. I'll jump down to number 10 of savannah jones and my watch list watcher, um, um, sophia walter, I'm gonna watch her, okay, uh, you know, I I tell you this much I do pay attention to a lot of what the holman women's uh wrestling team has going on on social media. Yeah, they're pretty active, you know, and and the stuff that obviously their um coaches, uh, um, why do I forget? He's gonna kick me and punch me in the balls if I see him again. Um, I can't remember the coach's name. Teague, send me a text. I can't remember deluca, thank you. No, teague, don't text me. Why did you just say it? You thought you're gonna let me go. You're gonna get there. Let me go along, that's fine thanks.

Speaker 2:

I was wanting you to get it on your own carl has done an awesome job there and watching that team like develop has been awesome. Yeah, they're getting like they're good oh yeah they're super good. Uh, what, uh, what was there? Uh, there was an announcement about the girls state tournament's going to be.

Speaker 4:

I think it's the next year they're going to have a team state yes, yes, that's what it's what it was Now. I'm excited to see that, and they, I think they are going to acknowledge the team, the state champ, from the individual this year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think Really yeah. So are they going to do you think? Did they say anything about it or do you think they're going to have it at the barn?

Speaker 4:

Uh, they haven't said, but I don't think so. I think they're looking for there's no way you can fit another Can't go four wide.

Speaker 2:

No, there, you know, nope, you can't. Yeah, you can go three, but their own weekend, yeah, in the barn, huh. And they said their own weekend, though, in the barn, yeah. Uh, I don't know What'd you do? I don't know. I don't know either, couldn't tell you. Oh, I know why.

Speaker 5:

Hold on, stay there uh, oh, did I kick someone? What's he doing down there?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I'm gonna back up not making that mistake again and make sure we're still on yeah all right, we're still on, we're live okay. Okay, um no, sorry folks, the last I, I just got a little notification that, like, uh, my computer was dying and it could, it could die. Who knows. Uh, I just plugged it in literally now, so we'll find out yeah but okay, so we're gonna jump over to what's the next way we're at girls yeah, heavyweight.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you jump over to heavyweight, the next weight we're at in girls. Yeah, heavyweight. Yeah, we're going to jump over to heavyweight in girls. Sorry guys. Oh yeah, all right, 235. Madison Burns not surprised, right? Wow?

Speaker 4:

Credentials yeah, she's a two-time champ and a fifth-placer.

Speaker 2:

Again another stacked weight class. Yeah again another stack away class, yeah so, and, but the other question I have the two, is obviously that some of this is coming from.

Speaker 2:

A lot of these girls were just starting as, as this girl's thing started, yeah, right so I mean, obviously, these are all the girls that have been coming up through this all along. Um so, these guys have all been putting work in right now, all been doing spectacular and getting better every single time. Um so, girls, uh, all all you guys that are on the list, you know, especially heavyweight here isabel uh, rabby, rabby I'm gonna say rabby because I don't want to say rabby yeah reby, we'll go reby yeah, that's right yeah, cali davis um jumped down to regan ziegler.

Speaker 2:

She's down at number eight um watch list. I'm gonna watch mercedes cruz. Okay, nice freshman coming out of west of pier. I know that they've got a decent program as far as just wrestling in general, right, so it'd be nice to see, uh, see, some fresh faces.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, cool all right, those are all up on the website. If you just want to take a look at them more in depth, but yep, yep, as long as we're still feeding live too.

Speaker 2:

I have this issue with like because, again like, I had to re-hook every everything up right. The one most like important component is having this oh yeah and I did it the last time. I had an episode with nick seriano. I screwed it up and I didn't uh plug my computer and had it all set up perfectly so I could just sit in the chair. You know whatever.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, didn't plug my computer and forth it's making the beeping it is doing that sound well, you know could be part two are we still on?

Speaker 2:

are we still on youtube? You should be able to check that out quick. Oh boy, okay, so let's talk. Boys, you check and see if we're on there still. Yeah I'm looking and we're gonna talk boys. So, to close this out, we're gonna go d3 boys and again we're gonna jump through these. Um, sounds like we're still going, okay, all right. So all right. Boys, 106, division three, division three um, we are to looking at regan roy 106, number one, grade 10, 48 and 12 record out of Crandon Took fourth in 2024.

Speaker 4:

Must have had a bunch of guys graduate out of there We've been over Leona Wabino, yeah, wabino, wabino, leona, you said Crandon.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's the regional. I didn't read the school, I was just reading the regional. Okay, cool, yeah, okay, I didn't read the school, I was just reading the regional.

Speaker 4:

Okay, cool, um yeah, he got fourth last year.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was gonna say there's a lot of young guys in this one yeah what the hell?

Speaker 4:

big graduating class or something yeah, I mean, or a lot of them have gone up actually because underwood you know, uh, oh, I suppose I get screwed up by that too, because I mean liam started big yeah there was no progression right away so I forget, I forget a lot of you guys do go through that that progression you started like 106 or 113 and gradually grow and now, just like bam, right in the 165 um.

Speaker 2:

Taylor underwood. Uh, that's a young name. That sounds familiar, but that's a young name obviously. Yeah, I don't know a lot of these guys. Uh, carson weiler, I know carson yeah I know of carson. I should say I know his brother better, yeah, um. So while that'll be fun one to watch, um, what else we got here? Xander miller, xander miller, yeah, yep, is that?

Speaker 2:

a brilliant yeah, they moved there. Yeah, let's go okay. So I mean, that's again a lot of the guys in 106, yeah, are young. I know of some of them, obviously, but I know that I know weiler's going to make some noise and I know muller's probably going to be just as loud. Yeah, um, I know those guys well, we'll get to know all these other guys. So that's 106 to d3 113. Oh, let's see here blake underwood obviously we know, um, that's not surprising that he's up there. Parker Spearings it's good to see him moving up. Was he number two last year?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he got fifth last year.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just talking about rankings.

Speaker 4:

Oh, rankings. Yeah, Was he up there? Yeah, he was pretty high up there, so he hasn't moved much. No. Yeah, and there's Lincoln.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

I know Lincoln. Yeah, there's lincoln buyer, I know lincoln. Okay, with the schools moving up too, like you just took two. Oh, that's right, you took two schools that are always gonna have basically people in these rankings that's right.

Speaker 2:

I forgot all about that.

Speaker 4:

Benamor and coleman move stuff around, yeah and then prairie duchene should be d3 this year. They're d2 because of it really yeah, holy cow okay yeah that's like the super division now.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean it's like one or two yeah, I mean let's see if they keep coming up, though you know, yeah, it'd be interesting uh, if you guys have questions about that, um, teague and steve did a map, yeah, that they have up on their I believe on their web, not website, on their site, their facebook page that they posted out so you can see where all these guys are located out of, and they actually have them. It's kind of nice. They have them actually. I don't know what do you call it map marked, yeah, heat maps, so you can tell where they're actually at, and they've got them color-coded. So props to those guys for doing that. Wisconsin Wrestler Podcast Keith and Steve, good job guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they do good things, that's for sure. Um, okay, uh, slater valley uh, I'm familiar with that name on the watch list. Yeah, um, this is 113 again. D3, I'm going to watch. I find a young guy here. It's a sophomores, and seniors though.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's all there is in the well, let's see what happens with slater yeah slater valley.

Speaker 2:

It's a senior year yeah mineral point, sectional or regional, c-sectional? Okay, all right, moving along c-sectional, just sounded funny oh, mineral point, yeah, um, okay, so not surprised. Yeah, on this whole lineup right here and this, this top five are are solid guys, man, I mean Koji Campbell's number one. No surprise there, three-time state champ Can't argue that the Waterloo Regional he's out of Kenosha, st Joseph Martez Shurd.

Speaker 4:

I didn't know how to do this. This was hard to.

Speaker 2:

As I told you, I didn't look at any of these yeah, so I'm just I'm seeing these for the first time too, folks, and I actually have like the spreadsheets to look at here. Yeah, and what? So you have martez above aiden grohlke yeah grunfelder. I'm sorry, grunfelder, sorry about that um I know it's, it's hard. Nothing against martez and sure knows this. I'm just looking at this and knowing that at grunfelder or grunenfelder yeah it's coming up two weights.

Speaker 4:

That's the only thing, and it's, and martez is going to be a big 20, I think. Is he yeah?

Speaker 2:

okay, that kid's always been kind of stacked. I'm not not questioning his strength or anything like that, it's just kind of it's a state champ and I know he was light, but still okay, all right like I said, this one was hard two through four, like even braden johnson, you know yeah obviously he's not gonna be above grunfelder, but I mean I could, I could see it where he, martez, could be below him.

Speaker 4:

yeah, you know, okay, okay, so, and this is all you know, this is all educated guesses. Yeah, so the Pecatonica yeah.

Speaker 2:

There's some, and I love the fact that these guys have wrestling teams. Yeah, that's fantastic, but Pecatonica Argyle.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, from, like like in Indiana, we don't do these small. Like we don't do these small schools. Like not every town gets a damn school like they do here. Oh, you got five people, you get a school, it's like oprah drove through here and just said you get a school, you get a school like it's crazy, oh man so it's awesome, but like I can see why they have class wrestling though like yeah, yeah, and honestly I think we get a little crazy with our football divisions.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't even understand it fully to argue it, but I hearing that we have seven divisions I think it was like come on praise. Yeah, really, come on. Anyways, I don't know football. Um trying to see some other names here because, like I said, folks were we're brushing through these. These guys, these are live now on the website. I'm not too familiar guy from why we go.

Speaker 4:

He was hurt all last year. He was good, Pretty good the previous two years, you know 61 and 26 career record.

Speaker 2:

Yep, I'm going to be watching Landon over Miller. Yeah, yeah, yep, going to be. You're on watch Landon, get ready. Okay, one, 26. So high five. Koji Martez, I think you should be number three, but he gave me reason to say that you should be number two, so we'll go with that. It's cool, I'm not.

Speaker 4:

I'm not not, definitely not going to doubt anybody's abilities, just that seemed a little weird. Oh yeah, okay. 126. Logan miller no surprise, right, I mean brilliant down d3 for the first time too, so see if he can finally get his state title.

Speaker 2:

He's been second, second, fifth well, he did come way up to 120 oh yeah yeah so, and I'm going to explain something here and people aren't going to like this one- because, he's not the only one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he's a small kid, dad's small guy yeah right and so I think a lot of times you see a lot of kids again that were cutting a lot back in the day to to win stuff, um, and a lot of people would try to talk about I'm not doing this to win tournaments from. I just wanted to get better. Genuinely. I wish I could believe every single person that ever said that right, that had a kid that was crying in the corner because his dad just got done, screaming him because he lost right so I I understand the the sentiment and wanting to have your kids feel success at a big level, you know, or at a big tournament and things like that.

Speaker 2:

Because I was trying to do the same thing for liam, right, I just came to my senses a lot just before we did things, yeah, you know, or at a big tournament and things like that. Cause I was trying to do the same thing for Liam, I just came to my senses a lot just before we did things, yeah, you know. So the expectations were low. We didn't drop weight. Right.

Speaker 2:

Liam. Liam did not cut weight. Yeah, like there's no, there's no if and or, but if we're going to go into a national tournament, two right. So that was we cut milk out for the week. That was it for a cereal shit yeah so and we've talked about this before on the show but at the same point, though, too, we wrestled him up. You know, we weren't trying to wrestle the same age and 15 pounds lighter and 20 pounds lighter, and stuff like that at 12, 11 years old oh yeah, I get it.

Speaker 2:

I think a lot of the effects of in logan I'm not saying logan or that ryan, you know made lo cut 30,000 pounds when he was young. There are a couple of kids I could name that I know happened with, but I think a lot of that happens when just the struggle of strength, I think, because technically Logan's technically a sound wrestler. He's not a bad wrestler, it's just that size jump is like holy cow 106 to 120 is crazy's crazy. And then like liam wrestling us open, he weighs 165, he's wrestling 80 kilos.

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, that's like 177 or 173 years, 176 yeah, I think those guys are all cutting from like 190 right oh yeah, you know, and sometimes just gonna. Is it all worth it?

Speaker 4:

first kitty chest strapped. I'm surprised he could get his arms around his chest Right. It's huge.

Speaker 2:

So it's it's crazy to see the difference in the, in just the growth, and that these in the rate that these guys talking about the girls before how they they drop. And he went from one oh six to one 20. Like oh shit. Like that's a. That's almost like a culture shock when it's a change up. Yeah, roger Fleeg, no surprise there out of Aquinas Fourth. Huh, that's it. Well, I guess I'm a little surprised.

Speaker 4:

These two? Yeah, yeah, over Orloff, over Mueller. Oh, you think he should be above Mueller? Yeah, no. No, okay.

Speaker 2:

All right, well, whatever. No, no, okay, all right, well, whatever. I'm not going to argue.

Speaker 4:

I mean honestly, I'm just looking at it as like D2 is D2 against D3 ranking.

Speaker 2:

I know but I'm also talking about the wrestlers themselves. I know those two like to me, those two, the divisions don't matter, I think they're both like to me, right to me, right, they're right there with each other. But anyways, uh, mason doing, I'm familiar with him. Um, they're very familiar with him. Uh, he's number four yeah fifth at 120 crandon. He's gonna do good. Um, let's see watch list jumping right down there. I'm gonna go with liam carey yeah, freshman yeah, his brother's rolling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean you got a good partner, someone you know to look up to that's. You got someone decent in your corner yeah mason demreth is another good one to watch. But I'm gonna watch liam. I vaguely remember seeing him wrestle a bad match when he was younger, I mean just as a kid, but I mean he had some struggles but he's gonna be good in high school. Good, liam carey. That was 126 in this d3. Uh, now we're going 132. Wide answer. Not surprised bob huntley, so a lot.

Speaker 4:

So I guess what I'm I have the previous status, two rivers b, so I gotta fix that one I might.

Speaker 2:

What I, what I might do is because a lot of the top threes and fours are going to be what you know. Oh yeah, I'm going to start with the other guys right now, because I don't know some of those guys. I kind of want to see what's coming up.

Speaker 4:

Alex Penskover he's a freshman from aquinas.

Speaker 2:

He's good no, I know he's good. I'm wondering. I'm just looking at the other kids that are above them, right, they're all placed I was gonna, you know, I was like oh, you, you do it on some of them, and then you're like there are guys that I think that sometimes guys could beat on paper, right, just kind of looking at it and it's like, oh, would I like to see him one more up. I think you go, I've done this to you before too.

Speaker 4:

I think you go two more. I'm just saying like it could go too, this is hard.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it is, and they placed. I mean, you can't take away from a state place, sir, you can't, but God Penn score is going to do well. Okay, watch list right away. Parker melzna, let's uh, and this isn't going to be a young guy, it's going to be a junior. Yeah, I, I have mentioned his name before in the past. Um, I like to watch him wrestle. He's a. He's a fun, scrappy little kid. I'm gonna watch him watch this for sure yeah that's odd. It's weird.

Speaker 4:

He's get off the watch list, parker yeah they're a little surprise, you're on the watch list, but get off it yeah, there's some that uh like the jackson I don't know how to say that uh which one kid from bondwell oh, bogots, bogots okay yeah, like he went from 13 all the way to 32 at the tournament in the Dells.

Speaker 2:

Oh really.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. And so I was like oh man, yeah, it's hard to tell if they're actually training or if they're just going out there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, this is the way, I'm at All right. 138. Again top three right away Brody Meese, Isaiah Sanchez, I don't know Swain Stunsel.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he plays for the first time last year. Okay, six at 32 and netter from strafford so then down and you so on.

Speaker 2:

Here I'm only seeing top eight.

Speaker 4:

You only have top eight yeah, d2 and three, only get top eight okay have you always done that?

Speaker 2:

okay, memory bad. I just this is always going to be shit.

Speaker 4:

I don't remember well, they only get 12. They get 12 to state, so they get two extra people to actually get that's true seated or get ranked because yeah d1, I only do 16 ranked, so it's like yeah I'm, I didn't seriously, I'm my brain, I'm old, it's getting bad, yeah, um.

Speaker 2:

so after some of these kids they don't know they're younger you got another.

Speaker 4:

Ninth grader.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a couple of freshmen down at the bottom here your watch list is a lot of upperclassmen, though. Yeah. Oh, I'll prove some points this year. Big guys, older guys this is 138 and D3. We got Crandon. We got a Braxton Kane coming up, 51 and 23. I mean, at least these guys are, these are over 500.

Speaker 4:

It's hard to find some guys like in the lower weights.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, over 500 to the rank. Sometimes this will be a fun way to watch. I'm a big. I'm always going to be a sanchez. Yeah, we've been friends with that family for quite some time. Isaiah has always done pretty well. Um, honestly, if I watch isaiah, enough to me I think it's a head thing yeah I think it's, I think it's seriously. It's like, it's like not, and not that it's bad, it's just every kid goes through it, you know. I think that's the phase he's in yeah, because the kid's strong enough he's.

Speaker 2:

He's definitely got the quickness um, but that's, he'll be a fun one to watch yeah, for sure okay, yeah, this will I mean just because that. So I I, because I don't know how to fluff things and I'm not tig is. I'm really proud of tig and how he can do this yeah but because some of these kids haven't done a lot right and some of these kids haven't proven a lot, right, and some of these kids haven't proven too much, so it's going to be.

Speaker 2:

That's why this one's going to be fun. Yeah, because these guys haven't. I mean, you got, obviously. You got your top two guys have, you know, done some stuff, but the rest of them have just started to kind of taste the sweet life of being at state, you know kind of thing.

Speaker 4:

So two freshmen in the top.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so that this will be a fun one to watch, so 138 d3 is going to be fun. 144 row and carry yeah, not surprised, okay. Uh, I'm going to go to the last three here. Like these are upper classes, so this is going to be a fun one to watch. All these guys have done something yeah yeah, there's a freshman in there, max davis yep, yep, yeah, I'm talking about just that top eight okay oh yeah, colin weber.

Speaker 2:

Colin weber has been another. He's a um trying to think a word I'm looking for here, but he's been fun to watch yeah colin weber has been fun, so that'll be fun to see how he finishes off. Okay, all right, um my watch list. On this one I'll go with Tate and watch Tate, tate Sonntag.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, tate Sonntag is on the watch list so I'll be watching him. Maybe we can as we go through the week. We didn't bring it up, but we are going to try and do this every week. Not talk about rankings necessarily. Maybe we'll bring them up or whatever, but we're going to try and talk about something every week. So every friday can't guarantee a time yet, like we'll, we'll get the. Eventually we'll get to like a time. Yeah, um, zach might be here for one, zach might be at his house for one, but we're going to try and do an every week Friday. Yeah, that lets us get through a whole week. We can see if there's something we're talking about. Episodes might be a half hour on those. Yeah, episode, maybe there'll be an hour, depends on what we're talking about. We'll probably talk about the national duels Yep.

Speaker 2:

Obviously next one yep, yep, for sure. Yeah, we'll touch on national duels. Obviously. I know teague and those guys have talked about it, but um, there's some things I saw that were kind of yeah, kind of cool, you know, but um, talk about a little bit more than just wisconsin too yeah, national wise, yeah, because that's that was the other thing.

Speaker 2:

I mean a lot of these kids now that we get to see at these duels, like liam's, traveled with a lot of these kids, yeah, kind of talk, with a lot of them just going across the country, but, um, yeah, okay, uh, but we'll talk about that a little bit. Um, we are at one, was at 144 still 150 oh 150 was I done with 144 I think so or no I wasn't about it, sorry you jerk.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we talked about the last three, but go um.

Speaker 2:

I keep getting these, uh instagram messages from some jewelry place. We think you'd look great with one of our pieces on and, you know, like some, I'm not that cool yeah, for free for my dog. Tate. Son and take was my watch list. That's right, okay, so we were moving on. We just had. I blabbered again um, okay, so we got 150, we got got Zach Mallon, not surprised. Brock Hinnerman, kingston Galecka, colton Kluge Colton Kluge seems a little low there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean that's kind of your whole argument for D2. It is he's only qualified, so it's like it is yeah, I get it.

Speaker 2:

And that's the other thing too is like I'm so used to just being able to fly through these. I'm so used to just being able to fly through these, I think oh, yeah, he came from this. Yeah, so yeah, okay, briar Nagelski Nagelski. Nagelski Sorry. Yeah, it's a different. It's not Nagelski. Yeah, eastern Cameroon. Yeah. Well, that sounds familiar.

Speaker 4:

It was a multiple time you stage yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I want to watch that. Yeah, he's well, he's not my watch list. No but I'm going to watch Sam Schmidt See if he can get one. Okay, this year is a sophomore. This year is a freshman year before yeah. Okay, this year he was a sophomore, this year he was a freshman. The year before, yeah, over 500 on his record, 34 and 13. Yep.

Speaker 4:

Pretty good freshman year.

Speaker 2:

Bring it home, man, just bring home a qualifier. There you go, all right, 157. Colt Weiler no surprise there. Ashton Meister, jordan Yonke, merrick Lasecki let's go. Merrick liam richards, kate paulson, harrison rupel and trevor paulson that is your eight. Um, I mean, I still colton's gonna win that weight yeah sorry guys, I haven't really brought any of that up with it's gonna win I mean most of these probably will change.

Speaker 2:

Actually, you know these are I think mostly what they will be. I think the people you have on top are the people that most likely will win it, unless they go down so far, yeah so far Um my watch list, the one is going to, it's no more young guys again. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

This is all wild Danenberg Sophomores no more young guys again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is all wild danenberg sophomores. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna watch danenberg yeah, he's the youngest one down there, mineral point danenberg, you're on watch list, you're being watched. All right. 165, tyson imhoff, not surprised. Dominic garcia, connor johnson, connor, mentink, mitchell, mc Colton, hagner, jack Owens, colton idiot. Colin Fisher, tyson's going to win that. And watch list Three freshmen at the bottom. What's that?

Speaker 4:

This one has three freshmen at the bottom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's why I'm kind of looking at these Connor Johnson Auburndale I'm going to watch him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and there's a Connor Johnson. That's third rank guy too, so that's kind of fancy yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're still live too.

Speaker 4:

Oh, we are the camera hasn't cut out Good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let me see my battery life. It's not climbing, it's maintaining. Okay, that's scary Maintaining. Okay, all right, so 160,. What did we say? Tyson's going to win it. Yeah. And then Connor Johnson was the one I'm watching. Okay, yep, okay, we're good there. 175 D three Cade rule. You know Cade has done pretty well in the off season so far. Yeah, nash.

Speaker 4:

Banco. Yeah, um, nash banco is going to be close, though I know that's that's a tough one to do as well. That's close. Got the returning stage champ at 65, you know yeah and returning third at 475 175 already he's gonna be.

Speaker 2:

That's gonna be a good one. I think that's gonna be the finals yeah two seniors. That'll be interesting yeah, it'll be good mark that one in your notebooks, folks, because that one's gonna be jackson bussey too, though yep, yep, but I still think banco beats bussy yeah um, I think the bussy carton match would be good yeah this is, I think, this pretty good way, the way you.

Speaker 2:

This will be first, second, third, fourth yeah just like that oh yeah, calling it, calling it someone's someone hold me to it and tell me how dumb I am when it doesn't happen, but I'm calling that first, second, third, fourth, right there, uh, seth greeno's number eight cruise, paula bicky, paula bicky yeah he's number seven caleb mckay mckay, mackie hill.

Speaker 4:

Mackie mckay mckay, we come in and say, hill, mackie teague's making a bunch of notes right now.

Speaker 2:

I'll get it. I'll get it eventually. He's number six. Carter mcdaniel's number five there you go, and I just listed the top four because the top four is the way it's going to be. Watch list I'm going to go with the young guy tony raggett from now on if there's a, if it's a ninth grader on the watch list that's who I'm watching.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, oh yeah, that's pretty impressive. That'll be on the watch list at 175, that is yeah, oh yeah, it is.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can attest that, that's for sure. All right, so now we're on the 190 d3. Carter lewick, he's gonna win it.

Speaker 4:

William becker, trustin ekstein, you could probably swap those two yeah, I want to say that he placed above him at the same night yeah yeah, he got, he got trustin's gonna trustin's gonna beat him this time though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, calling it trust. Trust is my boy, come on trust it x time. All right, uh, trust in number three. Rock nason is uh number four. Bracing kelly number five. Um, that's another one you could put. Mason is number four. Brayson Kelly number five. That's another one you could put up to number four. Brayson Kelly, isaiah Carton. I haven't seen Isaiah wrestle in a while.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's been hurt.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I don't know, I don't know, man, I mean placement, you're just qualifying, I guess. Puts him up there, but I'd almost watch list them. Yeah, sorry, sorry, isaiah, don't tell your mom not to hate me either. Tell your, alex is number seven Read. Is that McCain?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

You're like, the letters on here are all different sizes. I don't know how you arrange your font, but the font is way different in each one.

Speaker 4:

The one that puts it in the other thing at all is the same font, so it doesn't matter. I can put it all wingdings on here.

Speaker 2:

No, wingdings yeah, all right, what do we? Got on the watch list. See, this is where I have to actually go through and like look at these guys, because there's no yeah freshman yeah there's no, um, let's see nolan ananky hit me right away here.

Speaker 2:

Lancaster 43 and 26 yeah, because he's the closest to over 500 and stuff. You're kind of getting inkling of what I'm looking at. That's over 500 on the watch list, um, so yeah, that's what I'm gonna watch. Nolan hanky all right, 215 d3 boys, tyson martin winning it, yeah, wesley egan, and it's not even gonna be close yeah I don't even care that tyson's coming up away class either.

Speaker 4:

He's winning this is where finnamore and coleman coming out, like they always have good big guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just don't have anybody here like elijah sanchez, he might do all right, elijah. Elijah was the bigger one that I think started a little. I believe he started a little later, about the same time as his brother how did he? He's a, he's bigger.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, duh that'd be why he's ranked at 215 I think he should be two though yeah, I know, but he hasn't placed twice I haven't watched him wrestle in a while either yeah um jack steinmeier, number four. Uh, is that mccoy? Yeah I think so yeah okay, ryan mccoy, number five, trenton fry. Number six sawyer swigum.

Speaker 4:

Number seven jabbing lawson jabbing yeah, I think that's like that's his name we be jabbing that's another one. I have bigger, so see what you're saying. That's a cool name, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Jabbing, jab, okay, okay, so I don't have a freshman down here again for watch list. You guys are not.

Speaker 4:

Dylan hood and Wyatt Winslow. Dylan hood looks pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not very many matches.

Speaker 4:

No, that's not, he's only a sophomore.

Speaker 2:

And I guess it is Kenosha St Joseph. I don't know what their schedule looks like.

Speaker 4:

They wrestled. That I mean because Koji lost to. Marmion, but that was a tournament, wasn't it? Yeah? It's not the same. They wrestled at least the same place that Marmion does.

Speaker 2:

You know let's go with Dylan. Why not Young. You know, let's go with dylan. Why not youngest one down there? It's over 500, 285 d3 boys. Okay, zipping through. Uh, bode, bro, bro, cop, there you go. Hot man, it's a sport, I think, like the fireworks, I'd be like yeah, another one I'm.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I yeah grant over him or not, like I think, your battle really is down below here yeah I mean everything's to me is pretty set in place up here. Grant matthews to willie graham three zach hilland. Drone for tayden. Wow yeah, tayden angel.

Speaker 4:

Zach Hillendrone for Taden Wow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, taden, angel Joe Von Lopez, mitchell Boater, matt Arendt what no? Drew Brager. So that's your top eight. Now my watch list is going to be yeah Jackson is the youngest one there there you go oh, he's not over 500 though yeah, he's 22 and 17 17 plus 17 34 oh, you're saying double his yeah when's he be double.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, okay, that'd make him. That'd make him like uh, 0.666 right yeah, or 667 whatever, something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like that. Some I can do it up here, but I for some reason can never spit it out okay, there you go.

Speaker 4:

Uh, now I see where you're looking for. I'm like over 500. What's he talking?

Speaker 2:

about. Yeah, it's weird, I don't know. I get what you're saying yeah double is losses correct yeah, someone's like you're an idiot. I can't believe I was in your show. You shouldn't. Okay, so that was d3. Uh, bode broke. Uh, broke hop. Is he's gonna win it? Yeah, um, I I don't see really too many issues again. A lot, most of these guys have seen wrestle once, but not a lot right yeah, that's it okay.

Speaker 2:

All right, we're gonna go to d2 moving right along, we're on our one, uh. D2 106 colin fray evansville only returning.

Speaker 4:

Oh no, there's two other ones.

Speaker 2:

There's two other ones, yeah so this again, this is one of those situations. This is going to be really interesting. Young group yeah, I got like seven, yeah, freshman right, and even the upper class guys haven't done anything yet, so it'll be. When I say done anything, I mean previous state experience, so please don't get all out of shape. Doesn't mean they suck, doesn't mean they haven't done this, they haven't placed yet. So to me this is pretty accurate, um, especially with the upperclassmen up there up on top.

Speaker 2:

Well, sophomore and junior, I got one senior there uh my, yeah, yeah, my watch list is going to be Austin Peterson. Okay, ellsworth. Yep, that's a good, good little line up there. This would be a good one to watch yeah just to see how that all rolls out. This one would be interesting to pull up, especially with the new division, with the new teams, and see how those kids do those teams do throughout the year. Interesting, I'm sure someone else will be watching that too. What's that? Oh my battery is growing. Oh nice. Okay, we're on forever. Folks, Don't go running away now.

Speaker 4:

You made it this long.

Speaker 2:

So this name I'm not familiar with, but apparently he's good. Shane Roshan. Yeah, I had no idea. Yeah, one one. I think we mentioned his name once last year. Yeah. And the kid was killing it. You know year, yeah, and the kid was killing it.

Speaker 4:

You know, I think a couple losses or whatever over the duels, but he was killing it over there, oh he did really well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he did colton bowling. Landon bogart did well too. Um, parker owens yeah, this is a decent weight class right here. Yeah, these are young guys that I want to say. Obviously they don't. A lot of them don't have credentials yeah as far as previous state experience, but that's because they had guys above them that were pretty good right, so they cleared the room. This is a good pay attention to 113 d2 this year. This is going to be a fun one to watch too yeah this is.

Speaker 2:

This is definitely gonna be fun. It's nice to see that there's actually a freshman that's down on the watch list nice, fenimore carson bassett. That's who I'm watching there you go yeah, this will be a fun one yeah, this was.

Speaker 4:

It's always like you always remember, like the challenging ones yeah obviously one was pretty set in stone and one, two, three, but after that it was pretty, pretty hard to get where they should be, you know yep, it's cool.

Speaker 2:

Rooting on uh, rooting on landon bogart. So we got uh 120 d2 boys lane anderson no surprise there, um, he'll win that yeah, he was really screwed by some horrible seating last year, like he yeah yeah, two-time placers should not be the 11 seed or 10 seed or whatever he was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah I know lane, and that's that was we. We heard a lot about that last year, just kind of. There are a couple kids who got in a couple weird spots. It just shouldn't have been where they were. But he was one of them, but I, I think he's a guarantee to win it this year. Yeah, um, ethan haddie. Good, um good. All upperclassmen up in here, st croix falls, as their Croix Falls has a freshman sitting up in the watch list Lochner, tibbett, ryder, brecker, jarek. That would be a nice one to see. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Brett Spurley.

Speaker 4:

He was just behind all those studs last year.

Speaker 2:

Yep, yep, okay, yeah, the top four and five. Look, I mean yeah those guys. I think that's going to be pretty accurate. Right there maybe a couple swap, but the rest of them are just kind of banging out oh yeah they qualified. So I mean, uh, my, my watch will be the jake swenson st croix falls him. Yep, see what a young guy can do. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we are on a 126. This is a no brainer. Number one is Hawken Peterson. Number two is Blake Andrews. Number three, brady Collins. Number four Weston Ingham. Number five Brady Gessler. Number six Colton Koss. Number seven Hunter Cromery Cromery seven. Hunter Cromery. Number eight Carson Stevens. This is all pretty good here. No one's been hawking, so I'm basically looking at two and three, you know yeah.

Speaker 4:

I don't know why I have.

Speaker 2:

No, you're calling below, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Anders, because he was a qualifier, and then I have him above, a runner-up yeah.

Speaker 2:

I want to swap Brady and Blake Brown. Yeah. There see, look at that. We're making improvements while we're here, guys, colton Koss, always hear that name. Kid's always going to be on the podium, I think. Um, so that's, yeah, that's a good one. The watch list interesting. Riley cummings man, that's a small team yeah walk.

Speaker 2:

Frederick grantsburg. Siren, much luck to you guys. That's why I'm watching you, riley, show me what you can do. Interesting four schools, holy shit balls. That's crazy, I mean, it's so, and my wife comes from a small town, so I get you know, having to pull you know with towns and stuff, and it's crazy to just to think that they're that, those little, they're like we want a wrestling team. Like is it? Was it like eight kids? Yeah, or was it like 20?

Speaker 2:

right or like five kids from here, if you know that kind of thing it's it's interesting. Those would be cool little stories to have on. They should yeah they should check that stuff out. See, and that's the other thing too is like I wonder what kind of if, if anybody came out of that area that ever wrestled, what did they do, you know? Like was there a two-time state champ out of?

Speaker 4:

luck, Not that I know. You know like I've seen some lucky state champs Right.

Speaker 2:

Right, that'd be pretty cool. That'd be pretty cool to see Riley Cummings my watch list. So that's 126. Like I said, hawkins is going to win 126, 132. Max Gonzalez, number one. Landon Ramsey, number two. Number three McAllister Ramage. Will Schmidt, aiden Peters at five. Sawyer Ostrom, number six. Chase Sternard, sorry seven. Logan Meyer at eight. That's pretty good. Right there, I would say yeah, maybe, maybe, schmidt over McAllister, but maybe that's pretty good Watch list. Come on, young guys, this is all old dudes. Yeah, old dudes. You guys, is all old dudes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, old dudes, you guys are all old dudes. I'm just because I like the name and plus he qualified. I'd like to see what Jarvis or poor Carl, yeah, jarvis.

Speaker 4:

I want to see what Jarvis is this senior year. There you go.

Speaker 2:

See what he does. I'm not even looking at the record. He qualified last year.

Speaker 4:

Yeah he does, I'm not even looking at the record he qualified last year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah place this year. Yeah, wants to make. The podium challenge has been put out to you, jarvis. All right, that was uh. 132 at d2, 138 at d2. Peter thomas savick not surprised. University wisconsin commit yeah um, talk about. Talk about that a little bit. Ethan Immel, you know, I know Peter's good. I don't want to say it though Second third yeah, peter beat Ethan. Sorry, john, but Ethan's good, but I don't think he's going to beat Peter.

Speaker 4:

That'll be a good finals match though.

Speaker 2:

It will be a good one, because ethan fights you know, he's a he's a he's a strong wrestler. But okay, um, the other kids here, the uh, william christopher, matt jackal, I'm familiar with him yeah and devin wonky. Um. You know, devin's always been a greco kid yeah you know he's always it.

Speaker 2:

It's good to see him up on the rankings. Hopefully he can um place. And you got hurt last year, right? Yeah, he's always. I think a couple of her shoulder injuries when he was younger. Okay, I'm pretty sure a couple more, but there's always seemed like it was armor. Yeah, you don't use them. Um, I'm just kidding. Uh, let's see, watch this guy. I'm just gonna go for the youngest guy in there, ivan what, what hole yep 41 and 15, he meets the criteria you know, so that's 138.

Speaker 2:

I think that is. I'd like to see it end up like that, the way that it is. Maybe a couple guys from the watch list make their way up yeah but it'd be nice to see devon on the podium. Um, he's got this year. In the next year maybe nice to see him at nmu if he goes to college. Do some graco up there, for sure but uh, get bigger. Devon okay, that's 138, we're going to 144. D2. Colbo zeal not surprised.

Speaker 4:

No, rad key not totally surprised um no, you're gonna be surprised with the five, like he just got big.

Speaker 2:

He did get big, yeah, but jimmy. Jimmy's always able to pull shit out of his back pocket for whenever he needs something in certain matches. Doesn't happen all the time, but man, he's pulled it out quite a few times that I've watched him or coached him. Trey is that another good name. Zemke his dad used to pound the piss out of me when we were kids. That was always fun. Maverick Kosturczyk is fun um maverick because chris kasterzik.

Speaker 4:

It's better.

Speaker 2:

Maverick kasterzik, see how that goes. Lincoln keller is number eight. Um I that that trade jamie, your james racer match will be a good one. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

If that happens like that, mm-hmm, because because of Jimmy getting bigger, I don't know that he's as strong as Trey. Yeah, I don't think, I don't know, I don't stop, cause he, they kind of I don't know, the Trey wrestles a little more, a little more gritty, like he'll punch you wrestles a little more, a little more gritty, like he'll punch you right, like without the racina kind of thing. That's how I mean. But trey's tough like that. You know he's gonna try and beat you.

Speaker 3:

However, he can beat you, beating the piss out of you, yeah that's the scene he wins.

Speaker 2:

What works, works right well, exactly, digging your chin in works. Dig your chin in, yeah, um, that'd be a good match.

Speaker 4:

Trey's empty and james racer yeah, this was a fun one to do yeah, um, jake kramer, you're on the watch list, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Yep, you have no record. Let's see. That's why. That's why I like the freshman record yeah so that's why, if the other ones you got to have above 500, my 500, yeah, all right, so we're gonna go 150. Jake kramer, you're on the watch list for 144, 150. Let's see Owen suffered, not surprised, right? Um, he's that kid's just done. He's a tough kid. Tommy Heiser oh, if I'd have met three you would have met three.

Speaker 4:

Oh, he's a four.

Speaker 2:

Oh I'm sorry, yeah, four, I you would have him at three. No, he's at four.

Speaker 5:

Oh, I'm sorry, yeah, four, I put him up at three, yeah and I know the kids here, I don't.

Speaker 2:

I know door shorts. See, I get it. This heiser family, oh yeah, I don't get it like that part. I don't get like these guys are that's. It's either athleticism or it's just grit, because danny danny is a tough, tough, tough kid and he was one of those. He was one of those I'm gonna be honest with you one of those unassuming kids that you walked up to and saw at the mat.

Speaker 2:

You're like my kids got it yeah and then I saw him wrestle a couple times and like he was in the worst position on the planet and he smashed the kid yeah like what.

Speaker 4:

So I am, but actually I've actually seen tommy russell too yeah he's pretty good, yeah, I know it's like I said it's hard he's, I mean he's got.

Speaker 2:

He's got his he's. He's at number four, he's at number four, so it's got his stripes a little bit sometimes he I had that kid man, I good job. Hyzers, yeah good, you guys are killing it at wrestlers. So we got Trenton, kirkland, connor Friend Mason Hurd, h-i-r-d, not H-U-R-D, it's.

Speaker 4:

H-I-R-D yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, nice, okay. And then Isaac Dannem.

Speaker 4:

No freshman for you. Bryston Scholes huh yeah yeah, this will be a good, good weight if it stays like that I I'm almost thinking it should be owen bryston um yeah brayden, again brayden I'm not, oh yeah either.

Speaker 2:

None of those guys even listen, probably. But brayden, I give you credit. But this heiser family is just. They got something going. Yeah, I got something going, so okay, um, watch list. Oh, we got benny miller down there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, man yeah, 106 qualifier.

Speaker 2:

I'm going, benny, I don't even care, he's not the youngest one. I'm going, benny, benny, get off the watch list. Chip chop, chip. You qualified. Now get up there to number eight or something. Go beat this isaac danham guy, but yeah, I like benny. Benny's a good kid so yeah, I'm benny's my watch list guy. I I think owen beats bryston, but bryston surprised me a couple times last year yeah so I mean he lost to the luxembourg kid?

Speaker 2:

that's no I know, I know, but man he beat some tough guys last year yeah so okay, so that's 150. Uh, benny miller, on notice, get out the watch list 157. Um surprise, surprise right uh heiser going to missouri yeah, going to missouri, um, who's on it? So I I've stared at this name, number two oh, I'm not just to get it right and I and I still have to stare at it again like I don't remember. Uh, so it's seiler.

Speaker 4:

Um, I'm gonna go the the zedanzowitz I think that's close to what I've heard it like zedanzowitz, because I think you have to do the zedan yeah I think that has to happen yeah it's the cz that throws me off, like my track yeah is it my sap?

Speaker 2:

yeah so okay anyways. Uh, hudson, he's been on here um sebesta opelt. Uh what, we 150, that's right 150 145, yeah, okay, so he's growing. Um, yeah, that's all right there. Austin, kuffner, man, I tell you what, austin, you could be a lot higher on that. And on d1, damn it, yeah, damn you, kuffner, okay. Um, so then we got uh trig white, uh cage westman and jacob huff. That's your top eight um watch list. Guys, come on, they're all old dudes, all old dudes, man he says he's with uh with pronunciations.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, there he is. There he is brock up. And then zanchavitz holy cow, I never would have gotten that. Thanks, teague, thanks for being up in the in the chat, um, but I can't, I, so I'm not gonna have the chat. Let me get his rankings pull up. I'll minimize them, yeah, um. Oh, it's not minimized enough. Notice, I do want to see what you're saying, tig. I genuinely do want to see what you're saying. Okay, here we go. I don't need to see me my fat ass on the tv. Um, where were we? Was I doing my watch list on?

Speaker 2:

these okay, yeah because all old dudes, yeah, all seniors and juniors. So let's look at these two juniors. Well, looks like John Faulkner, you win, xavier. This is above 500. Yeah, so yeah, xavier Faulkner, denmark is your regional. You better get the hot and get off the watch list. Dude, all you guys that I'm picking to get off the watch list. Dude, all you guys that I'm picking to get off the watch list. I think you're good enough because your record shows that you are. Yeah so okay. 165 d2. Tristan stelt, fenimore liam just had some fun with them practicing this weekend. Yeah so, a whole throw around, um gaugeless savage there youage not Lozowich.

Speaker 2:

Oh god, I never would have gotten LeSavage on that holy cow. Micah Kukta. Liam's wrestled a couple of these guys Sawyer Daly's up at seven. Griffin Marco at five. Micah's at three. Stephen Kilpacone come on guys with the names hill pakowski I'm just glad you're doing it ah god, bryce lenzendorf, there you go. Yeah, that one was pretty easy. Yeah, pretty machine, um that's, that's a pretty accurate lineup right there no, yeah to me as far as how that's going. That's the savage is. He's good. You know there's no way around it.

Speaker 4:

He's good um, that'll be interesting see him, and still that will be um yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Watch list um murphy there you go murphy, I'm watching you, mr freedom or your dad. So, uh, murphy, you're, you're on notice, you're being watched this year. Get off the watch list, like I'm giving you all you guys that are on my watch list.

Speaker 4:

Watch list, it's my watch list watch list uh, get off the watch list I mean hell, you got a spencer madsen who's already committed to parkside yep as a watch list. I mean hell, you got Spencer Madsen, who's already committed to Parkside Yep as a watch list member. So you can really achieve stuff from the watch list though.

Speaker 2:

You can, you can, man. Come on, murphy, I got your back, dude. Okay, so that was 165. Tristan, tristan's probably going to win it again. Yeah. So he'll be a three time state champ. Hopefully Liam can join and we'll see. Yeah. Um one, 75. Okay, all old dudes again. Okay, that's been swears. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

So probably the surprise of the state tournament last year being in the finals.

Speaker 2:

So I'll say that's, that's um, that'll be a good one. Yeah, I mean maddox going at it. 160, 165, yeah, that'll be interesting. Maddox gobles two. Bryson schmidt is three. Zach roble, uh four. Nathan blaschke, five blaschke, sounds like it was another name, anyways. Uh, vincent cook is six and drake peterson seven. Tray, oh, utelhoven, but is it try or is it tray?

Speaker 4:

I think it's. I'm going to try.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's tray number eight. Um, you know I'm gonna not make any predictions on this one. I mean, a lot of them already have kind of decent backgrounds yeah um, but you only have two placers, so yeah those guys. This, this is gonna be a battle. Battle. Who wants it the most? For sure, um, and I'm gonna watch. No, not jake, he's on the watch list.

Speaker 3:

It's all juniors and seniors down here guys yeah, what's going on um?

Speaker 2:

let's see here let's go with. All right, landon bush. He meets the criteria. You're on the watch. Let's get off it. Yeah, a couple months, get ready. Okay, guys, prep, get things ready and go kill it okay. 190 d2. 190 ben keenbaum sounds about right. Um, he was fifth at 175, looks like. Uh, everybody else below him anyways, didn't? Uh, they're all different weight classes, so, yeah, that looks pretty. That's an accurate one.

Speaker 2:

You know, honestly, it gets a lot easier as you get bigger yeah I mean because a lot of these guys just I'll be honest with you allow them to play football yeah and they're not doing offseason stuff. So the guys are at top are usually the ones doing offseason stuff yeah, for for sure Pretty easy to pick. Oh and Burling, Maybe I'd move him up one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I know Just you know, non-placer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, right, right, right. I totally get that. Got to kick Grits it out.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, he's been working on a lot of stuff, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so watch list, you know. So watch list. Um, you know you gotta go with the young guy and green berlin go kill it in that tiny little town of berlin.

Speaker 4:

It's not tiny, but small enough.

Speaker 2:

We got some friends a couple friends are teachers there um 215, max, matthias. Yeah right, max not winning. Yeah, I know Max is going to win it. Blake Theory is committed to Indiana for football and wrestling does he want to do both? I have no clue.

Speaker 4:

I've only seen him in pictures of football. I'll talk to Angel come on. Blake.

Speaker 2:

Kale Lies Gang. He's the eight-footer right, yeah, nate Grooms, preston Krieger, henry Vander Heiden Come on, henry, get up there man. Jacob Martin Mason Mandarano. You know, jacob Martin Mason Mandarano. You know, with the record that kid has and watching him wrestle a couple times, I can't believe he's eight. What do you do? Yeah there's not a lot of sorry, mason not a lot of stuff behind him either.

Speaker 2:

George Siegmiller. That's who I'm watching on the watch list. He's got the best record down there. There you go. Yeah, all right, yep, okay, so we're going 285. They're on a D1. 285. D2. Hunter Vanderhyde no shocker there Took second last year.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

He'll win this year. Um took second last year. Yeah, he'll win this year. I hope so. He's a good kid too. Those two are fun to watch practice. They're fun I shouldn't say watch practice. They're fun to listen to. At practice they talk so much crap to each other.

Speaker 2:

It's hilarious logan brockman's number two. Jack simmons, number three. Micah butler, number four. Blaine severson, number five. Gunner crowe, number six. Jackson meyer, number seven. Brock bentz, number eight. Um, again, wide open field man. You still got some upperclassmen that just haven't done something yet and changed. Some of them changed yeah so go get it. Definitely no freshman, and uh, definitely not. Yeah, I think you know who I'm picking dalton wolf.

Speaker 4:

No, devon auto.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there you go yep, it's the youngest one, plus it's under 500. Yeah, just just a little bit, just okay. So that was, uh, that was d3. Folks hope you enjoyed my taking all of it because it was useless. Um, all right, we're jumping to d1, all right, all right, 106 now again, this is so I could probably talk quite a bit here.

Speaker 2:

This is probably gonna start bringing up other subjects like the three-point land yeah and how much space you're allowed to be out of bounds with now and what is what is inbounds, you know, because it's starting to get kind of hairy now. And can these, these refs, call it right? Right, you know, and I'm not saying that all refs are bad, but some of the guys in. By the way, liam's going to start reffing this year. He's going to get his certification. I got to get ahold of Scarlet and everybody. I've been telling everybody about this referee roundup. We're seriously doing it, but the dates are hard to get nailed down. Oh yeah, so just be patient, please. Uh, steve is definitely working on getting guys together, so we got to get a date where everybody's around the same time. Um, the the circle on the inside.

Speaker 2:

That's a minor one to me yeah but you and I were talking about a little bit before, so no 10 foot circle, but at the same point, though, too, are they still going to have the lines in there where you put your hands and stuff on. Yeah, they'll still have the lines. Man, I feel bad for the guys who have to center that. Yeah without having that big 10 foot circle in the middle I got to with.

Speaker 4:

She said we make our own or make our own circles, so oh, that's right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there's that one, yeah. And then the other rule is the out of bounds rule. It's gonna be. It changes where it's like your toe, yeah, your toes in, yeah, so be wise. Now my issue with that yeah, okay, is your toe is in. What is what is in is, if your toe is on the line, is it still in on the? Line yeah okay.

Speaker 2:

Once you're out, you're out, though yeah, there isn't like, oh well, you've crossed the plane of the out of bounds line. Yeah, okay, this is gonna be like before. There's gonna be a little thing going up like, once you're out, you're out, though yeah, there isn't like oh well you crossed the plane of the out of bounds line.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, okay, it's just going to be like before. There's going to be a little thing going up Like your foot comes up, you know, lands back down and still going to be good.

Speaker 2:

No special like attachment to that.

Speaker 4:

No, and obviously if you're touching the gym floor, you're out, no matter if you got Okay.

Speaker 2:

Two feet, two feet in, you know? Yep, so, um, so the three-point rule, do you think that's I, I, I don't care one way or the other, so that's kind of how I like laws and all that other shit like, unless it directly affects me, it's three points. Liam is a takedown guy, and then you gotta be you gotta take him down right. He's a tilter right now? Is that gonna change his game much um maybe?

Speaker 2:

yeah maybe in his head, like if he thinks it's beneficial towards him where he's like I want to get off the mat as quick as possible, kind of thing. So I'm just going to do a bing bing.

Speaker 4:

You know just takedowns instead of tilts yeah, but now it's seven points for Right.

Speaker 2:

Two more tilts and he's done.

Speaker 4:

You know I need to be a headlocker is what I just heard like beat the back seven points every time I was ahead of the game.

Speaker 2:

Just because that's how you win all americans, doesn't mean that's how everybody else can win all americans. Um, I don't think I. I wasn't even good at that.

Speaker 4:

I wasn't good at head throws you know you gotta kind of lull them to sleep, you know I was watching, you know I watched some of leo's matches from state and stuff.

Speaker 2:

Like watching his confidence level at state itself was was fun to watch. And then he gets a little apprehensive when he gets on the national stage. It's not like he's like, oh, I can't do it, but like he watching his his, uh, high crotch yeah at state right way different from watching his high crotch right at us open so it's like state.

Speaker 4:

I was like, uh, you know, I was sitting back in the tunnel with him and me and matrick are sitting there going. Man, he's really loose, like is this good? Yeah, we've never seen him that loose, you know, and I was just like hey, last year didn't work when he was really tight.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, let's try this see what happens you know, I said we're growth, yeah well and that's the biggest thing, though, too is like in kind, of watching how some of these kids grow, and liam in particular, obviously, because he's my kid. But the the mental side will always be the side that is going to be your enemy from here on out. Oh yeah, you know, because you do all the training that you're doing with your partners and your coaches and things like that, but at the end of the day, it's like you still have to rely on yourself when you're out there, because you're alone. You know that sport, where you're by yourself, and you have to be able to support yourself. You know you're your own support system, literally while you're wrestling, so to know that you are going to tie up and not support yourself enough to be able to go, I can shoot yeah and you're like well, it didn't work before, probably not gonna work this time.

Speaker 2:

You know like holy, so it's hard you know, and I can attest to that. As far as like with soccer and stuff, I mean, there are teams I went up against, I was like ah, there's no, I'm getting past that guy yeah I got bitched at enough.

Speaker 2:

It's like I ripped the band-aid off and I had to do something, you know, and then I started scoring goals. Your confidence comes back a little bit more. But okay, 106, D1. We did a little rant there. Cam Rugg I know Cam very well. Cam, you know, yeah, Cam could win that weight class right there. His dad's probably saying you know he's going to win it. No, I know he's gonna win it. No, I, I know he's gonna.

Speaker 4:

But there's, he's got some good kids in there still, um, yeah, like the freshman, I don't know, like I don't know if mason moody is actually going to monomany isaac weber is all right, but those guys, I believe, I believe have practiced together before brody lewis that's another one, really small though like 85 who weber. No brody was 85 pound state champ, I think this year.

Speaker 2:

Was he this year? Yeah, he looks like he got bigger, like way bigger. I haven't seen. He was on the dual team a couple of times, was he?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's probably 94 or something, though.

Speaker 2:

I know he just won. I don't know if he won. I thought weber was that small too no, weber was 95, was it at? Least. Okay, um, tegan moore, I, those three freshmen we just mentioned, like don't, those guys are gonna be watch them. Pay attention to those guys. Um, tegan moore. And then anthony strong and jayden torres.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, um yeah, jayden hasn't grown, huh no, they got beal in there now too, at 13, so he can't really grow yeah, yeah, true, I guess.

Speaker 2:

And beal um my, my watch on this one's gonna be hunter. Yeah, yeah, that'll be interesting.

Speaker 4:

I don't know if he'll start the season at six, but I put him on here just yeah, and how do you know, especially with the?

Speaker 2:

I don't know if he'll start the season at six, but I put him on here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, how do you know?

Speaker 2:

Especially with the. You don't know how those guys are going to grow.

Speaker 2:

Each one of those guys is different. Oh yeah, trenton's huge. Yeah, rj looks like he could be Trenton size, but then you got Hunter, who's not even close to looking like that. What's going on, man, so okay, man, so okay. Uh, yeah, he's gonna be my watch list. Yeah, it's easier to watch. Anyways, he's from here. So, um, yeah, that's a good list, though I mean, cam good, win it. Um, brayden hamill is is pretty good, but I think cam beat brayden once, didn't he?

Speaker 4:

um I'm not sure you know he lost the brayden.

Speaker 2:

Brayden lost to the mcquonagall kid at state, I believe oh, okay, okay okay, maybe gonna run into I thought rug wrestled hamill somewhere, though, but I could be wrong.

Speaker 4:

I could be wrong I think all the hamels are all rugs. Losses were to the shaman, the shaman, yeah okay, yeah, and that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

Those guys always it's.

Speaker 2:

They're usually fun matches to watch, but sometimes it sucks like having coached, rug before and knowing you can tell sometimes when some it it's not that he's giving up Right, it's where he see on his face where he's like, damn it, he got me Right, kind of thing, you know. But yeah, that's always with the shaman, those guys, it's always back and forth. So yeah, all right, one 13 D, one will do shaman. Um, yeah, you got Zan Beal. Number two, gavin Walters. Number three, trainer Curtin. Number four, deegan Armagast. Number five Thomas I can't read the font Harali, harali.

Speaker 2:

Okay, gavin C C-A, c-a, number seven. Nolan Mickey Kekona, number eight, and Nathan Henderson, number nine. Antonio Flores, number 10. He's a tough kid, yeah. So you notice obviously that uh zon is number two as a freshman yeah and that's for a reason yeah um, I haven't looked at too many of his, like recent, you know, wins or anything like that.

Speaker 4:

But I just looked at, uh, like his, his youth you know, I know it's not high school and I understand that, but his youth, the results are really good, oh always yeah, yeah, for sure, for sure and obviously he's going to be in a good room, you know I mean you can't, can't, bargain being above, you know, gavin walters and trainer curtains right.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, state placers that you're already ahead of. But again, I think the competition level that zon Beal has seen is just a little, a little higher level.

Speaker 4:

And Gavin was definitely more active this summer than I've seen him. Yeah. Like I haven't seen him on a lot of the freestyle stuff, and I saw him a lot. I think he was on a dual team. Oh, really, yeah, the 16 year dual team.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, all right, so watch list down here. Yeah, not too many. Not too many young guys again. God damn it.

Speaker 4:

Must have heard you, I know right.

Speaker 2:

It's just like. No, we're not doing it. I'm called Cooper Cooper Herzig there you go. I'm pretty sure that's Jim Herzig's kid. Okay, so Jim Herzig wrestled for oshkosh north. Uh, he, if this is his kid if I'm thinking of the right kid, I think it is um, he wrestled I can't remember how many years I jim you can correct me if I'm wrong um, but he was a part of my brother's wrestling team and stuff. Those are the guys that, like I, looked up to, okay.

Speaker 2:

Hey there were a couple of guys that played soccer with Craig, I think in Russell if I remember correctly that's my brother. But Jim was one of those guys that he was always in the room, always working on and I I I can't, I think may have qualified for state, but that was a tough group, like back in the day. When you think of oshkosh north right now, you don't think of state qualifiers right, but they had state qualifiers back then.

Speaker 2:

Rylan schneider's dad, brent schneider okay, he was a, I believe, a state placer. Yeah, he wrestled um in wisconsin here. I can't remember if it was platfield lacrosse. I think it might have been lacrosse, but he wrestled outside. So it's nice starting to see some of these kids, the guys that number a that I grew up with or I was younger than, and now their kids are starting to come up. It's kind of cool. So Cooper Herzig is going to be my watch, this guy. Okay, you know he's going to be a sophomore, 30 and 18. Not bad, yeah, all right. 120 D one Ethan Bast, committed to St st cloud state. Just committed, didn't? Yeah, yeah, yep, then we got andy number two.

Speaker 4:

Um, he bumped up a little bit wait, huh, I mean, this will just be the start yeah, yeah, this is all start. Starting weights is what I. I don't have it ending yeah, slammer on woski, wasn't.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't one ranked a little higher last year at 120 uh, yeah, I mean slam was hurt all year oh, that's it. Yeah, that's right, that's right, okay.

Speaker 4:

So that's why I mean sixth and fourth previously, and I don't know where he would have finished this year, but I think it would have been about where wafke was.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so okay, thiago guardiola yeah owens becker or Owens Owen Becker. I nailed Thiago. Yeah. Probably, Maybe I got a little wrong. And then I say Owens, Like come on man. So Owen Becker, Carson Blahoyak.

Speaker 4:

First Luxembourg kid ranked.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

B1 for a while.

Speaker 2:

That's going to be fun to watch. All that goes for Luxembourg this year. Oh, that goes for luxembourg this year. Good luck guys. Man, I'm telling you you guys see results and matches and things like that, and like you've watched other kids wrestle, these other kids from the school and right, that was d1 and and those individual matches are fine, but they're not tell walls, you know, like it doesn't say that. And I think there are a couple luxembourg parents I talked to. They're like you know it'll be tough, you know, because obviously they graduated some kids, so you're coming in young, but it'll be interesting. It'll be interesting to see. I know there's a lot of confidence in a lot of guys. Nothing wrong with it, love confidence. Just it'll be interesting to see how it rolls out this year. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Because then you got it right there yeah maybe owen up one, but not not wasky, but becker right now, that looks pretty good, I think yeah, giardo, giardola guard, guardiola, guardiola there you go beat becker for yeah okay, yeah, okay, okay, all right. Um, let's see, we got down at the watch list here. There you go. Yeah, we got a freshman, all right. Monomony falls michael delight in delight in you. Yep, michael delight in brown deer. No section.

Speaker 4:

Okay, yes it is zip it he's thinking he's cool, he's from.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna read it how the I want to read it, man okay andy piazza oh gee, that's number two, that's good to see okay, all right, so we're going 126. Drum roll, please, please, liam Knight's on, no surprise there. Lincoln Flader, maximus Hay, aloy Shlump this is all pretty accurate. You know, aiden and Aloyus would be a good match. Yeah. Yeah, and I know Aloyus plays, don't get me wrong. I think that would be a good match. Oh yeah, for sure, this is a pretty accurate list right here as far as the list that you have and the order that it's in yeah, and like that.

Speaker 4:

Obviously max hay finished second and lincoln flater yep, but they had a head-to-head last year and lincoln beat him right.

Speaker 2:

So right I, but the the outcome is still better for Maximus, you know.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, bailey Casey getting a little bit bigger See if he.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's. I was looking at that. That'll be interesting.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean he was 120. I don't know if it was because his brother's at 20, you know. So that's.

Speaker 2:

It could be.

Speaker 4:

Couldn't see so.

Speaker 2:

Nice Okay.

Speaker 4:

So he could be down a little, but I just put them where I, where they have wrestled, you know.

Speaker 2:

Sternweiss at seven, he'll Schaefer at six, patrick scruns at 10. Yeah, jenkins at nine. Okay, all right, my watch list. Kid Nope, freshman again. Oh, let's go ahead and watch Brady. Ask austin aston, holy cow oh, you're in the wrong one? What?

Speaker 4:

you're in the wrong watch list is that, oh, oh, that's the watch list.

Speaker 2:

Oh, disregard, yeah, they don't know. I only said one um, so okay, so down here. Oh, benny hilbert, yeah, yeah oh yeah, that's benny hilbert.

Speaker 4:

I thought you were gonna go yep, benny hilbert for sure him and jenkins had some good matches last year. He could easily be a lot higher.

Speaker 2:

He's strong man, benny hilbert, strong, he's got, I think, the technical side. Just again, I I wish I could get those guys to leave aviators, yeah, really wish I shouldn't even said that fucking name. But um, I that kid, he's got some promise. He's really good, he is really good yeah, for sure um, so much luck to him this year. He's. He's on my watch. Let's get off the watch list, benny. Okay. 132. Carter freeman not surprised carson newbert, it's it's pretty.

Speaker 4:

Is that how you would have that I? I struggled with that one. I know carter's a state champ, don't get me wrong that's pretty accurate.

Speaker 2:

Um so carson took third.

Speaker 4:

I'm looking at micah here yeah, I mean micah's just getting so much bigger too, like it's hard to fourth at 13.

Speaker 2:

I think Newbert could be. I think Newbert's correct there. Yeah, let's see. I don't think Bodding beats Zielinski. Yeah. I don't think so. Right, col du Chateau, number eight. Yeah. Jacob Lutens Okay, he's getting better, he's getting better. Caleb Hill Schaefer that's top 10. Okay, um, I would put Carson number two.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's pretty accurate. It's always a tough kid.

Speaker 2:

I mean he's done so good nationally too. It's hard to. It's hard to put them below.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, these. This is like three for through six low.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, these, this is like three for through six. There was tough to navigate. It's a good kid, good wrestler. Yeah, yeah, that's pretty accurate. Right there, I think. Um watch list the correct one. Um, oh, freshman right here hudson, hudson, henchel, par, beaver dam I hope that's where you're going.

Speaker 4:

That's as best as I could come up with, like I. I said like that's one I tried to find.

Speaker 2:

Yup, that's what I'm watching. Okay, all right, that's a good list. That's a pretty solid, just even like top eight. Oh yeah, that whole top 10 is actually pretty good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, for sure. I mean, Caleb is pretty good.

Speaker 2:

Yup, okay, 138 D, one Um Kellen Wolbert, I don't know.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I didn't have.

Speaker 4:

I didn't have one last year.

Speaker 2:

Oh please, and I'll win, really.

Speaker 4:

So I had to make sure.

Speaker 2:

Oh, look at all that good this year.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's. Only I don't even know if he got really touched and he's got.

Speaker 2:

He keeps getting his ass kicked all the time. He must be something different than me. No, close, yeah, close match, though. Right one at duels, right, uh, I think it was one, but I don't even know. I think it was only because the kid scored, I don't even know if it was close.

Speaker 4:

Okay, maybe that's why I thought it was close, because yeah, he did pretty fucking well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he did. Um. So, cal wolbert, this is 138 d1, he's good. Yeah, he's gonna win it. Trust north, so you might just look at the rest of them, it doesn't matter. Um, yeah, that's right. Tristan North, too, that's good. Um a number, yeah, pay no works. Three Devin leads out for Avery Femm Right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah emmeright um five. Olin newville six, torrent, cool conan. Seven. Matt barley yeah, matt barley. Eight. Sam gearing nine. Uh, nate taylor 10. Uh, that's pretty accurate list. I the only the only one that I might move around again is is uh, olin and torrent yeah might move those guys up one. But yeah, I mean it's pretty accurate this and it's preseason like you said I mean all the shit might change around, but yeah, they might even change weights, right? But um, yeah, I mean that's pretty good for for what that is.

Speaker 4:

Rex elms um, it's probably gonna be the one that I watch, okay, um even though there's a freshman, I know but you know I've seen rex around for a while, so I'd like to see him get a little out of late last year too. Kind of got his feet wet at the right time but just couldn't punch his ticket you know what you're right, I'm gonna pick a freshman mason bollinger.

Speaker 2:

I said I was gonna do it.

Speaker 4:

I might as well do it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's in there, he's fresh yeah, he's good, yeah, so we'll watch that one, okay? 144 d1 this was hard to do too um top three or have no, no one and eddie have wrestled each other, have they?

Speaker 4:

I couldn't find it unless it was like two or three years ago did you check flow?

Speaker 2:

you go on flow and look their names up. I thought they wrestled at an AWA thing, Okay, not, not just strictly, I can't remember. I thought, they wrestled each other.

Speaker 4:

They definitely should have. If they haven't, yeah, and then I'll burn it in Like it's tough.

Speaker 2:

How you got it? You got to work above Colin huh. Yeah. I don't know if I'd have done that.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Sorry, cade, but I think Colin's above on that one. I think Nolan could be Colin, but I think Colin still wins that. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, nolan, your game's ride too, but it's just looking at no and just like thinking how these kids wrestle. Like I've watched a lot of these kids wrestle. It's kind of and I know I know like you just think. I think of how colin can turn it up and like watching nolan when other kids have turned it up on him, just kind of how he reacts and so I play these matches in my head, oh yeah, um, like, obviously I've seen a lot of skeeva too, so yeah, yeah, right, right and schroeder it's, and I've only seen a couple mcdowell's, you know.

Speaker 2:

So it's like nolan and eddie wrestled. Nolan hasn't lost to him, except greco oh well, there you go yeah, sorry, see, I was looking at that. I was like I don't know if Eddie's beaten Nolan before. I don't think that's happened. Yeah. So I would switch Colin and Kate around. Blakely Blakely's good at five, I think Blakely is strong, but I think I think a lot of these guys just move a little quicker. Guys, this one is difficult. Yeah. Deacon Trotzer.

Speaker 4:

Landon Shepard, this one is difficult. Yeah, you can trots her. Landon shepherd tell you what that sectional b is going to be a bear to get out of for that weight, if they all stay there.

Speaker 2:

I would put nolan nolan above nolan own above landon shepherd yeah, yeah huh, interesting. Yeah, the aidan armagas, that's seven. I mean it's, it's fairly, I there's.

Speaker 4:

I would switch this whole thing around yeah, oh yeah it's hard this whole fucking thing around dude there's probably like seven different ways I've had it yeah, yeah, it will.

Speaker 2:

We sit down maybe with some alcohol, with this one? Okay, throw some stuff around, because that this one's, it's, it's, it's a scratcher, because I could see certain things happening, but obviously no, ted said that nolan's always won. So yeah, um, but okay, all right, um, let's see watch list. Uh, there's my freshman gage. Gross, there, you go. Never get two. They're never making me battle for something here. You know to try to figure it out.

Speaker 4:

Might be one coming up, I don't know one. Well, we'll see 150 here.

Speaker 2:

I already know who's number one yeah, decl. Number two Eli Rabideau. Number three Luke Kamish. Number four Cameron Finch. Number five Jaden Yolk. Number six Adam Whittier. Number seven JD Minder-Brockert. Number eight Evan Fahey. Number nine Gabriel Metzler. Number 10, christian Bass. I think Declan wins it, but I haven't seen him win a lot of championships and a lot of stuff. Right. So it's hard to say if he actually wins that or not.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, this is kind of set up like this is not a bracket.

Speaker 2:

If it were to happen as a bracket, that Declan gets blown away by anybody. No, no. But I'm just saying the kid, I don't know if it's a, if it's a, if it's a fear thing, or if he winds up choking. I don't. We've never he's won something recently. I can't remember what it was, I think it was awa something okay, down in nebraska but, yeah, I just have not seen him win a ton, so it's hard to say he's a sure mock you know for sure.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, I mean that's accurate as far as who he is and what he's done. So it's, I definitely put him in number one. But eli rabideau, I don't know how big. What does he walk around at? Usually who eli do?

Speaker 4:

you know that'd be pretty big because he's been a. He always cuts down to that weight.

Speaker 2:

That's the struggle that Declan has had and Jacob has had. It's the size. Yeah. It's not that these guys don't weigh that much, it's that the other guys weigh more. Right. And they're cutting more and they're used to the weight size and these guys are struggling with weight. You can see in some of the guys they wrestle sometimes it you can see in some of the guys they wrestle sometimes in. It's not technicality, they're technically sound.

Speaker 2:

yeah, it's not speed, they're just overpowered yeah because I I think it was one match, I think I watched jacob at the duels and he was wrestling well against the kid but you could tell the way he wanted to move the kid, the way that he was trying to move him. He wasn't able to. The kid was bigger. You tell he was coming down and it's just like man and that stuff is only super noticeable. I think now you wouldn't be able. You could see a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you know that one kid, he's an eighth grade, he's chunkier, you know yeah these guys are strong, though you know, they're not just trying to move a guy, they're trying to move a dude, right, you know so. But yeah, this looks fairly accurate. Um, my watch list. I got two of them.

Speaker 4:

No, the one that's 10th.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right, I learned how to read. Well, just the one. Josiah Beltran, dc Everest. Yeah, get off the watch list. You got time. Like I said, train, get ready, prep yourself. 157. We got Jacob Herm Committed to University of South Dakota. Below him is called doomer peyton lee, number three. Um, you think peyton loses the coal didn't they wrestle?

Speaker 4:

and uh did they, they wrestled at that. Uh, uh, duels, we go to that, the manly duels oh, I don't remember. I think they did see again forgetting shit okay, pretty sure it was like five to one. Okay, the same place that sullivan got beat by payton, payton had a good good okay okay again brain.

Speaker 2:

I'm pretty sure I'm not 100 positive brain escapes a lot, yeah, these days so, or lets a lot escape. But so, sully ramos four. Sam zanton five. Jacob kidder six, you know, damn it, jacob, another good kid, yeah. Ben lauer seven. Jonathan crager eight. Carson kemp nine uh, demacio, true, true, julio. I don't know how to transition the J in Spanish, like that. Trujillo, is it Okay? Trujillo, I don't know, I don't know. Racine, st Catharines yeah, so that's a good lineup. I think there's two of them I'd change, but that's it. Right.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty solid. My watch list Jack Clearmand. Okay, I know there's a younger guy, but I'm going to watch Clearman, so I'm, I'm hoping, somewhere along like cause. This kid used to be like on fire when he was younger. Oh yeah, and I'm hoping, yeah, I'm hoping somewhere online he can like even out, you know, this year, next year, whatever, but I want to see him at least fucking qualify for state. Yeah, pardon my French, but we swear all the time on here.

Speaker 4:

No, we fucking don't.

Speaker 2:

I tell everybody that too, we swear on here. This is part of it, it's part of the gig. That's a pretty decent lineup. I mean you got a lot of upperclassmen. This is another one. That's just not a lot of freshmen. You got a lot of experience behind you, but jacob will probably wind up winning that one too if he stays at 157.

Speaker 4:

uh, because number 165 d1, number one, is liam crook, that's 90 and six it's the only one to be one in this one, and the woman's, so that's pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty cool that's a big accomplishment um obviously it's just a joke oh if he can stay healthy, exactly, ted, exactly, if he can stay healthy, I'd really like to see jack kill it. Just get to state, dude, I think. Once you get there, I think you kind of knock the dust off a little bit, right, yeah, hopefully, but well, yep, yeah, I know, ted, you're talking about clearman. Yep, all right. So we got crooked. One, katie, two, cole reed, three, rylan schneider, four, isaiah guerrero, yeah, whatever, um. Eli meyer, six, kade boyd, seven, mason tritts, eight, graydon roadie, uh, uh, nine. And Blake Bankston, okay, some new faces. These are all seniors, almost. Yeah, oh, my God, was this young guy down here? Eli Meyer on, horrible, they took a, he took a. Eli um. Leonard Leonard spot.

Speaker 2:

Cause these are the ones that we find out. All right, I mean that's to me, it's fairly accurate. I mean it could be a fun match between Liam and Caleb, but I mean I'm Liam's dad, so I'm pretty much a salient is going to be Katie, Right? Um, judging by results so far it should be, so far um liam will get his hundred wins this year. Yeah, that's kind of fun I have to get that sign made yeah pretty big.

Speaker 4:

How many people do it anymore?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah teague, you're getting the hundred win notification this year, by the way. Um, so, yeah, this looks pretty good. I mean the rylan schneider, and maybe I put rylan above cole, but you know, I don't know. Yeah, what do you do there again pre-season? But I think rylan is is the number three guy in my eyes. Yeah, um, liam beat isaiah. I mean, what did he place, was it?

Speaker 4:

he placed. Oh, he didn't place. Nice qualified elf three years. Okay, he's a long, lanky kid though, oh dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's got to be six, six yeah six, seven somewhere around there, because liam was soon, as liam was wrestling like great.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, here we go liam's like five, six yeah this guy's got a foot on liam, all right.

Speaker 2:

So watch list for 165. Um, yeah, a little cole. Bart line, we'll watch a little cole, I know. I know he gets a little upset with liam sometimes, but you know, that's just the way it is. Yeah, hey, I'm gonna forewarn people right now about liam. Okay, he's a lot like me there's, he's a very competitive kid. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Extremely competitive, like, if you're right, he will race to take socks off. If he loses, he'll get mad. Okay, he is extremely competitive. Yeah. If he doesn't have that competitive edge, he wouldn't be where he is right, right and he wouldn't be doing things that he does. So when things have been proven to him, he doesn't stop doing them right.

Speaker 2:

so when the, when the results are there, he keeps doing it yeah right, and some people get upset with the things that he does, and not everybody and this is I don't want to do this as a comparison but not everybody liked every single person. That was the best sports person on the planet, right? Every one of michael jordan's teammates hated him, hated him yeah you know, maybe a couple are like he's a decent guy, he has ways, he did it for a reason, but it was like he was an asshole yeah, except for that security guard that guy with that sweet hair, dude that like helmet, yeah, yeah like making him pay for a thousand dollars a roll

Speaker 2:

nothing to you, right? No, no, nothing, nothing at all. But not everyone's gonna get along with liam, you know, and that's the way that it is, because he does not. The other thing I think that liam's big on is like respect. So if he feels like he's should have earned the respect rate and he's not trying to tell someone, but like when something happens and he doesn't, he feels disrespected and it's been like he's like hey, man, I've done this right you know I've done this and I've done this for you too, right, and they're like man shut up.

Speaker 2:

He's like all right, cool that's when he gets the stink eye and he gets pissy and he's not happy with people, right, but he's an upbeat kid otherwise like he just likes having fun and when he's competing, dude, just stay out of the way. Not nice? Yeah, it's not nice. All right, uh, 175, of course, caleb denny committed to the university of wisconsin hopefully coach readers listen and, um, uh, that was a good grab. He's gonna play football too. It looks like is he?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I was wearing the helmet okay and I'm pretty sure, sure Liam had talked to him and said he plans on playing football there. Oh, cool, good grab, good grab by Wisconsin. It's nice to see those guys. Actually, that's something else I want to kind of touch on. Yeah, it was those guys you know grabbing on number one to Tony. That was a good coaching grab. That'd be great that he stays, yeah, and has longevity here. Um, I think that will definitely help the recruiting a little bit more. Um, I I feel this is my opinion I feel that tony is there to get a foot up to start coaching. I don't think he's gonna be here very long yeah I don't know what his contract's for.

Speaker 2:

This is just me spitballing, but it's a good way for me. I mean, what better way to start out? Yeah, big 10 school. You know right, you know pretty, pretty decent big 10 school on top of that um wrestling.

Speaker 2:

Obviously we're struggling yeah um, I think with the coaching staff and I think maybe some changes could be made. I've made comments. I've always been a reader fan, you know I'm. My interactions with bono have been limited, but they've been there enough where I you know you can if. If you're a person that can judge character, you're a person and I can it just feels and just seems different. Yeah right, no, could there be a change in the air? Talk to tell a little bit. You know about some stuff. As far as you know, things are getting better. Great, I hope they do it, because it looks like starbuckers in the rtc room now a lot. So that's a good change, okay, um, I, I really do hope the guys are able to put something together. You know it's.

Speaker 2:

It would be great to have the state. I mean because you look at the names that have come through the state in the past. I mean we're talking dave schultz, mark schultz, all those guys mark's a little different now, but you know the way that things have transpired. It's like the. The state slowly went down, you know, and now we're high school wise starting to come up. Hopefully let's go Badgers, you know, let's pick up on some of that momentum. And they got. Caleb was a good grab um and watching him wrestling you know Liam wrestling last year and that state.

Speaker 2:

But it's one of those things where, hopefully, hopefully, hopefully they're made, because I can hear it from everybody on the left. It doesn't matter what side. They can tell me it's because of this, it's because of this. We just need a good team. I don't care what Bono does anymore. I think I made it pretty evident that kids weren't wanting to live, live up to the expectations of. You know, my coach is gonna make me run 5 000 miles. Yeah, well, I, but hopefully they don't, because you're not trained to be in track. You're trained to be in wrestling, right so, but the, the image that was being portrayed before in my eyes was that if I were an 18 year old, that's the last fucking room I'd want to walk into right you're like holy shit I'm.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I want to practice, I want to practice hard. I don't know if I want to be rucksack practicing, you know yeah like that kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

So hopefully and I you don't see a lot of it I see a little bit of a shift in kind of things that they do and how they are, a little bit. But as far as just the social media presence is what I'm kind of getting at, but you know just the way that they're portraying themselves and I think I've always, like I said, I've always been a reader fan. Yeah, he's always been nice. There's never been a bad interaction or any bad thing I've ever heard about reader at all. Um, but it'll be, it'll be good to see those guys. Uh, bring someone on that that can make a difference. So good, grab on. Caleb denny, yeah. Eli leonard, number two at 175. Elijah terrell, number four. Dawson climber, at three I'm jumping all over people, um. Caleb peckrell at five.

Speaker 2:

Brady stammer all these guys moved up a weight yeah jackson, villarreal seven, landon grow eight, ray pember nine and colin degru 10 wow colin up at 175 we'll see.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I don't know, he can't fit in anywhere else. He has to. He's got to pull the brady springers and gain 30 pounds some muscle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, that's an interesting one. This weight class is weird yeah huh, I don't know that. Elijah tarrell before. I think I feel he should be three. Yeah, but that's feeling they both qualified. One was lighter than the other way. Maybe elijah can't handle the weight yet, but I've just seen more dawson, yeah, yeah, and that's legit. It's just one of those things where it's like just ability wise yeah but um watch list.

Speaker 2:

Uh, for these guys. What do we got here? What's the 10th grader doing? Nico dc everest? Yeah, yeah, he's the youngest under 500 yeah meets it. Okay, all right, all right. 190. Let's see Owen, griesbach, owen. So Is that Soberg? I think he's Soberberg, you put the J in there on that one. I think so Really.

Speaker 4:

I'm not sure. I'm not the guy to ask. You know who it is. You're the only one.

Speaker 2:

I got here to ask, so I'm not going to text you all the time.

Speaker 4:

Okay, come on, help a guy out. I'm going to go with.

Speaker 2:

Soberg Yep, okay, kyler.

Speaker 4:

Tritts, I didn't know him and Brady, he lost to Kyler, lost to the Hortonville kid, Needham at State oh did he. Yeah, okay, he was getting beat. He was beating them 11-6 and got pinned.

Speaker 2:

Okay, kind of melted. Quentin Ortega, fondalak, guy fraley, guy's a good guy yeah um, you know I'd put guy above quentin or tagging. Yeah, I don't know you're going off over there. Yeah, I know, jacob momper, jayden, do the leo okay the, the arrows in the way yeah um colton schultz the colton schultz no, he's not cutting he's not cutting 95 pounds, so that's a decent lineup.

Speaker 2:

yeah, uh, is everyone's qualified? You got a couple of placers, so that's pretty accurate. Yeah, um, let's see. Watch list is freshmen Elias Reed. Yeah. Yep, I think it could be one 75.

Speaker 4:

I'm not sure, but we'll find out.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, find out again. People, these are all preseason. Yeah, everything's based off of just what we think could happen or he thinks could happen. Not not me, he, that guy um, gary kaczynski, number one at 215 and d1.

Speaker 4:

You're blowing up people telling you your crap's wrong. No, I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

There, I'm not reading it jackson, johnson, lincoln, mccarty, I mean everybody's qualified, no one placed. So looks like everybody's got something to really fight for this year. A couple guys coming up yeah from lower weight classes, if they actually do yeah okay, um, I'm gonna watch luke yeah luke, uh, so liam wrestled with luke.

Speaker 2:

He said his strength has gotten a lot better. Yeah, um, really strong. And then he said that because he's been doing, uh, luke dragrick does um strength and conditioning with jacob roshka. Okay, from wrs, yeah, so I know that he's been working on that. So it's good to hear that he's getting better. So he's definitely on my watch list. Get off the watch list. Look, if there's anybody I know who can't you get off the watch list. Um, so, heavyweight d1 nehemiah, linda beja, as I say it, linda b, linda b, damn it. And then partner, I don't even need to lend it. Why don't they say that it's on there? It's so weird. Okay, in gulky um, nathaniel langston is three. William mccorrison is four. Corbin smith five. Jackson lenzendorf six. Thomas medley seven. Alex warden eight tanner, is that gromminson, gromminson, gromminson, your font dude? Gotta get these bigger. I can't read it.

Speaker 2:

I'm putting wingdings next time done and then, uh, tristan, oh man, okay, all right, no freshman there no whoo a lot of beef as the only seniors to pick from in this one. No wait, you got one junior down there one junior all right and he's below 500 declan there you go declan. Nason. Nason, you're being watched, we're seeing case so it's pretty accurate. There's obviously that one weight class. You should probably go back and probably swap some stuff around. What?

Speaker 4:

was that 44?

Speaker 2:

before ted keeps texting me about it because I like. When I saw nolan at number two, I was like, should he be? Yeah, but not anymore.

Speaker 4:

Now but I just put him number one at 150. So I just want to see him and Declan go at it one more time.

Speaker 2:

So a couple of the new rules. Right, we talked about the points, we talked about the inbounds. What were some other ones? Near fall.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's four-point near fall, three-point near fall and two-point near fall.

Speaker 2:

I think sometimes people put a little too much thought into this right, so it's near fall, okay. So what did we have before? You had to. You had to get a two count to get two. Right now, it's one point if you get one no, it's just two okay, so you still gotta get two. Okay, so you two count, you get two, then you get three for three count, four for four, four count.

Speaker 4:

No, just four.

Speaker 2:

Just four, yep, no five for a five count. So what do you? As a coach, I mean because obviously you have to put scenarios together in your head, right To you. What is the difference between? What's the difference maker between having those added near fall points to not having them? How does it how?

Speaker 4:

first, let's bad. Yeah, what's the bad thing about it? I mean, individually it's not anything really. I mean it's just going to change dual meets more than more than anything like, because I mean, yeah, I mean I I haven't done it yet. I'm going to go through some, some of the duels that team state and see if they're be changed, but obviously I'm not going to know if they're a four count yeah, yeah you know, because you would only get two if it's a four count back then.

Speaker 4:

So that could change a lot of things too. But uh, yeah, I was gonna go through and just see if there'd be anything that changed, because that I mean that prairie duchene, uh, st croix falls would have it was one point match. Yeah, I mean, definitely could have changed that outcome. You know, I don't know what it's going to actually do. I mean, I don't know what they're trying to do with.

Speaker 2:

Yeah the near fall. I didn't understand the impact, the points I understood. But, like, even with, like, college wrestling, I because I don't, I don't break it down enough like that to like think of and I don't you're going to go back and look at a match. Maybe it could have made a difference, right, but that's a duel. But, like, to me it just seems like it's a regular match, just individual stuff. It's like all right, you're just adding another point to it right, I don't think it's much.

Speaker 2:

I mean you can say it's more work or whatever for the wrestler on the mat, because now he's doesn't have to hold him for an extra second to get one more point or something. But I'm excited for the three points yeah like that's. That's kind of where I'm really excited to see could be, because it changed the landscape and how we watch ncaas right, and how those guys wrestle. I mean, guys aren't worried about trying to get turns anymore right you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Like, guys are just like, okay, fine, take this guy down. I'm just gonna take him down and be done with it, right? Um, guys that like to turn or get you know back points, we're doing that, but you notice a lot of guys just doing the takedowns. Do you feel that that's more dynamic, having guys working takedowns, instead of trying to work top and and get?

Speaker 4:

turns. Yeah, I mean usually when the guy is far superior, they're gonna be takedowns anyway most of the time. Right, that's what you see most. Any like it's take him down, let him go. It's not really like liam, like liam's a turn. Guy know not that he can't take down somebody a lot, but that's the way he prefers to.

Speaker 2:

He would rather. Well now, with the points, I mean, you know, he'd rather zero, you know than give you 10 points.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

And honestly, you're only adding more points. So obviously matches can be over sooner. Yeah. Right. So maybe you know, maybe benefit the parents where matches get over with quicker and you know things get a lot quicker.

Speaker 4:

That's another thing Like I, I have a feeling that when college was doing it, they were doing it for the television aspect, like to make it more appealing for television. Sure, and we're in high school, we're trying to like, trying to like make these guys better well, we're not trying to decrease their mat time, so I don't really understand with that.

Speaker 2:

With that being said, yeah, the the side of it that you're talking about, with trying to make it more marketable, yeah, so with to my point, how you score more points quicker right now, your matches are getting done sooner. Maybe people are. Do they think people are getting bored watching wrestling?

Speaker 4:

that's wrong.

Speaker 2:

You know you're adding force to the board quicker and people get in and out of the door quicker and your tournaments last a little less time. You know, maybe it's a good thing, as in the in the eyes of a parent, like right, let's say, I still have a 10 year old hell yeah I want to turn it over sooner yeah, it's hell, yeah, it's just gonna make.

Speaker 4:

It's just gonna be like the nba of uh, like wrestling, though to me, because now people are just going to be stalling at the end, because they can, yeah, one more time yeah, I mean, before you got to take down an escape, you could only give up two.

Speaker 4:

Now you can give up three, yeah, and then be tied, still tied, you know? So, yeah, so it's like it's gonna, it's gonna put it in the ref's hands, and that's not all always what you want to do well, that was the other question that I kind of had with the whole out of bounds thing, like yeah, what's it?

Speaker 2:

what's this interpretation going to be right, you know, once we get into the real matches, especially close ones? Yeah, you know we don't do a lot of review as far as um video yeah, they asked the assistant. That's it, yeah you know, so are we going to start implementing more video?

Speaker 4:

on that side.

Speaker 2:

And I'm not saying video for everybody to watch but video for at least the officials to be able to go back and see hey, they're challenging this. We got to watch this.

Speaker 4:

I mean, if you're making it like college, make it like college you got to yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right. I mean because you're going to have so many matches that are going to be at these tournaments you know coming up, or even you know, like state that I mean these kids are going to push the limits, they're going to have all these close calls. You gotta have a way to go back to state tournament. Um, do they have a way to review?

Speaker 4:

like there's no video review. There's no video review okay I didn't know if they already did that it was just kind of done okay no, I wish I've been a couple times yeah we would like to have it and there's a couple times we would have liked it to not be there, you know so when you challenge something, though, what are they doing? They just discussing it yeah, when we go out and ask yeah, yeah, I mean where's asking? Basically ask your assistant ref and make sure he saw it the same way.

Speaker 2:

That's what he's there for as long as they concur, or whatever, that's the decision that's made yeah, I mean most of the time. Yeah, you're not going to change their mind at the table so do you think they would have to add a video review then to be able to hold some of these rules up?

Speaker 4:

yeah, I don't think so. I mean it's still going to be the same as what it was. You know it's going to be. I mean there's a reason. They're. I mean they're high school refs.

Speaker 2:

I mean they're not no right yeah, but at the same point, though, too if you're calling, if you're saying a toe is inbounds and your interpretation is the one that wins or loses the match. And at some point, you've got to be able to call something back.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but I think this makes it easier on the refs. Now they don't have to watch one toe. I suppose you know they don't have to watch both. Yeah, good point.

Speaker 2:

Good point, good point. There's only so much. Have to watch right, um, you don't have to worry about where the other one is going to come down it. It was already out. Who cares so? Tech fall 10 foot circle referees timeout signal. They change that. What's that? The signal which is used in many other sports is both hands, fingers pointing inward to the referee's chest.

Speaker 4:

Okay, yeah, that's the new signal I think, just so you know, I don't know what I do is he having a heart attack so talk?

Speaker 2:

what about some of the commitments? Oh uh, that we. I mean we touched on a few of them in the rankings are you talking about from the previous? Seniors. Yeah, okay, yeah previous seniors didn't you get a couple new ones?

Speaker 4:

yeah, I got a couple new ones.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I have 117 total on the website yeah yeah more than how many new ones did you wind up having?

Speaker 4:

I just added uh, garth martell, uh to oshkosh, to wisconsin oshkosh oh okay, you know, good old slosh kosh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, grew up four blocks from that guy. That was a good time and then I had torn. Bandenbush is going to milwaukee school of engineering oh, yep, msoe okay and jacob committed trying to think of the other new ones that were out there the juniors, like flater, just uh committed to parkside too yeah, hey, do you know? Do you know about signing dates? Because what do you mean signing dates? Well, someone just signed, like a school just posted that these guys just signed Like juniors.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you can't sign, you can commit. You can commit any time you want after, yeah yeah yeah.

Speaker 2:

So when you can't sign until the end of your junior year, it's like the beginning of your junior year.

Speaker 4:

Not beginning.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, it's the beginning of your senior year the beginning of your junior year.

Speaker 4:

No, not beginning, I'm sorry. It's the beginning, I think it's okay is when you actually sign. Is is in november. You sign your letter of intent of your junior year.

Speaker 2:

No, your senior oh, okay, because I when did, when did, pd sign, was that? November okay I'm trying to remember all these dates and all the things during during the school season. Yeah, so yeah I've had construction going in my house like I might, and then plus the memory loss that I had before, then you had all this on top of it I haven't done anything. I mean, I forgot to plug my computer in. For christ sakes, let's just, let's put it that way we had 23 d1 signings for this senior class this year yeah, uh, connor o'donnell went to brown brown that's the one.

Speaker 2:

That's the school that just posted signed okay, I don't know, stone palm roy where stone palm yeah, we're going to kent state.

Speaker 4:

Oh nice, okay. And lucas peters, indiana, yep cole and connor, both penn state, yep tyson peach, south dakota state brayden casey uh Millard Dawson Johnson, coy Hopkey, silas Daly and Wyatt Dushado.

Speaker 2:

All Minnesota, it's a whole Minnesota team, right there, yeah, okay, they got a nice haul. Yeah, they do.

Speaker 4:

And then Missouri got Sinclair and Stoffel. So those two studs, you know that'll be interesting to see how they do at the next level. Yeah, that'll be interesting to see how they do at the next level.

Speaker 2:

That'll be interesting. What do you think? Wait, what weight do you think Sinclair's going to wrestle at?

Speaker 4:

I would think he has to go 97.

Speaker 2:

Does he?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, why? Just I mean, he weighs 90.

Speaker 2:

Who cares what he weighs? What's on the roster?

Speaker 4:

I mean just because he weighs go down you think so? I think so. I mean now that uh whiting's gone opens up 84. I think he's gonna go down I mean I think the 90s are too big man I mean he's too short to be 97 too so here here's me as a thinking, as an athlete okay so with the way aiden was built, he's a strong kid, don't get wrong.

Speaker 2:

But he had still I think he still had a lot of milk fat on him. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, so he's a bigger kid that way still strong could still handle he's a little bit. He's a little taller than me, like six, three right aiden yeah, I don't know, I don't think he was that much.

Speaker 2:

Oh, his dad yeah, uh, good question I've only run into his dad once or twice. He's maybe a little taller than me. I thought he was I thought he was, but aiden can definitely crank down. Yeah, and I I think that might be what is gonna happen.

Speaker 4:

I mean that makes sense. I mean he's short for a 97, I know that correct, um, so that'll be interesting.

Speaker 2:

It'll be fun to see what he does. Do you think you're a red shirt?

Speaker 4:

probably I think so yeah, I mean just because they were. I mean, unless they less the whiting, you know it's just gonna make them get right in there you know, what's funny is all this recruiting that's going on.

Speaker 2:

I have asked every single coach about caps, team caps. I'm hearing rumors about the cap being 25 per team for wrestling Full roster is 25. Yeah, but every coach tells me 30, 35. Now I'm seeing other comments in other forums and other places saying that the college rosters are going to drop down to below 30.

Speaker 4:

Are you saying that's how many scholarship athletes you can have? Correct, and they can scholarship.

Speaker 2:

All of them Full right, all of them Full rights, most of them the programs they can afford to.

Speaker 4:

I mean right now they're allowed to. Before it was 9.9 yeah, not anymore.

Speaker 2:

And so, though and again, I may not have all the details correct, but this is kind of the path that college wrestling is possibly going to be- going.

Speaker 4:

That's what that whole lawsuit was about correct cap at 25.

Speaker 2:

You can. You can scholarship, I believe every athlete if you can afford, yeah, whatever. I don't know how the money situation works with colleges, I'm not even trying to figure it out right now, but as far as that that portion goes, they can. Then, um, they do that every single year. So now that makes it harder in the transfer portal. Okay, because if there's, they don't have the room and you're at a school you don't like. You're at a school you don't like right.

Speaker 4:

Is that what they're trying to do? Squelch the?

Speaker 2:

I think so the portal, because I think, I think, I think nil made that a little, a little too wild west oh yeah you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

yeah, but so now, the difference is, though, that some of these, some of these colleges because these people are, um, uh, donors right, and in rtcs, they can donate, and it goes to the athletes I don't think they know exactly who it goes to. They donate money, and then it just gets dispersed, so now that will go away. Where you don't necessarily pay an athlete and an RTC. Now it's going to be given to the schools, so they can give as much money as they want to the school, and I think they can say what program it goes to. So people love to get. I mean, they want to donate school, and I think they can say what. I think they can say what program it goes to right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so people love to. I mean, they want to donate to these programs or rtcs, and most of the donors that do it plan on it anyways. Yeah, but now they give money. Who doesn't? You give money to a university? Get your name on a bench right, you'll get that. You give your money to an rtc right, you know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you win a golf cart or some golf clubs or some beer, you know that kind of shit, which all fun, it's still fun. But so that's that. Those are some of the things that are going to be changing, and then there could be more changes before Liam even gets to college. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I it's a little disheartening when you ask if it's going to be, if the cap's going to be dropping to 25, and all of them tell you no, yeah, I understand you gotta sell certain things, that you gotta do certain things, but at least just know that it's in the air. Yeah, know that there's not, don't just say, nope, it's gonna be 35, 30, 30, 35. Don't be so sure about that. Right, like I know, even the people that I'm talking to that are telling me this are like this is projected. It's not for sure, yeah, but this is projected, so I can understand where. Why would you tell a kid then if it's not for sure? But this is projected, so I can understand where. Why would you tell a kid then if it's not going to happen?

Speaker 4:

Why tell him?

Speaker 2:

but at least keep them prepared.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, how do you know you can? You can correct those.

Speaker 2:

But that. So then the NIL that does make that up, that's still allowed you know, is it going to necessarily change every single thing? No, but it's going to make leaving a lot harder.

Speaker 3:

It's going to block things off, but um, we got ian smith.

Speaker 4:

Uh yeah, we're seeing northern illinois. Grant stromberg is probably one you were thinking of just signed yep northern iowa yes, yes zander uh, quick, cool, conan koi conan.

Speaker 2:

Uh, he's going to pin oh nice, oh that I did see that.

Speaker 4:

That's a good one wow, easton cooper's t's Tennessee, chattanooga, yep, then David Mallon. Is it? Mallon. Yeah. Mallon Malum, whatever Mallon Elliot, biba, yep Reeds Burley, wyatt Ingram and Wyatt Skiba are all going to Wisconsin.

Speaker 2:

Nice. So I think some people are going to get tied up in the hole and I hate to say the comment, but people are going to say it anyways. Well, they're not. They're not getting all the you know, the top 10 guys, you know in the country from Wisconsin. Right at some point you got to draw a line and be like, okay, they're doing something, yeah, they're making an effort to get these guys because obviously they're staying, so it's good again. That's where I was like you know, make, they're making little steps, little things of progress. Um, I don't know how it's going to look in the next couple years. They extended bono's contract and stuff like that, but at the same point, at the end of the day, the difference has to be made.

Speaker 2:

You know, and I don't know what they wound up last year, if it was top 10 or if it was top 25 I'd have to look again, but I'm sure it was fairly decent, you know, but talking with eric and and things like that doesn't sound like things are really slowing down. You know from what he left? Yeah, so we'll see. Uh, good luck to the badgers. You know I was. There's always comments to be made and things to be said about certain things, but, like I said, I've always liked reader. He's been a nice guy. Yeah, um, but yeah, uh. So yeah, there, um. So, yeah there. There's rankings man. Yeah, um, we're on two hours and 30 minutes.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we're good If they're still there.

Speaker 2:

they're not, they're not. They checked out after we finished, um, but yeah, no, so it's, it's been good. What do you got coming up next?

Speaker 4:

As far as what?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, where are you going? Anything, oh no.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to Fargo. You're going to Fargo? I don't think so, not this year.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we're not cool enough. That's cool, it's fine. The Airbnb I got is like literally five minutes away.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, yeah, I mean, the mosquitoes can probably pick you up and take you there the rest of the way then.

Speaker 2:

So I'm gonna be outside. I'm getting out of my car going in the building, that's it we used to stay at the dorms.

Speaker 4:

You know when we did you, when team indiana yeah, the dorms, like just walked over there every day. Yeah, we had like our uh team practices and stuff. Like our team like sprints and stuff were in this field, like by the fargo dome had to be like swimming through mosquitoes.

Speaker 2:

It was crazy you did that black market shit too. Oh yeah, I. It got bigger by the second day. I walked around that shit was just swarming with kids because everybody's out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they're all out there.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to get beat up either.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, there's a lot of big kids out there, but yeah I was the head of that thing back in the early, early 2000s.

Speaker 2:

Yeah you should come along. Come up to vegas, man, not vegas.

Speaker 4:

Come up to fargo the same you were supposed to come on to vegas.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you didn't um. Yeah, that's it. Um again, folks, we're gonna do. Hopefully we can do every friday. We're gonna do every friday.

Speaker 4:

We'll always have something to talk about be two and a half hours every friday it will not be two and a half hours.

Speaker 2:

How is it possible? I'm the only one watching this, they? They left a while ago, paul. I think they left probably a d2, probably, um, but we're gonna do this every week. Um, again, it's not gonna be two and a half hours. Every time we talk about rankings, so that's why that happened.

Speaker 2:

Um, we're going to talk about news things that are popping up. You know, we talked a little bit about the rule changes. We talked a little bit about, um, uh, some of the stuff coming up for recruits and things like that, the nil deal. Um, I'll probably talk a lot about national stuff and things that come up, and hopefully we talk about world wrestling too. But this is kind of what hopefully we're going to do every friday. So we'll figure out a time that'll be constant. Hopefully can be six or seven, because I still gotta work. Yeah, seven be a weird weekend, but, um, maybe six or seven or whatever on fridays, but friday's work, so stay tuned. Every single week we're trying to get this done. But, uh, appreciate you joining me and obviously we'll talk when we're done here. But um, uh, yeah, it's been another episode of the vision quest podcast with the wisconsin grappler. So peace, see you later. Guys hit my, my banner here, my brand, but yeah.

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