The Vision Quest Podcast

#95 The Vision Quest Podcast With The Wisconsin Grappler...FARGO SPECIAL!

The Vision Quest Podcast Episode 95

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We talk about all things Fargo and some other wrestling chatter we have heard over the past week!

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, guitar solo. Thank you we're live.

Speaker 2:

We're live on youtube and it says we're live on instagram. Okay, but I don't know if I believe it, because I looked to see it out there. So anyways, um, now we're here for another episode of the weekly stuff that we're trying to do. It's the vision quest podcast. I am brad the host. I'm joined weekly, fantastically, by, uh, none other than the wisconsin grappler, zach. Uh, pearson, welcome again, thank you, uh, you had to do a little dinner for the daughter's birthday, I hear. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because it's tomorrow, the birthday is tomorrow. Still a sacrifice. I appreciate that sacrifice Turn 11.

Speaker 2:

Whoa yeah, oh, the big one won, huh.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

So what are you guys doing for her birthday? Anything.

Speaker 3:

I mean we already had like the whole friends oh, did you? Yeah, okay, was that the weekend before, yeah, last weekend, yeah, so nice, yeah, I made it through my first uh friend's sleepover, so that was pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you have all girls, which that's I mean I couldn't have daughters. Man, I couldn't do it. It's hard enough. The sons, I don't need that. I won't even say why I don't want to have girls but it's just that you know the reason why I don't worry about one person, one pm you mean him one wiener.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you gotta worry about the whole world, oh yeah I don't, yeah, um, and it's a weird world out there, man, oh yeah, very, it's getting weirder and weirder every day. We're not bringing that shit up on here. So, anyways, we're here, uh, to talk a little bit about fargo. I'm going to touch on, obviously, fargo. I would say a lackluster year for the team, for Wisconsin, in general. Liam did okay, right, he did better than last year. We're also going to talk a little bit about David Taylor's contract, because he is now the highest paid coach in wrestling history. I think, oh, really, and I don't know if we can break it down, like you know, like maybe when john smith got paid first and like how much he was making, yeah, based off of what they're paid today, what the dollar worth is. But now we're gonna talk a little bit about that. Let's talk about fargo.

Speaker 2:

Um, I'll touch on liam first. Uh, he didn't play us last year, made his way through this year. Um, got to the blood round, which is where I started to get really nervous, uh, as a dad, and I was like, okay, just just get this, this is the one, it's the one I care about, just get over this hump. I'm good, like I personally, in my head, I'm good, I don't want. I didn't talk to you about that because I didn't want that thought getting implanted in his head, right, so I was good with it. He got past it was like and they called christina and we guys out in the park. You know that. Get done with the match. This is how we do it. I don't know if you pay attention to duels yeah we're in the stands.

Speaker 2:

You might meander a little bit, go find something and come back and then liam wrestles right. When liam wrestles and he's done, we instantly go outside. We need to breathe. I don't. I don't yell like I think christina said she could hear me yell a little bit. I think it was one of the matches, of the loss matches. Yeah, sometimes I'm there just to kind of get that little extra boost Right. I don't, I don't give directions anymore. You know, move your feet. I think that's really like the most technical I get now.

Speaker 3:

I mean you do pay people to do it Right.

Speaker 2:

So correct, correct. There's a reason why they're pretty damn good. I'm good and I made that clear in my post. Like you know he's doing, like the stitch, you know the staples. Yeah, the way that he thinks on his own now, and just the way that he's doing, I can actually like go. I can like be dad. Yeah, full-time dad.

Speaker 2:

You know I'll be a little bit of a coach here and there, but now I know that I can go in the stands and I can literally just sit there and just sweat right you know, I don't have to worry about yelling anymore, I don't worry about doing any of that shit, and it's gotten to the point too, now, where we can kind of take him places and there's a coach along, you know, or someone's there that knows of him, right, or knows him enough that he's comfortable with him in the corner. Because it's again, it's just to a point this is not my field, right, you know? I I may, I may have information, I know how to talk about, you know, wrestling, things like that, but when it comes to being in a corner, that's a whole different game, right, you know, that's why I love having shout out to Josh, dewey and those guys in the off season you and my check during the regular season, even Josh and Dewey during the regular season too, because if it weren't for people that had their shit together and knew what they were doing, I don't know where he'd be. Yeah, you know, it could still still be down in the basement here doing fucking sit-outs, you know, and hip heists and stuff like I, I it's, I don't know where he'd be got through, got his all-american and went further.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, and I knew some of the kids that he'd wrestle were tougher, but he had wrestled someone before and tacked him and beat him. You know so. And the game can change, you know. So I still was a little nervous, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was nervous about the blood round one too, because that kid was coming down from 175 and he looked big right, tall, like not really built, but he was tall and I wasn't sure.

Speaker 2:

You know you never know, braska kid right no ohio ohio, that's right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the maslin perry yep, yep he got seventh as a freshman, I think, at 175 it's pretty good yeah, it's pretty good.

Speaker 2:

So I, I and a lot of these kids I didn't know. So that was the nervous you know portion there as well yeah so they got over the hump. The first kid he lost to uh, we'll talk about that for just a second was sarnie or cerny.

Speaker 3:

I think it was cerny was the only kid he lost, only kid correct.

Speaker 2:

Only kid um that first loss. He got attacked right and lee was a little more positive about he's just kind of like, yeah, I think I underestimated him, I think I was in a little, you know uh confident he's going a little confident.

Speaker 2:

He's like you know, I got this, I got this. I thought so too, though I'll be honest with you. Oh yeah, so I was riding with him. I was like, yep, you got this man, and do you want to say anything else? So right, yeah, do a kid going into a match. But um, I thought he had, like I I watched some video and I was like it doesn't look like he's going to smash him. Yeah he did.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he tucked him.

Speaker 2:

But Liam said that once he picked me up I was like uh-oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I could tell that first interaction with the head snaps Liam kind of yeah, what? Oh, you touched me like that. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

He had bricks for hands, yeah, and the kid was built great, great opponent, yeah, tough loss, but he was a tough, tough kid to wrestle. Liam stayed within his lane, his lane, he just caught him. Yeah, you know, he just saw the stuff he was doing, he just caught him. I just need to tighten up a little bit, did you see?

Speaker 3:

uh, like I was, you know, I kind of look up people and stuff. Yeah, did you know that guy was related to the boston marathon bombers?

Speaker 2:

god, I swear liam might have beat his ass.

Speaker 3:

That I'm just saying like yeah, he was like cousins with the boston, really yeah, because uh did you rabbit hole that?

Speaker 2:

oh yeah, how did that happen? I?

Speaker 3:

think it was actually chris mcdaniel sent it to machik and then machik sent it to me and I was like holy crap, because, like his dad was saying, we're ashamed and we're going to help the authorities with it any way we can.

Speaker 2:

Really Well way to go, McDaniel, we're going to find some knuckles.

Speaker 3:

Man, I was like because Machik just sent me this article from 2013. I was like what is this Like? What does this have to do with what we were just talking about? Really, context please. He was like, oh, that's the.

Speaker 2:

Boston Bomber relative. No kidding, I was just actually going to watch a documentary about that. The other day Now.

Speaker 3:

I'm definitely watching it. Maybe you can see this guy in the background.

Speaker 2:

Nicest kid too. We'll talk about the last match, third place match. Liam lost it, but he lost a smaller deficit, 62, so that to me that's an improvement. That was, that was a win in my eyes. Yeah, I really didn't care at that point. Liam had gotten to a certain point. Right the pressures to me at that point. We're done. Now just have fun let it rip. You know well the, the, the mouth thing happens. We got comments here. I'm gonna pull that up, that up. I can't, I can't slack here Um that's crazy.

Speaker 2:

That is crazy, christina, that is completely crazy. That was the Boston bomber and Liam just took it like he was a little girl laying down. Sorry, sir, no, I'm just kidding, he didn't do that, but that kid was tough, he was tough. But so the third match three seconds into it, yeah, uh, liam goes. I think it was a fake. Yeah, it wasn't for a fake, cerny drops his head, boom did he hit his teeth, teeth hit the back of liam's head.

Speaker 2:

I think it was a double hit because it was it was quick, but then he hit his eyebrow yeah, on liam's head again, so he had to get his head wrapped.

Speaker 2:

Liam had to get his head wrapped, which eventually turned into 10 staples in his. At the end josh calls me. He's like, ah, I think leo's gotta get some staples or stitches or something. He goes sometimes they have someone here. Yeah, you might have taken the er. And I'm like, well, can we wait for the er? Because, like I don't necessarily want to leave, he's got his all-american stuff right. But josh is like, well, just let me find out first, let's, I'll see what they got for doctors. Then he got me on uh, on the phone with the Titan Mercury Wrestling Club guy that was there, cool. And he's just like, yeah, we got a guy here. Yeah, he goes. You want him to get staples? Yeah, if he's here, hell yeah, dude, please. Yeah, I'm gonna drive the.

Speaker 2:

ER, you're saving me like five grand dude like. I'll get a bill from USA Wrestling. It's fine, um, but so that it was a good tournament for him and watching a lot of the other younger guys that were coming up. It was some of these guys first year in 16u at fargo um performed well oh yeah you know for their first time, and we didn't.

Speaker 2:

We had 16, you had the. Obviously there's nobody in juniors that made the championships but the 16. You had champions. Um, so I think we show a solid group coming up at two in the finals. They didn't have any champions no, no, right, right, right, sorry. Sorry, I did just kind of learn stuff up. But yeah, we had two in the finals, so we had two finalists, um, but I think there was a tour where there are three in the final two, that's not three.

Speaker 2:

Okay anyway, hunter, stevens and mckay rogers you're probably looking at it right now um, which is fine. Uh, so we have a good group coming up, yeah, um, you know, obviously with the juniors, a lot of guys were out of the country, you know wrestling world tournaments, so that's a large reason why those guys weren't there. I know I read on the forum that a lot of guys were like, well, why aren't they there? And I understand I get it like you do want to see them represent, right, but you got them at junior duels, yeah. So, yeah, I mean, you got them at junior duels.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

So yeah, I mean, you got them at junior duels. And with that being said, sometimes you know college coaches will tell a kid, you know, especially if they committed already and they're going to be going to school next year, right, like, literally, in another week or two they're going to be packing up and going to school, right? So some coaches may tell them you don't need to bother.

Speaker 3:

Fargo is not necessarily a thing you need to do for us we, we like you and we want you to come here and state's all right with them, your soul is not going.

Speaker 2:

Yep. So just pack your pens and pencils. Yeah, come on to school, don't worry about Fargo. But, um, so that's probably a large reason why those guys I mean they, they're already committed to something else. That was probably a little more important at this point. Yeah, um 16, you guys, I thought still look solid. Max, hey, good performance. Um, you, and the guys that that didn't place, I mean some of these guys, like I said, we're new to this, it's, it's different. Yeah, like this ain't. It's not a normal tournament, man, like I don't know. So we didn't stay blamed in place last year, so there are a lot of things that I didn't see because we left. Guess where all the coaches hang out at the podium at the end of the tournament. Oh yeah, who else you want to talk to, placers?

Speaker 3:

right, yeah, oh you're saying, oh, you're in college.

Speaker 2:

I was like cattle to the fucking barn man. They're all hanging out right there and they weren't all just standing next to each other. But I was like, oh shit, christ, they're all right here. I was looking around. I saw like seven, eight of them standing around while they're waiting for their guys or whoever they want to talk to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah um I think liam got talked to by a couple guys while he was there not podium side, I think it was mainly just during the week, uh, but it was definitely interesting. It was a side that I didn't get to see. I was just kind of sitting back and observing, doing my people watching thing, and I was looking back. I was like, holy fuck, this is where all coaches are like oh yeah, some parents taking pictures up front, but the coaches are all meandering in the backside talking to each other, seeing some of the athletes. That was pretty cool. Um, there are some matches that I saw, uh, some pretty I'm not gonna say bad, um, but it was pretty questionable officiating. I'm sure you saw some of them. Um, uh, the one thing that was drawing my attention uh, the most was the um, the cautions.

Speaker 3:

Yes, the cautions were a little heavy this year I can't stand the way they have to call another one like right, like if the other guy still isn't doing anything, call him right, it doesn't matter. Like it's it's not. Oh well, he wasn't doing something the first time and it always seems like they aren't like the first one. They aren't really calling the person that is is passive, like to me, like it's, like almost, like they think it's going to go zero, zero. So they're going to reward the guy that is the most active by hitting him with passivity first, so that way he'll get the tiebreaker in the second.

Speaker 2:

you know, because it's like so crazy so I, I can't you know like what with it, with those, with those points, those cautions in particular, like I understand that there's a certain criteria, like I know that they're looking for the person that's putting the ties in. Yeah, they're the ones. And to me, um, what is the word they use? Engaging to me is is perceived differently. Not every guy is running at the other guy to tie up. Yeah, they're kind of standing in frame shift, so now you're just waiting for the first hand to grab or you know that kind of thing. So I don't know those intricacies, but I'm kind of getting the idea. Yeah, to me those calls weren't the worst.

Speaker 2:

A lot of what I saw were they were calling fleeing the mat a lot no, we're like the caution one, yeah, yeah a lot and don't get me wrong, some were warranted but as some, because I don't know enough someone were being I questioned because guys were being taken down. Let's say that the guy had their legs while the other guys got his hands. Well, he's trying to get the get away right, like we don't practice in the freestyle and greco room how to get away on your hands right, how to circle to the center on your hands right. So like if a guy's got his legs up, these guys are kind of getting pushed and they go out of bounds. Well, they're getting caution and one for it. I'm like, is that a caution?

Speaker 3:

like the guy couldn't help it, like he's literally going the way out of bounds I think the one that they were really uh on at the tournament, like just from watching obviously I wasn't there but uh, like, a lot of kids are, like when they're getting ready to go out of bounds, they're hitting their knees, yeah, and trying to get the grounded, yeah, grounded call, and that's when a lot of the caution the ones were coming, really, yeah, that's what?

Speaker 2:

I guess I didn't see that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was watching it because, like a lot of the kids are like, I was watching a skulls match, yeah, and it was like a nine, nine matches, really good match. I forget who it was, but I think it was the one that he wound up losing, or no? Yeah, it was Cause he had a, a takedown out of bounds almost at the very end. Yeah, but that's what they were all doing, that Like hitting the mat, like they're cause they knew.

Speaker 2:

I mean they're watching the line headlock.

Speaker 3:

So it could be, like you know, construed as they're trying to bring them down. Yeah, but most of the time you can tell they're trying to get the grounded rule. You know and it's. I mean, it's just it's the same with every rule. Yeah it's the same with every rule. They're gonna find a way around it right, it's smart.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you look at the college guys. They do it in folk style too, like they see they're going on, or not folk style, but in freestyle they see they're going out of bounds, they put their fucking knees to the mat and they get pushed out and they say grounding, all right, or grounded. So I don't.

Speaker 2:

That's why I didn't understand why some of these are being called so strictly yeah like they're hanging on those right and matches matches to me sometimes weren't necessarily decided by them, but the momentum definitely changed, right, yeah, and you didn't even notice, like, and coaches weren't freaking out or really complaining, but it was just something that I saw that was like this seems weird, cause you don't see that state tournament Right when you're, when you're getting reffed there or anything like that, and maybe they called it more this year. We didn't go, yeah, but they just seem like they're calling a lot, you know, yeah, I think it was a total like 15 kids missed weight. Oh, really, uh, for freestyle. Anyways, I didn't know that. Um, there was, uh, was it joshua ross?

Speaker 2:

he bailed out yeah, well, he got beaten uh yeah, beat, but I don't know if it was because of 16. Yeah, but he didn't lose all the way through, he just got beat there yeah, and then he didn't show up.

Speaker 3:

Correct, yeah, correct because I was watching liam's match and I heard him like calling him three, three times.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I heard too.

Speaker 3:

I was like whoa why is this guy getting called?

Speaker 2:

What the hell is going on here. Then they called the third call and then I looked at the bracket and it was DNQ or disqualified. I was like holy shit, dreshawn Ross just got DQ'd.

Speaker 3:

It was after a loss, so I don't know. I went and watch the match just to see what happened, like how was it still see it was against actually ian smith from wisconsin. That's who he forfeited against.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, but, who did he wrestle against before that? I don't know, it was three, three and he got, he got stuck because I told liam that ian smith just got the win by forfeiting because he goes what you know I was like yeah he's moving on, dude man you want to play correct, yeah, correct.

Speaker 3:

So I'm probably gonna double up because he's moving on. Dude, like you're, like man, you want to play correct, yeah, correct. So I'm probably gonna double up because he's he's really good at greco's is really his bread and butter, I think is it yeah, I mean that's just judging by watching him's a big.

Speaker 2:

He likes ann smith. He's a great kid. Um it may, it probably is, if he does say oh yeah go kill us dude.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's going. What northern illinois is he?

Speaker 2:

yeah, um. So then that brings the question not question, but the point of when you go to this. Okay, if you don't show up, it's one thing, like if you're someone who you think like could, could have done well, but they didn't show up, you're like, all right, they're probably doing something else. But when you're joshua ross, you show up, you're registered, you're wrestling through, yeah, and now you get beat and now you're out. Were you injured?

Speaker 3:

right you know, because it didn't say injury default well, uh, like it, I watched, like I watched the interaction like of the that because there was a two minute uh clip of him waiting on him, yeah, yeah and then seabolt comes over and was like he's done, he's done. And then so they're like well, we gotta call him still three. Yeah, we gotta still call him yeah, so were they looking at.

Speaker 2:

Like at that last match that he was in were they looking at? Was he hurt, did he? I did not see it an injury, but so this is where I kind of get irritated with this shit yeah you know, like, whatever the reasons are, yeah as it is, but it has, he's not the only one that this happens you know these guys not showing up to the podium, these guys, when you get hurt or you're embarrassed, that's life.

Speaker 2:

You're like, dude, show these, because they're. I mean, what I thought was really cool this year and I didn't see it as much last year but this is a family thing. People are bringing their little kids to watch. We're not just talking North Dakota people, we're talking out-of-state people. They're talking north dakota people. Right, we're talking out of state people. They're bringing little kids to watch, things like that. So you're not just performing in front of college coaches and parents, right, you know these guys are. There's little kids there that are that want to do this.

Speaker 2:

Now you get a guy that's that big shows up and and like gets the acuter defaults out, or whatever you want to call it, because I maybe he's hurt yeah but other guys that do that like it's to me is the biggest blemish on any kind of type of a sport, because I mean, you think about like a team sport, you kind of you have to show up, you get a team right, right, but as an individual it takes, I think, a little more guts to show up and do things like that. But it's also part of the sport that you've been learning since you were five yeah like.

Speaker 2:

So this is. It's not the first time he's probably lost, right? I mean, god, he, I, god, I'm sure he lost before.

Speaker 3:

He lost to Mirosola at the duels.

Speaker 2:

And I'm not calling him a crybaby, who knows. I don't know his story, but it just kind of feels like one of those things Like you were doing fine, but then you lost. Now you're out, yeah, almost. I'm hoping a story comes out somewhere down the road where you know he got hurt, or he and tweaked it and didn't want to hurt it I totally get that.

Speaker 3:

I'm watching right now. He's like he's laying on the mat is he? Kicking his legs. Oh, and he had a shoulder brace on, so yeah, that was the thing.

Speaker 2:

He's always had that because he's like what, eight foot tall or whatever, so he's always had that. So if he was injured, drashan ross, hopefully you're getting better. Yeah, um, don't again. It's not just. You know, there's a lot of things that have happened in the past. Just kind of watching it kind of trips my trigger, but I was just kind of curious to see what happened with that Cause. I didn't really look into it, I was so busy watching.

Speaker 3:

Right. But, it was good. What's that? He didn't actually get stuck. He, he forfeited.

Speaker 2:

So he said he's hurt though. Yeah, he was hurt, okay.

Speaker 3:

So that explains yeah, I was like wait, did they just call Ross to the map? And then I was like he was getting ready to wrestle Smith. And I was like oh man, ian Smith, they had a good tournament Because I didn't know that he had got hurt. I just saw the VPO or whatever. It came across Right.

Speaker 2:

So it was a good tournament. So this year was the first year and I didn't know this. I didn't pay attention to the food last year but this year. But this year they had like a like a mac and cheese vendor in there with like where you could pick beef oh really, you can get vegetables with it, and stuff was like oh yeah, okay, you guys are paying attention a little bit. I like that, that's good yeah because uh, liam who was?

Speaker 2:

I got there and he wanted, uh, the second day I think it was he had made. Oh, he made he'd gotten through the blood round. Yeah, and uh, come on the fucking way in. See, he made it through the blood round. He's like, hey, can we go over chipotle? I'm like dude, I'm gonna take it. I don't know if I can take you out of here right now or whatever. I was like we'll just go out. I said I saw a kid. He had a bowl of rice and it looked like it was good food. It was like look at his decent. He's like yo, it's probably from chipotle. I was like, no, it wasn't. Do you have the aluminum thing on the top? No, I didn't have the aluminum thing Shut up. We're going to go in the hallway, we're going to take a look at this. So I got him that mac and cheese stuff or whatever, but it was funny because after that loss yeah, shout out to Crass, jordy, crass, I can't remember your brother's name.

Speaker 2:

Jordy, you're going to shoot me you're gonna shoot me. I'm sorry, josh, I think it's. I'm just gonna say the crass twins. Okay, I'm gonna keep it that way. Crass twins kind of took care of when I came to wait yeah so he got done with the loss.

Speaker 2:

They told him before that match. They said when you're done with that match, I don't care what happens in that match, don't care, you get out. You get your ass out here and you start running. Yeah, because he had to drop five pounds. He was five pounds over when just that match. So he gets done. He runs out to the hallway because he didn't take time talking, but he was pissed off.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

He goes. I think it was his brother, Jordy's brother. He goes, what happened? He's like I lost, I'm pissed, he goes, whatever, get out there and run. So I texted Leo a couple times because I didn't know what was going on, yeah, and he didn't respond. Usually he was being pretty good about replying. I was like, oh, he's pissed. Whatever, I'll leave him alone, right? So then I call him and he answered and I was like what's up? I was like, yeah, right, I was like I texted you a couple of times and you didn't answer.

Speaker 2:

He goes, I'm trying to drop five pounds. So he lost, but he's liam's got plenty of pudge on him. He can drop that five in like 20 minutes because I think he, I think he ran for I don't remember if liam said it was like 30 minutes or something like that and he stopped and they told him like you're good, stop, stop. And they went and weighed himself and like how much you weigh? Now he's like I lost two pounds. They're like what. They felt his back like holy crap, crook, what's wrong with you? And I told liam I was like you're welcome yeah the sweaty I passed that sweating gene down.

Speaker 2:

Damn right, I did. Um I again I thought uh, what we had for a constituent 16, you did well yeah points are a little crazy, man, we got our asses kicked yeah you know I mean when it boils down to it um, I don't know what pennsylvania and those guys are are bringing along yeah as far as how many kids I don't know how like, and that's the one thing.

Speaker 2:

So these are the intricacies and I hope everybody understands that when I talk about this stuff. I don't know all these, I don't know what each state's allotted for athletes. I don't, I don't even pay attention. All I know is if liam's got a weight that he can go to, we're gonna go compete, we're it. Yeah, I don't dive dive into a lot of that Like oh, new Jersey's allowed this many Willie probably knows.

Speaker 3:

Every state is allowed three.

Speaker 2:

The same amount.

Speaker 3:

Well, the, the, the, the base, yeah, yeah, it's three per weight from your state.

Speaker 2:

Okay. And then what's with the extras then? How does that?

Speaker 3:

happen. The regionals, you go to all those regionals, yeah, and if you place, I think it's, I think it's top six, is it? Yeah, maybe top eight, I don't know top five. I thought yeah, well, nehemiah qualified there and I'm pretty sure you got six okay, again could be yeah I'm not gonna say I'm totally right there yeah, but uh, so then you can get hell, you get, you can get like eight a weight, you know, and then just because the person qualified like it's just the state gets that qualification.

Speaker 2:

Each weight is top six at their state tournament.

Speaker 3:

No, it's top three Top three at state Okay, qualify, and then you go to the regional and then you can.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're talking about like Northern Plains and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, like the central regional Yep, and then you can oh you're talking about like Northern Plains, and stuff Like oh, okay, okay, central regional, yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I thought you were talking top six at state.

Speaker 3:

No, Okay, okay, no, top three, top three at state, yeah, gotcha.

Speaker 2:

We haven't done state in two years, yeah, so yeah, there are auto qualifiers on that right, but that's the other. That's the auto qualifiers I get. It's those extra numbers. Does each state get the same number?

Speaker 3:

No, why? Because they went to the regional and they placed you're confusing me now.

Speaker 2:

Am I retarded? Am I that dumb? No, okay, like it's top three from state. Yeah, okay, you get those and then the regionals top six from those regionals yeah, they could be all from one state.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you know like you could get all the six spots, then you got nine at that weight. Okay, gotcha, and then you could go to another reason.

Speaker 2:

As long as they place top six at those tournaments, yeah, and then they're the regionals are kind of spread out to where you could go to another reason, as long as they place top six at those tournaments, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then they're the regionals are kind of spread out to where you can go to multiple but then there's wrestle offs. Yeah, that's it. You don't qualify it as a person, you qualify it for as a as your state.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay.

Speaker 3:

So it's not just cause you placed that's the part I don't understand mean you get to go, okay, okay. It means you qualified your state, okay okay, got it.

Speaker 2:

that's why they they want people to go to those regionals. I mean, because not the us open?

Speaker 3:

well, I mean obviously, if you can go to us open in place they're all for that too.

Speaker 2:

Come on, everybody go to vegas. Yeah, come on, money's it's not money, it's not.

Speaker 3:

It's a good time yeah you're not gambling, you're not your kid, just drive like you did. Yeah, that's a good time. Yeah, you're not gambling, you're just gambling on your kid, just drive like you did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's the last time I drive a Vex by the way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but yeah, again, it was just kind of hard hitting, you know, with the amount of kids I know we had and then just the points that we had. Oh yeah, we hit the quarterfinals and we shit the bed. Yeah, not just one group, we all did, yeah, and I mean, liam was on that side, you know same thing. It's not not like he was the one that wasn't, but it's just like it was holy shit like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. We're dropping like flies, yeah, and just kids that you didn't know.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, so I I kind of sat down, I thought I was like what do you think about how many of these kids that are actually here at this national tournament, yeah, actually travel around the country and go to other national tournaments? The odds are pretty slim that all of them do. You know a good portion, obviously, the ones that are you know top contenders to to win it do, but not every. So some of these kids are sleepers, never seen them, never heard of them, and you run into them here and it's like boom, what the hell was that?

Speaker 3:

liam didn't know cerny oh yeah you know, like, yeah, like I was saying, like when I looked at the bracket I was like, yeah, I like it. Yeah, it looks, looks great.

Speaker 2:

I did not think we're running into that guy, exactly what I thought. Yep, not even he didn't even care that what we run into him because seating was so cracked up, yeah, and so weird. You got a guy that's four in the country and he's seated 22. You know, get rid of the pin system. If you're going to use it, at least make it somewhat, you know, relevant yeah not, and that's so.

Speaker 2:

That's what the one thing that kind of threw me off is that, knowing that that pin system is used, not all these kids wrestle in all those tournaments, and even some of these top kids don't yeah, but like it's only us wrestling events, that that are used for for the pin system, as far as I'm aware, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That means super 32 and all that shit doesn't matter for that.

Speaker 2:

Correct, yeah, correct, so it been plus. This is freestyle Greco.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, I'm just saying, I mean yeah you place it super 32, you're going to be seated in that.

Speaker 2:

Correct, yeah, correct. Pin system, I believe, is, though, is only based off of those usa wrestling events and nine chance to attend. It's only pre-season nationals. Post-season nationals, I mean how many events they do that matter towards the pin system yeah, I have no clue so now you're gonna sit around and figure that shit out. Who's gonna do that?

Speaker 2:

I, where you're just gonna go to the known tournaments that you know are gonna be tough for your kid that sounds like a teague thing, yeah go ahead and comment in the comment sections here if you got any answers to that, because I just I thought it was just kind of interesting to see and you know willie talked about it quite a bit as far as how scenes were. Like dude, you guys are, they say. I think you say you guys need to have me do so you guys are not doing a good job and you're using an automatic system yeah, but I mean usa wrestling.

Speaker 3:

I mean they want you to go to their events. Well, sure, and that's what they're doing. They're rewarding you for going to their events.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it's cool.

Speaker 3:

I mean it's not the best way to see the tournament.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, obviously not bagging on USA wrestling for that one.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But I thought it was interesting and I didn didn't even pay attention is last year at the weigh-ins.

Speaker 2:

I thought liam weighed in the second day last year he didn't apparently I from what I heard is that again, people please understand that my brain does not. There's only certain things my brain holds on to. Yeah, I do not hold on to every single detail, but as far as I remember, he weighed in the second day, so like if they started wrestling monday, they, they weighed in again tuesday, but it was placement rounds that had to weigh in, okay, and that was a day and a half later yeah, we had to weigh in every day when we went out there yeah, so I I thought that was a little odd right, and I thought it was kind of different.

Speaker 2:

So then I there are a couple issues where some kids were like a minute late oh yeah didn't weigh them in. Yeah, you know, unfortunately it's a shitty thing and so I don't. I think maybe usa wrestling, maybe kind of take a look at that. But you go to a world event, they're gonna tell you the same fucking thing, I mean jayden cox, right, yeah they don't care, like there's a time for a reason, because they have an event to hold.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you're not there in time, too bad, sorry about you. That's they listed the time, can't read it. Then you lose Like you miss out, and obviously with kids missing weight, you know, I think it would be interesting if you were able to miss weight and then bump up the next day. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you made it to the placing round, but you didn't make weight, so we're going to put you at 75.

Speaker 2:

Put you over here in the concierge and see how that works out for you definitely make for interesting it's the one that out there and it's a little idea when the tournament starts.

Speaker 3:

You know, I kind of like the way 175 is going, I'll go up there.

Speaker 2:

That's the spaghetti tonight but you only take third. Yeah, that's it's best you can do. Yeah, um, I thought ben's idea of um trying to get our own thing going because this whole olympic thing with the russians and stuff, and I know everybody's kind of you know commie bastards or whatever it is kind of thing about it.

Speaker 2:

But you think about, these athletes have nothing to do with that shit, right, they're missing out because of our country being as dilapidated and dumb as it is. Yeah, um, and going to be, and then you deal with that also. I mean it's like, but I think ben had a really good idea. I think ben had a good idea as far as starting our own thing. I think it needs to be played out more than just like we want to start a professional wrestling group for our guys who are graduating college. Right, this needs to be bigger than that. This needs to be a world thing, right. So it's going to be whoever.

Speaker 2:

If someone does choose to take the endeavor on, it's going to be extremely difficult because you I think frank papalizio could pull it off just because of the connections that he's had now bringing those people over to his world tour. Yeah, world tournament that he's done. If anybody could do at least gathering teams and getting those people on board, frank could do that. Yeah, for sure. Um, as far as running something as a tournament, I don't know who's good. I mean frank does some pretty good tournaments yeah, he's.

Speaker 3:

He's in charge of journeyman yeah, he's journeyman.

Speaker 2:

He does that world, that freestyle world, one he's taken, I think, if I remember correctly, a couple years ago. I think he took a group overseas as well. Okay, to to wrestle, um. But anyways, I think frank poppalizio would be a great candidate. He's got a lot going on on this farm. I'm sure he's probably sitting around thinking that's the last fucking thing I want to do right, do a tournament like that. But I think if we did kind of our own, like I guess olympic replacement type thing, I think it'd be a great idea man, it's gonna take some cash to put into.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, you know I'm good on that, yeah, I mean, what are you gonna do? Just and honestly, the way to do it it just popped this into my head right now the way to do it is you have one place, one town where you build something that this happens at. Yeah, you have housing for the athletes that are there and that's all this is for. Literally that's. That's all this is for. Yeah, and fucking trust me, north dakota's got plenty of space out there.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I went to college, flat land to find a spot to build a place yeah I go out there to watch that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, I think it's a great idea. I think ben put something out there that would, finally, that I could like get fully on board with, like hell yeah, that's a great award, right like he did, uh, and it was like youth development yep, yep, he did well deserving cleaver won the junior person of the year. Was it, yeah? Junior junior person yeah. Was it two awards he won, though, or was it just one?

Speaker 3:

I just saw the one, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So congrats to Cleaver.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Congrats to Askren. Was there another award?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there was a female Nays yankee she got that.

Speaker 2:

So, um, congrats to her as well. Nina girls the referee yes, yeah. Maddie rex show yeah, yes. So congrats to all those wisconsin, uh, people, especially on the wwf staff that's. I would say that the wwf is probably the only thing that's keeping a lot of like wrestling alive in the state, because wia does not do it right. I don't, I don't care anymore. Yeah, the wia, could you know, fuck up a glass of water. You know? Like, seriously, that's kind of where it's at at this point. Like wwf has done so much for the sport in the state, um, and from what I heard once cleaver took it over, numbers have jumped. Yeah, um, a lot of things have jumped. So so props to those guys. If anything, we should be switching the wia over to those guys for wrestling.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that'd be nice.

Speaker 2:

And just let them control it and then just report to WIA.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know like.

Speaker 2:

Here's what we got going on in wrestling. Now piss off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we got more numbers. You got more money. That's all you worry about.

Speaker 2:

Yep, go away over there. We got our mats over here.

Speaker 3:

We like run through the actual places. Yes, okay, let's do that. So I got uh 16? U men's freestyle was mckay rogers and hunter stevens okay, finalists. Both got second yep. Liam got fourth yep. Kaylee's gang got fifth yep that eight foot monster. Yeah, dale corbin yep, uh got sixth, and then max hay and max gonzalez, both got eight okay, again, congrats to all those guys.

Speaker 2:

I mean, this is a grinder tournament man, I could talk about the numbers and just like how we did, but those guys, this is a grinder tournament, so congrats to those guys. What are the juniors? What do we got for juniors we had?

Speaker 3:

four placers. We had Millard. Third, denny, is that how you say it?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Fourth is that how you? Say yep, fourth got fourth yep, and then we had sorry, I lost it um then we had kellen wolver got seven, seven and smith got seventh.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so that's yeah. Now if, if you were to have like last year's, yeah yeah, I mean, if we had both, yeah, hopkeyos, yeah where hopkey, yep, hawken.

Speaker 3:

I mean there's five places, that's easy.

Speaker 2:

I'll say five champions.

Speaker 3:

I'm just saying five places Right, To say like so it's just crazy.

Speaker 2:

But again those guys did well. A good way to go out. You know Charlie got third. I'm sure it's not what he wanted college dudes, just take it as it is and, yeah, enjoy your uh, your red shirt year and you wind up losing to uh that. The kid that won it from uh jersey, I think it was burton. Oh, was it early uh quarter finals? I think wasn't. It was burton. Ryan burton that name's like burned into my head and I.

Speaker 3:

Why am I not seeing it?

Speaker 2:

165 jun juniors right no is it? 165, he was in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was 157. 65. Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

So 165 juniors Check up to the quarters.

Speaker 3:

I'm just looking at. Oh, he lost to Travis Grace from California. Oh, that's right. Yes, that's right, Dang.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he got tucked in that one. I don't know if Is that Gracie.

Speaker 3:

No, it's Grace, it's just Grace, okay.

Speaker 2:

Because I thought I saw the name and I was like Gracie Jimmy Massany.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he wrestled in juniors. Yeah, he's older, he was a freshman this year.

Speaker 2:

So is Bo Bassett, a sophomore. He's still wrestling in juniors. Does it go?

Speaker 3:

So is Bo Bassett's a sophomore. He's still wrestling in juniors.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but as I go by age, yeah, it does, I'm just saying like, yeah, massey's older than Liam, is he? Yeah, yeah, he's older than Liam. That's crazy. Nope, that's like oh.

Speaker 3:

Bassett's got four years of junior. That's. That's cheating, Not not really.

Speaker 2:

I mean he's, it's tough, you're a freshman and juniors. I know that Someone had brought up the Bassett thing or whatever the age thing down there and we were talking about it and someone was like, well, he's held back, held back here. I was like I think he was held back two years, man Like. I'm pretty sure he's a sophomore and he's almost 18.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so they held him back a year because he was small as a quarterback. I get that right. Look at the weight bo bassett's at right now. He's like 132, 138. Yeah, totally big enough. Oh yeah, what was he two years ago? 125? Yeah, yeah, wrestle it yeah you know, and I'm sorry, like I've interviewed those guys, I've had those guys on the show buck up, nut up and wrestle your wage. And eight in age yeah that's it, plain and simple.

Speaker 2:

You know I I know that there are arguments, like I said, size wise. If it's genuinely like a disparity, yeah uh. Who's someone that I could think of? In our state? There are some kids.

Speaker 3:

Oh, brody Ruggs Ruggs. Another one, brody Lewis, who's Milton. He weighs 80 pounds. Correct, he's getting held back. Correct, I get that.

Speaker 2:

If this is the aspect of where you're trying to go like with the sport kind of thing, I get it because the size is disparaging. Right, he's going to be sitting on the bench for two years yeah, you know otherwise before he can actually make a weight. Right, so that I get. Yeah, I know you can't speculate how big your kids can again, right, and I know that Bobas, it's a little bit of a more of an anomaly than most, right, I get it. So if he's that much, yeah, that's the jacks for us, the same age. I think jacks has held back maybe one year, if at all.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if jacks is held back at all see, at my old school I was talking to matrick about this. Actually, like I was, like at my old school we, if we thought you were going to be a you know four-time placer, like yeah or something, and and there was maybe a you could be a four-time champ, you know, but there's just one guy that's kind of holding you back. Yeah, we would, they'd repeat eight and there was, but we were just so loaded like we were ranked ninth in the country that's dumb yeah, I know it is like now, like when, but when you're in it it seems like it's the right move, Like.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sure, yeah, yeah, yeah You're involved in this situation.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're looking at your. You know the whole. The lost one match in high school was a three-time state state champ yeah, didn't even make it his freshman year. But because he lost at semi-state, like in the take around, yeah, and he was, he only lost once and he got held back. He, I mean he, he probably would have done just as well that that one's pretty dumb, like to me.

Speaker 2:

That's on the level of dumb that one's pretty high. Why is that? He already compete like why you hold?

Speaker 3:

he already kind of proved himself like it's not like he sucked yeah, he like he lost to aaron pico in the in the fargo final right his freshman year. Well, what would have been his freshman year?

Speaker 2:

yeah, like so to me it's just a load of shit yeah he was good. I don't and I can't blame the kids, because the kids, the kids, are going to go along with what their parents tell them, because they're probably telling them you know, you're going to be able to do this if we do this with you. You're going to do this. Parents, you're full of shit. Yeah, stop telling them that but I was.

Speaker 3:

I was 17 when I graduated high school. Like I wish I would have been held back like I think it's a scapegoat dude, I really do no, and, and I was not ready to go to college like I was.

Speaker 2:

So that's college man I'm talking about like, I'm saying like coming to high school yeah, but that's what you're planning for no, yeah, I don't think so at all. Holding your kid back? Yeah, college isn't even the the view. If they're holding their kid back, college is not the view, but it's high school which gets you to college correct.

Speaker 2:

But at the same point in high school, like again, like I said, you can't sit there and look at your kid and be like, oh, he's going to be 125 pounds. You can't do that. I get it.

Speaker 3:

Right, but they knew I was going to be fat, so I don't think I was. That was set in stone.

Speaker 2:

I just think that when you know that your kid is that good, yeah. What are you doing Right when your kid is that good Stop.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was not Stop, I was not even. I was not even in the radar of being good in seventh and eighth grade.

Speaker 2:

And that's what I'm saying. It's the parents, it's not the kids. The parents are like oh my kid, we could do this, you're not you're not doing it for nil for for high school kids.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna get worse because they're gonna see dollar signs instead of oh sure, yeah, I agree, yeah, I totally agree with it. Yep, I think it will get worse. Was I all for it? When they started talking about I was like hell, yeah, I wasn't thinking about dropping my kid down no, I know that, but I'm just saying I guarantee it'll get worse.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because they'll just see dollar signs.

Speaker 2:

Because, oh well, if we, if we hold him back the likelihood of him being a four-time champ is higher, we get more money I think it's easier said than done for me, just because I saw that stuff happening and then I was like I'm just gonna do this for my kid, make sure that I don't have to do that. And I mean, we wrestle them up, we wrestle the age older kids and yeah, I fed him constantly. I didn't make him. You know like I think if a couple turns when he's younger, we use water. You know, we cut milk out for the week. We just didn't do it right. And now again, liam's not an anomaly, he's not a boba asset. I get that, yeah, but I was also doing that to give him the best opportunity to possibly try and become that right.

Speaker 2:

I think sometimes you you put your kids number one in a bad social situation. When you start doing all this dropping your kid for a year, kind of shit and you don't, they don't think about the psychological portion of it. You know, I think it's great if you have like a game plan and this is what we're going to do, kind of thing, but those kids are still going to go into school a year older than everybody else. Yeah, you know, now shit starts, now. Social rumors start, now. All that stuff starts Now. If your kid's got a strong brain and you're good parents, it's not going to matter. Yeah, man, you're just setting something up, you know, possibly for failure, but either way, got on a tangent there, let's go to the girls.

Speaker 3:

Yep, we didn't talk about the girls.

Speaker 2:

Girls are awesome.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, they killed it. The 16 you got fifth. I, yes, killed it. They had brooke hoffman got. Won it. Yep, she's a beast. Yep, taylor whiting won it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, this is 16 oh sorry, yeah, bren ingle, oh yeah, pounds. I don't even know where she's from yeah, I heard of her a couple times but I don't know of her entire history, but I heard she did really well, yep what lily banks got third. Yep bren got second oh, I thought you wanted she got all right, whatever, congratulations lily banks got third, harlow Skinnedor got fourth, nice.

Speaker 3:

Riley Hanoran, hanoran, hanoran, yep. Yeah, he got sixth, yep. Mj Newman got sixth, frankie Groom got eighth and Dylan Albrecht got eighth Nice yeah.

Speaker 2:

Nice, that's good. Yeah, what is that? Eight placers?

Speaker 3:

Mm. Yeah, it was at eight places. Yeah, that's good, that's pretty good. And then the juniors. Let's see, they got 11th as a team. They had the one champ, obviously Taylor. They only had three places, but no kidding.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, carly Chesker got third. So which match did Keshker lose?

Speaker 3:

She lost. Was it a New Jersey chick? Californiaia, california? Okay, and the socks was one of the cults.

Speaker 2:

I knew that, okay, yeah yeah, I said I was watching part of that. I didn't get to see the whole thing. That was a tough match three two yeah, that was a tough match that's, that's gotta be.

Speaker 3:

I mean three, three, two for a freestyle match is crazy, and I had kesker picked to win it, yeah I figured like I've not seen her. I mean, really get touched and freestyle not at all folk style. Is her achilles heel like? If she does have one, yeah, that's just because she's been she gave liam a run for his money yeah, I bet, I was, I was like she's my own, it was crazy yeah okay that you know again.

Speaker 2:

So that was something else that we kind of talked about not we, but I saw on the on the forum but it's cyclical, right. I mean so we have a good group coming up from the 16U now. We had a good graduating class and we probably have one of the best classes ever in the state of Wisconsin. That just graduated.

Speaker 3:

Oh, easily, I would say easily.

Speaker 2:

I haven't been here that long, obviously, but I mean it's hard to fathom something that good yeah, I mean when you talk about the guys that didn't show up and you can easily say, yeah, they're gonna win it. Yeah, just easily, just yeah, they're winning there. Yeah, because, like three of them are number one in the country. Yeah, so, um, I just activated that stupid camera it's gonna follow me because it loves beauty, because I oh, now it's.

Speaker 2:

No, it's on me oh dang it because I'm hot, so this time. Oh, that's funny, so I'll change that back.

Speaker 3:

But um, I I thought uh, my hands, you know, get some more screen time um, but we, I.

Speaker 2:

What was I saying, though, squirrel?

Speaker 2:

yeah, uh, best class yes, so one of the best classes. You see, this cyclical thing, we have a good group coming up from from uh 16. You, yeah, there are kids that that didn't place that place at state, oh yeah. So I mean, we have a good group coming up, it's gonna. They got their first kind of round at fargo now and now it's time to kind of, you know, move along and I think a lot of those guys will be fine. Yeah, um, but it was a good turnout for the young group, obviously a little lackluster for the older group, but as a state as a whole it was just kind of great to see the kids compete. And the ones that didn't place, like I said, especially 16U, those guys will come up. I think they'll do pretty good next year. I think we're going to have another strong junior showing next year because some of these kids from the 16U will go up to junior oh yeah next year.

Speaker 2:

So I think we'll we'll do a little better next year.

Speaker 3:

But um, did I see that? Uh did, uh do shimon. He wasn't out there, but then I thought I saw him on the the greco for greco, but he's not there for greco either. Okay, no, I was gonna say that's gonna be very weird. If somebody just goes for gre Greco, that's a state champ. Like you know, usually you see the Greco specialty guys you know that mean they're not. They're really good, yeah, obviously, like the nutters and stuff and the backs, and they're obviously really good at Greco.

Speaker 2:

All combat wrestling club guys.

Speaker 3:

Yep, they're also, you know, able to place in high school, you know correct. But usually you don't see the state champ, you know, skip freestyle. I was like is that real?

Speaker 2:

like I was like interesting you might be on to something funny shit on twitter is uh someone posted something about. Uh was that greco starts and all the college coaches go away.

Speaker 3:

Well, not Northern Michigan. Northern Michigan's out there and and all the other Greco only colleges that are non-leg grabbers.

Speaker 2:

I told Luke, I said on Twitter, I was like I'm going to need a college head count from you by tomorrow. He goes, you have to wait, it'll be tomorrow. We'll get him on and talk about some of the guys for greco too. And yeah, have, have you here while we're talking because you get, you need to experience that. Oh yeah, I mean, you need to experience an episode of lucas, he seems pretty uh, intense.

Speaker 3:

Energetic, yeah, I'd say intense I just you, luca.

Speaker 2:

Luca's like coaching a kid that has been wrestling for a while.

Speaker 3:

You just wind him up, let him go uh, you gotta know his hot hot topic button like yeah, yeah, how much high school wrestling sucks yeah that's his hot topic are you saying like folk style? What's that? Is he saying like folk style, or is he just yes?

Speaker 2:

the path of high school is terrible yeah if you want to specialize in greco or be a good greco wrestler oh yeah high school wrestling is terrible for you. I would say so, lucas, a very true statement, yeah, so lucas will say you need to specialize and come out by me, okay, but that's the cool thing about lucas, though, is like he's not out there, for like I'm not trying to put this giant club out yeah he's only taking so many guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's only got so much time, right, he still has to build transmissions, so give the guy a break, right? But, um, yeah, he's, I mean I, what he wants to do is fine. Yeah, I, I don't care, it's kids want to specialize, like I think it's bigger now.

Speaker 3:

I think I think specializing nowadays makes more sense yeah, like when, uh, I just you know I placed out of fargo, like got fourth and greco and uh, ike anderson, yeah, who was running northern michigan. At that point I, I had no clue, that was a thing that Greco only was, yeah. I was like and that guy came up to me and like, so I went out to like the you know national development, all like thing at the OTC and all that and in Colorado yeah.

Speaker 2:

And it was it was really man, I really throws yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's all you got, but they're pretty good, but yeah, so uh. But I had no clue. That was even uh. That never even crossed my mind. I think I can do just greco. I don't have to touch the legs if I don't want to so I give people on instagram a heads up.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I think instagram only allows an hour okay I don't know if it is or not.

Speaker 2:

We're on 51, uh, 38 right now. So if it cuts out on instagram, guys, we're on youtube, so just watch on youtube, anyways, um, but yeah, I, I just I just think it's crazy on on the attention that gets paid to. But when you think about it, though, too, like even our international style greco guys, like we've only had like a couple at a time, you know, it's not like we've had a whole team of greco right, just smash it. We've had we. I think in a couple of years ago, we had a greco team that did really really good.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember who was second, or maybe they won it that didn't happen for a long time right like we didn't have anything like that, but there were some really good guys that were college wrestlers that were just to happen to be greco guys that loved it and they did well and we just don't see that anymore. But I'm all.

Speaker 2:

I'm a fan of specializing yeah you know the way sports are now. Look at baseball like fuck, I don't think they ever finished playing baseball in a year. Yeah, if they're not playing in some dome somewhere. You know what I'm saying? The softball for girls same thing. So they have to specialize to be good. Now I mean the. The game's just changed. You don't have to if it's not something that you're going to do yet. Don't specialize in any sport. You know it doesn't make sense, but when you're this deep into it you almost have to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I wonder, like you know, like, say, garrett Lowney, he wrestled in college. He specializes, does he? Is he a champ? You know, he got still olympic medalist. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, you got third. I'm just saying, like, if he specializes, does it really? You know how is wrestling?

Speaker 2:

well, what was the competition then? Wait, was it just as hard? Like, what was this? Like was it? Was he? Was he specializing at that point? No, I don't believe so he was in university of minnesota okay, and maybe they specialized for him, maybe they let him do that stuff yeah, I mean, but he's.

Speaker 3:

I guess he was a heavyweight, so they were basically wrestle greco anyway that's someone I haven't had on.

Speaker 2:

I'll get lowney on. I. I worked with. You know I was employed by yeah for a little bit.

Speaker 3:

I was gonna say he's, he's still in the area. Yeah, yeah, for sure, yeah yeah, I'll get.

Speaker 2:

I'll see if I can get him on. We'll talk about that, because that, uh, that'd be a good one to have garrett lowney. Yeah, um yeah, he's a. He's a quiet dude, though.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, he's not, didn't put himself out there no, you'd have to definitely lead the horse to the water I should be able to get him to come here.

Speaker 2:

I should be able to get him coming. He's just out by. You know, winnicott, or whatever that's out there, I think. So we'll get him in the house, we'll, we'll get him on a show, but so, uh, fargo, it's a wrap. I didn't go out to the black market. It's not a wrap. Sorry, greco.

Speaker 3:

Guys are going, you guys are still wrestling yeah, I was gonna say that we got uh juniors have three in the quarters but they're still. But they're still. Who's?

Speaker 2:

reporting that. Where are you getting that report from? Is it wi wrestle? No?

Speaker 3:

not wi wrestle, I can't even copy and paste let, okay, jacob in in.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna put this out here. Jacob and rq right, I, I'm gonna. I was impressed with cal usa's wrestling. Cal usa wrestling's coverage. Yeah, those guys, from girls all the way to now, yeah, the coverage they had was non-stop every athlete right now, if you know you're going to fargo and this is coming from a media person, I'm not a media dude, whatever, but coming from the media side of things if you're going to that big of a tournament and you know what it is I mean, hello rashka's wrestled in it. I'm sure rq did you know how big that tournament is.

Speaker 2:

Once you gather some people up to kind of get more coverage or at least get some people to help. You know, like I know, dailies are down there Shout out to daily photography, got some photos of Liam from her Um, that's Sarah Daly and, uh, silas's mom, and we got, uh, she was down there. She's doing it for free, yeah, right. So of course I threw her a buck. But Cal USA had so much coverage and I'll put it this way WWF had a shit ton of coverage.

Speaker 2:

Wwf was posting stuff left and right. The blogs were on Things like that, and I was just on WI Russell's thing today and like four articles total About Fargo and barely anything was about 16U. Barely A lot of it was about junior stuff. So I'm kind of a distaste in my mouth for the coverage that's going on for our state. When they're in state it's one thing you know they're able to do, but roshka and those guys are like right on the floor like they're sitting there talking to tournament officials and stuff like grab a camera. Yeah, we'll cover the kids that are wrestling for your states. These kids get some you know exposure you know.

Speaker 2:

If not, why. Why are you there? You know you could sit at home and do screenshots yeah, I mean yeah, that side yeah like I don't I don't.

Speaker 2:

It just didn't seem right to me that you know like we had so little coverage yeah, it was, but they're the premier wrestling, you know company right so I got again roshka and rq. I know you guys are busy. You're the only two technically really only two doing it, but you know, maybe you, maybe you can ask some guys to help you, maybe you could have some people come down there and give you a hand.

Speaker 3:

You can. You can ask for help. Like always, people will help you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let's say hey. I mean, it doesn't have to be your tight little knit group all the time. There are other people in the state that are willing to help.

Speaker 3:

Hey, and you might actually get people that aren aren't asking people.

Speaker 2:

You never know. You never know might be a possibility, you know. But again, I, jacob and rq, you guys do you know your coverage is good, especially when you're in state. You guys do duels, things like that. But let's work on the national stuff a little bit.

Speaker 3:

I don't need your 30 minute vlog I mean, obviously I don't make any posts about any, any placers or anything either, but right, I figure they're out there. Why would I even bother? They're gonna cover it. Yeah, that's what I mean. That's, I saw them out there I'm right.

Speaker 2:

And I saw the couple. I was like, oh cool, here we go. You know we're gonna start rolling with some of the stuff. And I kept looking and I was like where the fuck, where's all this shit that this guy should be put?

Speaker 3:

every time I saw rq, he had a picture or a camera in his hand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cal usa, did almost an interview of almost every athlete they had, yeah, almost every athlete they had out there. Now I don't know how many people they brought out, because it's a big conglomerate. I think they had. But I mean, hey just ask Does.

Speaker 3:

I'll help ISWA, the Indiana one. Yeah, like does WWF do? Like college profiles for like people.

Speaker 2:

I don't, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, for like people I don't, oh, yeah, yeah, so like everybody, that, yes, so, yeah, book. So when we we do the meetings and stuff like that, just for fargo, um, cleaver, um, in group, bring up that. Hey guys, make a flyer, you know, like a like a recruitment flyer for your kid. Yeah, um, they're probably one of the better states we're, we are, we're one of the better states, if not the best state. Yeah, cleaver does a really good job with that too. Yeah, um, and now it's that whole group. You know cleaver, you know bianchi, all those guys. They do a great job of getting information together for these kids, for the college coast. I think there's a big booklet that they have a head table, yeah, and I think we fill it.

Speaker 3:

Oh, really, we fill that thing, yeah so props to wwf for that as well, because those guys yeah, make sure I was watching the w or iswa indiana one yeah and uh, they had a really cool one, like it was all digital this year, so that's I sent a digital flyer to these guys, like we're all yeah, pdf style or whatever it was like it was like, uh, they had like a, a video of every kid, yep, and like, uh, you know them talking, so okay, so you can kind of get if they're intelligent, you know.

Speaker 3:

Because, like, yeah, you know, you get this kid and he's like I wrestle, oh, yeah, you know. So it's like so, like college coaches want to know that, like if, if I'm going in with blockhead or you know, like yeah so yeah. So I just thought that was really cool. I just didn't know if uh wwf did that's awesome yep, they do that.

Speaker 2:

And then they have that book, the book that they put stuff down uh, put things down in there for the kids and then, um, I think they have something that when they're around college coaches, the college coaches, they have something that they could just scan it okay, and I think they get like every kid. Yeah, pretty sure. Yeah, it's all every kid.

Speaker 2:

That's on the team's information yeah, that's cool they can find file through and see all of them. You know, yeah, so I mean, but that okay, so that's, that's, I guess, not really media coverage to me no, no, no, I'm not, that's ww say that yeah, that's wwf doing a really good job making sure their kids are getting, you know the the college coaches, the information they need um yeah, I'm definitely not saying that's media, but I just yeah I was curious, because they do watched it wwf does a great job.

Speaker 2:

Awesome um I, because I did one last year for liam and I did a different one this year and obviously because I do this stuff, I'm able to kind of I got like a dope yeah, so I went a little crazy, but it looks good.

Speaker 3:

I want coaches to notice them you know, yeah, riding on the unicorn yep, yep, it's got his fist up in the air.

Speaker 2:

You know it's american flag behind him riding the eagle making eagle sounds out there. This is awesome uh, but yeah, no, wwf does a great job. That's awesome, um, to get the coaches the information they need about the kids. I just think the coverage could have been a little better um so, and I don't know, I again I don't do what they do because I don't want to do what they do yeah but if you say you want to do it, then do it do it, yeah, don't do it, half-assed

Speaker 2:

yeah do it whole ass, right, right. Do the whole ass. Don't do half the ass, do the whole ass. I'll just do one cheek the whole thing. Get the whole button right. Do the whole thing, guys. If you want to help ask, we're here yeah we're all. I'm sure there are plenty of people in this community. If you don't want to call me, that's great I don't care right, do better yeah I, I'm more than one. I was there all week yeah I was there from saturday.

Speaker 2:

I got there saturday morning and I know I was in minnesota saturday morning but I could have gotten there saturday morning for him. Yeah, helping with girls, stuff like that, and I don't know what they're allowed for media passes, but still it's like dude, yeah, you took pictures of like four kids, you know yeah come on, man, like do better.

Speaker 2:

Uh, you know, I know liam's just kind of tired of him because she's like they. They never catch me or do anything around them. When I'm on a mat, when I'm on fire, they take pictures of me on the mat. When I'm losing, it's like don't lose.

Speaker 3:

And the thing that I think they need to be a little more mature about. Like if they hold a grudge against a kid for not doing one of their events or something like, oh, you can kind of tell, yeah, oh, for sure, you know yeah, you can tell and it's like come on yeah you're. You're covering wrestling. You're not covering the guys that scratch your back.

Speaker 2:

This isn't a fucking popularity contest yeah and I, yeah, I, we we have talked about that before where you can tell, like there's been, you know, events that Liam has said no to, or whatever, but why do you have to say yes to an event to get covered as an athlete in your state?

Speaker 3:

That's what I'm saying Like it shouldn't be about that. I need to get a little more mature about that.

Speaker 2:

I am noticing that it is a little more like being back in high school.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

With clicks and stuff like that. Like you're, you're the more popular one, so we want to cover you. Of course you want to cover the guy that's making noise, but you have a whole state worth of kids right. You know, I get that you can't get everywhere, but you know you have people again that are willing to help. You have people that were helping you yeah you know, like I said, daily photography.

Speaker 2:

I don't think the petersons were down there for this, because obviously hawkins and russell yeah so the pearsons weren't there, so they had the dailies and they had, uh, well, no, just sarah. Yeah, I shouldn't even make it sound like it's the whole daily family down there. But, um, yeah, no interviews. I think there's maybe a couple interviews. I take that back. They may have talked to a couple guys. Yeah, that's it like. Make it about those guys. Yeah, right, don't just make it about likes and shares and shit, because this is about those guys. Guys, this isn't about you. Yeah, um, and if you are about the state wrestling and exactly how the state is going and trying to push it out there, you should push more kids. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

It's the way it is, you know. So I mean, I, as far as me, I fucking I'll interview them all. I don't care what your name is, right, I don't care which club you go to, you know, yeah, talk to any of them, and that's how it needs to be.

Speaker 3:

If you're all about promoting the sport, promote the actual sport right, don't just promote the people that you think are the best right right, you got enough money behind you.

Speaker 2:

Now, yeah, you guys can do that. You know that's. I didn't think we kind of noticed that before and we've had t gone and kind of mentioned some things as far as whatever. But now it's kind of getting a little out there. It's a little more blatant, like come on, guys, it's just more. And now I I probably sound like the like the pissed off dad. Oh well, you're jealous because your kids are covered. No, actually I'm not. I'll cover them. Yeah, I'll do just fine my own. Yeah, because you don't cover them already. So it's not like I gotta think about that.

Speaker 2:

So I'm getting any less coverage, yeah, so me, I'm not all you're being a pissed off dad, I'm just uh, there's a lot of kids they're not covering and I think a lot of those kids need the coverage, need the exposure. So do better, just do better. We know you guys are running around like uh, hands with your heads cut off. We get it. Um, we do the same thing with podcasting and stuff, trying to get things put together. So we're not at a tournament hooking up computers and shit like that, but it's just, it's all the same work.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Let's put the work in, you know. So, uh, with that being said, let's jump off to guys that are making a lot of money also. Uh, little David Taylor. Yeah, so the contract, uh stuff was just brought out um Twitter and I thought it was interesting because I've talked about this with a couple different guys as far as what coaches and how their how their pay is balanced. Now, this doesn't have every single thing on there, but I can kind of bring up a couple other things that that are, um brought to coaches, as far as what they get for money. So, um, you guys were looking at Rockfin over here. This is on uh, david Taylor officially signs contract with Oklahoma state. This is from Oklahoma wrestle on Roxanne.

Speaker 2:

Um, uh, guy that I got, seth Duckworth, he's the one that did the article. So I want to make sure I give these guys credit. But, um, I'm not putting it out there Cause I don't get yelled at. If you guys can't see, there's a reason why you can't see it, cause it's paid stuff. You have to pay. We'll talk about it a little bit. So, david Taylor just signed the contract. It sounds like it's about a million a year and then plus some, and that's everything combined together with all the so, up here is $175,000 just to pay to be a coach. That's his coach pay, that's being employed at the university, whatever. So there's also incentives. There's incentives for $10, $10. Oh, that would suck, right man. Those roster sizes drop was really gonna suck for this guy. But no, uh, 10 grand per individual.

Speaker 2:

Uh, ncaa champion yeah so I'm guessing that they don't get anything, if maybe it's five grand for someone that's a runner-up yeah, maybe they didn't break that down in here, but I think there's other levels to other guys, but I think it's only top three. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's only top three. Jamie nelson can correct me because I think he knows that one pretty good. Um, so then it's 60 for a third team. Uh place, uh.

Speaker 2:

Well, I can't read third place team yeah, yeah, 60 grand for a third place team, 80 for a second place, 125 grand for a first place team. Finish, yeah, and then plus add on to that, so these guys also get.

Speaker 3:

I thought the article was longer than this I was interested by, like the golf course membership.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so here's some perks. Yeah, yeah, here here's some perks that he gets. What do you say Team title? All these are paid with the 45 days of the tournament. Yeah, along with this Taylor. Uh, what do you say team title? All these are paid with the 45 days of the tournament. Yeah, along with this.

Speaker 3:

Taylor sees a golf course membership at carson creek must be an awesome fucking course it probably is thing fucking listed, yeah, it probably is.

Speaker 2:

I mean fucking money getting, for it's gotta be a decent one.

Speaker 2:

It's probably just like some public course down the road course like I'll use all the road Course of colleges over there but receives a golf course membership. Carson Creek four tickets to Oklahoma State football games, a luxury suite for wrestling matches, 12 tickets for home duels, 12 tickets for Big 12 wrestling tournament. Temporary housing expenses for while he moves for three months that's pretty good. Yeah, you know it's not too bad. You got all your shit paid for three months. Um, that's pretty good. Yeah, you know it's not. It's not too bad. You got all your shit paid for three months. Get your ass done. Oklahoma um, the talent personal service contract is where the bulk of the money for david taylor's contract is. Um. Taylor is set to make the following under the contract uh, present to march 31st. So on top of the $175,000 that he's already getting paid and the incentives with the athletes themselves. So these are, under the contract, $825,000.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That's year one.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

That bumps up another 30 grand each year after that. That's a huge contract. Oh yeah, I didn't do an add up all the numbers but when he's done, because I think was it a five year uh, six, was it six okay, uh, a combined million dollars in his first season, with raises each subsequent year yeah, whoa 30 grand each year dude man, I and I wonder. Here's the thing we'll probably never know what the if. If you don't do this, though, parts are.

Speaker 3:

You know what I'm saying, because man, that's a lot of money, oh man. Those guys just put to the side of 1.1, like the caps on the base, the lowest he's going to get on his final year is like 1.1. Correct, 1.5. The minimum. Yeah, those guys, I those guys I think they were another school that just put down building a new facility.

Speaker 2:

They are, I think they were one of them okay, because I know iowa state was good and they're like nope, because all these ncaa teams are coming because I just built one right, I will finish building theirs. They're building another new facility for another sport are they fuck yeah?

Speaker 2:

like. So I was talking to the person that was telling me about some of this ncaa stuff, right, um, and kind of hearing what he was telling me he's like well, you know, iowa could do this. I was not going to get rid of wrestling. Yeah, I don't care what you think, I don't care what dollar amount iowa is wrestling yeah, we got, we got into that last time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right right, and I I don't think, you know, basketball may make more, football may make more, but iowa Right, I don't care what the money amount is, I'm sure they're going to make any way that they can to make sure that that sport stays at that school.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I would think so.

Speaker 2:

They'll jump to the SEC if the Big Ten closes up. I don't think they're going to care, right, I don't think it's going to matter. So these guys have a lot, you know, with this NCAA changes coming up. He's the coach, it's not like the ones that have to perform. Ultimately, are the kids right, the team, um, but it's up to him, you know, to get it going. That's a, that's a man. That's a lot of money. Oh yeah, woo. So how do you think he plays out his five years?

Speaker 3:

You think he plays six win?

Speaker 2:

it. I know he won't, you know like, well, yeah, he wants to get it. Yeah, you know. So do you chase it for 20 years? If you don't get it, then I don't know the longevity, because I mean, you think about, like dan gable retired I think 45, was it 45, I think it was 45 or 46 or something like that because he had two hip or a hip replacement already. Yeah, it was when he was walking around with the crutches on the mat and shaking them at the ref all the time.

Speaker 3:

Hit the guys that are running off the mat.

Speaker 2:

It's going to be David Taylor in like 20 years, but that's the thing is like cause now the brands brothers. I'm from what I'm hearing and this is a rumor, it's alleged. Just hear me out. As far as I know, terry's probably going to be done after this year. Oh really. Possibly he's the RTC. I think he's the associate head coach, Not head coach the assistant coach.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think or is that Morningstar? Morningstar is the associate.

Speaker 2:

Terry's only RTC.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean he's on staff.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, but he's mainly the RTC. I don't think. From what I heard, I don't think after this year he's going to be around. Okay, allegedly Terry and Tom I also hear allegedly don't get along, but I don't see that. I've seen those guys getting along just fine.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're brothers. I mean, everybody probably thinks I don't get along with mine either.

Speaker 2:

It's the same thing, so I don't pay Walk up attention to that shit either. People say anything about that. I. That's, that's brother stuff, and they may hate each other, but that's brother hate. That's a whole different thing, right? It's just a different vibe. Um, tom, it sounds like he's sticking around for another four cycle, or not four. Four cycles, 16 years. Oh my god, he's probably sticking around for one more cycle of the olympics. Okay, um, I've heard possibilities that spencer lee is being roped into possibly be the next head coach of the Iowa Hawkeyes heard. Yeah, now, if I'm, if I'm Spencer Lee, my knees are garbage. I've got enough energy and time left in me right now to get these Olympics done. If I win the Olympics, I'm out. Yeah, I'm done. I proved my point. I won world titles before I got into college. Uh, one world titles after that Won championships after that. Now I won a gold medal.

Speaker 3:

I'm done, I'm good yeah.

Speaker 2:

But it sounds like he's being kind of picked as the next guy to groom for head coach. Morning Star would have been my guess. Yeah, first time around I didn't really think of Spencer Lee as coming out to try and coach, yet I think I feel like he's the type of guy that's like if I win a gold, I'll probably try it again yeah you know, maybe I'll go to the world championships to see if it's worth it.

Speaker 2:

Try to do that to see if I, but I just don't. I don't see him being done after this olympics yeah, I'd be surprised like but I think he's tired of shit.

Speaker 2:

I think he's, you know, I think he's kind of if I, if I read him right, and kind of just the way he was talking around the room, just kind of hearing him, it sounds like if I'm, if I'm spencer, I'm done after I'm done with the olympics. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna call it, but all the dogs are moving around up there. That's cool, but that's, that's a, that's a contract. I wonder if someone else in another big school like that would be able to put out that kind of money for a coach. Yeah, iowa Hawkeyes, for example, what's kale make? I don't even know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've never seen anything like this he's got to be blown kale out of the water. I think kale makes a decent chunk, but I don't think he's making that. Don't think he's making that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're definitely not getting giving him any bonuses for championships. He'd be getting paid out the ass.

Speaker 2:

You're right, he'd be a billionaire as much as I don't want to say that, that he would be a billionaire by now. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

But I so here's the wrestling program itself brings like 1.8 million, so it's not like they're drawing in a ton, you know what I'm saying, yeah. And I don't know how Penn State balances their. We want this and we laughed about the girls team making 18 grand a week or whatever. Yeah, but I don't know how these schools do that. This is again. We're all speculating, just kind of how we think things could go. Right yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know how the rules work with those guys. I could be saying something that's way off base, but I think if I'm, if I'm iowa, I top that. If I'm bringing spencer lee as a head coach, yeah, I'll pay him 1.2 million first year. Right, yeah, that's, that's the. Isn't that the thing now is the top things you got to be.

Speaker 3:

The best thing is some we're the best painter coach yeah, so I just up, uh, let's see uh tom brands. Yeah, we'll be making like he his start. He signed in 2022, yeah, and he was uh 550, right, and then the cap is 828, 29, see, you find kale see if I kill, yeah, like, let you do some hunting, I'll do some talking.

Speaker 2:

So the other, the other thing that these coaches do get paid on, uh, gpas, that's another thing that that rides um a lot of like any bonuses that they get off of that.

Speaker 2:

So if these you know, when you see these schools and the, just the program itself, like our wrestling team is a average of 3.3 or 3.7 or whatever it is, they get a bonus based off of that and I think they get a bonus based off of each individual athlete or what it is, the 4.0 or 3.8.

Speaker 2:

And I don't there could be a scale. You know, I'm sure there's some type of scale, but yeah, so these guys I mean these guys get all types of incentives to be able to make sure that their kids are in the classroom, that they're showing up for practice, that you know they're doing well tournaments and and it's just kind of crazy now how this whole ncaa thing's gonna roll out. That's why I thought it was odd that they're able to throw this much money at it when somewhere down the road you're gonna have to start throwing money at this lawsuit. This 2.8 billion, yeah, right. So when I see this price tag on a coach don't get me wrong worth the money oh yeah, don't get me wrong you saw all the guys go there now, right.

Speaker 2:

Worth the money hands down. But now you think about it, though, too, is like we were just talking about this like Oklahoma State's, not like the smart school Oklahoma's. The smart school Oklahoma State's kind of where these guys go to, you know, the guys that just couldn't quite cut it in a higher GPA.

Speaker 3:

Right, I mean they're obviously awesome wrestlers. Yeah, they're athletes, they're there for an athletic reason.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying these guys are like non, you know, they're point, painting themselves as geniuses. But yeah, it was told to me this way. As well as that, oklahoma is the smart school, oklahoma state's the not so smart school, but it's an athletic school. You don't see oklahoma winning any national championships anytime soon with their wrestling team. Tip for tat, yeah, I get it, but I just think it's kind of funny. Yeah, and people probably think I'm an asshole for it, I don't care but um wouldn't be the first time, not the first time at all not at all.

Speaker 2:

Um, so I just think it's interesting with all this stuff that's coming. I saw this article.

Speaker 3:

I'm like, wow, yeah, holy, it's a price tag and a coach man, geez yeah, their uh penn state has not disclosed uh kale's salary at all, but they there's a like right to know and yeah, it gives the top 25 uh, top 25 salaries that they pay to employees of the college and he's not on that interesting cutoff is 662 000 the for the highest no, the cutoff like oh oh really, yeah, that's that's the base, obviously, all this secrecy shit with penn state's getting so stupid.

Speaker 2:

It's the dumbest shit on the planet. It's honestly I and I get. Not everybody needs to know how much he's made. Don't get me wrong, it's not like, but it's public knowledge, right. It's out there. Like they know how much tom and terry brands make yeah quit hiding shit. Just it's not even, and I was just. You know I think it's dumb. Yeah, just like I know what they do in the penn state room yeah they play the same song.

Speaker 2:

Do you know that they play the same song whenever they go in that practice room? Whatever song is put on, one song is played that's it, the whole. Every practice correct oh yeah, every practice, they play one song.

Speaker 3:

Estimator souls that's how, uh uh, when I went to thorn camp, like uh, he played one song first and then he played the same song after that for the entire time.

Speaker 3:

Just the live goes like yeah and it was uh, the it was like, and the song was like the beat goes on and on. And I'm just like what in the world? Why did you pick this one to play over and over and over? Because the the song sounds like it goes on and on forever already. I was just like I was, it was I wasn't wrestling and I was like all right, turn the shit off like can we just just open the window?

Speaker 2:

yeah, let's do that. Yeah, let's turn the music off. We don't even need that, I don't know. But yeah, someone's like they literally play one song the entire practice. No, I know, you know they do dodgeball and they have fun. You know stuff like that, but it's, it's not. There's no secret. You know, like it's same thing with iowa, like when mako did his thing. You know everybody's like oh man, you're never gonna find a room as tough as iowa. He goes. I went to oklahoma state. He's like it's the same practice, they do the the same thing, yeah they wrestle.

Speaker 3:

It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

He's like oh man, I thought it was going to be like way different. I thought it was going to be way easier.

Speaker 3:

No, it's the same practice.

Speaker 2:

I thought we were going to be doing a lot of tumbling here or a lot of like drinking or something or sitting around, but no, I thought it was kind of interesting when you hear about all these mystiques about rooms. I think the only funny thing about iowa is that the opponent's locker room's pink. Oh yeah, that's fantastic. I revel in the fact that penn state walks into that pink locker room every time.

Speaker 3:

But no, I think towels, that'd be awesome. Just give everything, everything pink correct.

Speaker 2:

They have to walk out there with something pink.

Speaker 3:

Fantastic even, but you guys didn't bring towels here.

Speaker 2:

We got some.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're our women's towels.

Speaker 2:

You'll understand.

Speaker 3:

I'm not pulling anything, but this is funny.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people who listen obviously know that I've been an Iowa fan forever Since I was a child. That's never gonna change. I still respect the sport. I still like I do. I think kale's money has to be out there. No, but, dude, what are you hiding? Yeah what's the school like? The school like oh, we're so secretive, we hide things. Like you know, we can fuck off.

Speaker 2:

You're not that special yeah so I just think it's funny that these guys do that. But I just knowing that the these salary caps and the salaries that are going to be coming in for these coaches, he's obviously it's put out there, we know how much he's making, so they're not going to go back and say, well, all this money we got to pay, we got to change our pay scale with you, they're going to keep him there. But what about the coaches? They all have contracts, do I know? I wonder if they can change something on these guys.

Speaker 2:

With all this money that's going to be paying out pretty soon for this lawsuit, you know, like, what's going to happen to all the coaches that are out there, that you know some programs might get dropped, or. I just think it's interesting that a school can lop on that much to a coach that obviously, again, is worth the money, yeah, but with all the shit that's coming up, you can hand that out interesting yeah it's interesting donors up the wazoo it's got to be donors up the wazoo, somehow, something like that.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, there you go. There's david taylor's contract, kind of in a snippet. Uh, thank you oklahoma wrestle for putting that out there so we can talk about it. Because I again, I just thought it was really interesting after seeing all this money that's going to be going down. They're able to throw down a million million plus on one dude. I wonder how those other coaches feel about that. Yeah, I don't know. Again, those other coaches didn't win any gold medals in world championships. Totally get it. Yeah, but he's not wrestling, he's coaching. Right, you know it's a different kind of a gig, but I guess we'll see how it goes.

Speaker 3:

He's got a course membership to Carson Creek.

Speaker 2:

He's got a course membership to Carsten Creek. I might call him. Hey, dude, it's just a day I was coming down for a Saturday, swing through and head to Carsten's Dave. No, yes, he'll answer. Who the fuck is this? Why are you calling me? Or not even answer at all? But no, I think it's going to be interesting to see how that team does. I think it makes one thing definitely exciting to watch, something definitely to see how everything plays out with Mr DT here.

Speaker 3:

It was so crazy how that all played out. Coleman came in and was the associate. He thought he was the next guy.

Speaker 2:

Then you hear, you just automatically think he's it, and then you know, I I thought coleman scott when he was coming across is going to be a coach too, but when nothing was coming out about it, yeah I kind of got in my brain.

Speaker 3:

I was like I don't think he's gonna be a coach yeah, it was crazy, though, like because he knocked out, like when was it guerrero esposito? Yep, I think it was esposito, because he went to nc state now yeah yep, and I thought, like you know, before coleman came, I thought esposito was gonna be the guy you know. And then I was crazy. I don't know what they were looking.

Speaker 2:

Obviously they were looking for him, but yeah, and I don't know the esposito deal because he was there for so long I don't get why the transition from that. I honestly personally would have rather had Esposito, but other than Coleman Scott as a head coach, because Coleman already didn't prove himself at NC State. He's not a developing coach, right? Yeah, sorry, not NC State, north Carolina, same state.

Speaker 3:

Whatever, yeah, populizo.

Speaker 2:

Yeah right, it's a whole different family. I don't think Coleman Scott was able to prove himself in the arena he was in at north carolina. Coming over here I don't, and I'm going to speculate, but coming going to oklahoma state, I don't think was a choice okay I don't think that was a choice for him. I think that was something that had to become a choice, okay, um, why, I don't know right, because why would? Why would you all of a sudden, abruptly have to leave a head coaching job?

Speaker 2:

yeah they have no clue. It's the simple fact that you didn't get the job at oklahoma state tells me that you didn't want to leave north carolina because you should have gotten the head coaching job otherwise.

Speaker 3:

In my eyes, I see what you're saying, yeah so you're at north carolina.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't say like he was doing terrible no, they did I think they were doing the same that they always had been. It wasn't like a whoa. They tanked you know kind of thing. Yeah, but he's not. He's not. He doesn't develop kids like. He needs kids that come in. They're awesome already, yeah, you know. Um, yeah, and I'll attest that.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I'm not the only person that thinks that no you know that I've talked to several other coaches that know that and several other people that are kind of higher up in the wrestling world. Who are you talking to? I don't need to tell you who I talk to. Yeah, I don't need to tell you any of that, because people will bring that shit up all the time. Yeah, I'm not going to tell who's telling you this. A good coach, he's able to maintain a team. Um, it's not like he had guys in jail and doing all kinds of crazy stuff. There's the developmental side.

Speaker 2:

He's just not part of it, and I think I think leaving north carolina was not necessarily by choice right I'm not cool yeah, someone else will tell me oh, that's not the reason why you left and go ahead and talk all the circles you want, because he's just not. You know he can be a good guy all he wants to be but good guys aren't good coaches. You know that's not how it works. But once that david taylor thing started coming up, like it's like why, david taylor, you didn't never heard anything about him expressing wanting to coach? Yeah, I mean at the collegiate level right.

Speaker 2:

Maybe it was in an interview somewhere, but I'd never heard him talking about, especially when he started the M2 training center.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know, it seemed like he was pretty comfortable and I just don't, I just go, oh, okay.

Speaker 3:

Shit. They're going to go after him.

Speaker 2:

I'm all for it, though, totally, I think it's awesome. Shake it up, yeah, shake it up, man. But yeah, that's it. Yeah, we're going for our 25 minutes. Nice, we talked about two things. Yeah, maybe three. I think we threw a third in there. But see, folks, this is all we want to do is want to bring up some of the stuff, some of the bigger news every week. That's all. Yeah, you got anything else you want to bring up?

Speaker 3:

no, I mean I'm happy birthday your daughter. Yeah, happy birthday hazel hazel. Good job. Yeah, I am working on the profiles on my on my web page now. New website yeah, well, it's not out it's not out. Yeah, yeah I'm working on all that stuff right now and so getting all the profiles on.

Speaker 2:

So are you gonna try and do like video on there, like isaw did on there?

Speaker 3:

I don't know, I don't think so I'm I'm gonna need help from the kids, but it's it should help them in the long run too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if they can get that stuff on the so, guys, if you're watching or if you watch us down the road, if there's information that you feel like zach needs to get to be able to get that out, whether it's yeah, I'm gonna be I'm.

Speaker 3:

The plan right now is to actually give them access to a certain or they could edit their own. Yeah, they have a certain portion where they can, okay, but it's only going to be. They're not gonna have like free reign or what they know right right.

Speaker 2:

Is there a way that you can make it? They can only go to their profile to do that kind of thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, the new one I purchased, like you can give access and and and it's not like a, it's just a link, it's not to memorize anything, yep. And then you send them the link and they can put in their GPA, their class rank and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cause I always say that changes, you know yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, I don't have the time to sit there and message every single one of them, but yeah, so I'm starting that up and hopefully it'll be ready by the end of August. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you guys. He's working on the website. So if there's information, any colleges that you've committed to that you haven't gotten out, let him know. So that way he puts that on there, because college coaches will be looking at this website. They're going to go there to look at your GPA, your accomplishments and things like that. Obviously, you're going to be ranked, so you want to make sure the information is correct. So if Zach does reach out to you, please respond mom and dad or student or whatever because he's trying to make your information as accurate as possible. I'm going to give a shout out to sponsors. I'm going to give a shout out to sponsors. I'm going to give a shout out to 920 hat company. You see the back wall. There's a lot of 920 hats that are on that entire wall right there. Find them on Facebook Instagram. I don't think he's on Twitter. He doesn't give a shit about Twitter. Trevor Hagen, every hat I get done. It's those guys. I'm not going anywhere else.

Speaker 3:

Is he related to Jaden?

Speaker 2:

I don't, I've never asked, I've never asked him.

Speaker 3:

I, if I did have, a, it's kind of a common name around there. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I may have asked him. He said that, but I'll ask him for sure, okay, um, nine to a hat company uh, custom leather patches. They do, uh, patches in cork. They also do patches in a bamboo. He's got different types of materials. He's got different types of materials. He's got a metal material that he's using now too. So 920 hat company. Um, appleton tattoo. Jason winans in company.

Speaker 2:

Uh, they did my back tattoo, celtic cross, awesome. Uh, it's probably, it's way better than the arm tattoo that I have, that's for sure. That's about the size of my palm. It covers my whole back. Uh, but they're in appleton, right off college ave. Um, I think it's over by Cleopatra's. Okay, right around the corner from Cleopatra's Bar in Appleton, wisconsin, off of College Ave. Even if you're from out of state and you're here and you're like, yeah, I was thinking about going to go to 92010 or 92010, appleton Tattoo. I just got done talking about 92010. Appleton Tattoo Because they have. I do a heck of a Ableton tattoo, because they're great, they have a lot of time for you. They make sure the artwork looks right. They always want to make sure the stuff's done good, clean place. Everything there is clean, sterilized, all that stuff. That's probably the most important part.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure you don't want infections, right, jason? So Ableton tattoo, great group. Get to those guys. Anabolic army, those guys have a new flavor out spartan blood. Oh yeah, classic, right, I should add. I should have the jar down here. I apologize, guys. Uh, go check those guys out. It's a pre-workout, it's all he. It's all he makes pre-workout. He's also got uh bands. He just came out with some bands. Okay, uh, we got him upstairs. Uh, I think liam's used him a couple times, just staying fresh, things like that. But I know, I know he's been working out with the guy who, uh, anabolic army's been working out with him. Uh, because he's had a couple photos out of him.

Speaker 2:

He's like they work yeah, I was like nice, good, uh, so go check out anabolic army for pre-workout. Uh, spartan blood, and I think can't remember what the other one was. It's a, I think it's a berry, I can't remember okay but uh, good stuff. Um, I don't follow the directions.

Speaker 3:

Pre-workouts can be heart attacking yeah, herb tyler, was was entertaining was he no, the tournament where he oh we won't talk about that yeah uh, but it works.

Speaker 2:

Trust me, if you need pre-workout, follow instructions on it and it'll get you pumped for whatever you're doing Lifting-wise. Don't compete. These guys don't compete on pre-workout. It's a horrible idea. Chest pains might pass out, you might die no, I'm just kidding, you might feel like you're going to die. That sponsors, I want to bring up this book book and we're actually going to be getting him on, hopefully sometime soon.

Speaker 2:

The Matt return Okay, again, wish I had this. Whatever, I'm talking about it. The Matt return Coach Lang. He's the one that put that book together. It's a conglomerate of stories. It's it's.

Speaker 2:

He's reached out to people and gotten certain stories out and puts them in the book and a lot of them are inspiring. A lot of them are um, give you a kind of a better look into an athlete's thoughts of something that's either happened, which may not have only just happened to that one athlete, it's probably happened to several. Gives you an idea of what some of these kids and their thoughts are and their stories are going through wrestling. So check out the Matt Return. It's on Amazon. Anabolic Army is also on Amazon. You can find them there. They have their website, but Coach Lang's book is out there. It's the Matt Return I can't think of. I'm trying to think of the girl, the story that I'm thinking about, but I'll talk about that with him when he's on the show. So go check out the Matt return book. It's not a sponsor of the show, it's just a good book. Talk about and get him, get him on here. So we're going to get Eric Barnett back on. Obviously, you saw the new announcement. This club the complete wrestler.

Speaker 2:

It's not just something he's just doing camps for he's starting a club, yeah, um, I think it's great, uh, I think it's, I think it's needed. I think, uh, they're just so. This is a cyclical thing. I'm not going to go on and on about it. This is cyclical, right? Um, I think it's going to happen to askren.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, 10 years, you know, things go around and I'm not saying askren's going away yeah don't get me wrong, I don't think he's going away Cyclical, where things are just exploding right Coming up. Pinnacle is one of them. Yeah, pinnacle came out and boom, you know, another kind of going on a little bit and got really good athletes still, but they're not the be all end all they you know they're kind of people are finding other ways. Maybe something didn't, you know, read right for him when they were in the room and they chose to go a different place is what it is.

Speaker 2:

But we're going to get Barnett back on and talk about his new, uh, his new endeavor. Um, cause he's not just doing that guy. The guy still has a full-time job too of finances, so it'd be interesting that man's going to be busy. He doesn't have kids yet, so it's good, he's a busy guy. So go check out Barnett's the Complete Wrestler and see when they got some practices and see what some club prices are to be able to sign up with him. But go check out the other clubs too. We still have Fox Valley Elite. We still have X Factor right, he's still around.

Speaker 3:

X Factor Pilon's still doing it, yeah he's still doing his thing.

Speaker 2:

That's the only other. Well, ringer still doing his thing, that's the only other. Well, the ringer's down in Milwaukee, that's the only other one I'm really willing to talk about Kras.

Speaker 3:

Yeah yeah, kras Sarbacher.

Speaker 2:

I didn't forget you guys, so don't get all pissed off when I see you next time. Oh, you don't remember our name. I remember all of you. Okay, that's fine. Rt Elite it's another club. Yeah, liam was just kind of hanging out on the bus with ryan taylor the other night. Uh, props, ryan taylor um kind of had a long conversation. I don't know what it's about, I don't care. Yeah, that's between those guys, um, but those can turn into game changers. Having those talks with coaches, man, they've been through it, you know so um, but go, you guys, check out all the clubs. If there's somewhere nearby and there's a club that's buy-in, you don't like it. There are a lot of other clubs, check them out. These guys are all worth it. I think we kind of whittled down some of the weaker kind of minded old school type thinkers. These guys that are in it still are pretty much the evolving coaches yeah they're young guys, they're in tune with what's happening with the sport now.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's just. It's not a time now, I think, to be divisive anymore when it comes to clubs. All these guys sarbacher works with askren and I know cross works with askren, and ringers may work with them a little bit, but I know that there's a weird thing with those guys is what it is. But uh, these guys are all starting to come together. We're coming together and becoming a little tighter as a state when it comes to wrestling. Everybody's got their own. You know bickering to do about what they think about one person or the other, but the coaches themselves are really starting to kind of come together. I've noticed a lot more, especially at these big tournaments. I know you've got to show face, but these guys are getting along. These guys want the better for the state. So go reach out. If you feel like you can't do Askren, you've got to CRAS. If you feel like you can't do CRAS, you've got to RT and a half for you to go to practice. Right, I did it for a while right so it's one of those things.

Speaker 2:

Just go check them all out, but definitely check out barnett's complete wrestler. So, uh, we're gonna let everybody go. It's been an hour and 35 minutes. Um, you got a birthday. Get ready for something, I don't know, whatever. Uh, hazel, happy birthday. Yeah. So I'll say that again. But uh, we're gonna, we're gonna get the heck out of. Here've been talking for a while. I'm getting blue in the face and all that other shit. So, peace guys, see you.

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