RecoverMe with Warren Willey

Episode 001 | What is RecoverMe?

Dr. Warren Willey Season 1 Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of The RecoverMe Podcast. 

Meet your host, Dr. Warren Wiley, an optimal health expert, as he talks about quicker, easier, and less stressful tips on how to take care of your body holistically.

Warren will cover the basic philosophy of the RecoveryMe and how it helps people achieve optimal health, optimal fitness, optimal physique and optimal energy. Are you ready to change your life? 


[02:54] I can't control your stresses, but I can help your body deal with them better.

[05:23] How do I initiate change myself? 

[06:56] That's what the RecoverMe philosophy is to help you during the rest of your life, so when you do get exposed to stress, when you are exposed to toxins in the environment, when you do go too far too many holiday parties around between the month of Thanksgiving and Christmas, your body recovers and you're fine. You're unscathed from it. 

[08:52] I will teach how to allow your body to handle living this century.

[10:33] The RecoverMe philosophy is beat it to the punch.

[10:46] I want to teach you how to intervene now, right now.

[13:14] Quality of life. That's what really matters. 

[17:12] Look up the medicine you're taking on the Internet and look at its NNT, Number Needed to Treat. 

[17:52] The new medicine, the medicine that really gave rise to the RecoverMe philosophy is actually based on quantum physics, quantum mechanics and quantum theory, and that is things are interrelated and that is you cannot remove the observer from the experiment. 

[21:13] Rather than just treating a number on paper with a drug, let's look at all the mediators around it and how they're influencing the person and how that influence can be optimized for a better quality life. 

[23:54] Mom was a diabetic, Dad was a diabetic, I'm going to be diabetic. There's no gene for diabetes. I tell them, however you grew up in their house, you learned how to eat like they do. You&