The Succession Plan Dance
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The Succession Plan Dance
Dec 04, 2023
Patrick & Susan


You have been leading your financial institution for decades, and you’re immensely proud that you’ve helped it grow in almost every way. Now, as you reflect on 30-plus years of hard work, struggles, wins, and relationships, you realize it’s time to take a step back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

But what does that look like, exactly? How do you slowly step away, and who is going to lead the institution when you do? Once you’ve identified your institution’s next leader, how do you plan a successful handoff? These are the same questions David Furnace (Executive Vice Chairman and former CEO of Haberfeld) had when it was time to hand over the reins to Ben O’Neill (new CEO of Haberfeld).

Join Patrick and Susan as they talk with David and Ben about the process and timeline of succession planning, and how the two worked together for an effective and timely passing of the torch.