The Best Life Blueprint

Surprising ways to up your Mom Game

January 24, 2023 Meghan Hanson Season 1 Episode 11
Surprising ways to up your Mom Game
The Best Life Blueprint
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The Best Life Blueprint
Surprising ways to up your Mom Game
Jan 24, 2023 Season 1 Episode 11
Meghan Hanson

My favorite lessons inspired from surviving a dinner out alone with the kids...
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

Show Notes Transcript

My favorite lessons inspired from surviving a dinner out alone with the kids...
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

  But I want you to never go to bed. Think. , you're a failure. You didn't do enough because you did exactly as much as you could do that day.


 Hello friends. Welcome back to another episode of Her Like a Mother. I am very much excited for this weekend coming up because I am surprising my husband with a little getaway. He's turning the Big four oh very soon, so I really wanna tell you where we're going, but he listens to this. At least he says he does.

So we are gonna keep it mum and just live in the anticipation, live in the excitement. I'm also very excited to report that I survived taking my children out to dinner by myself last night. Yes, this might sound like not a big deal, but if you have three crazy six year old, At home, you understand where I'm coming from,  or if you have multiple children, , that are close in age, you understand where I'm coming from.

. My husband was working late last night and the kid's school was having a fundraiser. So I decided, screw it. Let's have a night out. I don't wanna do dishes. and I had a feeling that maybe I would've regret my decision in the end, but you know what, let's just go for it.

Sometimes you just have to jump, right? So it actually ended up not being too horrible of an experience, although I feel like I did wanna pull my hair out a few times. We went to BJ's restaurant and , they're, they're known for their little pizzas and their zuki. If you have not had a zuki, we need to chat.

Because I'm all about healthful eating, but I'm also, I'm okay with the every now indulgence and that is the Zuki, which is a essentially a pizza cookie. A cookie   baked in a delicious pan  and.

So we sit down all as well. You know, , we get our order taken fairly quickly, . They bring a little kid appetizer to each kid, which I thought was really cool. They brought like a little appetizer with like fruit and bread for each kid.  and I was like, I want a mom appetizer. Where's my mom?

Appetizer . Um, I may or may not have ordered a beer. it is a brew house after all, and it was okay. It was okay up until it was time to eat the bazookie because kids were finishing up their pizza. I was finishing up my bison burger, which. Moderately delicious. I'll leave it at that. Uh, it was all right and there was no server to be found to order, said Zuki.

And I love the restaurants that you can actually order at your table. Those are game changers. I think Red Robin. You can do that where you order at your table. Well, let me know if you think of other ones, cause I'm blanking on the kid Friendly, family friendly restaurants that you don't need necessarily a server around all the.

but kids were getting restless. I wanted a zuki. They wanted a zuki, especially cuz I was talking it up so much. And my kids love dessert like most children do. And here's the issue, when kids start to get restless, you start to lose your ever-loving mind because they're fidgeting. They're running around.

They, they had a friend at the table next door. It was just getting a little squirrely. Finally, we ordered Zuki. I was like, okay, we gotta reign this in. We gotta, we gotta wait a few minutes for this zuki to come out of the oven. We could do this, we could do this because I did not wanna leave that restaurant without my damn Zuki

Is anybody with me on that? , so you know what we powered through? There was a trip to the bathroom involved. The kids got up multiple times to go visit their friend at the nearby table, and I just kept saying to myself, it's fine, it's fine. We're all fine. Zuki came. We ate. I tried to pay as quickly as possible and we left.

Case closed. We survived. We did it. Every single time I take my kids out to eat, I feel like I do a victory dance. I earn another life. Somehow gets like, I get like a cat life , attached to my existence. , so here's what I wanna say about stepping up your mom game. Not to say you're not doing a good job, you are doing an excellent job, especially if you're listening to this podcast.

Strong work, strong work. , but there is a lot to be said in general about doing the uncomfortable. And yes, would it have been easier if I stayed at home, let my kids veg out on tv?  while I just popped like a pizza in the oven. Hells yeah, that'd be a lot easier. But how often do my kids get to go out to eat?

Not very often. Is it good for them to have exposure to the outside world? Probably. So. I say this as just inspiration to maybe do the uncomfortable and I like to pause for a moment. , especially on days that I feel extra stressed and hurried and rushed and the kids are taking their sweet ass time doing things.

How, like how many times do we need to say, put your shoes on. Put your shoes on, put your shoes on, and I know you're supposed to go up to the kid and like, , get close to them to say, put your shoes on. But sometimes I'm gonna go up to them, put my hand on their shoulder and say, get your ever-loving shoes on, son.

Or, I'm gonna lose my ever-loving mind. . In those moments, that is the time to pause and reflect through the child's eyes about what's going on. Now this is the hardest to do when you are literally pulling your hair out and you're supposed to be leaving the house two minutes. , but . 

It's in these exact moments that it's super helpful to pause, take a breath, , look through the eyes of your kid and think, okay, like, where are they at? What is their attention on? And especially thinking of stepping outside your comfort zone to do uncomfortable. Experiences, like taking them out to restaurants or taking them on vacations, shoot, taking them to the zoo can be quite a task.

But on those harder days, and in those harder moments, I like to pause and think, okay, what are they gonna be getting out of this? Are they getting good enjoyment? Am I gonna get enjoyment? Sometimes the enjoyment is gonna be my pook. , maybe my half a beer that I finished and everything else is worth it.

Here's another Stepping Up Your Mom Game tip that I found super helpful, and it's especially helpful if you feel like you're a mom. That quote needs to do it all, and this is asking for help. I. Don't delegate enough. But when I do delegate, it's life changing energy, changing life giving  to ask someone for help, and also the concept of investing in help.

So this means. Paying for someone to take a load off of your shoulders. I have hired people in the past to fold my laundry for me and paying minimum wage or maybe a little bit more than minimum wage to have someone who's graciously very happy to fold laundry for two hours. Cuz I have enough laundry for two hours y'all.

I sure do. It's a game changer and. , It can be hard for us to step outside of our busyness to like think where could somebody step in to do this for me? But I think that's a huge way to step up your mom game so you're not feeling constantly frustrated with the mess or frustrated with your quote, lack of time.

, So I challenge you to think where you can delegate and also invest in asking for help who can step in and do a task for you to free up not only a physical task, but also the mental load of doing something. I'm gonna leave you with this. You're doing a great job and I want that to sink in with you for a minute.

. I want you to, if you can, if you're driving, don't do this, but I want you to close your eyes, take a deep breath and hear me say you are doing a great job. Some days you're not gonna be able to do all the things that you wanna do. You're not gonna cross off everything on your gosh darn list.

But I want you to never go to bed. Think. , you're a failure. You didn't do enough because you did exactly as much as you could do that day.

If that day your best was 70%, then clap for you. Girl. 70% is pretty darn good, and some days if your best is 30%, that's. You're gonna have those a hundred percent days, you're gonna have those 30% days, but stop killing yourself over it. You're doing a great job. I'm here for you. I'm applauding you, and let's continue kicking butt this year.

All right guys. I'll love you so much and stay tuned for another episode next week. Bye.