The Best Life Blueprint

Inspired Action

March 07, 2023 Meghan Hanson
Inspired Action
The Best Life Blueprint
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The Best Life Blueprint
Inspired Action
Mar 07, 2023
Meghan Hanson

Always having someone to look up to, a mentor, a coach, someone that inspires you is a great way to keep your growth propelling forward!

I discuss the power of inspiration and why you need it in your life now!

Be inspired & be well!
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

Show Notes Transcript

Always having someone to look up to, a mentor, a coach, someone that inspires you is a great way to keep your growth propelling forward!

I discuss the power of inspiration and why you need it in your life now!

Be inspired & be well!
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

  I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do everything all at once, and I just wanna encourage you to take things one step at a time.

You're not gonna be a professional overnight. You're not gonna be an expert overnight


 Hello. Hello. Welcome back to another episode of Hurts Like a Mother. I'm in a great mood today. I'm recording on a Friday, and I don't know about you. Fridays for me are my lighter, easy breezy days and. , I'm pumped. So let's do this. I wanted to talk today about a conversation that was inspired by. My two good friends that I chat with on Marco Polo

If you don't know or use Marco Polo, I highly suggest you download this app and it is my best way to communicate with my friends that I don't have time to see because we're too busy chasing our kids around. We're too busy working. So Marco Polo is a great way. I'm not sponsored by Marco Polo, by the way, this , this is.

a friendly tip. Anyhow, it's a great way to keep in contact and I get the best conversations, even though we're not together. I get the best conversations through Marco Polo and it's just through video messaging and we watch them respond to them when we can, and this is how we connect. And honestly, I would not be connecting with these women the same way because I don't see them  between the three of us, we.

We have 11 children. That's a lot of human beings to keep track of. And anyhow, so Marco Polo is a great way to just stay in contact. , one of our last conversations was about who we are inspired by.

And one of my friends pointed out a very good point,  that we are typically inspired by people that excel in what we want to excel in. So for example, One of my friends really looks up to a coworker and a leadership position because her passion and her love is at work doing the work of labor and delivery nursing.

So she looks up to certain people in this profession because that's where her love and her passion is, versus me. I really look up to my fitness coach. What up Rachel? And she emulates the type of dedication and passion. For the gym and for health and fitness, and I really am inspired about her passion and I hope I can inspire others in similar ways.

And then my other friend, her passion is being at home. And being an amazing mom, and she talked about really looking up to other homemakers who really give back to her community, give back to their family. So it's so amazing. So I'm curious if you could take a minute and think about who inspires you,

and I want you to think about maybe why. , you are inspired by these people. What qualities do they possess that you hope to emulate? And it's not about being them, right? Like we don't wanna be other people, we wanna still be ourselves. But what about their passion, their drive, their dedication? What little nuggets can you take away from studying them in a way that you can start to emulate?

So for example, my fitness coach,  I, I love that she is consistent and she's always thinking of ways to improve herself, and even if it's 1% better in a workout, or really being mindful during a workout and not just going through the motions. These are the things that inspire me to be better every single day.

outside of the gym. So, hey, it's because it's not all about just gym workouts, right? It's about how we carry ourselves day in and day out, the commitments we make to ourselves to build confidence over time and staying true to those commitments. That's how the real work gets done, and that's how real change happens.

So it's not about just going to the gym every day, but it's about. , I'm gonna be focusing on being better through my nutrition, through my mindset, drinking my water, being mindful of what I put in my mouth, vegetables, you know, all of these little things add up, getting movement, walking, being spiritually healthy.

How can I connect to myself more in order to get to give back to others? 

 . So here's why I think it's always important to have people around you that are gonna force your growth. We're not gonna know what's possible unless we put ourselves in the environment of others doing amazing things. So let me give you an example. Growing up my perception.

you finish high school. Maybe you go to college if you can afford it. You get married, you have children, you keep working. Doesn't matter what job you have, as long as you have a paycheck, you pay your bills, you get your kids through school. They maybe go to college if you're so lucky to afford it. Your kids have kids , you love on your grandkids.

and you eventually get to an age that you just die. Like I, that was my perception of how life was and the circle of life. I didn't know it could be so much more than that. And I don't know if I would've made that realization unless I put myself next to people who were doing more. And this is not to say that if you do have that life of.

you grow old, you retire, you die. Like that's totally fine if you're happy with that power to you. But I think I'm ready to undertake a life that is more than that, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I don't think there's anything wrong whatsoever with wanting more because. I'll say it again.

We only have one life. Am I right? And I could be hit by a bus tomorrow. Would I be sad about be getting hit by a bus? Of course, , but I wanna go out Nolan. I lived the life of my dreams and I led a life of fulfillment and satisfaction and knowing that I did everything I possibly could to leave this world a better.

And if I think about where I was when I started this whole, whole journey of improving myself, the journey that led me to coaching other people, I think of that mindset of, oh, that's not me. Or, oh, I, I don't know how to do that.  and it was so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable to not know things. And I'm the type of person that I, I thrive and I am very comfortable when I know what I'm doing.

And I gotta tell you, I didn't know what the f I was doing.

I didn't know, , how to pick up a barbell or how to. Curl a dumbbell, any of this stuff. But I surrounded myself with people that knew what they were doing. You know, I got a coach, and even with having a coach, I still didn't know how to work out. I didn't know. The basics of moving my body, lifting weights.

But I gotta tell you, the more I stuck with it, the more I hung in there and put in the work to figure out all the things, that's when the growth happened. We live in this amazingly technologically advanced. World where everything is at our fingertips. If we don't know how to do something, everything's online.

There's a YouTube for everything. You wanna learn how to grow a vegetable garden, YouTube, that shit. You wanna learn the best recipe for chili. There's a, there's a Pinterest article for you. We are living in such a crazy world right now. I don't even know if people are grasping this. If you are. , if you're in your twenties, I don't think you fully comprehend this , but I was born in 1987 and I remember my older brother had a pager.

I didn't get a cell phone until I was 16 and driving, and I remember learning how to send a text message for the first time. . I didn't know how to do it, but you know what? You figure things out. And that's, that's how things are. So all this to say is that I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to do everything all at once, and I just wanna encourage you to take things one step at a time.

You're not gonna be a professional overnight. You're not gonna be an expert overnight. So yes, I challenge you if you can't think of anybody who inspires you. I think you need to open up your world a little bit. Step outside your comfort zone.

And you know what? If you find someone that you really look up to and you wanna , learn their ways, and learn the things that they excel at, ask 'em, 

they'd be happy to share a tidbit of advice or maybe where to start, and that's the part of making this world a better place. Am I right?  So I want you to think about who you look up to and why. And what is one quality that you can take away from why you're inspired by them and how you can incorporate it into your life today.

, I just wanna leave you with that little nugget, plant a seed in a  brain of yours. And I hope you have a wonderful, fantastic week and I wanna hear from you. Personally, I want you to send me a message about who you look up to, why you look up to them, and I wanna hear what you're gonna be working on.

I'm super curious and I would love to connect with each and every one of you. And I have full faith that you're gonna rock it. So thank you for listening. I love you so much, and have a kick ass week.