The Best Life Blueprint

Lose weight with 1 little change...

March 21, 2023 Meghan Hanson Season 1 Episode 19
Lose weight with 1 little change...
The Best Life Blueprint
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The Best Life Blueprint
Lose weight with 1 little change...
Mar 21, 2023 Season 1 Episode 19
Meghan Hanson

Instead of doing ALLLLL the things, how about you become a master of 1 small change? See the ripple effect happen in your life by focusing on 1 change at a time...
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

Show Notes Transcript

Instead of doing ALLLLL the things, how about you become a master of 1 small change? See the ripple effect happen in your life by focusing on 1 change at a time...
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women


  Welcome to Herz Like a Mother, a space to share the joys and pains of motherhood and life to spread the message that you are not alone in this journey. I am Megan Hansen, registered nurse, integrative nutrition health coach, and mom to triplets. It is my mission to empower you to create momentum in building the most helpful vivacious life of your dreams.

Won't you join me?


 Hey, hey. Welcome back everyone.

I have some wonderful mood rain hitting my window right now. We had a couple days of sunshine, a day of rain, a day of sunshine. Spring is not gonna make up its mind quite yet, but I am okay with that. As long as I get my sunshine walk in here or there we are. Good to go. I was thinking of the idea of when you are a jack of all trades, so to speak, you are a master of none, which is related to scattered focus.

We'll create, create scattered results, and how this all relates to creating health change. For me, I am always thinking about how to improve myself. What is one thing I could do today to be 1% better? Whether that means getting one more sip of water in when normally I would not be getting that sip in, or what is one page of a book I can read?

What is one moment in time that I cannot lose my shit with my children?  or perhaps what is one way that I can connect with my partner? I'll admit that one is probably one that I could spend more time on, but a work in progress for sure. And I bring this up because I think it's very common when you get gung ho on creating a lifestyle change or a habit change.

We wanna change all the things all at once.

But what if I told you of an alternative route for sustainable change? Could be on just focusing on one little thing. So for example, if we say, I wanna eat better, well, what does eat better mean? Eat better.  has a huge spectrum, right? Like, does that mean you're not going to eat carbs or you're not going to eat and meat?

Are you gonna eat tofu for a full month? Like what is eat better? So by breaking it down, creating clarity on one thing. For example, I'm gonna eat more vegetables. I'm gonna have my fridge filled with the veggie. . So that is gonna do a ton of things by just focusing on one thing, being vegetables. You're gonna not only have more fiber in your diet, you're gonna have better hydration from those veggies.

You're probably gonna eat less crap, you're gonna have higher quality carbohydrates

 Instead of a lot of packaged things. Heck, you're not gonna eat as many processed packaged items, so that's gonna cut out a little bit as well to help you eat better. So instead of having a huge goal of say, eat better, what if you just focus on a micro goal  and just be  a ninja when it comes to that macro goal? Like you are gonna be a master of that one micro goal, whether that be eat more vegetables. I'm gonna read all my nutrition labels so I know what the f I'm putting in my mouth. Or just eat less processed foods.

I'm gonna take one to two snacks that I normally consume every day that's in a package and I'm gonna create a substitute for those two snacks. So it's gonna do a lot of things. So really hammering in the specific one task that you are going to be a master of is what's gonna get you long-term sustainable results.

Because being a master, that one thing is gonna create true lifestyle. 

And when I say I want you to be a master of that mini goal, , what are the ways that you can keep yourself accountable and consistent, whether it be you pull in your friends and family and you tell them about your mini goal, so they're gonna be there to support you. You're gonna set timers on your phone.

You're gonna journal about this mini goal. You're gonna set yourself up for success with this mini goal. And by doing so, by having it framed that it's, it's a small but attainable goal.  will allow you to have better success with it. And when you have success with one small goal, when that goal becomes a no-brainer, a lifestyle change, that's when you find your world opens up to other things.

So, okay, so you're eating one extra serving of vegetables a day. Awesome. You're feeling better, you're probably pooping a little bit better. Your water intake might be a little bit better. , and then maybe you make a better choice at a restaurant when you go out for dinner. Maybe you have one less drink because you're adding like a, a vegetable appetizer or you're adding a salad.

So one lifestyle change can create a ripple effect in your whole life down the road. And that's what I love to talk about all the time, is it's not about mastering all the things all at once, but what can you be a master of on a smaller scale? Because that change is gonna have a ripple effect in your life and in your family's lives and in your friends' lives.

So I challenge you, what would be your mini goal that you wanna master and that you wanna conquer? And it doesn't have to be health related. It could be personal development related, it could be family related, work related. And I want you to think about taking that one mini goal and how can you set up elements in your life to support mastering that mini goal?

And I want you to enact it and stay with. Keep coming back to that. Have reminders set out for you to keep reviewing and keep at it. You know, plug it in your calendar, give yourself a challenge. I'm running right now, a 10 day challenge in my Facebook group to hammer in a little bit of consistency.  to get your body spring ready, so to speak.

Now. Now I know we're not gonna get our, our spring bodies ready in 10 days, but hammering the basics, like adding in more movement to your body, more protein, more water, all of these little things create ripples effects in your body and in your life to help change come about more rapidly and more easily.

So that's my goal with this with. Challenge I'm putting on in my Facebook group right now is having a space for people to work on their consistency because that is something super hard for a lot of people to do. So I'm very excited for people to work on that and experience that, and hopefully we create some ripple effects.

That's what it's all about.

So if you are thinking about wanting to change something in your life, just take it one micro goal at a time. Be a samurai Master  of that task, of that goal. And why don't you just keep at it, keep at it, keep at it.  and down the road see the ripple effects of all of your hard work. I'm gonna keep it short and sweet this week.

I want to thank you so much for tuning in have a wonderful rest of the week. Go kick butt today. And I love you from the bottom of. Share this episode with a friend. I wanna keep this thing growing.