The Best Life Blueprint

6 ways to start tapping into your Higher Self

May 02, 2023 Meghan Hanson Season 1 Episode 24
6 ways to start tapping into your Higher Self
The Best Life Blueprint
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The Best Life Blueprint
6 ways to start tapping into your Higher Self
May 02, 2023 Season 1 Episode 24
Meghan Hanson

Let's put more joy into the journey of reaching your potential with these 6 tips to tap into your higher self....
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

Show Notes Transcript

Let's put more joy into the journey of reaching your potential with these 6 tips to tap into your higher self....
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

  That true grit. That true perseverance, that dedication. It's not gonna be linear. You're gonna have ebbs and flows, but sticking with something over the long haul, that is where the true reward comes in, and that's how you step into your higher self



Welcome back to the show. I am very happy to be talking with you today. As always, I am never unhappy to talk to you. We just say that, right? . Today's episode is inspired by a goal that I'm revisiting. 

This is a thought that popped into my head maybe two years ago because I didn't realize that I would want to have this goal over a decade ago, but through my journeys and tapping into what I really want to be, And accomplish. I discovered I had this dream about two years ago, and that is to host a women's wellness retreat.

And how amazing would it be to get some women together, connect over really good food, and maybe do some like breath work, yoga, do some like fun hikes together? Like how. Fun would that be? And how Rejuvenating, how restful, and really the point of this is to offer people an opportunity to come together, step out of your comfort zone a little, and to tap into your higher self because what's the point of living this life if we are not our optimal beings?

What's the point of living these decades?

Just doing it in a mediocre way, like that's not fun. Where's the joy in that? So I wanna talk to you about six ways that I think you can start tapping into your higher self. And I'm just gonna get right into it because this is my jam man. This is what I love to talk about. The first ways through nutrition.

Your body's fuel. . I will say this until I breathe my last breath on this earth, but. Food will change your life. And if you want to live optimally, you need to fuel your body optimally. And I'm not saying you can't occasionally enjoy the donut, whatever, but let's, let's define occasionally.

Hey, every weekend, every weekend is not, occasionally, I'm just gonna be completely blunt with you. 

But our, our world that we live in is not set up for optimal nutrition. We have too many things on our calendar. We have too many activities. We have too many things we're saying yes to. It is crowding out the huge propellant of health that is nutrition. Because what's the first thing we do when we're running late?

We grab fast food, we grab whatever packaged snack is on the counter. We just run. Or we just don't even eat. We don't eat. And then we come home and we're starving and we don't have things. We don't have food prepared. So we go to the pantry and just shove our face with whatever we can find. Right? And that, that kind of living.

It's not only ideal, it's not sustainable. And the more we do that, the more we push off having good food go into our body. You know, this is why we have crazy rates of I B s and anxiety depression. If you think that your gut is not connected to your mental health, you are sorely mistaken, my friend.

We are not on the right path as a country. We are overweight. We have chronic disease that is mostly undiagnosed. Our new normal is not okay. The normal of Oh yeah, you have a lot of um, Bloating, constipation, , it's normal to only poop every four days. Like shit.

It is literally no. Like we need to take back and start questioning like, is this actually normal or is just this, just what's statistically is prevalent in our country right now. So I challenge you if you want to step up your game. If you wanna tap into your true potential, start with what you're putting in your mouth, numero dose, how to tap into your higher yourself through the dichotomy of movement and rest.

Cause we could talk about all day about spinning on the bike and weightlifting, going for walks. But I wanna talk to you about true restorative rest, and this is not sitting on the couch scrolling on your phone. Resting. No, this is getting good high quality sleep. This is going to bed at a decent hour.

Not having the TV on before you go to sleep, not having pre-B bedtime alcohol. These are these little things add up into crap sleep. And you know what you might be thinking, well, my head was on the pillow for seven hours. But is it true deep restorative sleep? Do you wake up still tired? That's that's a problem.

So moving your body, but also focusing on restorative sleep is huge. Tapping into yourself. Number three, getting uncomfortable and trying new things like when was last time you did something kind of scary? A little outside the box, maybe a new. Art class or dance class,

Pushing the boundaries is where true growth happens. So if you want to work towards reaching your true potential as a human being, you gotta challenge yourself. So what's something in the past that you've thought about doing? Like, oh, that might be fun, but I couldn't do that.

Like, what? What's that thing? And I want you to do it, and if you do do it, I'm gonna know about it. Send me a message. Number four, how to tap into your higher self. You gotta start being okay with setbacks. I love to say the F word. But there's one F word that I don't like to say, and that's failure because I don't think too many things in life are true failures.

I think some things don't turn out the way we hope or anticipate, but I think the only time something is a failure is if you completely give up on it. 

 If you still want something so bad, but you feel like it's not going your way, but you completely forget, forget about it. I think that's a failure. But otherwise, call the setback, call the change in direction. That is where the growth comes from. So if you are experiencing a setback, don't give up.

Stick with it. That true grit. That true perseverance, that dedication. It's not gonna be linear. You're gonna have ebbs and flows, but sticking with something over the long haul, that is where the true reward comes in, and that's how you step into your higher self. Number five, how to get to your higher self quiet time, distraction free.

So I want to know the last time you drove in your car without any noise, without music on, or a podcast or on the phone with someone, what did that feel like? Can you even remember a time that you were just driving? Just driving, right? Like the epitome of what you should be doing behind the wheel is only driving like distraction free.

No conversation, nothing. Can you think of a time that you did that? If you haven't, here's where I challenge you. Again, drive distraction free a hundred percent. No music, no podcast, no noise, no phone calls, no text messaging. Is it uncomfortable? You sure. As should. It is. Why? Because we have programmed our brains to not be able to sit and just be.

Like we always have to be doing something. We're multitasking. The research  states you can't truly proficiently multitask. ,

your brain can't focus on multiple tasks at the same time, skillfully, I.

Same goes with going on a walk outside. Can you do a walk without listening to something? Can you just physically be present? Walking outside? And this brings me to my last tip on how to tap into your higher self, which is connecting with nature and sunshine This is kind of connected with the whole idea of grounding, like physically going outside in your bare feet and putting your bare feet on the earth and receiving that energy exchange from the ground is phenomenal.

When we connect to nature, we connect to our true self. If you think of standing in the middle of a forest and you can see the tree canopies above you, and the light is just kind of peering through the tree branches above you. And everything is still, except maybe a little rustling of leaves from below.

Maybe there's like a little chipmunk curring . Across the ground. You hear some birds chirping. Maybe in the distance you hear a little water trickling  through a river.

Can you feel that sense of inner peace in that moment? You can replicate that anytime you go out into nature. And just take a minute, put your feet on the earth, close your eyes and just be, sounds crazy, but it can do miraculous things, especially if you have. Anxiety or you feel like you're always on the go, like taking those moments to just stop can do wonderful things, not only for your brain space and your mental flow, but taking time to be quiet and still it helps your brain catch up to you.

Helps you prioritize what you need to be actually focusing on. And the more you do this, the more grounded you actually will be. So I'm challenging you with a few things today, and this is my favorite thing. I am a coach. This is my favorite thing to do, is challenge people. Let's think about, be mindful of the things you're putting in your mouth.

Mindful of how restful and restorative your sleep is, what's one thing you can do in activity? A class to challenge yourself? Step outside the box a little bit. Let's be okay with some setbacks and be okay with the fact that this is not. About the end game. This is being joyful along the journey, like wherever your journey is taking you, can we be joyful in this process?

I'm gonna challenge you to drive distraction free quietly, and can you sit in the discomfort of that quiet and how can you connect with nature this week? Can you stand quietly in nature and just be for a minute? I would love to hear. If you try to incorporate any of these things in order to tap into your higher self this week, and I am super excited to start planning on this women's wellness retreat.

My plan is to do it next spring, so let's do it. If you are curious about it, , I would love to know if you'd be interested in joining me for this. And eventually I'll be putting things out like a wait list or sign up links, things like that. But until then, we are gonna be planning an amazing weekend for some lovely ladies.

I will catch you next week. Love you.