The Best Life Blueprint

Force the Growth with Miranda Defler

May 09, 2023 Meghan Hanson Season 1 Episode 25
Force the Growth with Miranda Defler
The Best Life Blueprint
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The Best Life Blueprint
Force the Growth with Miranda Defler
May 09, 2023 Season 1 Episode 25
Meghan Hanson

This one is a MUST LISTEN!
We talk getting better every day, the 1 practice you need to incorporate if you want to start making change in your life, what it means to force the growth, and our feelings about transforming our minds (and bodies!) through female bodybuilding.

I was fired up after our conversation and I know you will be too!

Miranda Defler
Team Mpact
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

Show Notes Transcript

This one is a MUST LISTEN!
We talk getting better every day, the 1 practice you need to incorporate if you want to start making change in your life, what it means to force the growth, and our feelings about transforming our minds (and bodies!) through female bodybuilding.

I was fired up after our conversation and I know you will be too!

Miranda Defler
Team Mpact
IG: @Best_Life_Health_Coaching
Free FB Group: Best Life for Women

 so every single time that I don't want to do something, a k a, my morning routine, my cardio, , taking a walk, , all my non-negotiables, every single day, every time I don't wanna do that. I have a moment with myself and it's, do my goals matter or do my goals not matter?

. Because the second I choose to not do that, I'm telling myself that my goals don't matter, and I'm telling myself that I don't matter.



 I am super stoked to have my new pal Miranda Defer here today. So Miranda and I met a few months ago through a business mentorship conference, and I had no idea what to expect, honestly about you, Miranda, because. We got connected through the online world essentially. I almost felt like I was online dating in a way.

Yes. And I honestly, to be, to be weird with you right now, I just, I fell in love with you and your energy and your, your passion and , the beauty of social media is even though we're states away, separated by many, many miles mm-hmm. That we can still kind of connect a little bit.  Online.

And, and then today with podcasting, I get to have all of my people meet you. And so, ha, welcome. 

Thank you. Thank you, Megan. That's so freaking sweet. Um, to be honest, I fell in love with you too. Oh. So literally this, this girl from California sends me a message and it's like, Hey, you wanna be roomies? I'm like, oh, is this weird?

Yeah, sure. Literally just whip full force. Um, and we just connected right off the bat. I think we have so many core values that are similar. , our energy, our passion for fitness, our passion for helping women and just changing the world in the way that we were meant to, like, I think that's where we really connected.

So I'm excited for this conversation. Hope to bring a lot of value, make some impact. And yeah, just thanks for having me. Oh, I love it 


much. And I loved , the way we, we connected and I think like, I was surprised, like we talked about stuff I don't normally talk about with, with random strangers. Like we kind of touched on spirituality and  our self-care stuff and our relationships and all of this stuff.

You don't normally unload on people you just met, but I love that we could explore those things in a short amount of time. 

Yes, yes. I think that was just us being together like. 24 7 and in a new environment that  we had never gone to a thing like that. Yeah. By ourselves.

Like I had always taken my team or something, um, and to just venture out to Texas by myself, rooming with a stranger. I was like, we're going all in here was a growth weekend. We could be our authentic selves. And it was like, take it or leave it. And. I think that's really like, as we get older, the more genuine we are, the quicker it is to get to those conversations and be real and make a change and like just understand people on a deeper level.

So yeah, it, it was, it was a freaking experience for sure. 

Yes. I love it. We don't have time to like not make those connections or beat around the bush with some things. Mm-hmm. I love that you brought up impact. So kind of tell us your background, how you got into coaching. The women you help, your business, your vision, tell us all the things about you.

Ah, for sure. Sounds good. So first things first. I am Miranda. , I got into fitness. A long time ago, um, really I'd grown up an athlete my whole life. , did gymnastics, did cheer. , once I went to college, I was like, man, I don't wanna do that anymore. I don't want that to be my identity, but I do wanna do something.

I just don't know what. , and that's when I found the gym. I. Found the gym, fell in love, started lifting heavy things. And I was like, whoa, this is wild. Like, I didn't realize I was this strong. , that led me to power lifting. I'm super, super competitive. So ultimately I was like, I gotta do something with this.

I can't just do it just to do it. So I got into power lifting. That started a whole thing. I saw body building for the first time and we like, Oh my God. Jaw on the floor. Like, what is that? I need to do that. That is beautiful. That is so graceful. Like that kind of confidence just exuding from them. I was like, I want to embody that.

, so that ultimately led me on my quest to get into body building. And then I. , once I found my bodybuilding coach after I was done with power lifting, that literally just opened my eyes to a whole new world, um, dove into the body building world and really realized how much control I actually had over my life.

Hmm. I just. Did not realize that at all. I was going through the motions, had a corporate job, , just doing the dang thing that we all think we're kind of supposed to do. But that lit something in me that I was like, whoa, this is, this is powerful. Like you have the ability to change. Your physique. And by changing your physique, you can change your life.

You can change the way you view everything, your perspective, your liveliness, your energy. Like Miranda's not always been this energetic, but when you chase your passions, it's just a different fire that gets lit. Um, so I found that fire in body building. Few years go on. I do it for a little bit and then Covid comes around.

. It, it's funny cuz that whole journey was just a journey. Um, so I started prepping and I was prepping for the Arnold Classic in 2020. That was like the one show that we had in 2020. , so I went to this show and as soon as I got done with this show, we didn't even know if we were gonna compete.

So it was like, man, I just gave up the holidays, I did all this work, don't even know if I'm gonna compete. But we ended up competing now. I was like, wow. So freaking thankful for that experience. And then the gym's closed and I'm like, oh my gosh, I have to reverse diet. What am I gonna do? I have no gym, don't know how I'm gonna get my cardio and don't know how I'm gonna train.

So as everyone, we're kind of like scrambling to figure it out. We build up a home gym. We're using like laundry detergents as literally doing my walking lunches down the street trying to figure this thing out and just reverse diet as best as I could. Obviously I'm started kind of sharing it on the internet because that's what I was doing at the time.

I was like sharing my journey and that led to so many conversations of so many women just lost, like, my gym is closed, I don't know what to do. I don't wanna put on like a bunch of quarantine. Wait, Miranda, help me out. And I was like, girl, I got you. Let's go. Let's figure this thing out together. So that started out as just like writing plans and then ultimately I saw these women develop.

A belief in themselves. Mm-hmm. That I was like, whoa, whoa. That belief that my coach gave me, I am now giving to other women. And now they're taking off. They're chasing their wildest dreams, they're doing this. And it was just such a cool feeling. It gave me more fire than bodybuilding gave me. And I was like, I didn't even know that was possible.

, so ultimately that led me to create impact. Um, impact. We always say where impacted women impact women. And I truly believe that's because fitness impacted me so hard that I've been able to take the tools that I've learned, give it to other women, and now they get to impact their communities. And that to me is just such a bigger vision than anything I ever had for my life.

Cause I didn't know I was like, meant to do this. But now that I'm in it, I'm like, I was born for this. I can't imagine doing anything else. We have an all women's group. , And we do custom online training. We do custom macros, meal plans, that kind of thing. , and that's pretty much what we do. We get better every single freaking day.

And really, I think our community is the biggest part. And the reason that I was so big on that community is because when I started, I did not have a community. I didn't know. Who to reach out to. I didn't know who to ask questions to. , and if I would've had that, I know my journey would've been so much shorter.

So much quicker. And the fact that I've cultivated that and I get to give that to other women like it is the most beautiful, most powerful thing. Because when you put strong women together who are all trying to get better together, they're communicating, they're bouncing ideals off of each other. They're vulnerable, they're real, like it's wild.

The amount of growth they can make. In such a quicker time than I've ever been able to achieve. And I always think about this, like, , it took me six, seven years to get to my first national show. I had a competitor come to me nine months in and was on a national show. Wow. 

Yes. It's so true. Yes. Like you're together and you are the people that you surround yourself with.

And that's kind of why I was so drawn to you, is I think. We've seen the benefits of being with like-minded people and we know that we can get other people's energy and thrive off of that. And knowing, I love that you touched on what control can do for you and when you tap into yourself and that your belief in yourself and that you can impact other people, like it does so 


Yes. Yes. I love that. Aww. 

And, , I think one of the reasons I, I was drawn to you too is because I super resonate with the concept of being better every day. And that sometimes you're not gonna have perfect days. But even just having like the mindfulness of, okay, well here's what we can really hammer in today.

Here's how we can improve for tomorrow. , I really wanted to share with, with everyone your idea of, of forcing that growth because you are big on talking about forcing that growth. So kind of tell people what that means. 

Yes, I love this. . First, I do wanna touch on better every day because this is a huge part of what we do.

Um, and I think that I just, there's so many women out there who have this perception of we have to be perfect mm-hmm. To get better every day. And we don't, we literally just have to give a little bit more effort every single day. And if you're looking at your days like, Hey, how can I get better today?

What can I do to get better? Like, that is so much more exciting than. Oh my gosh, I wasn't perfect. I'll start again on Monday. Mm-hmm. So it's really just an accumulation of those little habits and doing those better with more intention, with more presence, um, and really. Doing that every single day that the accumulation adds up and then all of a sudden you're somewhere where you didn't even know was possible and you're like, whoa, I did this.

That's cool. So I do love that. , so yes, don't expect perfection from yourself. Just expect more effort given every single day. And that leads me into my next point of forcing the growth. You have to force it. We don't just grow. On autopilot. Like it doesn't happen. And that's why I say like, that's what bodybuilding, like opened up in me was that fire to really force myself to get uncomfortable, to do the hard things, to show up on the hard days and really force myself to grow.

, another thing that this all kind of like stems from as well. Is in prep, our food is super low. You know how prep is. , and technically we're like not supposed to be growing. It's not really a time to grow muscle. We're actually pulling off the body fat and trying to maintain as much muscle as possible.

Mm-hmm. , but in my last prep I was like, I'm gonna grow in this prep. I need more growth. I didn't get the most outta my off season because I'd been getting in my way, I'd been making excuses. I had been relying on the business and saying, Hey, you know what? The business is the most important, da, da, da, da, da.

I wasn't putting myself first. There was a lot of life events. So I'm calling myself out on my bs, , and I said, you know what? I'm gonna grow in this prep. And that's really where it all stemmed from. Through everything was like, Hey, I'm not meant to grow in this phase, but I'm gonna work so freaking hard that I'm gonna force myself to grow.

If I ke, if I keep hitting PRS in the gym, if I keep doing the uncomfortable hard thing, I'm gonna have no choice but to grow. My body doesn't wanna grow, but if we're willing to push it there, you can absolutely grow when everything is stacked up against you, telling you you're not supposed to grow. And another thing is, I'm a Natty competitor.

Everybody always says you can't do what we do at a high level of Natty. And that's another thing I'm like, okay.  Odds are still stacked against me, I'm still gonna force myself to get as much freaking potential outta me as I can because I didn't think I could make it this far. What else can I achieve?

And when you have that undeniable, just hunger to force yourself to get uncomfortable, do the hard things, and you're willing to do it more than anyone else out there for longer than anyone else out there. You can't be stopped. Yeah. Oh, I love it. Yeah. 

I was gonna ask, you know, are you going pro this year?

Next year? But I didn't know if you wanted to. 

It's this year. Yeah, girl. No, we are working for it. I will always say that. I'm not gonna put a timeline on it. I will work as long as it takes. , but I will say like, I'm just gonna work to keep beating my best. And ultimately that's what I think body building is.

I think when we do put that pressure on a certain timeframe, or we have to do this in this amount of, like, it takes the fun away from the journey and like the journey is who we become like, and honestly now my journey is so much bigger than me anyways, that it's like it's really not even about me. It's just me showing women what's freaking possible if you never give up.

So, It's cool for them to see me be able to watch my journey and say, Hey, she hasn't quit. Like she won't quit. What? What can I do? What can I do at that level? And just like I said, it took me seven years. To get to a national stage. And because my competitor saw me at that level, she was like, I can do that too.

I was like, heck yes, you can let freaking go. Yeah, and it was all because of that belief and that willingness to work for it. She got on a national stage and got second at her first freaking national stage, like, yeah. 

Oh, that's amazing. Oh, yeah. I love how you touched on Join the Journey because I, I think that's something of one of my own personal focuses, because there's always something, right?

Like everybody has the one thing that they're, they're chasing and mm-hmm. If we get so focused on that thing, then you lose, you lose sight of like all the wonderful things that are going on, on the way to that thing. Yes. And then, and then when you get that one thing, there's always gonna be something else.

Yes. So how can we. Love every day. How can we get joy every single day of putting in the work? And sometimes that takes a lot of, of reflection and quiet time because I think, and most of the people that listen to this podcast are, are moms so very busy and  we're so focused on like the tasks of the day and.

, getting food on the table and dropping the kids off and like our husbands, are they happy and like, is our marriage intact? So we get lost in, in all the things that  it's hard to take a step back and actually realize I did a lot of cool stuff today or this week actually was really cool.

And then at the end of the year we could look back and it might have been a crazy year. But having that perspective of all the wonderful things that you've accomplished, like that's, it can take some work, but that's, that's kind of what, where I'm at with having joy in the journey. I 

love that. I love that.

And I think a big thing that you touched on is just being present and sitting in the now, , and focusing on how can I be my best? Today because just like you said, if we are always focused on that end goal, that end target is gonna keep moving. And a lot of things that I always hear mom say, myself included, is I'll be happy when.

I'll be happy when. Mm-hmm. And truth is, happiness is like right now, like if we're not working to be happy today, we are just wasting time because you're so worried about the future that we're not even, we're missing out on that time with the babies. We're missing out on that time with the husband, and then all of a sudden you are, you're in that panic of like, oh my gosh, I've been so focused on where I should be going that I'm, I'm missing the now.

Mm-hmm. So, I think just being present. , and a big thing that helps me with this is just gratitude every single morning, writing out what I'm thankful for, what I'm grateful for. , I know just before this I was str if we were talking about our struggles and I was talking about payroll, I. But how freaking grateful am I to have payroll, to have women on my team help me move this forward If that's my biggest struggle, let's go.

Let's go. Yes. So it really is, it's all about that perspective and just pulling out the gratitude for the messiness for, , everything that's going for the busyness. How thankful are we to have sports practices to go to, to have kids, to watch who, to have kids to take care of. , you know how it is with three babies the same age?

They're going seven different ways. Oh, yeah. Like, but how, how you, eight years ago, Wouldn't you be dying that this is your life now? Like, oh my gosh, yes. And 

that's, those are the hard, like on the harder days when I'm like literally crying because I'm so frustrated being a parent that I have to remind myself like I was crying because I wanted these babies so badly.

Yeah,  I always have to like force myself to go back to that place of , remember you were, you were injecting your stomach with medications so you could force yourself to , obviously Uhhuh. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So I have to remember, like I asked for this and I think one of my favorite quotes is something like overwhelm is, is getting everything that you once prayed for.

Yes. Love. And it's, I 

love the feeling of overwhelm is very uncomfortable, but it's also everything you. Always wanted. Mm-hmm. 

I love that. I love that. Yes. Just counting those blessings. And also just reminding, , like a message to all of the mamas out there. Cause I, I love busy mamas, like you guys are hard workers and 

 Most of the time it does go unnoticed. But I want you to know, I see it. I freaking. I commend it cuz it's, it's badass. , but with that, just taking time to remind yourself that every struggle. It's never a loss, it's always a lesson learned. So saying, Hey, how can I manage my emotions a little bit better?

Or How can I not be so quick to snap at them or my husband, or whatever it is. And just looking at that and like having that self-reflection because ultimately I think that is so much more powerful than saying, oh my God, this is my situation. And kind of acting like that victim mentality versus saying, Hey, this is the situation.

I shouldn't have responded like that. Like let me fess up, let me work on that. And next time you kind of feel yourself get into that level, it's like, well, calm down. We got this. Stay calm. And like what? Talking to yourself through that. I know that was a big thing that like fitness has taught me is just that emotional control.

Because the more emotionally stable you can be, like, the more responses you're gonna get from others, the more they're gonna wanna be around you. , the more you're gonna impact them to be better. So if it's like the kids. Impacting them to get their chores done versus just, , like yelling at them and then feeling guilty for it.

Cuz I think I, I mean, I know mom guilt is a real thing, so just having that awareness of what is the role that we play in that, and then I. Saying, Hey, how can I get better? Cuz that's so much more conducive to beating yourself up about it. And I think a lot of times we can just get in that cycle. All of us we're our own worst critics and we just beat ourselves up over it.

But instead we could look at it with kind of like a neutral tonality and say, Hey, what can we do? What can we learn from this? Maybe it's, we need a little bit more sleep. Maybe it's, we didn't feed ourself in the morning, we skipped breakfast because we thought everything else mattered. So just reminding yourself that you deserve fuel too, , and treat yourself the way that you would treat your babies.

I see so many mamas, , busy women just treating their babies, like giving them everything, feeding them everything, and they don't even wanna feed themselves. Mm-hmm. 

They're too busy. They're too busy. Mm-hmm. 

And I and I think your, 

yeah, and I think too, like knowing that we have the ability to change our own energy mm-hmm.

And like we  we can be, , down in the dumps bad mood. And that's okay to be there for a few minutes, but like you have so much power and control over your own energy and that energy impacts everyone around you. Yep. 

For sure. Absolutely. I love that. And that's what, when I'm talking about that like control, that's what I'm talking about.

Because ultimately that is freedom. And when I see women harness that control, it is the coolest thing ever. Because guess what? Now their kids have more control. Now their kids have more understanding and their kids are like going after big bowls. They understand what protein is, they're fueling their bodies, and it's just, it's such a cool domino effect because.

Yeah. Moms have so much freaking power to change generations. Cuz I know for me, I grew up with a mom who was chronically dieting, did not eat healthy, still does not, um, water was not a thing in our house. And so here I am, like trying to teach all the mamas, Hey, drink your water, eat that protein. You deserve fuel in the tank because you are running a hundred miles a minute.

And the more fuel you give you, the better you are going to lead by example for those kiddos and they deserve the world. 

So I gotta say a little bit of a side tangent, but it, , If you guys don't know Miranda, you need to go check her out on Instagram. I am always blown away with, with your, your back , is fricking phenomenal and , I love looking at your musculature.

You have a very beautiful body and, okay, so tell everybody just for, for reference, how many, , carbs you eat and how much protein do you take in? 

Oh, you're gonna butt me on the spot like this. It's great. Cause I want people to know. No, I, I love it. Cause some people are like 

afraid to eat a certain way and I know , it's a process, right?

Like you don't just start day one eating. Yeah. A certain amount. But it's a mindset shift of actually fueling your body and putting your body to work in a certain way. 

Yes. Yes it is. If you don't, if you don't hear, that's okay. But I thought, you know, no, no, absolutely. I love this. So my current daily protein intake is 200 grams, 200 grams of protein, and my carbs cycle between three 50 and four 50.

Yeah, girl. Yeah. So we eat big eating and it's all, it's all 

like, you work hard, you put your body through tremendous demands. Mm-hmm. And that's, that's  the key is that you, you've trained your body to function at an optimal level. Yes. That's great. 

I love it. I, I love it too. It's, it's, it's very enjoyable.

I have tons of energy every day. , And the biggest thing with that is consistency. , I'm very, very regimented on that, so that's why I'm able to get to that level. But also when you train hard and you understand what your body is doing, like you can. Metabolize a lot of that food and turn it into growth.

, and that's ultimately what we're doing. It's, it is, some days it's uncomfortable. I'm not hungry, but we are in a season of forcing that growth, which is every season in a different way. , but right now we are still trying to grow, grow, grow. So to, in order to build that kind of muscle, , we have to fuel that body.

And the thing is, is I see a lot of women, they're like, I wanna tone up. But they're not even eating enough for their body to just metabolize normally. So, so yes, you've got to eat. And I think a big mindset shift with that is just reminding yourself that food is fuel. , I think a lot of times we see it as a celebration or as, ,

Starving ourself to get the best. I mean, that's what the internet preaches. That's what TV shows preached. Like I, I get it. And I think that was a big thing that led me to be in this space is because once I saw it firsthand, I was like, my coach gave me that first protocol and it was more food than I'd eaten my entire, entire life.

And I was like, wait, what? She get me back. What? And then I was like, wait, I started changing. I started building muscle and. It was just because the consistency, the amount of food, , the macronutrient breakdown of the food that I was eating versus the junk that I was eating. Like it's, it's different. , but when you start fueling your body, when you start taking care of your body, I would say how you do one thing is how you do everything and it starts with one thing.

So if you start fueling your body with water, you start making that a priority. Get 120 ounces every single day. Start there and then you'll notice, oh my gosh, I'm. More energetic. Oh my God, I'm hungrier. Okay, now you start eating more, eating more of the right foods. So Whole foods nutrient dense. , then you're like, oh my gosh, I have more energy.

Oh my gosh, I can work out harder. Mm-hmm. It literally is just a compounding thing that started with one thing. Mm-hmm. So, 

yeah. I love that you brought that up because one of my questions was gonna be about, we talked about forcing that growth and doing things sometimes when we don't want to do necessarily.

Mm-hmm. And I think . It's a hard concept to , grasp for someone at the beginning of their journey when  you might think that you're just waiting for that motivation to take that first step. And I think that's so huge is just not necessarily waiting for the motivation. But what is like the one small thing you can start with and like you mentioned, the water and because it's just gonna be a ripple effect of.

That good energy. Mm-hmm. And that good energy from that one action is gonna ripple into the next action and then the next action. And it's not about doing all the things overnight, but it's gonna build and build and build. 

Yes. I love this question. I'm almost gonna say gratitudes like that changed the game for me because truthfully, when you start focusing on what you do have you, you get more of it and you start thinking about.

You stop focusing on everything you don't have. And I think so many women in the beginning of their journey, they're so focused on what they don't have, that they're not even allowing space to ever get that. Hmm mm-hmm. But if you start focusing on what you do have in what you can control, your water, , your steps, I'm thankful I can move without pain.

You know how many people in today's society can't say that? Yeah. And like we just take it for granted. We take the fact that we could walk outside, go for a walk, So I think just doing like five daily gratitudes every single morning. Starting with that. And I would encourage every single one of you guys who write it out, don't just say it, because guess what?

We all say we're gonna say it and then we say it, and sometimes we don't. But if you physically write it out and you spend time with that, you force yourself to come up with five different things. Every single morning you're gonna start seeing. A lot of shift in your mindset, , and just what you have access to, because truthfully, we all have access to so much more than we even know.

Um, the fact that we're having this conversation. You're in California, I'm here, and then we get to share this with people. Like it's so cool what we have access to, and yet we're finding excuses of why we can't go for a walk every single day. Yeah. Yeah. 

Oh, I love it. I need to go for a walk, actually. Okay.

I'll make a full confession. I bought the journal that we were discussing. I have not started it yet, girl. I know, I know. So, so tell me, tell me, , motivate me to, , I'm just gonna do it. 

Um, listen, if you, if you can't keep your promises to yourself, how do you expect you to trust yourself? Mm-hmm. How do you expect you to get after those goals?

Mm-hmm. Because no one else is gonna do the work for you. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So every single time that I don't want to do something, a k a, my morning routine, my cardio, , taking a walk, , all my non-negotiables, every single day, every time I don't wanna do that. I have a moment with myself and it's, do my goals matter or do my goals not matter?

Mm-hmm. Because the second I choose to not do that, I'm telling myself that my goals don't matter, and I'm telling myself that I don't matter. Mm-hmm. Yeah.  It's almost like a no quit mentality. Like when you tell yourself that you're gonna do it and you freaking do it, like you're going to follow through, you're going to get closer.

You have no choice but to get closer to those goals. But if every time we come up against a hard situation, we, we buckle and we say, you know what? It doesn't matter today. Well, how can we get any closer? 

Yeah, that's gonna be, I think you made the sound bite for the whole episode. No, it's so true. And I think of like, okay, why do I want to journal and why do I want to express gratitude?

Like I know the things and, but I make excuses in my head like, oh, it tomorrow. Mm-hmm. But, Nothing's gonna change if I keep saying tomorrow, and I'm just gonna be stuck wherever I'm at unless I just do the darn thing. Mm-hmm. 

Nothing changes. If nothing changes. Mm-hmm. Also, I always tell myself if I want something I've never had, I have to be willing to go where I've never been.

So I love this because, It ultimately comes down to how much more can I do? We all have more. Mm-hmm. And like right now I have a list of like 10 non-negotiables, but I'm like, man, if I wanna get to that next level Miranda, it's gotta be 12 non-negotiables. Mm-hmm. Or it's gotta be these 10 with more intention.

Yeah. So finding ways to get better every single day. And then the second that something comes up and you're like, man, I don't wanna do that. It's like, no, no, no. My next level requires that to be done. Mm-hmm. And when you have that kind of certainty about where you're going and you know that it's on you, whether you get there or not, we can't blame anyone else.

It's no one else's fault. Mm-hmm. So it's just, it's taking that ownership and saying, Hey, I won a better tomorrow. I'm gonna do the work today. 

I have a, a framed picture of, I think it was my second show when I did my second bikini show, and it's my front and my back pose and it's hanging in my gym. And every time I look at her, I call it her because she's my stage persona.

Yeah. She embodies all of the work it takes to get on stage. And so when I look at her, she is that reminder of all the things I need to do to be better the next time. Mm-hmm. And better tomorrow. Mm-hmm. And so like when people ask me like, what do you think about, about that picture you have up there? I'm like, that is my reminder to be better.

Yeah. I love that. I literally just got chills cuz I, I just made a post yesterday of like a super shred pick. Oh wait, what? I think I saw that it was like when I'm deep in the gym, that's like, that's one, that's my time. You can't get me out of that zone. And when I get in that zone, that is all I'm thinking about.

I'm thinking about the last time that I step on stage. That was my best ever. But there was even, there's even more. Mm-hmm. And I, I will not step on that stage again knowing that I didn't get better than her. Insignificantly better. So it's like, I never thought I could be in this place where I am now, but let's keep going.

Like there's, there's still more like, and it's even like in a hard set or in the gym when it's just a really hard day. Like I always ask myself, but like, did I die? No, like I literally got stronger because I took it to a level that I didn't know I was capable of. It kind of scared me a little bit, but it also showed me my true freaking strength.

And that's why I'm such a big believer in weight training because if we can get these women in the gym pushing weight, they didn't even know they could, were capable of. Mm-hmm. Do we like imagine how that's gonna translate into their lives? Uncover going after jobs that they, they were, yes. And it's, we always say, how you do one thing is how you do everything.

But if you're pushing yourself in the gym now you're gonna start pushing yourself at home. How can I be more intentional with home time? How can I be more intentional with, , keeping the house in check? How can I be more intentional with my job? How can I get better there?

Like, you're gonna start searching for these ways because you see your own potential. And that started with. Just the fitness, being under that bar, doing hard things that you didn't think you could. Now you're like, whoa, I did that. Yeah. What else could I do? Yeah. 

That's honestly why I wanna do a show next year, is it you push yourself to places you had no clue you could go before.

Mm-hmm. And I wanna do it knowing that I'm gonna be even better and. Because I know that that will translate into so many other areas of my life. Yes. And I think, yes, I could do all these wonderful things without getting on stage, but I think putting yourself in that arena mm-hmm. Kinda forces that growth faster in In some 

It does, it does.

Well, and another thing with like prep and stuff like that is you almost have no time for the energy sucking the. Like just getting lost in the stress of all of it. It's like I gotta stay focused, I gotta stay dialed in and I'm gonna execute. And I know that's how it is for me. And I've chatted with a lot of competitors and they've said that same thing, that it's like they don't waste time comparing.

They don't waste time. Like cuz you don't have the energy, you simply just don't have the energy for it. And I think if a lot of us could. Have that in our daily lives, like how much more at peace would we be? We're just trying to get better every single day. We're not comparing ourselves to anyone else or the internet or, um, worrying about what Susie said at.

I don't know, the kid's game or something. Like we would just let it roll off our back because that's SU's problem. That's not ours kinda thing. We got enough time for that. Yeah, we, we don't have time. We don't have energy. Um, so just protecting your energy and protecting your peace and saying, Hey, how ultimately all we are in control of it is ourselves.

So how can I get better today? 

I love it. You guys know why I love Miranda so much. This is all, this is all why, and this is why I wanted everybody to meet you because you are amazing and I am always super inspired by you. 

Oh my goodness. Thank you. Thank you. Seriously, I. It just, it comes from a lot of work.

So like fam, you can have it too. Like I'm literally, I'm nothing special. Mm-hmm. Um, I always would look at people and be like amazed by them and almost put them on a pedestal. Like what kind of discipline do they have? Cause like, I don't have that. But truthfully, it's just built. Every single one of us has that capability in us.

So just go out, start doing the hard thing, do it day after day, and then all of a sudden you're like, people are like, oh my God, I'm inspired by you. Just because I take action. Just keep taking action. You never know where you could get and it's so freaking cool. . I love that. So thank you. Yeah.

Celebrate the wins. They're, you're gonna have small wins every day. It's just a matter of recognizing them and knowing that you did a little bit better than yesterday. Mm-hmm. 

And finding that gratitude and. Everything for our life because just like you said, like those struggles that you have now, like you once prayed for those, so keep getting after it.

Keep learning the lesson. There's literally no losses. The only time we lose is when we quit. Yes. Oh, well, I'm 

grateful for you today. Oh, 

I'm grateful for you. This was a great conversation. It's so good to always catch up with you. 

Tell everybody where you know if they wanna connect with you or learn more about you, where can they do that?

Heck yes. So mainly Instagram. , that is Miranda dot defer, m i r a n d a, defer, d e f l e r. And then our team page is impact with an M, so that is M P A C T dot Empire, e m p i r E because they are queens and they never settle. They freaking get after it. So that is me in a nutshell. I love 

it. Awesome.

Well, so glad that we could connect today and I'm sure. Our conversations are gonna touch some lives today. So thank you for that and I can't wait to just keep in touch with you and root you on when you go pro. 

Thank you, sweet woman. Seriously, thank you. It was so fun being on here. I'm thankful for the opportunity, and I know this is going to touch some women's lives because whatever you guys needed to hear today that resonated with you, like write that down and take action.

It means nothing if we do not take action. So whether that be like the water, whether that be the gratitudes, whether that be your journal, whatever it is, pull that one thing and get better today because of this episode and because you listened and not just listen to listen. Take the action, you can do it.

Start building that confidence now. And yeah, just thank you for the opportunity. 

Of course. Well, I know personally I'm gonna go get my journal cause I can see it from where I'm sitting and I'm gonna journal right after I hit, , stop recording. 

I'm so proud of you.