EMF Remedy

#59 Can Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) be Reversed?

November 13, 2023 EMF Remedy LLC Season 1 Episode 59
#59 Can Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) be Reversed?
EMF Remedy
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#59 Can Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) be Reversed?
Nov 13, 2023 Season 1 Episode 59
EMF Remedy LLC

Can the poisoning be reversed?  It can to some extent with many environmental toxins.  I would argue it can also be reversed with electromagnetic poisoning, because it's what I've witnessed in my life.  I've also seen it in the lives of other survivors.

It's not really that hard to grasp either.  We'll look at what it takes with certain other toxins and how the very first step is the same as what must be done with EMF.

We'll get into the three step process that I've seen produce results.

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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
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Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

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Can the poisoning be reversed?  It can to some extent with many environmental toxins.  I would argue it can also be reversed with electromagnetic poisoning, because it's what I've witnessed in my life.  I've also seen it in the lives of other survivors.

It's not really that hard to grasp either.  We'll look at what it takes with certain other toxins and how the very first step is the same as what must be done with EMF.

We'll get into the three step process that I've seen produce results.

Support the Show.

Support this podcast here: https://www.emfremedy.com/donate/

Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

Speaker 1:

The short answer is yes. I believe EHS can be reversed, absolutely. It's going to cost you, your life will be different, but you can still have an abundant life Coming up.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the EMF Remedy Podcast, your guide to navigating the world of EMF reduction with clarity and confidence. Confused and frustrated by EMF reduction, you're not alone. We understand the maze of misinformation and ineffective solutions out there. Keith Cutter, once a seeker like you, now sharing his journey, skills and insights to help light your path. Join us for practical, evidence-based strategies for measurable EMF management. Visit emfremedycom to connect and start your journey to effective EMF remediation. Avoid the pitfalls of unproven methods. With our guidance, achieve peace of mind and real results in EMF reduction quickly and cost-effectively. Together, let's demystify EMF reduction. Welcome to the EMF Remedy Podcast.

Speaker 1:

I got a call this morning from an aspiring author wishing to write a book on EHS or electrohypersensitivity and you all know that I hate that term, right? The first question she asked me was I EHS, electrohypersensitive? I said no, I never think in those terms. There was a long silence on the other end, I suppose wondering what to say. I clarified look, if you released, say, cyanide into a population, would you consider it appropriate that the first to be affected should be called cyanide hypersensitive? More silence, but I sensed that some of what I was saying might be getting through. She offered well, do you think EHS? There we go right back in the wrong think. Do you think EHS can be cured? I countered with if pressed, I would describe myself as a 38-year survivor of electromagnetic poisoning who's learned how to live an abundant life filled with gratitude in this toxic world. Then her dog began to bark. Someone was at the door. She said then something about. They're here to paint something. Black bark, bark, black paint, bark, bark, reduce the RF. So we agreed to talk later and hung up, and I hoped she wasn't painting shielding paint without some very experienced guidance, since it is possible to make your living environment irreversibly worse if the shielding paint is done wrong. But I digress Today's podcast day, so I thought I might share a few thoughts on this matter.

Speaker 1:

Now I want to begin by I'm going to paraphrase some of what's in invisible rainbow and add my own thoughts. In 1748, jean-maurin cautioned that harnessing electricity is akin to tampering with life itself. So he's talking about the electrical nature of the body. This warning highlights a fundamental flaw in the engineering perspective, rooted in a misconception from the 1800s that electricity operates outside the bounds of natural laws. In reality, electricity should be viewed as a vital force, a relationship with it often superficial, acknowledging its existence only when it serves our purposes. Beyond that, we tend to ignore its presence. This oversight leads to a dangerous delusion, contrary to all scientific evidence, that there is a safe level of exposure to electromagnetic fields, we cling to the belief that, if safety standards are set low enough by authorities, we can use radar stations, computers, cell phones and other devices without facing any consequences. However, we neglect the insights of Ross Addie, the grandfather of bioelectromagnetics, and Dr Neal Cherry, who both emphasized our inherent electrical resonance with the environment. They warned that the only safe level of exposure to radio waves is, in fact, zero. All right, so I'm going to transition from that to Saturday Night Live.

Speaker 1:

How many here recall Saturday Night Live from the 1970s? Anybody no-transcript? Do you remember the shimmer skit? It was well, it humorously advertised a product that was both a floor wax and a dessert topping. So this skit is renowned for its absurdity and the way it satirizes the tendency of commercials to exaggerate the versatility of their products. The skit featured Don Ackroyd, gilda Radner arguing over whether shimmer was a floor wax or a dessert topping, and Chevy Chase butts in and he reveals that in fact it's both. So this skit is one of Saturday Night Live's most memorable and often cited examples of early Saturday Night Live unique and groundbreaking humor.

Speaker 1:

Probably could find it on YouTube if you've never seen it before. But you know what? With this in mind and yes, it does have to do with can EHS be reversed? My wife Laura and I recorded this for your edification and amusement. Here we go. Welcome back tech enthusiasts to Retro Tech Time Machine on Synthwave FM. I'm Alex, your guide through the technological wonders of yesteryears. And today, here with us is Jamie, a wizard of wireless technology, today's journey, unraveling the mysteries of microwaves, another term for radio frequency radiation. Is it microwave magic in our homes or warfare wonder in the skies.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, alex, delighted to dive into the world of microwaves with you. You see, microwaves, a type of radio frequency, are indeed a kind of modern magic. They heat our food, they power our Wi-Fi there, the invisible forces behind so much of our daily conveniences.

Speaker 1:

So it's like the floor wax of our digital lives.

Speaker 3:

Perfect analogy, alex, but there's more to it. Microwaves also have a more formidable side. They're the dessert topping of the defense world. Think about radar systems, critical in military operations, and, yes, even the Star Wars defense initiatives of the 80s, which explored using directed energy technologies like microwaves.

Speaker 1:

So we're saying microwaves are both our everyday saviors and our sky high defenders, like a floor wax and a dessert topping rolled into one.

Speaker 3:

Exactly. It's the duality of microwaves that's so fascinating. They bridge our ordinary lives with extraordinary technological feats, From the microwave ovens in our kitchens to the high-tech radars and directed energy systems. Microwaves are indeed both a domestic marvel and a defense wonder.

Speaker 1:

Well, there you have it, listeners. Microwaves not just for popping corn, but also for popping up on radars and possibly defending nations. Jamie, thank you for this enlightening chat on the marvels of microwave technology.

Speaker 3:

Alex, always a pleasure. Remember every time you use a microwave you're touching a piece of technological wizardry.

Speaker 1:

Stay tuned for more time travels into tech on RetroTech Time Machine. Keep those dials tuned for more revelations and retro wonders. Okay, we will just let that sink in a bit while we change focus. Yes, I'm getting to the curing EHS. Stay with me.

Speaker 1:

So certain toxins not only accumulate in the body over time, but are also classified as something called group 2b carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the IARC, indicating they are possibly carcinogenic to humans. This dual risk of cumulative buildup and potential carcinogenicity makes these substances particularly concerning. Now I just want to say that cancer is horrible, especially in the US, where effective treatments are discouraged, but they're not the only health outcomes possible. Therefore, we'll also mention some other health effects. So here are three well-known examples. The first is lead. Now, lead is a heavy metal that can accumulate in the body, particularly in the bones, and over time it can be released back into the bloodstream. Back exposure to lead, even at low levels, can lead to a variety of health issues, including cognitive impairment, neurological disorder, kidney damage. Lead exposure is especially harmful to children, where it can cause developmental delays and behavioral problems. Additionally, lead is classified as a possible human carcinogen, as I say, group 2B, by the IARC. If you haven't already, you might want to listen to my podcast called the Wine Was Sweet in Old Rome.

Speaker 1:

With regard to the lead analogy for RF toxicity, the next I want to look at is mercury. Now, mercury is, especially in its organic form. Like methylmercury is found in fish. It's absorbed and accumulated in the body being, in the brain and the kidneys. Long-term mercury accumulation can lead to serious neurological and developmental problems. It's particularly dangerous for pregnant women and young children, and it can affect fetal and early childhood brain development. Mercury is also listed as a group 2B carcinogen.

Speaker 1:

And the third thing I want to mention is asbestos. So asbestos, a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals, was widely used in construction in various industries due to its resistance to heat, fire and chemicals. However, it accumulates in the body, particularly in the lungs, when its fibers are inhaled. Prolonged exposure of asbestos can cause lung disease, such as asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, the cancer of the lining of the lungs or abdomen. Asbestos is also classified as a group 2B carcinogen.

Speaker 1:

The cumulative nature and potential carcinogenic properties of these substances underscore the critical need for stringent regulatory measures and public health interventions to minimize exposure and protect human health. You certainly would not expect to find any of these three substances in public school buildings, for example, or a workplace, right? So these are somewhat known to us, somewhat familiar, right? When I say lead mercuriasbestas, it's not like I'm talking about something you've never heard of before and you're probably aware of at least some of the health effects and the linkages to cancer. They're in our shared consciousness, I guess, is what I'm trying to say. So, also, nobody is lobbying that these things are really just fine, they're practically good for you, right? Nobody's lobbying that that they're not really harmful. So let's ask about curing or reversing these. That's an interesting question, right?

Speaker 1:

So the extent to which the effects of lead, mercuria and asbestos can be reversed varies. And the first step in particular, I want you to pay attention the first steps toward managing exposure to these toxins are crucial. So here's an overview for each. So lead, the extent to the reversibility.

Speaker 1:

The body can sometimes gradually eliminate small amounts of lead, but the effects of significant or prolonged exposure, especially in children, could be permanent. This is particularly true for neurological damage In adults. Some symptoms might improve over time if exposure is stopped. Now the first step, the first and most critical step, is to identify and remove the source of the lead exposure. This might involve testing and remediation excuse me, remediation like lead paint in the homes, checking for lead and water pipes, avoiding certain toys or products known to contain lead. Blood lead level testing is essential to assess exposure, especially in children. With regard to mercury, the body can eliminate mercury over time, but the process is slow, particularly for mercury accumulated in the brain. The reversibility of effects depends on the type and duration of exposure. Some neurological effects in adults may improve over time, but developmental impacts on children and fetuses are often permanent.

Speaker 1:

First step, the primary step, is to stop further exposure For methylmercury. This means modifying dietary habits, particularly the consumption of certain fish known to have high mercury levels. In case of occupational or environmental exposure, removing the source or changing the environment is critical. Are you noticing a pattern here? Medical intervention may involve chelation therapy in some severe cases Asbestos. So the extent of reversibility? Unfortunately, the effects of asbestos exposure, particularly diseases like asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma, are irreversible. Once asbestos fibers are lodged in lung tissue, they can't be removed and the damage they cause is permanent. What's the first step? The first and most important step is to you ready for this. Avoid further exposure. I think you know where I'm getting with this right. So this includes ensuring safe removal of asbestos containing materials from home or workplace by professionals and using appropriate safety measures in industries where asbestos exposure is a risk. Regular health screenings are important for individuals with known exposure to monitor for any asbestos related diseases. In all cases, early detection and prevention of further exposure are key. Once exposure has occurred, the focus often ships to managing symptoms and preventing further harm. Regular medical checkups and following public health guidelines are essential for individuals at risk of exposure to these toxins.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let us, at long last, turn our attention to the 800-pound gorilla in the room RF radiation. Why do I focus on RF radiation? Well, almost everybody that I know who's suffering from electromagnetic poisoning tells a story which begins with an RF exposure. Now, certainly in my case, I know of one individual who acquired electromagnetic poisoning from magnetic fields and his story is compelling. So I believe it can come from any of the big four. But since the energy level, if you will, is proportional to the frequency, and RF is of higher frequency than the other three, most times it is, in my experience, rf exposure.

Speaker 1:

So what about RF exposure? Rf is also a group to be carcinogen. Did you know that? Signifying, I believe, since 2011,. Signifying its potential to cause cancer in humans. There's also a myriad of symptoms associated with RF poisoning, but there's something fundamentally different about the way we consider RF. For example, it's not only allowed in public schools, where children can be exposed. It's a given. Our children, our grandchildren, are being exposed, even if you don't want them to be exposed. At least in the US, there are more enlightened countries with regard to RF exposure in children.

Speaker 1:

Unlike cigarette smoking, known to cause cancer and other health effects, rf radiation is not only permitted in restaurants, it's expected. This is just like in the 1950s you can't ask other diners to stop smoking. In other words, in this case emitting RF. Same with workplaces, same to the shame of pastors and elders everywhere in our places of worship.

Speaker 1:

In terms of research, we know RF harm is cumulative, just like lead, mercury and asbestos Interesting. The harm has been known for decades, yet doctors they're either ignorant or they feign ignorance. I don't know which. That's been my experience. Can you imagine if doctors feigned ignorance about lead, mercury or asbestos harm? Can you imagine what that would look like?

Speaker 1:

All right, last week I saw a sign I have never seen before. Maybe I just never noticed it. Have you seen it? It was in a grocery store, on the wall above the customer service area and in very large letters. I'm talking, you could read this from 30 feet away. It read words to the effect I don't remember the exact wording, but words to the effect that there is no level of secondhand cigarette smoke that can be considered harmless. Man, I just stopped. I wish I had a camera with me, because what a breakthrough. It only took gosh. 70 years. According to tobacco company internal documents, cigarette smoking has been known to be harmful that long. I would like to live long enough to see that kind of justice with regard to RF exposure and, by the way, every other type of non-native EMF exposure. I would like to see it disallowed in schools, hospitals, nursing homes, public places, workplaces, places of worship, everywhere people gather. But I'm not waiting for some day. In fact I've already taken action, drastic, definitive action.

Speaker 1:

I'm out of a career. I'm out of all careers I participated in the past. Oh, I pretty much lost everything from a financial perspective and my life is much, much different than it was before. But you know what? My life is grand, really, in spite of those changes. It is grand, and everyone that I've interviewed with electromagnetic poisoning has admitted the same. They may not have thought about making the changes that they did and they may not have gone willingly, but at the end of the day, where they wound up was with an abundant life. So I'm not waiting for some day. I didn't wait till someday. I took drastic action. Others that I know have done the same. It's worked out grand for me and for them. I had to make some adjustments. I lost my fortune, but not my life.

Speaker 3:

So what do you?

Speaker 1:

think. Do you think maybe if we vote in the right government representative, do you think that might work? I am not holding my breath and you know what.

Speaker 1:

I'm not really worrying about it either really Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. So here it is, at long last, what I think my opinion, not a medical opinion or a healthcare opinion informed by decades of suffering and a total reversal of all my symptoms. After getting serious about the three steps below that I'm going to share with you. Informed by clients I've worked with as an EMF consultant, informed by others about which I've read, I think so-called EHS, better named electromagnetic poisoning, can be reversed Absolutely. I've experienced it, I've seen it in others, I've read about it in books. I think it happens in three steps. I think step one is that and this all happens, has to happen in the head before anything else can happen.

Speaker 1:

At some level, the individual realizes there is nothing wrong with them. Their body is electric in nature and it's reacting to the change of the electromagnetic environment it's allowing. It's reacting to the presence of an environmental toxin. So that realization is step one. And you know what? There's no shortcut around that. And you can't really give somebody that realization. They have to be at the point in that journey where they get it.

Speaker 1:

Step two, then, is the survivors resolve to do what's necessary to limit personal exposure to an appropriate level. By the way, what's necessary can be a real departure from your present life. So step two resolve to do what's necessary so few people do this. Resolve to do what's necessary to limit personal exposure to an appropriate level. And, like I say, by the way, what's necessary can be a real departure and I'm not kidding from your present life. And step number three with this resolve, they then take the same first step as noted above for lead, mercury and asbestos. How obvious can this be? Could it possibly be any more obvious? So once they have that resolve to do whatever is necessary, they take the same first step that you do for any environmental toxicity Stop exposing yourselves to the known toxin and you know what, Among the people who get to step one and then some lots are weeded out because they don't have the resolve in step two, In step three, it's about really getting it, really understanding these four different types of energies, how they can actually be accurately measured, and whether folks are technical or not, they probably need to learn some skills around that.

Speaker 1:

But then it gets down to a step three that they stop exposing themselves, and I mean really stopping exposure. It may take pristine levels at or near zero exposure for a period of time. We could spend a lot of time talking about each of these three steps. We're just going through these quickly today. So the implication of one, two and three is, of course you may need to move. I have seen two strategies that work. You can run, you can become a willing refugee and try to find a remaining pristine area and hope that it stays pristine forever and live there. That is strategy number one. If you want to be informed about what that strategy looks like and how pristine places today are being made not pristine, read Wifi Refugee by Shannon Rowan or a new book under a rock by.

Speaker 1:

Julia Lupine, you'll get a glimpse of that run and hide, that become a willing refugee strategy, and in each of their cases it worked out, but not without a lot of challenge. So the first step run Willing refugee. Try to find a place that's pristine and will stay that way live there. You know when I think about this strategy, I went on the computer and I typed in Desert Island and then I looked at the results. That were images and there are a few Desert Islands where you can. I suppose if you have an abundance of money you can go there. And they're tiny, they look like they're, I don't know, three acres or five acres or something very small. And you know there's a grass hut and somebody being served meals on the beach and it looks just Absolutely gorgeous. And provided it's far enough away from everything and there's no electricity on that island that would be paradise on Earth for anyone who's suffering from electromagnetic poisoning.

Speaker 1:

But it doesn't take more than a few minutes to realize that isn't sustainable. Number one the vast majority of people in the world would run out of money after a couple of days. Number two how do you have a support staff large enough to continually bring you fresh food and whatever things were needful to maintain that, but it is the perfect picture of where you would want to be to find a pristine place. We're talking about some place in the middle of the ocean Alternately, and we need to talk about this someday but there is this idea of strategic land and I've spent a lot of time thinking about what is strategic land. You could similarly find a pristine EMF environment close in to a relatively large metropolitan area if you're in the bottom of a canyon Not always, but that might be a workable strategy.

Speaker 1:

The other thing that you can do is you can find a slightly polluted place and I mean just slightly, just barely and build a purpose-built shielded home within which you can get near enough to zero.

Speaker 1:

Now, if I talk about building a shielded home, the first thing people think about is well, I want a shielded home in Manhattan, or I want a shielded home in Los Angeles or San Francisco. You know, no, it isn't going to happen. The reason is because no shielding is perfect and the levels that you're trying to get to, for example, with RF radiation no higher than one-tenth of one-millionth of one watt of RF power, and if you've got 100,000 microwatts of RF, you know outside, even in the best shielded home, or a million microwatts, which is possible even in the best shielded home you're not going to be able to get to the levels that you need. So strategy two find only a slightly polluted place and build a purpose-built shielded home and sleep in there every night, and I've seen that work as well, and these are my opinions and experiences right. So there are many uninhabitable areas now.

Speaker 1:

By the way. Certainly, I would consider all big cities, in my opinion, to be uninhabitable from this perspective, being able to carve out a home in which you can have pristine levels of RF. So that might be new to some people that there are uninhabitable areas, and I've done other podcasts on this idea Certainly all the big cities, in my opinion, and perhaps most of the incorporated areas. We are building our future, all of our technologies and, in fact, our work and our amusement around an environmental, a set of environmental toxins, so this trend is likely to continue. Alright, now let's look briefly at the question of what does reversal look like? Well, if you've already got cancer, that can be a problem. Somebody I respect said often, as long as there's life, there is hope with regard to cancer, and I believe that absolutely. What I'm really trying to speak to, though, is are we dealing with symptoms or are we dealing with a condition, you know, a chronic condition like cancer? Because otherwise, although the effects of electromagnetic poisoning are cumulative.

Speaker 1:

There is no actual substance to accumulate, just the damage in the body. If you give it what it needs and withhold what harms it, man, it is made to be self healing. So what I'm saying is electromagnetic poisoning is not like lead, mercury or asbestos in this sense the recovery access, in that you don't have to get rid of the accumulated toxin like you do with those other three and can't be done by the way with one of them, which is asbestos. You just need to heal in my experience. So, for example with me, my chronic and debilitating vanished arthritis vanished. Chronic debilitating arthritis vanished. It did not get better, it went away. I mean, there was no trace of it. And that was after two months of cleaning up the electromagnetic environment in my home. It took more than that. I had to get to a really pristine environment to heal other aspects, but the arthritis went away. Same with 30 plus years of so called anxiety disorder didn't get better.

Speaker 1:

It left. It was gone, vanished, never been back and more. Your mileage may vary, your mileage will vary. Not making any health claims, just sharing my experience. That's what I've lived, that's what I've seen in others.

Speaker 2:

That's what.

Speaker 1:

I've read about with other survivors and I'm going to leave it there for now. I know there's going to be a lot of follow on questions from this particular podcast. I get that, but I'm going to leave this discussion there for right now With this word of hope and encouragement. If you know that electromagnetic exposure is the issue, get some help. Get a trusted guide who can lead you through this process from an assessment and remediation perspective. There is so much bad information out there regarding what it takes to improve an environment from an electromagnetic perspective. Get a trusted guide.

Speaker 1:

A qualified resource is hard to find. I would say choose wisely. Have the courage and strength to do what's needed to stop exposing yourself to harmful, manmade electromagnetic radiation. Changes will be required, perhaps big changes, but an abundant life awaits. I want to encourage you in that, if you do not have a personal relationship with the creator of this world, now would be a really great time to seek one. All right, I hope this has been helpful. If you would like to help us continue, if you support our mission, you can become a financial supporter by using the link in the description of this episode or by visiting our website emfremedycom slash donate. Get in touch through the contact form on the website if you need our help. Help us get the word out by telling your friends. Written reviews are very helpful. Keith Cutter emfremedycom.

Speaker 1:

We'll see you next time. The EMF Remedy podcast is a project of EMF Remedy LLC. We'd like to be your trusted guide for achieving a better EMF environment in your home. The contents of this podcast is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other healthcare professional. It is not intended to be, nor does it constitute, healthcare or medical advice.

Reversing EHS and Understanding Microwaves
RF Exposure, Carcinogens, and Taking Action
EMF Remedy for Better Environment