EMF Remedy
Our mission is to help those who's lives are being adversely impacted through the reckless spread of harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation by equipping them to understand, measure and remediate EMF in their own homes. We also help with the harder part -- undoing the social programming and gaslighting so you can free yourself from the electromagnetic 'matrix'.
EMF Remedy
#64 A Conversation with Andrew McAfee Part 2
When Andrew McAfee began constructing an underground bunker, it wasn't for the zombie apocalypse—it was a matter of survival against an invisible enemy: electromagnetic fields. Tune in to an extraordinary account of his quest for health amidst the perils of electromagnetic poisoning, and how creating an EMF-reduced sanctuary propelled his recovery. As Andrew and I exchange stories, we shed light on the silent struggle faced by many with EMF sensitivities, weaving through the added complexities of Lyme disease, mold, and Epstein-Barr virus. You'll gain insights into the pivotal role a clean living space plays in healing, a truth I've also discovered on my personal journey toward EMF reduction.
Additional highlights include: Chronic fatigue when suffering from electromagnetic poisoning; What kind of people we can best help, as EMF consultants (not that we don’t want to help everyone, but what kind of people really understand the need), the benefit of husband and wife unity in this battle, working with electricians; the toxicity of off-grid power and the fact that going to direct current is not necessarily going to save the day once you’ve become sensitive.
Hey this is Keith, this month I’m sharing 3 recent episodes from the EMF Remedy Premium podcast so you can see what we’ve been up to recently -- behind the pay wall.
As I record this brief announcement, we have 118 episodes carefully crafted to support both the winning mindset and technical tactics needed to survive the now ubiquitous electromagnetic poisoning.
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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
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The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC
So my body was so compromised that it really didn't matter what I did, because everything was just going down and until I was truly able to get a very clean sleeping environment eventually, I built a bunker underneath the ground and slept in there for six months to finally get my body enough of a rest that I could build up my underlying strength in my system to be able to tolerate all the therapies I was doing.
Speaker 2:EMF Remedy is dedicated to helping you understand which electromagnetic threats are present in your home and whether, in the context of your current home, when you're considering for purchase or building a new home with comprehensive protection designed in, EMF Remedy can help you reduce your family's exposure to harmful manmade electromagnetic radiation.
Speaker 3:Hi, this is Keith Cutter with EMF Remedycom and you're listening to the EMF Remedy podcast where we help you take control of the non-native EMF in your home. Great to be with you today to bring you part two of my recent interview with Andrew McAfee. As you heard during the introduction, andrew talks about his healing journey in this part of the conversation. Knowing he had to get away from harmful manmade electromagnetic radiation before his healing could really begin, he took the extraordinary step of building an underground bunker. Please don't miss this, folks. Step one in this journey, if you've become sensitive, is to eliminate continuing exposure, whatever that may take in your life. You have only two choices in this regard when suffering from any environmental toxin, in my opinion Remove the toxin from your environment or remove yourself from the toxic environment. That's it. No two ways about it. And it's where good people fail again and again.
Speaker 3:There is no good reason to assume what's become normal increasing exposure to non-native EMF is without harm. It's an environmental toxin at best. Just like part one, part two of my conversation with Andrew is nutrient rich will cover a lot of ground. Some of the highlights are comorbidity factors like Lyme, mold and Epstein Bar, the awful toll of chronic fatigue and I suffered with that. Oh man, when you're dealing with electromagnetic poisoning, what kind of people can we, as EMF consultants, best help? Not that we don't want to help every single person, but what kind of people really understand the need, the importance of, and the incredible benefit of, husband and wife unity in this battle against non-native EMF, dealing with electricians, the toxicity of off-grid power yes, off-grid power, not a panacea and the fact that going to direct current is not necessarily going to save the day once you become sensitive. So buckle up. Part two of my recent conversation with.
Speaker 3:Andrew McAfee, here we go. So maybe that would be a good transition to how do you get better from electromagnetic poisoning or electrical sensitivity, whatever you'd like to call it. Would you mind talking a little bit about your healing journey? So we last visited your story. You were newly married and you moved into this house and it turned out to be a disaster. It wasn't that you were being poisoned so much by RF, but the real problem there was just the electrical environment that caused a sensitivity. And then can you kind of pick up on how you began to build? I would call it resilience. Would that be the way you would describe it?
Speaker 1:That's a good word for that resilience. So we also found that one of the windows had leaked and then under the floorboard it started popping up and they ripped out the floorboard and mold was under there of course. So that's in the back of my brain. Okay, maybe we had some mold exposure too. And then some years later we were both tested positive for Lyme disease and then for the last 10 years my wife and I have been going, constantly, been treating Epstein-Barr virus.
Speaker 1:So in trying to put all this together, you're right on with. The first thing that has to be removed is the electromagnetic component. Without that, in my opinion, nothing else will work. Now, of course, you know, play with me here just for a second. So let's say you have a root canal and you have this massive infection in your teeth and is disturbing your organs and you can't detox right and everything is messed up. Let's say you do an aggressive detox program. You go and you spend $10,000 doing sauna and you do all this great chelation. Well, if you're in a high electromagnetic field, your body shuts down. You can't you know you can't detox your blood, brain barriers open.
Speaker 1:So all of this heavy metal, all this other crap, all these detox stuff starts to go into the wrong places, and that's what happened to me. I then got a massive infection, a fungal infection, from the overgrowth of all these metals being pushed around in the wrong place. Now, now I have a fungal infection in addition. So now going to the people that are giving me the IVs and everything else for the handling that overdo it and then they break another part of my system because this and then another one breaks another part of my system. So everything was basically just crashing down because I had not been able to one really discover all of my electromagnetic frequencies and sources.
Speaker 1:So my body was so compromised that it really didn't matter what I did, because everything would just everything was just going down. And until I was truly able to get a very clean sleeping environment, eventually, I built a bunker underneath the ground and slept in there for six months to finally get my body enough of a rest I could build up my underlying strength of my system to be able to tolerate all the therapies I was doing. So this is a clutch system of I'm low and slow guy. Whatever you do, low amounts and do it slow, because if you get with a specialist doctor that specializes in the chelation, specializes in parasite cleanse, specializes in they're going to push too fast and things going to break.
Speaker 3:So, getting underground in a bunker and you know my own case I had to get to a pristine environment. Well, actually, as I began removing EMF from my life, I got better in really dramatic ways, but it wasn't until I got to what I would call a pristine environment that the healing was absolutely amazing. So you, you have that, that season or that period where you got down to probably virtually pristine as well. Did you have power in there, any power underground? I did.
Speaker 1:At night I would keep one. Most of it was battery operated. Let's just start with that. With the battery operated system my heat would only last so long because the type of heat takes a lot of power. I didn't need any light, of course, and in the summer it was easy, because all you need is a fan, and fans are easy, don't take much energy. So that was fine. But the winter was difficult. They would get, you know, 45 degrees in there, and the type of heating that I had at the time would draw too much battery power and I only make about four or five hours in the night. So most of it was DC. Every once in a while I would turn on the AC, had one line that came down there, but that would add its own problems. So it was a worst case scenario that I at least had a backup plan.
Speaker 3:And then, after you implemented this sanctuary where you could be away from electromagnetic forces to the greatest extent possible, was that a turning point in your healing then?
Speaker 1:Right, so at that point it seemed like my reservoir of energy started to come back up. I had such massive chronic fatigue that I didn't know how deep the Epstein Bar had taken hold of everything. And ozone was what got rid of the mold out of my brain. Ozone therapy, drinking ozonated water the Lyme disease sort of naturally went away. I did a lot of Rife Machine, a lot of other types of therapy, tried to get the Lyme. It would never go away. It was just until my natural immunity came up. Then the symptoms just fell away. So for Lyme patients you got to get rid of the MFs first. You just you can't fight Lyme. You can do whatever you want to hit it head and head, you're going to lose. So the Epstein Bar is still here to this day because I work a lot of really horrible environments with my electrical service. I'm constantly restimulating that environment. So it's a constant battle with that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I have to remember. I want to talk to you sometime in this interview about why you've chosen to work so close to the danger, but staying on the top. I've got an answer.
Speaker 1:Go ahead. I want to become one of the only electricians certified contractor electricians that's electorate sensitive in the country and I believe I will be. So there are. There's an electrician from Australia up after dealing right now in our country who's electorate sensitive if you worked in a power company what do you call that nuclear power plant and got fried that way. But the amount of experiences that I have with electric sensitive and solutions and then wiring solutions and then my unique bend with all my devices I believe I'll be my niche will be so unique that it will play a place of respect. If nothing else, I am so tired of fighting with electricians and the powers that be not being an electrician. It always comes back to this, this pissing match. When I'm on a job site trying to help a client, the electrician is always going to win because they are the authority and I need to be the person that can take care of the client rather than than acquiesce to a higher authority.
Speaker 1:On this platform, the code is a very, very strong presence because it is such an authoritative document and it has parameters that you must follow, and just that in itself trying to make the argument. Well, 250.6 is objectionable. Current Okay, we have current on the ground system. The code addresses that. It gives us a number of options. Even with that, even exploring with an electrician, or the code in inspector 250.6 B says that we can do dot, dot, dot and they'll go yeah, but you, but you can't do that. Well, it says right here that you can. No, no, we're not going to do that. It's just taboo. They just have a way of doing things that they cannot conceive of doing it differently than what they usually do. Now the code does provide.
Speaker 1:Like I said, I'm happy to explore this further with people if they want to get into the weeds and the details. When can you actually cut the ground and conductor? When can you actually interrupt the continuity of the ground and conductor? When can you actually, you know, do things like take a building bond off of the building? Well, 250.6 says you can, and what you need to have is the authority having jurisdiction, basically authorizing it. So how do you get the authority have jurisdiction to authorize it? You have to get engineer to tell the authority having jurisdiction yeah, the engine, yeah, this will work. And then the authority of jurisdiction will says, well, if the electrical engineers is going to work, then we can do it, and then we come back to the electrician and said, no, I'm not going to do that. So you get this world of belief when the clients are going, I'm tired of wasting money and burning money on all this stuff. Anyway.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and all of this comes back around to what kind of people can we help working as an EMF consultant. What kind of people can we best help?
Speaker 1:In my opinion, those that are already symptomatic are the most ready, and if you've got your spouse also on board, we're good. If your spouse is your greatest enemy, we need to do some zoom calls and we need to get some social. You know we need to have a lot of things worked out before I actually step foot. There were any bail in. Biologists shows up on that premises, because having the spouses fighting about no, you're not going to do that On scene. That's just a horrible situation. It's traumatic. So once you get all of this worked out, okay, yes, we want to go forward. The best situation is someone who's already symptomatic. Because they are. They're not questioning you, everything you do.
Speaker 1:The people that are not symptomatic are the worst people to deal with because they'll say, well, my husband or my whatever it says that this is fufu, I don't want to even have a discussion. So if we're already, yes, let's go forward. Then it's about finding the person that's most compatible with whatever you need. There are a lot of people that help you with cell phones. There are a lot of people to help you with basically scanning the house for magnetic fields. You can get any building biologists do that. They have the meters, walk right into your house, help you out with the first couple of layers of problems. When it gets to my level of specialty, there are only a handful of people in the country that can really do this diagnostic work Right.
Speaker 3:Right, yeah, and it. That is the reality. That's the reality that I found in my work as well is that the people who are already hurting they're at a point of pain where they need it fixed and they've gone through all of the sort of easy things that you can do and the common advice on how to reduce the RF or whatever. They bought all the little devices. They've tried all the alternative medicine kind of hacks. But if the underlying problem is a type of poisoning and you haven't gotten rid of all of it, I think it's pretty hard to get better. If your problem is an environmental toxin, without getting rid of the environmental toxin, I think you're going to have a really hard time.
Speaker 3:So yeah, we were talking about a number of things there, but I think one implication is, for I would like to encourage other EMF consultants, whether they are building biologists or wherever they have received their training, or whether they have accomplished it through self-study and mentorship and whatever to up their game and to think about this next level of nuisance current, continuous conduction of current on the ground, wires, and what can be all of the effects there. So before we're done today, I want to talk about your books. I'm very impressed that you've taken all that you learned and you've tried to put that information into a form where people who have the ability they can take that and they can just follow those protocols and they can diagnose well, do I have current flowing, for example, on the ground conductors, and where is it coming from? And you sort of get people there a step at a time, and so I've been reading a couple of your books. The first is the killing current book, and the cover on the next one is not quite as elaborate.
Speaker 1:It's the Nice and simple.
Speaker 3:Pardon me.
Speaker 1:Nice and simple.
Speaker 3:Well, you know what you got these out there and I'm just impressed by that yeah, the 102 book. So I just love that you're helping people in that way, people who are serious about creating a quiet home from an electromagnetic perspective, after they've done everything they've found on the internet and after they've taken the first pass of the sort of things that are easy to do. I think you're really trying to help people who to be able to open up the hood, so to speak, productively, and I will emphasize that all of this work should be done with a certified electrician. Is there anything you'd like to say about your books that you have available?
Speaker 1:My favorite is the contact current versus body voltage. It's one of my latest. It's my last book that I've read written before. I did the PowerGrid presentations. The PowerGrid presentations are the best visual action, visual Learning techniques that I have out there. They are available on my website, homeemftracingcom. The other piece that is usually the greatest mystery of all is voltage. I don't think voltage should be a criterion anymore for any medical or electrical standard, but measuring current, like you are saying that's why I developed the two patented devices is to stop current. We have to measure the amount of current flow. Unfortunately, grounding mats and other types of grounded materials are being used in order to solve this problem, but as long as there's current on the grounding system, it can actually make things worse. That's why I developed those products.
Speaker 3:Okay, great, we'll talk more about the NCB Pro and the NCB and use of that with grounding, which can be a productive therapy and then use for stopping objectionable current flow as well.
Speaker 3:Getting back to the issue of finding a qualified electrician, you're right, there are very few people in the world who can work as an electrician and really understand this stuff, which leave people like me, who I'm helping people day-to-day in my geographic area. I have to work with an electrician and, as you've pointed out, in the majority don't get it. I think maybe at some level they don't want to think that the substance they've been working with their whole career could possibly be a harm to somebody. I don't know, I can't read minds, but people are electricians, are resistant to the notion that current below a certain level could be a problem, even though the code says no objectionable current. I want to ask you a question, which is how do people who understand all of this and are working with people to clean up their homes, or create homes that are a shielded sanctuary, if you will how do you find an electrician that you can provide the direction for the electrician, but you need that pair of capable hands. Do you have any thoughts in that area?
Speaker 1:Right, you can use any electrician you want to be your hands If they are willing to work with someone like you. Nobody wants to look stupid. That's the biggest problem Is, the electricians just like I have been in the past are very defensive. We don't want to expose our ignorance. If you can talk to them in a way that never questions them or their actions, but just ask them, do you mind helping me with this? Do you mind doing this for me, please? Sure, what do you need? You tell me, what do you want? I'm here, I'm on the clock, all right, will you please? We're going to diagnose this panel. We need to turn the power off. We're going to remove the neutral and then we're going to remove neutrals, one at a time and with a continuity tester, check continuity. Okay, that sounds fine. No co-valuations in that, easy enough. So you start doing it and as soon as the electrician starts to do things, they physically are involved, they excel, they're very good at making sure things are safe, they're terminated correctly and nothing goes wrong. So you really do need an electrician. Just never get into the consciousness battle of the why.
Speaker 1:Why am I doing this? I don't see any reason why I should be doing this. That's the conversation you don't want to have and at some point you will have it. Maybe it's the second day into the job, the third day into the job. Why are we doing this? What I will tell the electricians is we have a very special client. They have this physical phenomenon, whatever, and I make it about the client, the client. They're sick, whatever it is.
Speaker 1:Sometimes I have to use the word are you willing to do this? Are you willing to pull this? Are you willing to? And they go yeah, why not? Don't, don't question. You know what I'm willing to do. I'll do anything. But as soon as it gets into an electromagnetic field word problem you're done. As soon as you start talking about electric magnetic fields, they're gonna go. I don't do electromagnetic fields. I've been doing this for 45 years of master electrician. I've never had this problem before. And this isn't this thing not a problem. None of my clients ever been injured. Nobody's in it. I don't feel this that's not a problem. If you ever get to that conversation you've done, you're lost, you're, it's over. So your job as the consultant or your job as the, the helper, is to steer him away from the of the electromagnetic conversation let's talk for a minute about, um, alternative power and the challenges of alternative energy.
Speaker 3:So I lived with off, with my family, off grid, for 10 years. We were, uh, a reasonable distance from the grid and that made it possible for us to have a very reliable power system. In fact, neighbors in the area would call one another when there was a storm and they would say is the power out at your place? They just want to get an idea of how, how, how widespread the power outage was. And for 10 years we never had an unplanned power outage. So the answer was always yeah, our power is working fine. Oh, that's right, you're, you know, you, you do your own off grid power. So that was wonderful. Never having a bill from the utility company, that was wonderful. Not having the Atrocity of a so-called smart, which means radiation emitting meter, that was a wonderful thing. But oh, my goodness, um, are there some some issues that I discovered when I got sick with regard to, because I became so sensitized to the magnetic fields from the inverter and the dirty electricity from the wiring and whatnot. But what? What is your experience with alternative power?
Speaker 1:Well, just what you just said, there is there right now is no good solution for the inverter noise. They're trying to get cleaner on it and there are some very expensive filters to try to clean that up. And then going dc is the other option, which is not 100, sure either? Uh, I have a battery bank myself and I I made a bulb that's a 24 volt bulb For my wife to read while we're watching tv, and then she would have next to her while she was playing cards, whatever A dc bulb, so there wouldn't be any AC stuff. And that worked pretty well. And then, um, one night we went to bed and I forgot to. The light was off, but one of the lines was energized from the power bank and I didn't turn the power bank off and we both were having like our hearts were going crazy and we had this choking feeling in our throat oh, my god, I didn't turn off the battery bank, so I go, turn off the battery bank. And we both let down and finally our bodies just fully relaxed. So one wire from the 24 volt dc battery bank into our bedroom area was enough for both of us to feel this anxiety.
Speaker 1:So shielding around conductors is an absolutely essential Part of this. And even with dc systems, they're not miraculous either. So for electrics, sensitive people, you have to be just really, really smart about how you Um, expose yourself. Of course dc is better than ac, but there are no miracles, let's put it that way. But inverters are a nightmare. So wherever you run your wires, just be very conscious. That's never after head of your bed or under the floor where you stand and you just be really smart about if you can run it. And conduit absolutely do, and you know you. Just you don't get to do anything free. You have to be very conscious about everything you do.
Speaker 3:But if, if we were to advise people or suggest to people who were maybe building an off-grid home, in addition to shielding the conductors that you mentioned, would you say, maybe get as much of the infrastructure as far away as possible, like the Charge controllers and the inverters and whatnot, perhaps even in a different building?
Speaker 1:Yes, distance is all your friends from the sources. So once you get them all separate and you're not in the ambient environment, that's from the appliance itself, then you're dealing with the wiring. So I am most familiar with AC wiring and how to bond it all the way back to the source to remove the electric fields. So I've had very good success with that. So if you're going to use AC, I know that you know how to use the metal clad cables and get that done.
Speaker 1:It is very possible to have an electrified home, but when you go off grid, if you're, the metal frame of the trailer is bonded to your appliances. You got a major problem there. And how many ground rods you have. Oftentimes mobile homes and other types of whatever you want to call house trailers will have multiple grounding systems. So then you're getting into ground loops so you can only ground at one place, earth at one place. And then if your appliances are creating a loop with the frame, then you either have to unbond them from the frame or use the NCB to stop the current that will be circulating. I mean there are a bunch of different solutions here, but in general metal clad cable or some sort of insulated cable is a required must, and cutoff switches three pole, two pole or three pole cutoff switches to eliminate any energy on that wire entirely from the ground and the wires that are entirely from your sleeping areas is a must as well.
Speaker 3:Okay, well, I hope you enjoyed part two of my conversation with Andrew McAfee. Next time, god willing, we'll be sharing the last part of this conversation, part three. Thanks for spending some time with us today. Please, if you have a heart to help us in producing and distributing this type of content, consider becoming a financial supporter of the show. There is a link in the description. Writing a review, especially on Apple podcast, is a help. Most important, though, please pray that our efforts would be a blessing to many. Keith Cutter emfremedycom. See you next time.
Speaker 2:The EMF Remedy podcast is a project of EMF Remedy LLC. We'd like to be your trusted guide for achieving a better EMF environment in your home.