EMF Remedy

#72 Shielding Intermediate Frequency Electric Fields

March 06, 2024 Keith Cutter Season 1 Episode 72
#72 Shielding Intermediate Frequency Electric Fields
EMF Remedy
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EMF Remedy
#72 Shielding Intermediate Frequency Electric Fields
Mar 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 72
Keith Cutter

 By way of introduction to today’s episode, this is advanced stuff. It’s beyond the normal. I’m handling this question here and now, rather than on a 1-1 coaching session because it can help those of you who have already had a personal in-home EMF assessment by a qualified EMF Consultant. You’ve already followed a remediation plan and reduced personal exposure levels of all types of EMF to your desired levels. 
Today we're talking about how to reduce intermediate frequency electric fields.  These are difficult to find because, with less expensive meters, they get lost between the high end of the electric fields and the low end of RF radiation.
We're going to use the "Jeromy Johnson technique" to identify the source of the radiation and talk about how to shield electric fields as well as how to accomplish something unique -- a type of shielding that holds back the electric fields and lets the desirable radiation pass through.

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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
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The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

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 By way of introduction to today’s episode, this is advanced stuff. It’s beyond the normal. I’m handling this question here and now, rather than on a 1-1 coaching session because it can help those of you who have already had a personal in-home EMF assessment by a qualified EMF Consultant. You’ve already followed a remediation plan and reduced personal exposure levels of all types of EMF to your desired levels. 
Today we're talking about how to reduce intermediate frequency electric fields.  These are difficult to find because, with less expensive meters, they get lost between the high end of the electric fields and the low end of RF radiation.
We're going to use the "Jeromy Johnson technique" to identify the source of the radiation and talk about how to shield electric fields as well as how to accomplish something unique -- a type of shielding that holds back the electric fields and lets the desirable radiation pass through.

Support the Show.

Support this podcast here: https://www.emfremedy.com/donate/

Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

Keith Cutter:

Alright, hey, I have a fun and interesting challenge. A follower of the podcast wrote to me with an interesting question regarding how to deal effectively with radiated, dirty electricity coming from the top half of a tanning bed. Yeah, that's right, the top half of a tanning bed that he's been using for therapeutic exposure to ultraviolet light. It's an interesting challenge. I normally deal with questions like this in my one-on-one EMF coaching sessions, but today I want to tackle this issue on the air. This is a real world problem I believe we can solve coming up.


EMF Remedy is dedicated to helping you understand which electromagnetic threats are present in your home and whether, in the context of your current home, when you're considering for purchase or building a new home with comprehensive protection designed in, EMF Remedy can help you reduce your family's exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation.

Keith Cutter:

Remembering when one's home was their castle. We help you to achieve that vision once again by helping you create a safer EMF environment in your home. So, whether you're interested in taking a precautionary approach by reducing family exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation, or maybe you're one of those who is well attuned to your environment and you easily sense corruption to the natural, god-given electromagnetic environment of the earth and therefore must, as a life priority, reduce levels of the harmful man-made stuff to the lowest levels possible right now. In either case, whichever of these describes you, you are in the right place. That has helped you replace uncertainty and fear about personal, non-native EMF with knowledge and a plan. That's what we're all about. So, by way of introduction to today's episode, this is advanced stuff. We're way beyond going from wireless to wired. This is beyond first level EMF assessment and remediation, and I wanted to handle this question here and now, rather than on a one-on-one coaching session, because I think it can help those of you who have already had a personal in-home EMF assessment by a qualified EMF consultant. You've already followed a remediation plan and completed all of the items thereon, and now you've reduced your personal exposure of all types of EMF to your desired levels. Those things have already been done. Now you're turning your environment. You're tuning your environment for your unique and specific needs. You want to live in a way that supports health and well-being, without increasing non-native EMF exposures unnecessarily.

Keith Cutter:

If you're at the beginning of your journey, you're just learning about EMF, you haven't yet had a professional assessment, you haven't completely implemented your custom remediation plan. I really encourage you to start there. Do those things first. You will have massive reductions in all types of non-native EMF because we need to have a solid foundation upon which to build, because EMF assessment is also EMF assessment and remediation is complicated enough. Don't dive into the deep end of the pool. First Get the big things taken care of in that first professional assessment, remediation. That's where you're going to get the greatest reduction of personal exposure. I don't want to introduce confusion. Don't start. Here is what I'm saying. But nevertheless, some of you are ready, because I know some of you are actually wanting to take your training to the level where they're becoming EMF consultants and helping others. Some of you are ready for an advanced technique. Here it is.

Keith Cutter:

Here's the email I received you ready. I live in a northern part of the US. I believe receiving enough UV light ultraviolet light from the sun in the winter isn't an option. For this reason, I picked up a tanning bed. Have you guys seen these? They're like six feet tall, a little taller than that. They're filled with these fluorescent tubes this is my editorial comment, by the way filled on the top and on the bottom with fluorescent light tubes that emit ultraviolet radiation. When you get stripped down to whatever level you want to leave exposed and you climb into one of these things in that clamshell, the top part closes on you and there you sit while you bask in the ultraviolet radiation for a prescribed period of time. That's what a tanning bed is like. Back to the letter. For this reason, I picked up a tanning bed, or rather half of a tanning bed, so it can be stood up vertically. Now, this is not the normal way to use one, but he's taking just the top of it and he's going to stand it up vertically. This allows me to stand a distance away from it and use a number of meters Parenthetically. He says quality meters, like those suggested on your podcast. Thank you for that. Cheap meters will get you nowhere in this.

Keith Cutter:

In this work to ensure both that I'm getting an adequate amount of UV light while receiving a minimal amount of manmade EMF, I've been able to get all EMF related measurements to where I'm comfortable, that's that initial assessment and remediation, including magnetic and electric fields, body voltage, our radio frequency radiation and dirty electricity, at least at the wall. The one area of EMF which still seems potentially quite concerning is the emanation of what I think is dirty electricity directly from either the ballasts, fluorescent bulbs or both. This was detected using an AM radio. It's a field that extends perhaps eight feet from the bulbs, which overlap with my standing position of around four feet from the bulbs. Standing outside of the eight foot field would unfortunately reduce the UV light to the point where it wouldn't be beneficial. Do you know of any tricks to shield from this type of field while still letting through the ultraviolet A and the ultraviolet B? That's the good stuff, light. I've come across an RF blocking window film offered by Safe Living Technologies, but I see that it also blocks ultraviolet as well. I think this field is emanating in the kilohertz range.

Keith Cutter:

Another thing that comes to mind is one of your episodes where you mentioned the use of a treadmill, despite the EMF it generates. I'll comment here. I think that was the use of an air filter, air filtration system. Yeah, it was a terrible generator of dirty electricity. Back to the email. As the use of your EMF resilience was worth it in that case for the health benefits of the use. Perhaps that's another way for me to look at it. Many of your thoughts and expertise you could offer would be very much appreciated, along with my ongoing appreciation for your podcast. Thank you so much. Well, what an interesting letter.

Keith Cutter:

I thought those of you who have read the book Health and Light by John Ott that's OTT from way back in the 70s I think he had a bit to say about ultraviolet lighting. There was a restaurant I believe it was in Chicago. He and his wife would go there. Its motif was under the sea and they used what were called in those days black lights. It's ultraviolet, primarily ultraviolet. They do have a sort of a violet visible spectrum and they put these around the restaurant in different, different things, floresce. So it created a very unique ambiance. John, knowing some things about light spectrum and particularly this nexus between health and light, he made inquiries with regard to the health of the people that were working there. You know, was this causing them harm, was it? You know what was going on. Can you imagine posing those questions today? But anyway, he got an answer, not from the waitstaff, but I think it was the hotel manager. You'll have to check, I'm not.



Keith Cutter:

I think that's what it was, and the comment that was made was that the people working there had an unusually low instance of calling in sick and an unusually long tenure of service. So very, very interesting. And it leads to this whole view of ultraviolet light A and B anyway being a nutrient which makes it, and UVC is something nobody uses and our atmosphere shields us from that, at least at sea level and until they're all done destroying that capability by launching so many rockets in the air because the rocket fuel directly attacks the so called ozone layer that's filtering that UVC.

Keith Cutter:

But I'm digressing. All I'm trying to say is I consider it a nutrient UVA and UVB and it's really darn hard to get in certain places certain times of the year. So he just doesn't want to be exposed to this field. He's referring to his dirty electricity. So we're going to get into all of this. What's clear is he's already attended to the EMF environment and his home. He has the appropriate equipment to not only maintain what I call RF hygiene, but to maintain hygiene in all four types of EMF. Good on you, Excellent.

Keith Cutter:

I live in a Northern climate and UV exposure in the winter is really difficult. I wish I had his setup. I would find room in my small house to shoehorn it in somehow. I hope what he's saying about using an AM radio to find sources of dirty electricity is familiar to you. If not, you might like to listen to my episode on. This is the name of the episode massively effective, dirt cheap way to quickly identify dirty electricity sources in your home today.

Keith Cutter:

Jeremy Johnson taught me this technique six years ago. You can see Jeremy's work at EMF analysiscom. This technique looks funny, but it's both inexpensive and highly effective for finding what I would call intermediate frequencies. What are intermediate frequencies? Well, there's this kind of lost area that it's. It's where some forms of dirty electricity live. We're talking about frequencies above power line frequencies and below radio frequency radiation. So sure you can use a plug in dirty electricity meter to get a reading on the dirty electricity in your home. Or you can up your game and you can use an oscilloscope which will give you additional information. But here's the thing neither will give you the return address, tell you from whence comes the dirty electricity in your home. Jeremy's technique will. You can hear the actual sound output from the right kind of choice of AM radio In that podcast episode I mentioned as what I did in that episode, by the way, as I took a walking tour around my house focusing on several dirty electricity sources. So here's a sample. Take a listen.

Keith Cutter:

The first thing that we're going to do is we're going to listen to what, using Jeremy's technique, sounds like as I pass it over a so called smartphone. What you need to know about this so called smartphone is that it has all of its transmitters turned off Wi-Fi, bluetooth, cell phone transmitters, all turned off. It is not intentionally radiating EMF. How do I know that? I know that because I know how to maintain RF hygiene. I know how to use a meter to determine whether this thing, I know what Bluetooth sounds like, I know what Wi-Fi sounds like, I know what the cell phone sounds like and I know what each of them look like on my meter. And none of that's happening. Okay, all of these things are turned off. The screen on the phone is black, so it appears as though it's. Yeah, it's inactive. But here's the thing it never sleeps. Processing is going on inside of there and Just a signal passing over an electrical pathway will emanate into the environment. It's the perfect example of intermediate frequencies, which are a form of dirty electricity. You want to hear what it sounds like? All right, here is the cell phone, all right. So, and you heard the sound changing. What was happening was I was passing that. It's just an AM radio tuned to a, tuned to static. There was no, no reception, and I passed it over the phone slowly and you could hear the different frequencies in different areas in the phone. All right, I'll give you one more quick example, then we'll pop back into what we're doing here. This is what the printer in my office sounds like, and again, it's dormant. The screen is black, there's no Wi-Fi, there's no Bluetooth, there's no intentional radiation of anything into the environment. But here's what it sounds like when you take a closer look with Jeremy's technique. Okay, cool, yeah, if that's interesting to you, check out that episode that I mentioned. That's a great technique.

Keith Cutter:

So why do I suspect intermediate frequencies? Well, because, because I know from experience that that's what the ballast from a fluorescent lighting fixture produces. Typically it's in the kilohertz range. With this in mind, I asked my listener to perform a little. Perform a little test for me.

Keith Cutter:

I responded to his email with would you do one thing for me?

Keith Cutter:

Set up your body voltage meter, being without the UV fixture energized, then one with the fixture energized and you in front of it. Let me know the readings. He responded. I'm seeing 103 millivolts when turned off and 280 millivolts when turned on, both readings taken from my designated spot about four feet from the bulb. All right, so this is valuable information and I'll just mention parenthetically for those of you wanting to get more serious about electric fields and electric field hygiene, and I guess I would add magnetic fields and magnetic field hygiene, that the NFA 1000 meter is the ultimate tool for this kind of job. It handles intermediate frequencies all the way up to one million cycles per second and it has a few LEDs that give you a rough idea of what frequencies account for relatively how much of the meter readings. If you decide to get one, you may use my discount code, which is five,, undefined E, m E D Y zero five. The supplier is safe living technologies SLT. co


can never remember.

Keith Cutter:

You'll find it and, frankly, it takes some training and some practice, but it's definitely the professionals choice. Why is the NFA 1000 a better tool? Well, because there's a fatal flaw in the way in which the power grid has been implanted. It's implemented in North America such that the majority of current is returned through the earth. Just a colossal, stupid mistake, unbelievable. One of the implications of this is you can never assume what the actual voltage is in the ground. You know the electrical ground. You can never assume that the electrical ground is at zero voltage potential relative to any other part of the earth, even nearby, if you don't have a thorough understanding of this phenomenon. Check out my three part interview with Andrew McAfee for more on that. Anyway, the listener has body voltage as a stand in for electric field exposure. We'll work with that. An increase from 103 millivolts to 280 millivolts. That's a 172% increase. That's pretty significant. I wouldn't want that type of radiation coupling with my body, and electric fields do readily couple with the human body. The mythology would have us believe that this coupling is okay, it's no problem. However, there's no data to support that assertion, of course, just like thermal effects of RF radiation being the only concern, there is no data to support that either, but it is doctrine now in our upside down world. I try to not repeat false mythology. Anyway, imagine what the body voltage would be if he were closer to the tubes. Oh yes, it would get a lot higher by now.

Keith Cutter:

You all know that shielding can be effective in certain circumstances. This is one of them. The best and the second best strategies, which are what? This is? A quiz. What is the best strategy? One is the second best strategy. I hope you said elimination of the source and increasing distance as number one and two. They aren't going to work here. So I mean, if you eliminate the source, you have no UV, and if you increase distance, you may as well have no UV because you're not getting appropriate intensity of exposure to the UV. So those two aren't going to work. So we're left with shielding as the only option. We can do this.

Keith Cutter:

But we want to shield a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum while not overly affecting another portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. So on the low frequency side we want to get rid of or attenuate at least these intermediate frequencies and on the higher end of the spectrum we want as much of that UV light coming through as possible. I love a good challenge. By the way, has the irony of the situation occurred to you? We want to use harmful, manmade electromagnetic radiation to produce something beneficial to the body. Interesting, huh. All right, let's move on.

Keith Cutter:

Here are a few things we need to know to address this challenge. The first one is the relationship between the whole size in the shielding and the frequency to be attenuated is fundamentally governed by the principle that the effectiveness of a shield in blocking or attenuating electromagnetic waves is influenced by the physical dimensions of the openings in the shield relative to the wavelength of the electromagnetic waves it is intended to block. So we're not using solid shielding, right? We're going to have holes in it, and the holes can't be of infinite size, and the size really matters depending on what you're trying to attenuate. All right, higher frequency waves have shorter wavelengths and lower frequency waves have longer wavelengths. So for a shield such as a mesh or perforated metal sheet to effectively block or attenuate an electromagnetic wave, the size of the holes in the shield must be significantly smaller than the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave. If the holes are incorrectly chosen, the electromagnetic waves can pass through or easily, reducing the effectiveness of the shielding. You with me so far. So if you choose the wrong size holes, then too much of what you're trying to block might get through or it may be totally ineffective. As the frequency increases and consequently the wavelength decreases, smaller holes are required to block or attenuate those higher frequency waves effectively. For lower frequencies with longer wavelengths, larger holes can still provide effective shielding. This is why fine meshes can be effective at blocking high frequency electromagnetic radiation, while coarser structures may only be effective against lower frequencies. So where are we In practical terms? When designing or selecting EMF shielding, the specific frequencies that need to be blocked or attenuated must be considered To determine the appropriate hole size in the shielding material. For example, shielding for microwave frequencies requires much smaller holes.

Keith Cutter:

In shielding intended for blocking electric fields, there's a concept known as the cutoff frequency. For a given hole size in a shield. This is the highest frequency at which the shield is effective. Frequencies above the cutoff can pass through the holes more easily, while frequencies below are effectively attenuated. The cutoff frequency is determined by the dimensions of the holes and the spacing between them. Okay, got all that.

Keith Cutter:

A solid piece of shielding like heavy-duty aluminum foil would make a great shield. But since we're wanting the EMF we call ultraviolet to pass through relatively undiminished. This won't work. Solid shielding will completely eliminate all the UV light. Externally conductive shielding fabric might work like kind of bed canopy fabric, only externally conductive, but it's going to attenuate the UV too much.

Keith Cutter:

Right, that should be obvious. It's like fabric you're going to put in front of the UV light. That wouldn't do so. We need a more open mesh, one that stops the intermediate frequencies but doesn't attenuate the UV too much. While there is a formula to determine aperture size versus cutoff frequencies honestly too complex for a podcast, so I'll just cut to the chase. Are you ready? I would try rabbit cage wire, one half inch by one half inch steel rabbit cage wire. You might even be able to use a bit larger aperture, but I would try one half inch by one half inch and see how much desired attenuation of the electric field and you will be able to and you should measure it and how much undesired attenuation of the.

Keith Cutter:

UV. All right, there is another critical difference between shielding radio frequency radiation versus electric fields. The difference is grounding. Grounding will not improve shielding performance for radio frequency radiation, whereas ungrounded electric field shielding just won't work. Electric field shielding must be grounded. I want to repeat this Repeat what I just said, because there's a lot of bad teaching going on out there.

Keith Cutter:

There's a lot of hokey, misinformation, all right. So grounding will not improve shielding performance for radio frequency radiation in my experience, whereas ungrounded electric field shielding just won't work. Electric field shielding must be grounded. You want to make certain you have an appropriately functioning grounding system free of nuisance current? Then ground the shielding. That topic, nuisance currents, nuisance current that's a whole subject unto itself, but I'll assume you know how to verify that you have achieved this in your home. As part of the aforementioned professional assessment and remediation, you'll want to make certain the way you implement the shielding is safe from all hazards for your environment and use.

Keith Cutter:

I can think of several options to try Perhaps carefully wrapping the emitter itself, the light fixture, or constructing a wooden framed scrim. If you're familiar with photography and lighting, a wooden framed scrim in front of the emitter. Just imagine a large picture frame, but in place of the picture you have this rabbit cage material and that's then placed in front of the emitter at a distance that's safe. So you need to choose an implementation that is safe, excuse me, from all hazards for your environment. Note, for example, the edges of the rabbit cage wire are very sharp, believe me. So make certain your implementation protects you from this and all other hazards. I can't know what the hazards are in your particular environment. You need to be responsible for those. Fun project. Let me know how that works for you and let's review what we've learned.

Keith Cutter:

Seven points here. Number one you can visualize the actual source of intermittent frequencies in your environment using the Jeremy Johnson technique. Number two you can effectively shield electric fields, including intermediate frequency fields. Number three the shielding materials should be chosen with a number of factors in mind, including both maximum and minimum frequencies to be shielded. Number four grounding is required for lower frequency attenuation but does nothing to improve attenuation of higher frequencies. Number five you must ensure that there is no nuisance current on the ground system before utilizing. Number six take accurate before and after measurements to verify that you've got acceptable results. And number seven make certain you take all safety factors into consideration.

Keith Cutter:

I truly hope this has been a help. I truly hope this has been a help and useful to inspire future products in your environment. I have been dealing with electromagnetic poisoning for almost four decades. That's why I feel compelled to share what I've learned. I spend hundreds of hours per gear in producing free content. Please, if you have a heart to help us in continuing to produce and distribute this type of content, consider becoming a financial supporter of the show. The link is in the description. Most of all, please pray that our efforts here might be a blessing to many Writing a review, especially on Apple podcast is a help.

Keith Cutter:

Keith Cutter emfremedycom. See you next time.


The EMF Remedy podcast is a project of EMF Remedy LLC. We'd like to be your trusted guide for achieving a better EMF environment in your home. The contents on this podcast are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. It is not intended to be, nor does it constitute, health care or medical advice. Opinions of guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the EMF Remedy podcast.

Advanced EMF Remediation Techniques
Shielding for UV and EMF Hygiene
Understanding EMF Shielding Principles
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