EMF Remedy

#82 What Exactly is 5G? Part Four -- Fifth Generation Warfare

May 15, 2024 Keith Cutter Season 1 Episode 82
#82 What Exactly is 5G? Part Four -- Fifth Generation Warfare
EMF Remedy
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EMF Remedy
#82 What Exactly is 5G? Part Four -- Fifth Generation Warfare
May 15, 2024 Season 1 Episode 82
Keith Cutter

Peel back the layers of the 5G conversation with me, Keith Cutter, as we confront a chilling possibility: is the spread of 5G a mere oversight or a calculated move in the chess game of fifth-generation warfare? The crescendo of our series "What Exactly is 5G?" strikes a somber chord as we explore the shadowy nexus between cutting-edge technology and non-kinetic warfare. The battlefield has evolved, obliterating the lines between soldier and civilian, as technological supremacy becomes the spearhead of modern combat.

Here’s an excellent article from The Corbett Report which is a great backgrounder on the topic of 5GW.


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Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

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Peel back the layers of the 5G conversation with me, Keith Cutter, as we confront a chilling possibility: is the spread of 5G a mere oversight or a calculated move in the chess game of fifth-generation warfare? The crescendo of our series "What Exactly is 5G?" strikes a somber chord as we explore the shadowy nexus between cutting-edge technology and non-kinetic warfare. The battlefield has evolved, obliterating the lines between soldier and civilian, as technological supremacy becomes the spearhead of modern combat.

Here’s an excellent article from The Corbett Report which is a great backgrounder on the topic of 5GW.


Support the Show.

Support this podcast here: https://www.emfremedy.com/donate/

Keith Cutter is President of EMF Remedy LLC
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8jc5qb0kzFhMs4vtgmNlg
Keith's Substack
The EMF Remedy Podcast is a production of EMF Remedy LLC

Helping you helping you reduce exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation in your home.

Speaker 1:

Are you ready? Are you ready for the last part of my series entitled what Exactly is 5G? I have to admit, I hedged my bets a little two months ago when I announced this series by saying it would be three or four parts, always knowing it would come down to this Whether or not I would publish this final piece. And I've decided to go ahead and do it. Thus far, in parts one to three, we've talked about the when, where and how elements of the 5G apparition. Today we're going to delve into why. This may be a little uncomfortable I know it is for me but here's the thing we're still following the mantra of replacing fear with knowledge and a plan. What exactly is 5G? Part 4, fifth Generation Warfare coming up Fair.

Speaker 2:

Coming up. Emf Remedy is dedicated to helping you understand which electromagnetic threats are present in your home and whether, in the context of your current home, one you're considering for purchase or building a new home with comprehensive protection designed in, emf Remedy can help you reduce your family's exposure to harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation.

Speaker 1:

Hi, this is Keith Cutter with EMF Remedycom, host of the EMF Remedy podcast. We're living in an upside down world where personal radiation exposure, synthetic radiation exposure, has become normalized and you're considered to be strange. If you don't want to subject yourself or your loved ones to this crazy radiation exposure, I'm your tour guide, your host, to help you find a profitable path through this crazy maze that we're all in, towards less exposure to the harmful man-made stuff and, hopefully, more exposure to the God-given electromagnetic environment of this world. So today we're going to talk about part four. I honestly didn't know whether or not I would publish this or not. I would publish this. My guiding principle is I want to publish the things that are helpful, even though they might be difficult. I want to publish the things that are helpful, especially issues that might cause fear. Fear is not a profitable thing, not something we need to embrace. How many times in the Bible does it say fear? Not well over 300?. So today we're going to examine the why, or a potential why. So give it some consideration as we move forward. I'm just going to mention before starting. Things have really been heating up quite a bit on Substack. I've had a lot of you know I thought I might be really challenged to do a post a month and then it was more like a post a week. Now it's more than that over on Substack. So there's been some really great engagement and some really great support for my work coming from that direction as well. So very grateful for that. But wanted to let you all know. If you are able to be online and you want to check out keithcuttersubstackcom, I'll invite you over there and I'll just mention that. As always, if you would like to support our efforts here in what we do, you can go over to the emfremedycom website, slash donate and you'll find many different ways that you can support this show here. There's also one in the description of this podcast episodes and really appreciate reviews on Apple podcast in particular. Somehow it helps new listeners to find this, this production. So here we go.

Speaker 1:

I begin with a quote from Stephen Covey. We see the world not as it is, but as we are, or as we are conditioned to see it, to see it In parts one through three of the what Exactly Is 5G series. We discussed the technical aspects of the 5G specter. What we need now is a context, a way of viewing the elements of 5G? Why do we have the malignant spread of Wi-Fi? Why are we embracing millimeter wave radiation for cell phone service? Why do we have non-consensual millimeter wave RF exposure tied to the procurement of food and travel?

Speaker 1:

We want to believe that it's all some mistake, that the people in charge are just misinformed. They just don't understand it's causing harm. Failing that, we cling to the hope that it's just part of a sort of a gee whiz. Boys will be boys. It's just about making money thing. But does this really hold water? Could it be something else? Could it be intentional that we lack biologically-based exposure limits supported by legitimate scientific evidence? Could it be that the normalization of personal radiation exposure over the last 40 years is not for good but for harm? Not for good but for harm. That's the that. The increasing levels of radiation are the objective, that bottom line. It's all for harm and not for good. Is this possible? Well, yes, if we consider another type of 5G called fifth-generation warfare, it seems to be the perfect context for understanding the reckless spread of harmful man-made electromagnetic radiation everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Fifth Generation Warfare, abbreviated 5GW, and I'll just note that that's not 5GW like Verizon's 5G Wideband. No, it's 5GW as Fifth Generation Warfare. No, it's 5GW, as fifth generation warfare is characterized by several distinct features that differentiate it from previous forms of warfare. So I checked out Wikipedia and I checked out Guardian, ai and what they have written there Not that they're the bastions of truth, but more what we're supposed to be looking at, and I'm just going to take their definition, all right. So here is my concise list. When considering what's been written on Wikipedia and Guardian about fifth-generation warfare, these are the characteristics, these are the things that fifth-generation warfare is all about. So the first is that it is non-kinetic type of warfare.

Speaker 1:

Warfare primarily involves non-lethal, non-kinetic methods such as cyber attacks, misinformation, social engineering and psychological warfare. Fifth-generation warfare is a decentralized effort. There's often no central command or uniform military actions may be carried out by decentralized groups difficult to identify or trace. It is technology driven, especially cyber capabilities. There is a blurring of the lines, the distinct lines between war and peace, combatant and non-combatant, military and civilian targets they're all blurred, making it difficult to define the battlefield and the belligerence. There is an element of psychological and cultural manipulation extensive use of propaganda and media to manipulate public perception and influence cultural and social dynamics. There is legal and ethical ambiguity. The operations often exploit gaps in international law and ethical standards, operating in gray zones to avoid clear legal definitions and repercussions. There is strategic plausible deniability the attackers often aim for plausible deniability, making it challenging to attribute actions directly to them, which complicates international responses. And the last characteristic of fifth generation warfare is global reach. So the battlefield is global, utilizing the interconnected nature of the world, particularly through the internet and global media and et cetera.

Speaker 1:

So there is an excellent article if you've never heard of fifth generation warfare before, and I'll put a link in the description. The Corbett Report has a great backgrounder on the topic of fifth generation warfare and coincidentally he has a sub stack where he puts his written work, or at least much of his written work. So if increasing levels of involuntary personal radiation exposure is the goal, then many other aspects of the EMF picture, ones we haven't discussed in this series, begin to make sense through the fifth generation warfare perspective. It explains why we put Wi-Fi in schools, ignoring safer ways to access the Internet. By the way, yesterday I was being interviewed by Children's Health Defense and they shared that the FCC is now promoting Wi-Fi for school buses. Crazy, all right. It explains why radio frequency radiation emitters are hidden in kitchen and laundry appliances, why the safe or safer electric utility meters have been replaced with radiation emitting meters attached to each and every home, why Bluetooth hearing aids are legal, why radiation emitting baby monitors exist. All of these things, viewed through this lens, begin to make sense when you just can't make any sense out of any of these things otherwise.

Speaker 1:

Through the lens of 5GW, 5th Generation Warfare, we can understand why the term microwave sickness was replaced by electromagnetic hypersensitivity, why people who are suffering are marginalized in the media, why the allopathic medical community is kept in the dark regarding EMF harm and continues to gaslight patients, why wireless providers can put cell phone towers basically anywhere they like and why health effects are continuously ignored. So is this what is happening? Are we under attack in the electromagnetic spectrum? If so, pretty clever right, Just beyond the understanding of most people. And I would add that more than half the population is begging for better service and the other knows that it's not helpful, it's a bad thing. Who would imagine, for example, that we can be attacked through our home lighting appliances? Is this why the safer incandescent light bulbs are now illegal? Is it why the replacements, the LED and compact fluorescents, generate copious dirty electricity and an altered light spectrum.

Speaker 1:

It's time for us to be wise, to recognize the situation for what it is, to be aware if someone means you harm. Within the history and philosophy of warfare, the term that describes the awareness of being under attack and taking definitive action is often referred to as situational awareness. This concept is critical in military strategy, emphasizing the importance of understanding your environment, recognizing threats and responding effectively to ensure survival and achieve tactical objectives. Situational awareness involves continuously scanning the environment for potential threats, understanding the significance of those threats, predicting their future status and devising appropriate strategies to counter them. It's a dynamic process that requires quick thinking and decision-making under pressure. I'm not a fan of fear, as you know. I'm all about replacing fear with knowledge and a plan. Please read over Corbett's essay on fifth-generation warfare and study the matter yourself.

Speaker 1:

If you come to the conclusion that Fifth Generation Warfare explains all the otherwise nonsensical policies and practices with regard to the normalization of personal radiation exposure, perhaps it's time to improve your situational awareness. With regard to synthetic EMF of all types, if possible, find a qualified local EMF consultant who can perform a thorough EMF evaluation of your home. Perform a thorough EMF evaluation of your home. Don't stop there. Follow through with each and every action item on your custom remediation plan, and don't let the consultant leave your home before they teach you the basics of maintaining RF hygiene, which equates to continuously scanning the environment for potential threats, understanding the significance of those threats, predicting their future status and devising appropriate strategies to counter them. This is all about what we do in EMF assessment and remediation and maintaining RF hygiene.

Speaker 1:

So we've talked about all facets of 5G now in this series. This is the last part. It has been a journey from the malignant spread of Wi-Fi to 5G cell service, to the other sources of millimeter wave radiation and today, a paradigm for understanding why all the madness. Remember the only known safe level of exposure is zero. The only long-term protection against terrestrial RF radiation is the effective use of terrain, and I hope this has been helpful. If it has, I'll invite you to consider becoming a financial supporter of this program so we can continue to get the word out. And, as always, more than anything else, I value your prayers that this podcast might be a blessing to many. Keith Cutter, emfremedycom. See you next time.

Speaker 2:

The EMF Remedy Podcast is a project of EMF Remedy LLC. We'd like to be your trusted guide for achieving a better EMF environment in your home. The contents on this podcast are provided for informational purposes only and are not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other healthcare professional. It is not intended to be, nor does it constitute, healthcare or medical advice. Opinions of guests on this podcast do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the EMF Remedy Podcast.

Understanding the 5G Warfare Agenda
EMF Remedy Podcast